HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mq o from car fully • ti teet.d
bl.nds of hard lb r'.,.. fgre :
from .nd to end.. no bunches,
or thin ipots.
Prevents dsloys by .r r nt�p
through knott.r•erithout tonggeg .
or breakhy1 Protected against
iiq ts,.pdants and rot. Top 9uoI.
Ily $winI at. lowi4p•
Ferns, 'candelabra and baskets
of mauveand white delphiniums
'de. cora tSSe d Fordwich. United.
Church :for the wedding, of Mar-
lene :Carroll; daughter . of Mr. &.
Mrs. Carroll Johnson of. Ford-
wich and Murray Herbert Kirk-
by, Port' Credit, son. of Mr. and.
Mrs. George Kirkby o% Burwash.
Rev. A. F. Gardner performed
the ' double -ring , ceremony. ,Paul
Need,' cousin " of the bride, Kit-
chener sang "The Lord's. Prayer"
preceding • the ceremony and
"The Wedding, Prayer" during
the signing of . the. register, ' ac-
companied by Mrs. Shirley Durst
of Scarborough, who was the
organist; -
The. bride who was. 'given in.
marriage by her father, wore a
formal'; gown of embroidered' izy-
lon, styled "with fitted .bodice,
sabrina neckline and • • short.
sleeves, and , wore matching' el-
bow -length' gloves. The' bouffant
skirt was fashioned` with tiers of
scalloped embroidered nylon &
bustle back, worn : over tulle and
taffeta. A. crown with tear.drop
pearls held' her . double ®tiered
silk illusion veil and'she•'carried
• a cascade bouquet . of Happiness
roses, and white :Shasta nuns.
Miss. .Donna Johnson, sister of
the • bride, was 'maid :of' honor.' &
the : bridesmaids were Miss Pat-
ricia Kirkby of Burwash, sister.
of. f. the groom, and Miss Judy
Rabb of •Harriston.
Ian ;Kirkby of ' West.:Hill, Ont
was" -his brother's • groomsman
and the ushers were Ron Ennis
of - London and Wayne t Johnson
DI...TR1 .T1
Phone 71. Lucknow•
Huron Township Council held'
their .regular meeting on ' Aug'=
ust. 3rd with .all members 'pre-
: sent. Minutes of . last meeting
were read and. approved:.,The
Township mill rate '. was ' set at
16 Mills and 17.5' for Commercial
and d.Industrial'. properties. This
is a re�ductiori of foi�x initis froth:
' last year. •
Moved . by Walden Martin,
that' we, close part of Albert St.
in the ,Townplot of Alma frim
'the south side of: St. Arnaud St.
,to the Southerly limit of.the
Moved , .by: Lowry -McKinnon.
- 'that all `back accounts owing to
the Township be placed 'on, the.
tans: rat .
Moved by Lowry -Walden. that
when a road., is being; widened
-the Township will '.clean up the
boldifence ce bottom with the owner
n his fence:
Moved ,:by Walden -McKinnon:
• that' the 'following, accounts be
• paid, • .
Cemetery • lien McKay,
• mower: 'supplies, $5.05. • • •
Township Doris MacDon
'ald, dare of hall, $25.50; Charles
Emmerton, ; 'live stock valuator;
'3.50; Lucknow Sentinel, . print-
ing, 18:87 Douglas MacDonald,
dog • • bounty,. 5.00; Village of,
Ripley; ,fire call, .450.00; •Munici-
ipal World, supplies, 916, G.
Wightman, injury*. to cow by
dogs, 18.00; . Norval • 'Nesbitt,
poultry .killed . by • dogs, 11.00;
Emile •McLennan; .: hive stock val-
uator, 350; A. T. McLaren, sur-
' veying ; 125:08; Post 'Office, Un
employment stamps, 816; Huron
Township .Agricultural Society,
grant, '225:00.. .
Payroll No:.8 ' .Steve. Irwin,
Superintendent, ' 310.45; Ernest
Walden',• grader, 26222; ' John
Blackett, mower,. 84:80.
Roads Ken McKay, oil and
repairs, $9.60, Frank'sGarage,
repairs, .14:52, Steve Irwin, mile
age for car, 32:00; 'Imperial Oil,'
diesel fuel and gas, $05.10; Roy
Pinkerton; Midgets. played the .r
•Whitechurch Midgets . in. White-
church on Thursday night. ;Pine
kerton. won '12 - 6.. •
Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Purdon. and
family spent last week -end • at
the 'home .of •his` 'grand -parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Albert Goyeau• at
L ngton. ::
r. and Mrs, Burt Eynan and
Bruce of London visited in .the
cornmun'ity last week=end..
Mr: and.. Mrs. �1lusse1 - 'Ritchie
visited on'Sunday at.the. • home: •
of. Mr, ;and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
• Mr. and Mrs. 'Irwin Carruthers
and, family ,Of • Godericl visited.
on. Sunday at ' the home of.Mr.
and• Mrs. George Fisher..
Mr..and Mrs. Russel Ross arid
Mr. and Mrs.' George Ross , of
.Owen .:Sound visited. Sunday
with Mrs. Robert Ross who is a
patient in ' London. Victoria \ Hos
pital.. • • ••
of. Fordwich.
•Guests from London, Toronto,
Seaforth, ' Walton, Sudbury, Kit-
chener, Owen Sound, Brussels,
Palmerston, • Listowel, Harriston,
Lucknow and St. Helens were
Mr. and Mrs.. Kirkby, who, will
live in Port. Credit, left on a
honeymoon ;to. the:' New: England
States. The bride worea cham-
pagne toned , suit with chain
pagne and blue'acce_ssories and:
a of pink Garnett .roses.
' The 'groom ''is a graduate • of
Stratford ,Teachers': College and
is on the . staff of South. Peel
Board of .Education
The •bride formerly . taught at
St. • Helens.
Better stop worrying` about
what :your: son will do . when he
grows up - and .see. what 'he's
:doing • now':
Marshall, hauling gravel, 145.20;
Coiling Brothers, . hauling gravel;
518.60; Harry Coiling; hauling
gravel, . 520.20;. William ' 'Kemp-
ton, 'hauling -gravel,, 438.90; Gra-
ham *Cook, hauling gravel, 685.-
00; W. I. Shantz, hauling and.
loading, .1,056.72; James McTav-
ish, gravel, 167.70;•' • Mrs. Herb
Huston, ' gravel, 106.30; ' • Elton.
McLelland, niower repairs, 1.80;
Rosco Metal Co.,: grader •blades,
23.96; Canada Culverts, ' grader
blades, .145.02; G. W. ' Crothers;
grader repairs, '273.51; McArthur •
Tire• Service, .• re -cap, • .10}3.36;,.
Mrs.Ernest • Walden cleaning
rags, 7:.00; 1V,Irs: S. Lowe, land
purchased for road, 50.00; John.
Wilson, land purchasedfor road,
•500.00; Archie Courtney, 'land
for road, 110.00;• James Court-
ney, land for road, 10.00; Cana-
dian Tire Corp., •repairs, 27.06;
Grey -Wellington Paving • Co., cold
184.89; total road accounts,
6,086.52. •
Council adjourned to meet, on
September 6th. •
• EARL TOUT, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs.: Wes Tiffin, :1VJrs..
Myrtle Dawson and Mr. and.
Mrs. Wdlliam Purdon and fam-
ily visited on ; Sunday at the.
home of ' Mr. and . Mrs. Jim Ien-
derson in Brantford..
The annual: `Sunday' School
picnic of the United Church was
held on Saturday (with 39 people
in attendance,
.There were eighty-one people
attended ' the Sholtz annual re.
union Which was held ' at the
home. of Mr. k Mrs., Reg Sholtz.
of Westfield., Relatives were Mr.- Herb. Laidlaw and Ivan Given in. marriage by here
•I�'eavy Duty 'Batteries . , .... .: .
$7.95 up :•.
• Generator 'Exchange : ...., A. ,.. $8.95
Fuel Punips, 'as • low as ... , .... , , $2.85
Brake 'Shoes Exchange, full . set , '. ,. $7.90
Voltage. Regu1atora • . ., . , . 1$3.9 •
Wheel -Alignment and Balancing
'Motorcade Dealer ---. Phone : • 3, Lucknow' ,
At Guthrie iPresbyterian.
Church on ;Saturday, July • 30th,
and Mr..,and Mrs: Howell 'Fraser
visited on Sunday at .'the home,
of Mrs. George` MoClenaghan'.
Miss Joyce Ellen Baulch, Baugh,
ter of Rev,. and Mrs;;•Gordon S.
Bau'lch; Barrie, andW' Mr Leonard
Addis, . Toronto, son 'of. ,fr. • and.
Mrs.' Thomas. - J. Addis, Belfast
N. Ireland; were. united in mar-
riage. The bride's father, (Lev;
Gordon S. Baulch . officiated'
Mrs.:.: William Stone, Blackwater,
played .the • wedding `'music."
present. from St, 'Catherines; "' days visiting tela- brother, �''Mr. 'William; Baulch,
. spent• ;a few Y �' , � . .
Port •Stanley; ' Goderich, , Point tions in Powassin. Toronto, the bride wore a: tra
Edward • and: .around the village. Mrs. Annie Struthers visited ditionally styled .4tgown . of white
and Mrs. Ezra ' Sholtz on Thursday at 'the home. of Mr .pure silk organza .. with •full'
visited' on.';Sunday at the. home and Mrs. Hugh Simpson • ;flowing skirt 'Her fingertip il-
lusion,: veil was gathered in a
coronet of • 'seed pearls And. she
`carried a'' cascade of red :sweet
heart '‘roses . and white stephano=
The bridal attendants •were.'
Miss Margaret: Baulch, Toronto;
and . Miss Anne Bauloh, • Barrie
sisters of thebride: They •wore. `•
Young of Hamilton visited on similar gowns of dusty pink'or-.
Sunday• at the 'home of - Mr and : ganza over: taffeta with match
Mrs. Cecil Falconer Wing headdresses. Their bouquets. '•`
Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel .Diet: and were pink 'sweetheart roses with.
family of Toronto. 'visited on White ,stephanotis.
Sunda `,y atthe home of Mr. and `. The best man was Mr; -Stuart
Mrs: Jnm 1WeInnes, and ' Mrs. Rodgers; Toronto' & the groom'.s.
Rorie. • uncle, Mr.: David 'McCalmont.of;y
Alanne Di Nova :of London. ,is Toronto was; the usher
spending the; week at .the •, home . Following' the. reception at the
of Mr: ` and Mrs. Walter Arscott, bride's parents home , at . 107, • ,
• Mr.'. and. Mrs. Irwin; ` McClen- 1Clappertori St, Barrie, the:; coup /
aghan • and. family of St. Thomas le • left on a honeymoon . trip to
Mr .and Mrs: "'Marvin Pipe & : :spent Monday . at : the, • home . of the British. Isles They will re
.John, and Mr. and Mrs: Pollard.,
of "Brussels, Mr. ; and Mrs. Jack
Mr. and' Mrs.. BenMcCIenaghan:, ,side ,in . Toronto..
Coultes & Miss MarjorieCoultes �el�euaa,enaeaesiaaaee■a■eee■a� aana■M'oaaeeee%ealitl.`
of Wingham visited,; on Thurs- ; FOR ,BAST, EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT
day . at : the home . of 1V1r. and • Mrs. ■
of Mr. arid Mrs..; Clayton Sholtz
Goderich.Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim-
. 'ons visited in the community
• The. -AVMS. meeting : of the m Y
last week -end.
United 'Church 'will be, held on: .:Mrs.' Gordon' Jamieson
August 17th at the' • hom of Mr.
of Goderich visited et the home
Mrs.: Gibson Gillespie... of 'Mr.. and :Mrs: ' Dan Tiffin;
Mrs: Doris Willis and John
Mr and: Mrs. N:elison Falconer
spent' Sunday in Gowanstown atit of Sarnia nd;.Mr. .&.
and fam y a
the home of Mr: and Mrs. S.; C. ;Mrs. Ernest. Charleson and Mrs.
Miss; Lynda Johnstone, daugh-
ter ,of Mr. *and. Mrs. iclark; John=
stone, of Be]grave, is -spending•
'her holidays •:atthe home Of Mr.
;and Mrs. Charlie Tiffin and Miss
Janet; Johnstone is with Mr: and
Mrs: Bill Brown 'in L• ucknow.:
Mrs; Robert' Powell ` of. Strat-
ford and: `Mr. and ' Mrs. Norman
`Coultes of .Wingham visited on
Tuesday at the home of Mr:; &
Mrs: Albert Coultes
Gaviller, .McIntosh & Ward
Bell Telephone Building
C.A.--,Resticlent •IVlanager
."T'elephotses� Business. 635`:, ,Residence 1.06.. •
Albert ..Coulter ■•
Nir. and .Mrs.: Howard 'Walker 111
Sunday at the hoine Of 1VIr. and :: .
and .Tnvrp and Glen .�rYci4nr�° _ °.:wa l n ht S.ip' a
Mrs: Albert Coultes.
'. Mrs. Ted Beggs of Willowd e. •' a
returned home :on Sunday after . ■
spending two weeks at the home n - 1
of • 1V1 r. and Mrs. :Elwood Gros- ■ ■
kartit. ■ a
■" or, •0'
Miss mith" daughter of. • ; : ,
1; it
Mr, and Mrs: Ross Smith return -'Kik' ' - "
ed 'to her :home in Toronto • on u'
Sunday i'
u Call �,_
• Mrs, WilbertGallivan, , Car-.' .11
■ • .' � ■
y 1 �. .
men artd L nda' eft' 'on 'Thais ■
day for their :borne : in Sisk.
Walden pros.
They have,been visiting: with • fati ,
Mr. and M . rs. W. R. Farrier and': a'. , • •
will spend' .6 few days at the , u,
home. of .Mrs. Gibson' Gillespie. to 1
'� a
Mr. and .Mrs. Basil Thompson, All' Loads Insured' s
left on Monday fore Preston: to "` ,s •
■ • *, New Wingh n, Warehouse r:
They visited at the home of Mr.. .•. � •' •
and Mrs: Art Moore for a few ■
* Serving "Wingham : and .District r
Mr, and :Mrs.. : Russel Moore & ■� a ■
Household Moving Service to any' , : ■
' Ontario points.:. • • '
family '.Of Preston'' •and Mr. and' . a,
••' Mrs.,' Kenneth Dickson of Bele • No Load `Too Bi No Load Too Small, •' .i
more visited..on Sunday . at the' • i.
•home of Mr. • and Mrs, Art "'
Moore N • -.
. w Care, When: You Ship Rey M
Mr. Herb Laidlaw, Mr, .
All Receive
Ivan '' ■JAI i
Y.aidiaw and „Miss Cecelia Crow4 �. WALDEN ' BOT [1 E R$ • • M:.
ston, Mrs,:' George McClenaghat ■ "
and Miss Mildred'' , McClena Lan ' a '
the week -end in : ROck ■ 5 SUPERTEST GARAGE' PHONE 2,.......,48,,,, LUCKNOW 11
Creek,• hey visit i• ■
1. i 93'
ed with Mrs. William McClen- 'it ' Wingham 15 --- Kincardme• �30; Rip ey
io, •where t
Mr. 'and ,Mrs: Elory Laidlaw . :: `Telt' our •Tr, '.e r'drin To
and family.. visited" on Sunday at ■ .. rt
av Ilei dr When.
the Larne of 1Vrrs, 'Jarrres Laid ' 4'�51�11P•:'Y 'W`�i►LIEI� :Bitty. TRA s
law in Goderich: By hont RV 7.6541 Toronto dr GE 13,6753 PLondon 11
n �,�y �y
Mr, and Mrs. Harold •`Pohl ek Monti seimi liiima■iiiim ilii,esg irMiwisiiiiiiiiii ■e ,qui ll