HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-20, Page 5WEDNZSPAY JULY ,20th, 1960.
1-leavY Duty Batteries
Generator Exchange .
• • ! 1 0, • •
• Fuel' romps, as law as, . ,
Brake Shoes Exchange, full set.. .
Voltage Regulators , • • • .• •
, $7.95 up,
• $8.95
$2.85 °
..• .
Motorcade* Dealer. Phone' 3, LuOknow
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry and
.family of Georgetown visited on
Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
E. HaldenbY. • •'•
Mr. Gordon Avis and Carl .and
Mr. Williath Walsh of Tiverton
visited on Tuesday evening with
Mrs. Gertrude'Walsh,.
• et
UaS ePhen ,Eckenswiller
las een.. c • 'fled to...the .house•
with the munips.' •
Mr. and Mrs: Tom' Hodgins,
•'IVIrs. Jim Hodgins and daughter,
Tammy,' Mrs. .Bert Nicholson &
Mrs.:Howard Thompson spent
'Th,ursday, in London, .•
Little __Kimberley „Susanne' Hal-
denby Was .abie to. come homb
-from Wingham • Hospital last
PAGE, .rivx.
Mrs, Harvey Webb entertained
at a trousseau tea on, Thursday
in honor ,of .her daughter,; Ruth,
whose\ Marriageto Mr. Dan Rose
took 7.p1lace on SatOrday•
The ni4ny guests were re-
ceived by the' hoStess and' the
bride -elect and the trousseau -&
19vely gift$1were sbown by Mrs.
Xen GreWer, .Mis: :Nancy. Need-
ham of Kincardine ancl Miss•
June Hatt of Lions Head.
• .• Red vises in a silVl
er -rose boW
centred.the frOm €1-1-.1 in
the afternoon - tea was poured'by
the groom -elect's mother, Mrs.
Dan. 'Rose, Mrs: Lorne' Webb Webb of
Goderich and ' Mrs, Allister
Hughes of ' • Holyrood. • Serving
were, Pauline -Anderson of Gode-
ric•h, Ruth and Kathleen ,Hodg-
ins. of Wingham, cousins of. :the
bride -elect.. •.
In the evening tea' was pour -..c
ect by . Miss Beatrice McQuillin,
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt,. 'Mrs. Chas.
• • •
IVIr. ercy arr, Hagersville,,Mr.
and Mrs. *Alvin Percy of.Detroit,
• Mr., James Encil, 'Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Encil and . children of
Chapleau. There were 100 in at-
•tendance. - ••'.,
• Mrs.. Janes Dillon and infant
daughter • returned home froml
• Kincardine • hospital on Friday.
•• • Miss Karen Arnold .of Bervie
returned home after holidaying
•;with her COUSiri, Joan •Percy. ..
The Anglican .service will be •
at 9:$0 for the remainder of 'July.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert .Nicholson,.
Evelyn . and. Allan visited , on
Sunday with .1VIr., and Mrs. Cal-
vin•lVIcConnelI, • Kincardine Twp.
Hodgins of Winghani and .Mra,.
TOM Anderson of Lucknow.
sisting . were ,Miss, Mark McIn-
tyre :of LucknOw, .Miss' Caroline
Wciwnixt Of Wingham, . Mrs, Al-
lar4 Miller and Mrs'. Jamei•Cur-
Mes. TOM Trifent • of South-
ampton, the .fOrnier, •Shirlek• Me-
,. was guesthonor a a
•delightful shOWer arranged by•
.Mrs. Charles .McDonald, •Mrs.
,Eiwo'od Barbour andMrs. Ches-
• Taylor, e . e orrimun-
it Hall On Friday evening. Mrs.'
•Teklor, concluded her .piano
numbers ..'with •'the 'wedding
marc'.as •t e •n e, en ere t e
•.GlaclyS McDo ..presided
.for the progran 6f a' plane solp I
.b', Sheila McQuillin, readings by
Mrs. Barbour. and 'Mrs. Keith
Cranston, a vocal solo •bk Elaine
Cook, of Zion, piano duet 1 by
Mrs, Will 'Rutherford. and ,Wan-
Henry, a contest by Mrs. Mc-; '
Donald and a solo by the Singing.
traveller' Who :resemloled Mrs.
George Fisher of Whitechurch:
,• The ;bride With her sister, $1VIrs.
Bob J'Ohnstorie and sister-in-law,
Mrs. Trafelit • took their' places.
,on the plattOrm :which wag :de-.
corated„ with cstreatriers and an
umbrella from which Werehung'.
confetti -tilled balloons: '
• , Gladys McDonald read an
dress of good wishes:and Shirley
• was presented with many gifts.
Assisting in opening them be-
sides Mrs. Johnston and .Mrs..
Trafelit,- Were Mrs. Keith Cran-
ston, Gladys McDonald.; • Judy
Wardell, Marlene Martin. • •• '
• • Mrs, Trafelit expressed her
thanks and :all joined in Singing
For She's a Jolly Good.. Fellow.
Happy birthday was sung in
•honor of Mrs. George. Cranston'
for her 85th birthday and for
'Mrs. Laura McNeil' whO was also
celebrating a birthday. A plea-
sant • social hour''concluded' ,a
'fine evening. ..
Her "many friends here were
sorry to learn that .Mrs.., David'
Todd , is a •patient ..in ,Victoria
Hospital; • London. Mrs. • Todd
who resides with' her daughter,
Mrs. McIntosh at St. Catharines
Was visiting with her son, Neely
• and Mrs. Todd at their cottage
at Port Albert, when .she ,
fracturinga bone in her hip on
Friday: ,• , , • :
'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parkwooci
and Robert of, Long Island, N.Y.
• are .holiday visitors with Mr, end
•Mrs. John .Carneron. ,
Mr. E. ,W. Rice was 'e patient
in thel, Wingham arid'. District
General' Hospital for ..a few days
last Week 'suffering frotha virus.
Suffered Broken Arm
Mt, ',Toe FOran, has his arm in
• in a cast as a result of a 'haying
accident on Saturday afternoon:
'He was threading the bales.
when the Mishap oceifired, frac-
• turing a bone between his elbow
and shoulder'. ,
r. and 1VIrs: Charles Sher-;
wood of Detroit and Mr.: and
Mrs, jack Alexander of Kitch-i
ener Were Visitors during the
week -end Niktith Mr., „and Mrs.
Andrew Ga,turt.
Mr. and Mrs'.. Glen Pinnell and
family of Windsor Visited .with.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Haldenby
•'and family.
Messrs, Fred. Guest and' James
.11odge motored to, Tobermork•
•on Sundek.• • ••.
• Mr..James Encil, Mr. and. Mrs.
• Percy Encil, Valorie; Gayle, and
• Leuaine of Chapleatt..viSited With
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perey..and,
Master. Teddy Bell of Arnber-
ly been holidaying With his',
cousin Alien Nicholson. .
Some from here ere ,ettenct-
ing the 'Vacation: Bible School
•.which IS being , held at BerVe
:this Week.- •' •
Mrs., RoY' ,Schneiler was hcis-
leis for the W.A. meeting at, her
• home on. 'Friday. °
., .
Mrs. Ada .Hodgina.,Detroit
as spending awhile' with
. Mr. and
Mrs. Williatn COx. and Rev. Ben-
son C. • •• • •
• • Mr. and ,Mrs, 'Russell Barr of
Toronto and''Mr. Percy. Barr a
• liagersville spent. the onteek-end
With Mrs, '• John Iiare•
• Those frozn a distance attend-.
ing. the Percy family reunion at
• Xincardlne on SundaYwere Mr.,
and Mrs. George Hodgins and
•Ilatigliter of Woodstock, Mr. and
• Mrs. 'Russell, Barr of, Tororito,
. 4
, Prom •titne..t� time have
'enquiries .from former. residents
who have, reached three score
.and ten years, •seeking to ;learn
if 'their "birth was announced in
•the Sentinel, Which.- Would pro-
vide' proof, Of date of birth.
' For .the most. Part the answer
is always the same' -L; We ,ean
find 'no record •;--- • :for in those.
• .days, :Without rural ..mail, - Or.
telephones, the "news" seldom
• reached the Paper. ,
• A 'recent enquiry . • was !from
Mrs: . D, A. Matheson of. Sault
St. 'Marie, who :will be .70 on
January' 1st. She'was •.born
LucknoW' pn New •Year's Day;
189.1, but seethingly then , there
was no 'more 'fanfare about a
New Year's baby, than any .pthL, I
er. Mrs. 'Matheson was Louise.
• Evelyn' 1V,furdOch, daughter of
William Green 1VIiirdoCh and
Annie E. McLennan;, .and was
born in Lucknow. •
•In this. Case We did find en an• -
nouncement of the birth Which
read as 40...lows in the custom
of that time and. appeared. :in
the •issue of The Sentinel of
Januar. 16th, :1891.4, "
"MURDOCH in .Lueknow on
New Year's 'Day; the. wife .of
•William a Murdoch, a` ,daugh-
ariety Program
Carruther's 'Orchestra
$1.5' .40; Ind $10.00; 3rd
Winner,. •
• will. be sponsored by Lucknow Lesion to re -
'present ,Lucknow, in Bruce' county ,Contest to , held
in Icincarcline On August 2rid. at Old Boys Re-tinron.
A4sPiCes Of Lucknow. Bianeh Of Canadian Legion
"."41++.4.4.•44.4 *4444.
• • id • ..
topositiroile. .ziroscatier_
• 111.00d. Sakes! .
,Whai.is an Elephanti<7
. 'Doing ;wale .Bairnyard?"• .
The Elephanlislhere. Beeause Elephants Never
Forget. He Wants TO Remind You
• •.R•mmilbor.to.becorilul 'at ali times
C. -operators. Insurance Apsoclatiori
Guelph, framilton;London, Otranto, Owen Sound,
'PeterborOugib, Pott Arthur, Sainte, Strafford, 50011 Ste. Med• * •
Sudbury, Toronto, Windsor , •
4-11 Giris 'Charge 0E
PrOgrain it. ..W.L meeting
• Children's Day was heldat
the, July, meeting .of the WI: ,at
• •
the Community. ° hall when
children enjoyed . a. picnic... The
girls had :charge,- of the pro-
gram and sphrti A. skit Out On
by 'Nancy, DOracht, Nancy. Cran-
ston, 'Naney Curran and • Patsy
Cranston • was much ..enjoyed...
Readings ..Were. given also by:
Nancy Cranston and Nancit Dor-
scht,, and a joUrrial by .Nancy
Curran; The:girls. had a loVely
display of :their Project, Clothes
closets up7todatel.::'Roll call was
'anSwered. by..e verse from .kour,
oM sChbol reader.' • :At the. close
of the Meeting:, evero,ne. Went
outside. ,dn .the4..lawn where the
girls: conducted games, and races.
A picnic lunch: with a 'treat of
ice-cream .brought the afternoon
to a close. A (by a special io-
• terest to 'this cormnunity is July
29th When the TB Clinic is be-
ing held in, the United Church,.
Dungannon. Everyone is . urged
to attend and remembex you
• may help- to stamp out thiA•
dreaded disease. This is a re-
minder to the W.I.. Ladies who
are to help there July29th. and
•August 3rd. •
The following' pupils of Mrs...
Scott have :passed the
ronto, • • Royal Conservatory . of
Music examinations: Grade. 5
Anne Geinniell,i#Ripley,. honours;
Bruce ..MacKeniie, Rair. 5, Luck--,
•noW . honours. Barbara Leeson.„,
Purple Grove, pass. Grade 4' —
Katherine , Culbert,. Ripley, hon.-- •
ours. ' • • • • •
Get your animals on Pasture 2 to 3 weeks earlier with
Aeroprills*.. Applied at the rate of 100-300 lbs. per
acre, the fast -acting nitrate in Aeroprills gives grass
an early growth boost pasture grows thick and
high in protein • The long-lasting ammonia in Aero-
prills keeps pasture lush longer . cuts expensive
feed costs. For.2 to 3 extra
• weeks of profitable graz-
ing . ,
ing time, top dress now
with Aeroprills' 33.5%
nitrogen. See yOur fertil-
izer dealer: , •
,T. M. Reg'xl.
44 1
e\ e • ,';044%411.441t •
cknow District Co
Phone 7.1 .
• 0.
• •LI.
I V ,