HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-20, Page 7D TESPAY`r IVY 20th,1960.
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The . 'death :occurred suddenly
• in Kinloss Township, Friday,
June 24th, 1960, of Mrs.. Harry.
Bolger;; the :former • Elva Pearl
Richmond, .•in her 61st year. , She
was born' int Morris. Township :on.
April '22nd,
Mrs. Bolger was the daughter;
ofthe late Mr.. and Mrs.. `Russell
Richmond,: Blyth, ' and since their
.marriage she -and her husband'
had farmed in Grey . Township.
-',She was a .member of St. Geor.
ge's'. Anglican', .Church, Walton. `
Surviving are her husband, • 1
son, Jaynes of Grey Township;, a
daughter, .Mrs.. Gordon. (Mari-
lyn) Engel of Cranbrook'. and
one granddaughter,. a. brother,.
Mervin ;Richmond' of Blyth..;Pre
deceased •.is one 'brother, . Nelson.
Services . were held:.at ; her
home,. lot 6, Con: 17, Grey
on. Tuesday June 28th, 1960 at
2 :p.m with Rev: W. K Jaggy Of
$t; • John's • . Anglican Church,
Brussels officia'ti'ng :.and , Rev,,
Kerr, London, assisting. Bunal
was in -:Brussels Cemetery:
The pallbearers were Stewart.
iiu nphries; , Watton Uarvey:
Craig, ' Walton; Donald Bucha
nan, . Walton;; Harvey Iiodgins,
• Lucan; Walter •Shortreed, Wal
ton and Allan Searle, Walton
Flowerbearers , Were Terry,
Richmond,.'Blyth; Archie Young;
Blyth,; Alex ..Geilutzen; Walton;
and Harold Bolger, .. Walton. •
. The. "death. occurred., suddenly
in Victoria. Hospital,. • London, on;
• Saturday, , June : 25th, :1960 of
Rosemarie Bolger, ;in her. 21st,
year.' .
The daughter. of 'Harry. Bolger
and ; -the , late Elva Pearl Rich- •
mond; she was born: in Grey
Township, on October .13th, 1939..
She, *as a .member of • St. Geor-
ge's ' Anglican. Church, Walton.
Since graduati'ng ', from Seaforth
District High School, she taught
at S.S No.:1:0Culross.
Surviving are , :her father,• one
sister, Mrs. Gordon .(Marilyn),
Engel, Cranbrook. and • one •bro-
ther James of Grey Township..
•Service was held at .her 'home
at lot 6 Con. 17, Grey Township.
on Tuesday, June :28th, 1960. at
2 p.m with Rev. W. K. Jaggs of
St. John's : Anglican Church,
Brussels officiating .. with''• Rey.
:Kerr, London, • assi'sting.;, Burial
was in, Brussels Cemetery.
Pallbearers were 'Robert Haw-,
thorn, Listowel;. Thomas. lHod
.gins,:.R.,R 1, Iiolyrood; Robinson'
Hamilton,. .London; .harry and
Irwin- Johnston, McKillop.; and
Dell `.Delacre,` :Paris
iFlowerbearers . were • Arlene •
• and ' June . Richmond, :Blyth;
Claire Buchanan;.' Walton and
'Marjorie 'Boyd . of. R;11. No. , 2,
Sugar and Sp...._iGe
. -
By W.13. T, Smiley
There's something Mighty at-
tractive' about the city, in sum-
mer. Don't think I don't miss
the leg ,show back home, 'as the
,tourist ,gals waltz down . the' main
drag,. all brown • limbs, bare rnid,.
riffs, red•- toenails, sun -bleached
hair and dark glasses. s4 •you
'never ' know . whether• or not •
they're . giving you the big 'eye; '`
' but you're pretty sure they're
not, ..• .
, But that's, -what. -1, mean. For
,ten years I had that, and I'd .
'grown as . callous "as'the doorman
at the Folies . Bergeres, ..Down • in.
the , city;' I climb .a streetcar, pull •
• my shirt loose Aron' 'me, 'and.
'•view with ' .interest 'sortie • doll,
looking as though she'd stepped
out of a•' cold. 'shower, ' cotton
frock. clinging Riese,, spike ;heels,
upswept 'chair, and .;dark glasses
so you never know• whether or
not she's giving you the big eye,
but you're- pretty sure she's not.
A;few notes for .the girls at
home. The •:office : girls .in the
city,, who are usually right 'on'
top of fashions,.' are wearing . • SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Oi: ,,ANADA ) , .
shorter; skin-tight • skirts; . not -
graceful, but' . attractiely dis-
turbing. There's
isturbing.''There's: also a new coi-
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ffure in vogue. Let your hair
grow longer. Then, gather,'it..ail
up ; • in both.. hands,- pile
in ;untidy heaps; here ,and
thereon your head, with `,plenty.
of . wisps escaping, and stick
some. pins arid things in it. •
There is . a '.vague resemblance
to the .hair style of the' Masai
warrior' of . Alfriiea but' it is not
SO: neat, 'nor . do• the girls plaster
it with cow dung.,to keep; it in
place, as do the. Masai
Don't worry,; I'm, not going•, to
talk .about "Ails. ls. all through the
.,•;,. Afr a `l 1, , ,I ve , been
away from, home before.: .One
weed end, back.in:'54. T .*ill add
only „' one remark. .FortyLsh
friends of ,the:' ;male 'sex w.e
were born ;about'. ,25' years too
soon. I've had •apretty good
look at the crop . of ' new • teachers
who will invade the 'highschools
this September, and some of,
them are enough to, `start a: riot:
And I do not mean:. the men:
getting away from their families.
for ' a ' few ; weeks. An ` ignoble
thought, perhaps, -'• but funda-
mentally , sound. There's nothing
wrong with leaving' a .woinan to
cope alone with the house and
children for. a' few ' weeks. Noth-
ing ` that' a session in the booby -
hatch' can't cure.
It's. funny, when I went home.
for m first 'Week; end, I': thought
my,'v%ife would be fascinated. by
my Latin, the dolls in theclass,
mytimetable,.. which gives • me
•afternoons• off;' and :all that stuff.:
She `wasn't . even interested. She
just, gave, me a long hard look
and started listing all the,, troub-
les •< • she'd had "during,lie .Week.
However, 'I, .cheered •her ' up:•
fuddle she - was doing 'my 'laundry,.
late Friday night. '1 'sat there
cooling off. with 'a ; long drink, •&:
called interesting: little ,anecdo-
necdo-tes about 'summer'- school- to her,
as she filled, the tubs:: Pretty.
,soon she ceased complaining
altogether,. and stalked.: off 'to
bed; pausing only to; observe, , in
measured :terms, that she'd lost
five 'pounds in the last week
Per'haps I shouldn't •say 'it; bid.
some of these babes should be
cigarette girls in nigihtclubs not
teacli'ers. I _' can just: 'see 'thern
writing: a sentence on the black-
board, jiggling' like ;jelly,, While•
the. big lunks ' in Grade. 11 . blink.
hard to keep their eyeballs from
rolling ' down their cheeks If
these fulsome females expeet to
impart :any information beyond
the fact that they . are Well stack-
ed, they would be wise ta' put
their hair in a ''bun, and don
horn -rimmed specs,. flat Wheels &
Mother Hubbards.
These 'summer classes for tea-
chers , certainly ,produce ' a.: mixed
bag:In. niy classes 'there are In-
dians, • n groes, new .Canadians
'who are going to. teach' English
and can't speak .it yet, a number
of priests, a pregnant lady, 'a,
scattering of living dolls, • a smat-
tering of. youngpunks just out
of college, and two old • men,
another, chap and myself.'
Big• shock to me was to find
tha,;, I had to take Latin. Last'
tune I' :studied it. was 22- years
ago, ' and I can't say.' that T : had
quite . mastered the,. language,..
even then. After that interlude,
the .'only Latin I• knew was Mag-
na Carta, habeas corpus • and. in
flagrance ' delicto: None of these
have come up 'in' my Latin 'class,
so' far, 4f 1' have to teach the:
stuff;; about, all I can do is hurl
myself on the tender mercy of
the students. And teenagers,' .on
the Whole, have a quality • of
mercy :aboutas tender as that
pi the ,Ernperor 'Nero.;
,It was.: different wih the kids,
though. They ' were delighted to
see Me, and I. .got hugs and kis-
ses. They 'listened enthralled, to
my gay . little.. tales 'o • suin,.
•sah00l. For about'lour tes,
before .silently' slidirik out . of. the
room into the outdoors.
Oh well, I suppose I can't ex-
pect them, to: realize w - hat
going through. : here, irr' the torrid
city, while they sport :around in
the • cool north country. Why,.
some days . it's so •hot I 'don't.
really. ' enjoy my afternoonnap,.
and, I scarcely have *the energy.
to walk/three; blocks to the .. air
conditioned movie, in the: the.
Hoiwever, mine din -Aids, as
we say in Latin.'
with your mine and address•in
plastic .dispenser, only $1:, Don
Thompson, Lucknow.
RUBBER STA1VIPS of all. kinds,
made to ' your: • specifications, are
available : at The Lucknow Sen-
tinel, phone 35•
runnmimmimnmi••AUinae.i.a uniu■ iiimii11111iRaIR1 i
•.. TO or FROM
The university , is. crawling
with teachert in .the summer.
They all look very seriout, but
most of the Men; at any rate, 'are
takine some sort of special
course solely for the purpose of
' st • •
• w,
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