HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-20, Page 4.r (.4E' k'OUR Tf E' LucKNow SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, RATES, -- First Insertion 2c per , word, minimum charge 5 0e, Repeat Insertions, 1 V2 c per word, minimum- 40c. ;Notices, Cards, of Thanks and Coming, 'Events; minimum. '75c. In Mer,,noriams,. minimum $1.00. 25c ` i e s, to' The Sentinel. Silting' charge of . IOc f o r extrafor xepl e • e , each hill, rendered. ' ° FOR SALE 'OR''sALE - 7 footMassey- .A Harrisbinder with new .canvass. Apply . Arnold iStothers, .phone Dungannon 5-r-2.. •. • • BINDER FOM. SALEMassey Barris 7' -foot binder,• ' • in . ,good condition. Phone 13-r-9 Dungan `non, LIVESTOCK._ _Bought . and sold, all kinds, :Phone 41 Lucknow' or 77-r-1, Dungannon FOR SALE - new baled ' hay at 14c a bale. Burton Collins, R:R.. 3, Ripley, Ontario, phone, 5-r-3.- • :FOR SALE—Red flock pullets, 3 months' old,;• $1.00 ' each,:. Or- land Bere, :' Dungannon 24-14, R. ` 3 Auburn. USED PHILCO R 'RIGERATOR in good condition. Greer TV and' Electric;, phone 110 Lucknow•, FOR SALE --.'450 -pullets Rhode Island' red ,crossed<:with :Suffex. Ready 'to . lay. Apply Aubrey Toll;,. phone Blyth 34-r-17. ' FOR SALE — 3 -horse 3 horse power dust, .proof electric motor; 'also a coal,' Conveyer. Apply. J : ':B. rkenr B' id ge Phone ne'pY ',Ripley 66-' ec g,Po • r-16:. FOR SALE • -- • Short Tube Uni-: versal Milker,, outfit, 18 ` months old. Contact • `Lovell McGuire,. Surge Dealer,' Wingham;; -phone WOOD FOR SALE—good • hard maple wood, in truck .•load' lots, also hardwood'. slab's, softwood slabs 'and sawdust in any ,quant - y 'ity: •Bruce. MacMillan, • Lucknow: SERVICES SUMMER PROPERTIES REDDI-BUILT homes and cot- tages, prefab and 'erected. Free literature.' Easy terms. See our samples, Genoe .Lumrnber, Orange - HOUSE FOR . ALE •-= 3 bed - robin ..cement ` heer• house roo�c.on! Havelock'. St.;'`. South,' 3 -Piece bath, hot and.' cold water. Apply: to. Mrs. Annie Jewitt, Lucknow:: 'c mbination • $TI•N•GHOTTSE o washer -dryer,' used, as, good .:.as new, real . 'bargain. Greer TV. & Electric;. Lucknow. vine Ontario.. CUSTOM •BUTCHERING Beef .:and pork ' sold in • any quantity: Custom ' butchering Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday: Beef from Monday througi Thursday.; 'BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET - FTLTER. QUEEN Sales and,Ser-' vice, 'repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used 'cleaners of all ,makes for sale. Robert K. Peck,' Varna, telephone .;,Hensall 606-r-2.. "'• SEPTIC TANKS . Septic Tanks, . cess: pools, etc;, pumped`'and ,cleaned. with mod- ern. equipment.. All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. .2 :Brus- selss, : phone 42-r-6 : Brusels CAR PUYERS Before you 'buy.. your new or late' model used "car::' seeus about our Low Cost Financing. Service., Available for •either :Dealer or Private • Sales: J A.. McDonagh Insurance, phone' 306, Lucknow. • FOR SALE' ..Allis thaliners 'Model 60 Combine, in like new condition; have bought ' larger Machine. Apply . ,Russel , - Irvin, •. 7, Lucknow, • phorie... 64-r'17 • Dungannon., • •• FOR ALL SMOKING siiPPLIES come to :George's •,Snack Bar. and Billiards -- all .popular cigaret- tes,.. tobaccos, pipes, lighters, etc ' George .Parrish, Prop., phone/102:' 'Lucknow.' WOOD FOR SALE= -.hard maple. : and ,elan, slabs, . truckload ; lots of; abourt 4 , •cords,. ` also • sawdust; .wood .delivered free of •charge, within radius of 12 miles:: Spence r Trwin, phone 171 Lucknow. COMBINE FOR SALE' — 6 -foot international';` completewith pick-up` and scour clean, 4 -years old, reasonable for: quick sale. Chas.' Anderson, ' R. 3 Lucknow, phone 69-15, • .Dungannon, . FOR SALE --gravel; fill and top soil, contact Jack ,Farrish, phone 286, Lucknow: FOR SALE 16 -foot cedar boat, Complete With trailer : and 7.5 Evinrude motor. This motor -is °.practically new onlY having been _ used a few. tinies. Apply 1VIrs, Lorne. Johnston, Lucknow,. phone 201, FOR SALE -•'- .two 22" electric `ranges; 'one 40" Frigidaire ' elec- tric range, ,-oven timer,, deep well 'coker, warming oven, Gil- son washer, goad condition, Greer TV and ' Electric, phone 110. y, COLING EVENT DERRY DAY Derry - :Hay Celebration in London, August 6th, 1960. Any- , wishing transportation by bus, contact Lorne -Reed, Wrn. Houston or R. • Wilson- return fare 42,5.0. Tickets td be bought not later than July 27th. PRESENTATION. DANCE'. A reception and presentation. 'for Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse ,Mur= ray' will be held at Holyrood Hall, Saturday'; July 23rd. Car- ruthers orchestra;, Everyone -wel- come. .Ladies wei-come..Ladiesbring, lunch.; '• COIWANASH' SERVICE. ... • The Colwaiash. Junior- Insti- tute and• ' Junior Farmers will hold a, church service on ,Sunday,. July 24th in. Hackett's Church, at, 8;00 pan. Rev. Ritchards of 'Dungannon United Church will 'be .guest, minister. •The choir , will, :sing a number with. Eleanor Reed giving a selection' on her violin: • 1 . ANDREW =- LANE: ',ANNUAL REUNION 'MONDAY, AUG. 1st, 1960 Civic Holiday Agricultural Park, Lucknow •We will , ' celebrate the. 110th 'Anniversary. of • the ' Arrival of the first of ' our families: in Can ada this ,year. - Will all mem-2 bers: make a special effort to be rwith`• uS and • we mean ••you' - Come •.in":the early afternoon ;and Reserve the date.. •"Mrs.':Frank Maulden, Sec.,. Holyr��od, R.R. 2. Steve Stothers, ::.Chairman. NOTICES Will all members of the • Lad- ies ' Auxiliary pleasehand in the - stubs' and' all remaining books of tickets for .the ,chair draw ''to Mrs, Susan :1VMacNaughton, Cow- ►ti's Restaurant or at the' 'Legion booms : on; Friday, July 22nd Nher 'itwill be ;drawn by Miss, Lucknow, . ATTENTION • FARMERS START• A- YEAIt-ROUND• BUSINESS!' �1 You . can : earn` money the first ' lay� .: Sell -necessities.. . • in: <• . Lucknow;,. Whitechurch, , . Holy rood; » Ripley.; , Bervi'e ' , and • 'Sur- roundings • High commission and bonus: FAMTLEX . PRODUCTS; Depth R. Delorirnier; Montreal, PQ. AUCTION SERVICE '. :.r Allan Maclntyre. • Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, • Phone 281 TIRES!, -- , TIRES!!• All types of tractor ,tires; sold ;` and- serviced, lowest • prices, also :' complete selection of ' all,' types`' of ' ,tires : 'Bruce ,• ' MacMillan, Lucknow:..; AUTOMOTIVE G1ass7-Steering--Body, : Repairs Lubrication,. etc:.' ' For ,Quality Service, see . . PAVIDSON'S TEXACO • " SSERVICE -Phone 320 ; • ; , Goderich o: 8 Highway ' LOANS ''arms:: ' Homes - • Motels - Stores • Business - Chattels • Accounts Receivable - •Inventory • ' ,, • or any Security. ' • Fast service•anywhere in:Canada vaileyrield . Placements Ltd:, '' • 450-A - . Wilson Ave., Downsview, Ont. " : ME 3-2353 CUSTOM . CAR ,PAINTING A nice •new paint job, • is money ..well spent, .;single or two tone, hot 'spray rriethoe,, fender . and body work, rusted :.panels .and sections replaced: N. W: Winter - stein. ' - ' (1 building ,•ui•.. est of Town Hall).; WANTID WANTED — .a ' used' sidewalk bike. Apply Mrs: Jean. Whitby, phone 153 ,Lucknow. .' POULTRY WANT4D • Best'prices at, your door, phone A, .Brown, Kincardine 181. , .FOUND FOUND a •girt';$ necklace ` at the MacMillan swimrning pool. Apply at Sentinel Office. White washing 'and ' barn clean- ng. We ' use the new •Carbola' hite-wash, the : product :that eeps ;all flies- and cob webs' out. )f,:the ,stable for ' 1' year: J. M. 3aeker • '•Brussels .`hone 95 ' or write ' Box 138 Brussels for.esti- nate:. AUCTION SALE lear'irtg' Auction ;Sade:' of household effects for he Estate of the Late ,Eva awley, Hu- ron St., • Ripley on Saturday; July 23id.at'1:00 p;m:• See bills., Terms cash, +Orville • Trouse, administrator, Donald B. .Blue, auc. • • Clearing • Auction Salt `.. of. household • °effects . ,consisting of chesterfield • suite, frigidaire,, coal 'and wood . range, ;bedroom suites, power saw, /z SLP. motor, floor safe. numerousother arti • ,.cies at. the George A, Webb re- sidence, Station Street,. Lucknow, on Thursday, July 21st. Sale to start at 1:30.: Wellington Hen- derson, auctioneer. • N MEMORIAM .., 10Q LE Treasured Memories of a dearly .beloved wife,' -mother and grandmother, Lilly Arnetty Moore who passed away sudden ly. 'on July , 21st; 1959. ' :We ,little knew when we ..woke that morn; Thesorrow the day would bring; The • cal, l was sudden, the shock To' part' with one we loved ' iso. dear. • Sometimes it• is hard. •to under stand , Why seine things have to be, • In' 1Iis 'wisdom God has planned. •B'eyondsour power to seer • Sadly • missed `• by .husband,• Gordon., • son ' Alvin, •daughters; Muriel .Eileen. and . Helen: CA d' ON 'In. loving mem- ory, of ` a dear mother, and grand another; Mrs:' -Josephine Gamer on; who• passed away 'three=.years ago, July. 28th, 1957;.. Just ` a prayer 'from, we who lov ed you, • • Just a•: memory ' fond. and . true, Just to . •say we'll always ' miss.. •: you :' . Because we .thought the World. of you. • Lovingly remembered •by.. daughter. Grace, George and grandchildren.. • ' WEDN , .ES►T)AY . juLy 20_th, 1960 CARD OF THANKS Saxe • Farrc er of 'Holyrood wi, ,~ she to: • sincerely thank his ' Xnany friends; who' ere.' so kind during his . recent illness. ,Thoir thoughtfulness vias, deeply ap_ preciated. • I. wish to most sincerely' thank allmy friends for ,the • cards, let- ters, flowers and gifts, • ;and for the . many . thoughtful acts; of - kindness' both While,' Was a .pat fent in. • Victoria hospital arid since returning home. Arnetta Thompson; Members. Of Branch' ,. 309, 'Lucknow, Canadian Legion!: , You are invited to' a Druni-' head • Service, :at' . Kincardine on Sunday, .:July 31st. Transporta- tion will be, supplied in the par - de for ,`those -'who• are. 'unable to rriarch: Music by`•R.C.A.F. Coni= mand ' . • Band. "Fly -Past"': • by planes from; :Centralia. • Fall In, 1:30; pari:, Public. •school . grounds; Parade, 2:00- P.m.; Service, 3:00 ,Victoria Park.. Anyone wishing to. go, please leave your name With •:Harold .Ritchie. A good turnout is 'requested. TENDERS VILLAGE .OF• LUCKNOW TENDER ,FOR SIDEWALK' SEALED • TENDERS addressed to, the Clerk of 'the Village of, Lucknowa Ontario, will , be re ceived , by him until -.5:00 :p.m. Friday, . July 29th, 1960 . for the ,folloy 'ng work: - 1. Removal' of .2075 square yards of. existing. • sidewalk ' the construction : of 1850' lin- eal feet of 8 foot wide 'side. . • walk•. and 230' feet of 4 foot wide sidewalk . on' Cainpbeli Street. 2. ; ' Widening 'of 440 feet of Campbell' Street ' from Out- ram ' Street' to Havelock St.,. including' excavation, remov- al of existing bozlevards ,S& Curbs, construction'_.ef 875 ft.. , of concrete , `curb, ' granular backfill, and 100'' tons •, of asphalt pavement, ,Plans -.and Specifications. may he obtained frorn the Clerk and at. the office'' of the undersigned. A certified cheque ,of 10% • of the • bid, must accompany each, tender. .• ' Lowest ..or. any ',tender • not nec- essarily' accepted, g 13: M. R 1' OSS, P. En Consulting 'Engineer; Boit. `699; Goderibh, Ont. T. C. Anderson wishes tosin- cerely thank all who remember- ed . him with' cards and • visits. while in Wingham. hospital, also Drs. Corrin and'' Finlayson and • Mrs. `Mason and her staff on the third floor and the neighbours who helped at home during his absence. The .family of the late 'Elva. Bolger . • and :Rosemarie Bolger ' wish . to take this opportunity to' express their sincere. thanks and appreciation to their many rela- tives, friends, and neighbours for thof symeir acts pathofy kinand 'dnfloress,• al metribussages'tes''. ;during their recent sad .bereave- merit: Marry Bolger. and . family; PERSONAL -, OLD, RUNDOWN',. Ostrex Tonic Tablets help "pep-up",.thousands: of then, women past 40. Only :69c:, At all 'druggists. ' '. Mrs. HarveyCulbert wishes to' thank . - her many ; .friends; neighbours' and relatives for the cards;: treats,. flowers and visits, and, these .. who t helped in, so ,many ways. while a' . patient in Wingham and Victoria. •Hospitals and after returning, : home; Thanks also' td Dr., Mel„Corrin, . .DT-'• MCAnirich Dig.' Wyatt, 'R Y ev:. Richards• and ; Mrs. Annie Bere. L would like td say. • "Thank, You” ' .y'to ,, all my,.' friends • and neighbours • for• ,the .help and kindness to Me • and My. ' family the• night of the car accident '& since that. Also to.'Dr. .Corrin &. Dr., •Finlayson and .the. nursing staff at. .Wingham •General. Hos- pital. 'This • has all .been • greatly appreciated.. . Mr•s, Verna McCleriaghan.` •Dianne..Humphrey of R4 2- Lucknow : wishes to thank .her school friends, her teacher, Mr: Cameron and neighbours for`, • their .. cards, • gifts, treats. and • flowers• and all Who visited. her. Mile : in the hospital. Thanks to Drs: Corrin :arid Finlayson ;& :a11' • nurses' in Wingham'. General •Hospital: ;WELL DIGGING • Well digging,; machine' dug, 30 inch` well. tile,. . deepening and re– pairing. Apply Hadco. Well ' Dig- ging, 1/2' mile south' of Elmira. on Highway'.; 85, ...phone :Elmira 'MO 9=7761,'' or 80-r-2 ; Dungannon. • WATERLOO' CATTLE .BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where •Better ' Bulls Are '.Used" CIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE - ARTIFI . •.I wish rte express •`• sincere thanks to '.`friends : arid• neigh - 'hours who remeMb.ered' me 'while in the hospital with cards,. ::letters, fruit; flowersand. gifts, ' also ' those who visited me. 'Many 'thanks 'to ,Dr. Corrin 'of Luck - now and • the Doctor's: '' and • staff of VLctoria . Hospital, Loridon. Mrs. Harry Hackett is• . provided , from bulls of: all :breeds. We are farmer • owned and controlled ; and . operate at cost. Sommer calling hours: Between 7;30 . and 9:30 a.m. week' days 6:00 and 8:00 p.rzr.. • SaturdaY . • evenings Forservice or'more information earl ••Clinton.. Zenith 9-5.650 Collect Kincardine' 460'' '":" w+N `VISIT THE. REAL LIVING . SANTA. . May,' 24th to Thanksgiving . Fun For All The ,'.Family • CHILDREN 14.'years and underaccompanied. by parent --=, FREE 9:30 a.m. to 0:00 . p.m. Sunday-- 1:00 p .m. to 6:00 p.m. SANTA'S . VILLAG • Bra eb g , rid e Ontario: •• c IF • YOU WANT TO SPEND. *WISELY Shop .At ston'ea a r If you don't see: whatyouwant please ask. We have a hill line of fresh meats.• • ,` gc COTTAGE `ROLLS, ib. '.... , ; FRESH GROUND BEEF lb.� .. r . , 46o CUSTOM • TILLING TO YOUR SATISFACTIb1 Phone. 41 •