HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-20, Page 1$3,00 A Year" In 44vence ,-- $1.00 Extra To: V.S.A. NEXT ISSUE• OF THE 'SENTINE• h AUGUST 10TH':. 'This issue . of The Sentinel. will be the last until. August ,leth. To permit two : weeks' holi- days we are dropping the issues of July 27th and., August : 3rd. The ,office will' be closed for the two. Weeks, but.. will be open until Friday' of this ' 'week to .complete some unfinished com- mercial printing... T,he junior member is .already on 'holidays in Western Canada. During the vacation Don Steeves, the linotype operator, will be married, and. , honeymooning. Yours' truly will sPend a couple of relaxing: weeks . at the 'beach. PIAN INDUCTION OF ,NEW. PASTOR The induction of Rev, ' Howard W. Strapp,, • as minister , of the, • Lucknow United Church, has been °set:'for Friday evening, August 12th. Participating,. cler- gymen are • being arranged for by !Rev. Peter, Renner. of 'Tees- water, Who is: ' acting as iinterim- moderator during' .the vacancy 4 resulting from • Rev. Gordon Geiger's' acceptance of a call to Essex .United. Church. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 2Qt 1960 ' TWELVE PAGES WITH' CHURCH CARAVAN • GROUP •Miss Louise Andrew, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Andrew of Ashfield 'left on Saturday, July` 16 to spend five weeks. caravan- ing• for .the ;United Church: of Canada. She will spend one • week:. each at . Peterborough E 'Little; Britain, Montrealand' two weeks at Thornhill.' • • A Caravan ' is a group :of 1 Christian young people • who have' volunteered their time and. 1 talents to ,'serve 'the church 'in ;''laces Of 'need.. for a' period 'of t+wo to , six .weeks in the summer: REV:• HOWARD W STRAPP They ' come ,` from all . walks. of life,', and .most have been active: oil`the eveni ig of Rev.; ' and enthusiastic , in their :home. Strapp•s :induction': the Official churches. Roard will meet at 8.:00 'o'clock • I Every Caravanerie required and the 'induction"service will A, :social to .to take a, training session. Louise, commence . at 8:30.. Sheet and,greet the' new -minister spent a very • enjoyable" and pro: :fitable, week -end . at Five Oakes and his :,wife.will ' fo11oir. Rev. near Paris. in Ma . . Strappwill conduct his first � y • •Caravaners may be' asked to service' on Agust ,14th, but will co du t� . •Church :; V•a.c a ti o be absent from•the ul it• forr: a' n _ c n P P Schools;• start • : new . Sunday. time in September while attend Schools, institute groups such .as`. ing General.Council'. Ex lovers C.G.I.T. Sigma C,.'& Rev. Strapp. comes to ,Lucknow P 8 Y.PaJ.,. ' participate. • in Sunday; from. Mount Pleasant. ; where . he services 1 of worship .end co p ff-o er has 'ministered for .several years.,,. in work projects.' such, at At one time he Wag -Minister at. ate B painting. a Sunday 'School rocim:` ervie .for a;' comparatively short • Another aspect is survey work period. • Rev. Strapp is a • ,native .-of Dartford, Kent, ..England 'coming to Canada in . hisearly teens, with the :family' settling 'at •Osh= awa In 191$ he "became a pro- ., bationer ,for the Methodist min, - I istr y and received' his theologi cal training from' Victoria 'and Knox Colleges ire Toronto and was ordained in 1924. -by the ':.To- 1 ronto .Conference at Danforth . . Church: His first charge wee, at Uhthoff:•; in; ' the Barrie district. On September ' : 2nd, 1925, . in 'Laurel Church, near ..Orangevil- le," Miss Fanny ' Hemilton ' •bei came his bride.. (Continued on Page ]l2) C' ALL •• i`E . DEER . FOR S. MAI T In this •issue tenders are being called, up to July . 29th „for new sidewalks on • Campbell Street and the/widening; of Campbell St. from 'Outram'' to Havelock. The sidewalk contract . calls for the removal of 2075 square yards • of existing' Walks. and the epnsteuction :. of 1850 lineal: feet. of 8 -foot wide sidewalk, and : 230 feet of 4 -foot walk; ,The widening 'of 440 feet of Campbell Street from Outram to Havelock,' requires excavation, removal of existing boulevards and curbs and . the construction of $75 " feet ' of concrete curb, granualar • backfill''and 100' tons Of asphalt pavement., • , The start of the wide .n ro- $ect nX g p got, under wa o�•Saturda When a Y Y forestry ,crew commen- ced removal: of the trees which bne ,both sides of the street in . Trees were removed 'ori the South side by. the. Town Railand some . Alta_ on the north side, gether ' sorne fifteen trees will fail to the chain saw When the 'Work is completed.. , in, new •housing. areas to •discover the interest and -need of ; a church. - •!Caravaners work• in groups ,of four. •A11' who .participate in this Work, a rich , f llowship with. each other and • a strength- ening of :their .own faith: • ' TO. *PRESENTATION GEIGER FAMILY 'A cavalcade, of •.eleven cars motored to Inverhuron on Thursday when Members of the Lucknow United • Church "drop-, ped in": on. the Geiger PernilY,. for a' picnic 'supper, social time and informal • .presentation. • On behalf of the ii -C group, Mary Allin; read `ar address : of appreciation and best 'wishes,,`tle Murray 'Hunter made the ' pre- sentation of • t. folding camp table: • • C. R. Bristow • read 'an address' to, Rev. and . Mrs. Geiger and 'Ernest' Ackert and W B. Ander- sen Made. the:presentation of,' a, fold -away chaise lounge and a floor lamp on, behalf of ,the con- gregation:,.• Rev.' arid 'Mrs: Gordon Geiger Dear Friends; ,' Very' slowly we, of the United Church.:. at .Lucknow;' arebegin- ning to .realize that you Will no longer • be , with las.. ,Yourgood fortune mm eans ; 'a ' tremendous loss to many 'of us: • • While;, our . assocation has been. comparatively brief, we' feel that we should express our' feelings ,inestime tangible iXian- ner. This is ' why we are having this tittle informal. gathering. The : Official Board' of the ehurelierilet and we as their re- p 'reseitatives 'would like to sin. cerely°wish you welt in' your new charge. Our prayers go With "(Continued, on page 3) .Employees of the Beatty Lad- der,- Factory have .rejected a bid to. have ;the "plant unionized.' . ° • • -All :25` einP Y. lo• ees of 'the, plant lant, . expressed ,their -wishes in, a se- cret ballot on Tuesday afternoon 'and voted.' 16. to 9' against . the The ballot read in effect: "Are you in favor of, the International Woodworkers. of America as your bargaining agent?" The ballots. recorded 16 "No" and 9 "Yes:" The supervised" vote was' con- ducted at the plant; on . Tuesday afternoon between: 2:00 and 2:30 o'clock' by the Ontario. Labor Relations, Board, : with . •Mr. Ro bisheau as ' registrar. The result was ' • officially announced by Plant Manager, C. R. Bristow, An organizer of' the Interna,- tion Woodiw4rkers has in recent 'weeks bee in contact with the employees: After seine Workmen had signed up, a ' petition • was circulated `;'seeking withdrawal.; A hearing was held- inToronto two weeks -ago by the • Labor Rela- tions Board, . and a date 'subse- ,quently set far • theholding of Tuesday's . vote which .. had the approval of. :Union, Management. and the employees. The Beatty Ladder Factory has been in : operation ,here for over .two .years: The first em- ployees were.' taken on 'in • early March,.of .1958..Extensive relined elling and ' renovation:• was ne- cessary ., to put the plant in ope- ration,- pe-ration,- after it h'ad been closed, for some ten Years. TWO, .CAR ACCIDENTS ON THURSDAY' EVENING' . . Two' car 'accidents -"occurred• "in the .Village on: Thursday even- ing .within about four hours.' The first. accident, 'which oc curred; shortly after •7 'clock, caused considerable damage to Charles Mason's. 1960 Chev' and, Allan Maclntyre's 1959 Dodge. Drivers of the respective car's. were Jack. Cooke and, :. John Thomson. The collision occurred on 'Campbell St: near :.Brown's Fruit Market. Both drivers' es caped injuries.. That p evening, shortly. after 11. o'clock cars driven by 'Mrs: Ted. McClenaghan of town and Wm. Stanberry•• of 'Goderich were :.in Collision on • Ross Street at the. top .of •"Quality. Hill." Mrs. Mc- Clenatg'lian suffered_ a 'fractured• . knee cap, "'laceratedface;.• and. chest ,bruises. Mrs. Al Johnston ..and Mrs. Duncan McConnell .had 'been visiting at. the •1VIeClenag- han home that evening and she, was driving .them home. Mrs. McConnell ::received a 'broken' 'finger. • •Mr. and : MTs . Stari;berry ' were accompanied:: by. • Mr. and Mrs. Murray Popp. The •Stanberry. car Was proceeding . south and.' •issaid to have e' swerved around . d. e e another vehicle and head-on into the McClenaghan car. • Both cars were extensively damaged' and. had 'to. be towed away: • • CANDIDATE FOR OFF IC! OF DDGM Masonic Grand; Lodge is in. session °.this, week in Toronto,'. and. Dr.. James Little a : member Of 'Old Light Lodge , is. , a candi- date for the district appointment of District' Deputy Grand Lodge: District Deputy •,•elections'. are. held' on Wednesday, too late for The Sentinel to' . announce • the, results: T. ,J. ' Salkeld was the last local Mason to hold' the office in 1949 - 50: 'Previous to that Lucknow had not had a District Deputy Grand' Master since 1931 - 32 when the late George T. Aitchison held the office.. Other members of Old Light 'to hold the office were ' W. A: Wilson, : 1920; :Dan Paterson, 1909; J.' S: Ten:nant, 1896i The immediate 'past, District Deputy' is, Ken Saxton of Wing - 'ham. MAILING LIST' "REVISED' HOW'S YOUR LABEL READ ? The' Sentinel mailing ' list was corrected last Thursday, ' 'and subscription • payments made in recent 'weeks, have been. advanced accordingly. The date on your address label indicates the', expiry date and if your paper is • not paid in advance,, your early attention to . this Mat- ter is "requested. If the label date does' not show advance of . "June .60," : , your subscription is " in• 'ar rears.. The month is :indican ed ; with , the exception of • ,December, : "60," .. meaning: that You' are p'aid' to the end • of December; W.I. TAPED 'SIXTY. BIKES .,ON .•FRIDAY. About . sixty bicycles owned chiefly by Village young people, were safety -taped with, .reflective tape on . Friday morning at the Arena 'The .project was carried ' out :by. the Lucknow Women's Insti- tute as part of ' a county -wide, program: beim conducted' by :some: 66 • frrst%tute branches in co-operation ' with • the' Bruce County 'Farm Safety Council: . In charge of . • the Lucknow, taping was Mrs. Philip Stewart, president of -• the.': Lucknow branch, assisted •, by, Mrs: Ruth Brooks, Mrs. A.,•J, ` Wilson, Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell and: Mrs,' J. L. MacMillan.' A ri . da . 'wase:•sw day:•:at: ,� y m Teeswate'r it' was announced on. the bus that bike owners who missed the. "taping," could have it done at, Mrs. Stewart's resi- dence that:afternoon :Three bic- ycle ;owners' took advantage , of• the opportunity::. • In event of an •error, please advise us at once: There are approximately 1800• names in our ' mailing'. list, and our weekly ' press run . is about .1900' papers to ' provide counter • `sales, and other , re quirements.. MISS LUCKNOW'• WILL. BE :CHOSEN ON. FRIDAY Some eight contestants have:.' already, signified their 'intention of • entering the Miss Lucknow Beauty. 'Contest to be held this. Friday' evening in the Legion. Hall :under Legion,, auspices. .Cash prizes .of ;.$15., . $,10. • and $5, ares being offered and . the I winner will represent Lucknow' in the. Mits. - Enke County con test at Kincardine for three big'` cash , irizes ' of, $500:,''$200.• and $100. `Locally ., there. will be prizes forall contestants in addition to -the cash prizes At least .a dozen. Lucknow: business •places • have donated prizes ' for " the young :ladies. ON OVERSEAS "TRIP•. TO . MO O There . will be ' dancing' to Car- ruthers. • 'Orchet,tra . and..' during the evening:. the <Ladies :'Auxili •'cry . will hold a prize draw :for, • a• achair. 1 VE'�T B.C..• Mr and Mrs Lawrence Cow- an and ' children .of Sudbury aremoving�.•the end of the'' month •'to; Vancouver' : where..: Mr. 'Cowan. has a new position • Mrs.. . Cowan is the former Mary Jo Anderson, , a grand- daughter of Mrs J.' D.. Anderson of '.Lucknow, , Mary Jo's mother, Mrs:' Tor ranee Anderson,. will join them at the West Coast upon: her .'-r"e- turn from. an overseas ,trip: Mrs. Anderson is' at present on a tour of Europe Mrs.. Anderson sailed• on. June 30th. on , the S.S. ' Ivernia for ,England: From 'there' she' will ,go to the continent and' before returning to Canada will. visit in. Ireland' ' with, her son-in-law's parents; Mr.. and Mrs:. H . C. Co wan. • BAND MEMBERS PRESENT GIFT Former ' and : present'' tnem,bers of the Lucknow District High School Band presented Mr. P. W. Hoag with ran engraved slide projector on. Friday . night: Don Cameron and Don,. 'Thompson contacted . former'" band. members who along with the 'present GRA. DE 12 STUDENTS RECEIVE ;DIPLOMAS • The following students; : • o f Lucknow District ..High School have been granted ,Secondary,' School Graduation Diplomas: • , William . F. Andrew, Helen M. Campbell, Nancy/ K • •Forster, George W. Gibson, George , W. Hackett,. Donald G. Hamilton,. . Donald . G. Kirkland, .Allan ' L MacDougall, reticle F. Pent- land, M Diane' Rayner, Floyd • W Stanley, Douglas E: Stanley, .Patricia J. Thompson, 'John .Van Osch. CAB 1 NET POST ;FOR SANDY NICHOLSON • Two newcomers to, the Sask Band contributed . towards: the gift.._ , . , A list of those . responsible for the• presentation Was given ',to Mr. • Hoag along with the pro- • j ector, accessories and filriee Mrs. E. W..R:iee of -St. Heletis con- tribu,ted, her fine' penmanship in listing the names. 4 • Making the presentation were Don Cameron, Don Thompson and Bill Andrew, president of. this year's band. ItriYr ,atchewan • l:egislature have been nariled, to Premier T. C. Douglas', cabinet:' A M. ."Sandy" Nicholson of Saskatoon replaces Tom' 'Bent- ley as minister of social welfare. Ole.Turnbull; member . of El - rose, :was given the portfolio of :' o •operation and - co-operative development which Premier. Douglas has carried himself - ins til the present. °` Both Were elected to •the ' leg- islature ler ' the'. first time .'in June. , • :The • premier said the rest of the cabinet will be .named this week, either just:before the CCF provincial conVention' Or at it. The convention began 7n Saska- toon on Tuesday: The two offices `yet to be filled are •the highways• and the treas. ury departrrients., •" (Continued do page 11)' , • •