HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-24, Page 1JO0, A Year In _Advance .41:00E Extra To U,S„A, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG, 24th, 1960 TWELVE PAGES • The second annual flower show of the• Lucknow . and: Dis. trict Horticultural Society was a 'marked success,. with 53 exhibitors displaying a total of 597 exhibits, not including, six posters- and two • bird houses, The„show this year . f eatiired a "junior •section as' .( a result of having organized a junior socie- ty earlier in the year.. There was also a vegetable :section,. • Exhibits were placed. ' ' and. judged on Friday, with the are; na opened for public viewing on Friday ' evening and 'Sato ,day afternoon • : and evening. Many viewed the' :displays- which: siir- passed that of .a year, ago, ' to • rate .the focal ',Society's show as second to none . in the district. Judge of the' show was. Mr,,, C 'H, , Epps of '.'Clinton.. Points; are awarded ,On the : basis of ,3,.2; 1;, with. Mrs! C. R. •Bristow arrias- sing: 99 points, to win the .Beat- ty ,Ladder Co,' trophy .for 'the en suing; ' year and the ' • Eaton . Co.; rose 'bowl', In 'second 'place with 63 pints was June :Collyer; . who' received the Simpson, prize, a tea service for six. Mrs.: T . J. Salkeld was " third with. 47:.points • to win the Swift:.prize of..,a bag of Vigoro' • while 'Mrs Otto Jouwsma.'of 'Wingham was 4th with 42 points, receiving; an aerosol .container. of insecticide. Highp oint :'winners in the variousrou ings won' a special E ,,p p $5.00 prize, and were :• eligible to. receive this tor only• one e groupi .' Thesewinnerswere: Section Gladioli,. June Collyer; ;B, •An-. nuals, Mrs:. Jouwsana;' C,, Roses, Dahlias, Perenrliials`-'M'rs:' Bris• - `,tow; D, Floral•:.arr'angements and• baskets, Mrs. 'Salkeld; E. Potted' • • Plants, Mrs.. E. Gaunt; F,' : Veget ables, . Ada' Webster; . Junior. Sec- tiol, Barbara Cameron • Poster winners were: -lit Sha- ron+Mowbray; 2nd, Janet Car-. ruthers: 3rd, Jane • Joynt. Bird Houses, '.lit, Ross Hallam;;'. 2nd, Ron Gardner' • Of the, 53 exhibitors, 30' were 'adults and.23 juniors. They were as follows: , Senior. Exhibitors —. Mrs. Ar-, thu Br"eckles, ''Mrs. Charles .,Bristow,.. Kenneth • Cameron, (Conttled on page 12) • • SHIP' DOCK. TIMBERS. Foil?, USE IN ENGLAND' Timbers, 12” by 16", are. :being shipped, by . the ,Luck - now Lumber CO. Sawmill. to England to '.be .used as. dock timbers, .Owners ' of the Sawmill, Allan M.anto and Ronald ' Frook, .. are.,Shipping 'a• .car - . load 'of • the timbers ' which are : 20-4 feet' long. Pros- pects are for • .more future'• shipments ..of this type. RAISE • OVER $900 FOR. SALVATION ARMY ' Lucknow and district' resid- ents have contributed over $900 to the :Salvation 'Army . Red Shield' appeal,. and a few .'calls. REACHES NINETY AGED LADY SUFFERED • HIP •FRACTURE SUNDAY• Mrs. Sam Durnin, a beloved and' lifelong resident of the corn- munity, is a' patient in. Victoria Hospital, .• London, with : a. severe. fracture of the. hip. • ' :Mrs.. ' Durnin, suffered the break on Sunday'; while out -of - 'doors at the residence of Mr., & Mrs. Tom Magoffin, with .whom. she hasmade her 'home.'for. some time. The' M.agoffins.`reside . north of the C.N:R: depot.. Mrs..• Durnin mayhave'' sUL; fer'ed a weak spell .Causing: her to fall. She was taken to Wing- ham . 'Hospital arid on Monday was moved to London:: • • Thecanvass was'co:iducted• by members of the Lions Club, and ,covered, Lucknow, Dungannon & the rural area,'` which".an excel-. ent response in general as the above ':total, indicates. ' MARK FRIDAY Relatives andLeod . � 'friends of ., Mrs; ' become of Tiverton to, pas - Thomas Henry gathered together" • toi; of • the • three-point :charge of on :Friday . afternoon to • honour' Luckn iw, Dungannon .. and her on• the occasion •of her ,90th. South Kinloss..• •HOME AGAIN' AFTER THREE MONTHS IN THE HOSPITAL William, Webster, popularly known as "Long 13illk is home from Victoria Hospital,. London, where he was a.. patient . for ;3 months:. Bill underwent bone surgery and skingrafting on This. leg, which ' had troubled hien. ` .for some time, with,, the original in jury dating back to a, oar acci dent many • years ago. • There was the question this spring if Bill might • have.• to have thelimb amputated, hut happily the hospital treatment and ,sur-. gery • has;. affected, the desired. results, (Bill is on crutches at :present, but expects to discard them1before long and have the cast removed: in, mid-September. 'EXTEND ,CALL TO TIVERTON PASTOR At a meeting held . in the Lucknow • Presbyterian Church on Monday evening, •.a call was extended to Rev. • Roderick Mae - birthday, Mrs: -.,•Henry, resides - NONAGENARIAN with her nephew, , Jack 'Irwin,. ; on' the Lucknow-Dungannon MARKS. BIRTHDAY •Quite a.: number of relatives &• • friends gathered.'at the Bain cot- tage,' Amberley Beach recently: to ;honour lvtr. ''James. A. .Mac- Leod who was. 90: years. old; on, Tuesday, August..2nd James MacLeod Was- born on Lot 7, Concession 6, .Kinloss. He' is.„residing'now at :the Carruth - era, Nursing�''ITome "Nand' :despite his 90` years is enjoying ,.com- paratively ',goad• .health: Some of those attending the. birthday celebration' were: 1Vliiss Annie MacLeod. •and.Messrs. Wm. John ,arid Hossack Bain,. •,Luck- now; Mrs. A. D. Martyr, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs: Aenaes Martyn & family, Mr.. and . Mrs . A: Hall 8i. family; 'Toronto; Mr. ,. and Mrs.' ,Ed '. Brock, ' ,Strathi oy,.,Mr. and :Mrs: Alex ',MacLeod, .Mr..&' Mrs: Bert .Bain, Mrs.:Christine ,Shit= aingion, ` Miss Diane Shil'lington, "Mr.. and Mrs... .Mervyn 'Colley; .Douglas and Richard Colley, all of London.: Sidewaik dth Unchanged Replacement Cost $10;300 The. contract for : new side- walks on. both the north ' and' south side . of Campbell :.Street has been let• to the ' King : Con • struction: Company, at 'a cost of $10,300.; ' • This figure, may, be subject ' to g , J. some. reduction if a new mix re-' • commended for resurfacing, proves practical,- anti ' ecorionii- calx • There is a'` ,comparatively • new 'section 'of "sidewalk from Sch- ifiid's Jewellery to Webster `: and MacKinnon . •hardware, which. has• become'. badly surface pock- ed, ' Two .or 'three :companies` have a hew mix which is recotrmniend- ed for such ' resurfacing:« This' mix is: to be investigated and if , it '' is e . economical, and can be guaranteed, it may'. be used in' this 'section. • The sidewalk will be f,. expenditure. w inanced by .a debenture "is- sue: Retain Present Width 'Original plans were to narrow the new sidewalks to $” feet, but This decision ' has been changed, ,and the ..... walks will: remain a`s at present --. ap- roximatel: ten feet width y The. narrowing of the walks, Primaril to Widen t d,. so as y considere mit. angle roadway and per gle parking •of . cars to continue: Eventually • ,parallel; parking may have to be enforced but municipal parking, las' 'are'; under consideration : / I The cement a,blocks lifted . from the :old • walks will be laid on 'the '.road' allowance '.adjacent. to Jack ' 1VIacDonald's new garage a.block south of the Post Office for parking' accommodation; and the lot butting • the road across from the •garage, and: owned by the municipality is also car ' parking potential. • .C• ost wise the narrowing •of the. "streets would not have, of fected: any great saving, .as the saving o on . concrete would`' have been largely offset by the; cost of asphalt to pave the strips left by the narrowing' of the walks: To Be Done Next Month', The laying of the new side- walks is to be; completed next month, and the . project Will be carried 'out to provide a mini - Mum of inconvenience .along the main thoroughfare!' ,. ' s are ,to, remove the old Plans *concrete• and. prepare for, pouring the • new walks with reach -Mix `c0 ncrete in one continuing ope- ration, 'with a crew of 'finishers engaged.. This will be done, itis expected, on ;a Sunday, ' with entrances to the stores provided for' "business' as usual" on Mon - day. road just :north of.; ' the ninth concession. '' Mrs Henry Was formerly Charlotte McAllister', ,,daughter, of Andrew •McAllister and Mai'ia Robinsoxi, . farmers ;at. Leeburn on the .'Bluewater• Highway be tween Sheppardton' ,and Gode- rich! ,.She was ' born at .Leeburn on August ."19th.; 1870.' After her marriage to Thornas L IPnry . m--GbtIe" d tiie farchi 20th, 1893, ..they. lived < in. West 'Wawanosh. °' on the farm' now. owned `: by Lloyd..'Humphrey. r ' The meeting .°was presided ov'- er by Rev Neil 'McCombie of Ripley, interim -moderator during the pulpit vacancy that has ex4 isted at : Lucknow : and Dungan non since Rev. Wallace McClean went to the Elinvale:.. charge, near Barrie in late .March.. Since then and "effective June tat, •South Kinloss: has 'become a part of the charge. South •Kin loss had been 'without a resident minister. 'since tthe.:•departure . of Rey. Robert T. Marshall,. the._ `are ious• `.`fall° ffe,:inirribtered. to the three . congregations of Whitechi rcir,. • Larigside' and South Kinloss. • The call to Rev. MacLeod, who is presently on vacation, has to be. dealt with formally by .pres- bytery, and it, is expected it. will., be • a few weeks,, before he. takes' over his duties.' here. Rev. MacLeod was the .third of three ministers" w1howere- heard ereheard in seeking > a • successor to Rev.• .McClean: He is.. a .native:: of the: Isle;of Harris . and has'. . been at.. Tiverton for three years. . • Rev. and Mrs. McLeod have 2 daughters,•' ages 12' and 10. gamily Gives Zion In Me They latermoved to. the Crewe district and over ;forty years agq built' . the. • present• house on 'the Jack Irwin farm, and moved to the Belfast area. where Mrs. Henry has lived ever since. Mr.' Henry's, death occurred on '.Oc- ober- 6. 1931 :at..:the--age --of--63. t �!� 3 With the assistance of • Joe Brooks, Mrs: Henry continued to 'operate the': farm for several years. When Mrs. , Henry'• sold • the farm/to ,Jack Irwin,: she 'retain ed a portion of • the house' for herself , and . has continued to live there.. r Despite . a period in, the hos- pital in the spring, Mrs. Henry. is now enjoying very good heal- th. • She is an ardent sewer • and mat maker, and her beautiful work' is in evidence to those visiting hers • She has two '.brothers living, William McAllister ,of Chicago. and ' Case McAllister of Clinton. '.A nephew; Ernest •1VIcAllister, who Mr.and Mrs. HeYiry raised from inf`ancy lives in . Windsor r ...e sister's't...... brothers Three and two brothers have.~ predeceased Mrs, Henry, LLUC.KNOW GIRL'S HUSBAND KILLED Ronald H Keith, age a4 of London 'died, of ,injuries received in a motor accident south of. Blyth,: • early : last Thursday. morning. CRASH 'VICTIg r RONALD, H ;,KEITH Mr. 'Keith was the husband of Yvonne. MacMillan, 'daughter of a the late,Mr. .arid Mrs. Jack Mac Milian, former, residents ; of Kin- loss` ,'and Lucknow; ••'Patsy .,..vas. • the other'. -daughterin the: 'Mac- Millan family: Mr:: and. Mrs. Keith .would have observed .:their- third wed- 'ding' ,anniversary in September: °About •a year ago- they moved into a new: home . in ' London: ., Mr Keith was a stock broker • for Ross- Knowles. and .Company of : London and was returning' * t with two:'' friends from Walker- ton 'where they had' participated in a golf : tournament.. It : wasstablished that Mr. Keith; • the ori one. fatail in= 'only Y. j ured, was in • the back seat when the car - left:. the road, • snapped a.'hydro pole and then 'struck a tree: The 'funeral .service on :.,Satur- day ..afternoon • at the John : T. Donohue•.,•furieral, home in ..Lon- don was largely attended..' ' • Inter- ment was in `;St. Peters Cemex tery: Besides ' his wife, Mr: Keith is • Survived' by •his mother and.. a brother..' • (By Beryl Hunter) • very impressive. service • took place in Zion United Church,; Ashfield . on, Sunday a.m., August 21st where a communion table was presented ;by . members ; of thea yin vin._ memo of . family . loving g r'Y the, 'late Mr. and Mrs., James Ritchie. . . Rev. G.' W. Kaiser, pastor of Zion Church officiated at the dedication. Mrs. 'Robert. Helm made the *Presentation stting .. that . it was her privilege on be- half of her family to present to. Zion. United. Church this ' Com- munion Table for the use of this congregation; asking,, that itbe. accepted anddedicated to the glory of God and in lovng..me- rnory of their parents, James & Charlotte Ritchie. Mr. ,William, G..Hunter 'accept= ed the communion table on be- half of the$ession and •members of the Church, He 'thanked the donors for the spirit •thathad prompted their generosity in. giving the gift:' He stated that in accepting:' and dedicating this table we 'know that the beauty and dignity of our observan.ee . of .. the •sacrament of Holy Commu- nion, will be enhanced by its use, Rev, Kaiser , expressed grati=, 'tude that this cherished nemory of'parents who 'ha►ve • gassed on munon Table ory Of Parents 1 to higher service, 'had `found: ex - pression ' in , this gift. It was his • hope that ` all Who from time to time , receive communion' from this table in' this Holy Place, go forth strengthened, in'• faith and love ,of Our Heavenly Father. Mrs. John Gardner rendered . a solo, . "God willtake Care , of You." a '. Charlottea:. 'Tarries.' ,d n ,Ritchietchi:e , • ;1t3 were faithful life long' members 0�. of Zion.C r 0 __...._.._hu�ch They raised. a, .;��,. family of, 12 children, Who' were reared with the knowledge of 5 .� responsibility " to their ,Church. The members of the family are:i Mrs. • Clifford "Eastman ' (Jane), ° Z;‘' Burlington; .Mrs.. Robert' Helm, (MVfyrtle),, •Ashfield` • Mrs. 'Sam Gibson (Esther), Ashfield; Mrs. . Bill ` Ross (Edna); :Ashfield; Frank, •Ashfield; 'Edgar, Hunts - 'vine; Fred, Bracebridge,. Alfred, .° Lucknow. :. Three members of the family are predeceased: •' Boden,, Mrs," Ernest Gardner (Mairnie), Mrs. John Grant, (Margaret). :' :Following, the service some 65 relatives and 'friends ;were seat- 'ed lunch• at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ritchie, •' Rela- tives froth a distance were, pre- • sent from Brantford, Nova Scot -x Burlington,.,Huntsville, Brace- • bridge. • • e ,Y ti4 we