HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-13, Page 9viliDNEWAX► 41,44' 13th, 1960. MARK .FM� ;TI ETH •�RK ,ANN U IVERSARY :.:(DVNOANNON'.- NEWVS).: Mr. and.: Mrs; Bert McWhinney of Dungannon, celebrated their Nth Wedding • Anniversary on July • 6th at the lrome of, their Sz on :ITugh 'on the 2nd concession •of. Ashfield Mr. McWhinney was born in. Ashfield 'on the • farm. which is - now ..the' born.e..of ;their :son, n. for - atter ' Mrs. •McWhinney: was the for- aver `Annie ° Andrews of Goderich •township. The .couple were, mar- ried .at 'the home Of, the bride, 'which Was own • as Maple' ,Trane Farm now owned by Mr. F. Leitch :on .Highway..' 2.1. They came to the farm on the .2nd of Ashfield where 'they' farmed, for 40 : years , until: retiring to the Village of Dungannon .10 years ago. The neices and nephews hen-' ored their Uncle and . aunt on.. Friday 'evening . 'on July 8th . at the :home of the !couple., A, love ly social evening was , slent at which„ time they were present-, ed. With 'a' number of fine gifts. The neices ' served .a delicious lunch which was very much .en- joyed by all present Mr;, and Mrs."McWhinney received” many cards and letters of congratula=, tio►,' among .which were letters. from Mr. John Diefenbaker and, Elston, Cardiff.; • ' • Mr.' , and ' Mrs. John Bodner, Mathew :and• John of' 1?grt. Cre- dit spent. the, week -end with Rev. T,' Richards, Mrs. ' Richards. and Phillip. iat the ; Parsonage:,, Mrs... Bodner a. talented 'singer with , an operatic s ,background , of perfor- mance kindly' assisted with, the meriting United Church service and also °at Nile and Port Al, bertt circuits during Sunday ser• 'vices. ' She sang "How.' Lovely ,Are. Thy, Dwellings''.' which. was greatly. appreciated. Mr.' T. C. Anderson was ad- initted to Winghain 'Hospital 'last week -end', „having a. •.' seige of shingles. ainti -a THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LU'CKNOW,. ONTARIO PAGE NME'; Mr.. and .Mrs. Carleton L. Stingel -of Pincher "Creek, Alta„ are on vacaon .with the form- er's ;,mother, Mrs: L. Stingel, An. gus and, his sister, Mrs. I ..($yl, via) Langevin, ,hu, sband and family,.;• :BORN Sunday, July. 10t1 to Mr.and Mrs. David: Durnford, (nee,- Barbara' Wilson;) Peterbo- ro,,''a son, Congratulations. Mr. Robert Durnin and •daugh.•- ter,,,: Miss;. Flora ' Durnin, are on a motor triP. to 'the West Coast. They visited around. the 'first of the nionth`with. Mr. Drumlin's eld- er brother, Dr, Charles Durnin, Long Beach, California, who Chas• been retired for saline time and in a feeble condition of late. Mr. Durnin andFlora continued in their • travels • 'to the Canadian Coast andit is sad to relate; that Dr, . Charles Durnin passed away the . day after his •brother, . Mr. J, and daughter, Flora were there and at time of writing this the news had not caught . up with' them. Miss Ellen Durnin an older •sister survives here in , the village. Miss Christa Lochner. of Sehornberg is . 'house -companion and, house • keeper, SPORTS;. CAR ROLLED COVER NEAR :�KINGSBRIDGE' The death took Place. in Lea- ' Kinloss Muni..' al - Counril inington. Hospital .con June- 30th l th 'i 0 ;as r ad- met on J`u y•� ,. Per of Mrs...Mats Mallott,.; :the for- .. jqurnnieiit. -All members pres., mer Catharine Sullivan of Kiri eat. tail. She }s swvilred• by one on, Move. Conn. and •. Conley Bart of • Montreal,: and three d by n •randchildre .. Mr. n r that the minutes of the last re- gularand meeting of June 1st, 1960, and special meeting; of June 2$, 1960, as read be approved and. igned. , , Moved by' Bu and MacDon- ald that the Clerk write the ;En- ineer, re the Cliff Johnston -'and Ernie Kempel drainage petition' 1Vloved by ' Burt and • MaeDon- COUNCIL MINUTES' T100.40; Willia'ni Stanley,.Biding Pet:or' r C. 'Vogt,; Mrs., Jerry Vogt, andMrs. Joe Vanominek allofetroit ,attendedthe funeral.Visitors at tihe,home of , Mr. and°Mrs: CliftonAustin?wereyMr. and 1Vrs,.:,�T•oseph Mustin cif Floida,and Mr. *and Mrs:' LengWodley and" family of Toronto. Mr and Mrs.r Ed Mangold .of aki tl}aU' we pay 7+' cents, per Detroit: visited ..with friends. here 1 yard for all pit run gravel, from: recently; also. •Mr. and Mrs. July a 4th, 1960.. Frank. ' McCarthy • and daughter, 1Vloved b Conn and.:: �Conle London. Y Y that .the Clerk . apply for By..Larw Mr. Gilbert, Donald and; Doug- forms from the District Munici- las: Frayne spent last Monday in pal Engineer at Owen Sound. Toronto attending the funeral of Moved by :Conley and Conn Mrs: O. Frayne. • , F that we .do 'now adjourn to meet Miss ,Margaret Kraemer of •, I -lesson, visited with Mr. and Mrs. gain on �'uesday. the 2nd'day a Eugene' Frayne, Master Jimmie of August, or at the call of the Reeve. 9 Frayne • returned with- ' his , aunt Cheques issued T. J. Mans- for a holiday, field, Rev.• Edwin, Garveyof Wind, $4.72; iCarruther's Conn 'acme.' care June 1960; .255.00; sox and' Master .Billy Dalton are Lucknow Cony. Home, care June visiting friends .here 1960,' 200.00 . Mrs. Jan Mender - 'e r ' ?Bl • yth, ► Van Osch and family of Water- `loo visited, "atat :the Van Osch ho . ' mye,, Mr a� f:. 1 Md. Ryan a • Ches ey visited' with Mr. ' • and Mrs.: Walter . Clare. . .Rev.: Father. . J. Atchebowski baptized Mack, the infant son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Eugene Frayne on Sunday, July • 10th. Sponsors were Mis"s. Margaret Kraeanel` pz Douglas l♦'rayne. ' Mr and Mxs Tony Mrddigaal son .100.00' Dr R W.. Blackwe1l AMBERLEY SATURDAY of lyth Mr. and Mrs Witham school dental, ,133.75; 'Dr. J. A. MacDonald, school dental, 135.. 00 William Kriechtel and Son, W. .F. powder, .37.50; Ontario Hydro; Wihitechur,ch St. -Lights, 13•; Alex Percy, cattle, claim, 2 .00 Thomas 1VteDona1d Insp. p above, 3.80;' Ross McMillan, fence 'Viewers* 'fee, :5.00; Peter, ' Moffat, Fence viewers fee, 5.00;; William J. • , Irwin, :Fence : viewers! :.fee, 5.00; Dr. M. H. C'orrin;°' prof. ser- vice; D. McKenzie, •' Highway • Cheques:. E. ;Carru Being Brought To Kincardine thers;;: Road Supt.. and ''mileage, 'Wesley Robb, Huron Township $303.70; H. .McMillan; operator, farmer, may. be brought froin 246.25; G." Tiffin, labor on pipe London to ,.Kincardine'; Hospital culvert, 28.801. William ' Scott, the latterpart of the week: Mr.' labor on pipe•::culvert; 24:00; . Jim Robb was', critically injured over McGillivray, labor on pipe cul- two weeks ago when struck' by vert, 68.00; Harvgy Miller, labor a hay' bale elevator. He suffered on pipe : culvert',, 4.00; Thomas .a •fractured . neck 'which has left 'McFarlan,. 'checking . fill, 36.80; hxri, paralyzed.: ; ` John McInnis, checking• ' gravel,. Mrs. Marilyn,` Dobie of London was seriously injured on Satu r day when , the sports car • she was driving went out of control and rolled over several times on Highway 21,,,south of Ainberley. Shehad left the sports car .• races at' Port Albert a, , short time; be- fore:.. She was taken to Kincardine Hospital and ' from .. there' to' London. -Her'. injuries' included' a broken ,arra, broken haw,: conn cussion and' Multiple •cuts and bruises. • • A passenger, rn the car,: John Morawska of Downsview ,escap- ed with. minor injuries.•, :Both were- thrown clear when'' the car. rolled. , • . • Your ' Subscription Paid? is ouse er the Rain L.HE'S USING . MARTIN-SENOUR'S. SENSATIONAL NEW THE INDUSTRY'S MOST REVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT since your Martin-Senour dealer introduced Super Kem-Tone interiorr latex paint! A-100 Latex House paint for the first time• lets you paint your..house., anytime; . anytime at all ' even after rainfall! Just wipe .droplets off and paint right over damp surface! • LETS YOU PAINT AND ENJOY, SEASON'S PLEASURES! Yes, A-100 latex, now makes it possible for you to .start ,painting whenever convenient ... quit at the end of any sectin.••Upon :• drying, you .won't be able to tell the difference between one day's applic6fion and the next. • EASY TO use. Because A.100 is a latex -type • paint, It flows on in half the time needed for ttrdinOry finishes ... and you can use 9 on masonry as well as on wood! Plain' water cleans the tools when .you're through — it's a cinch!, DRIES IN MINUTES. In fact you'll find your A-100 finish dries so fast that bugs (or dust) hardly have time to •mar . a perfetf job I RESISTS BLISTERING AND PEELING, Your A-100 Latex coat will last and. last — its color staying sparkling .bright for years. A-100 .Latex liousepaint resists blistering, peeling and Mildewing .... stands up to the extremes, of •ou:' climate in a way never before thought possible in a wide range of. mod ern' colors at,all stores displaying this sign. Webster and MacKinnon Hari ware with tractor' 30;00; Wm ' Ifuslr grading ,,, . . with tractor; 2.80, Caul Stanley, gathering. show fence,. 9,20; Fraser ' McKinnon, 200 rod, fence .bonus, 200.00; „Earl Caslick, cover for catch basin, 3,00; Har- old Congram, :back hoe, 54 hours, 405'.00• Farish Moffat fill gravel at.' 7c, 315.84; Eldon Eckenswil- . . ler;, fill gravel at 7c, 283.08; Mrs. Annie, Maclntyre,, fill gravel at 407.40; Joe.Kerr, loader- 461/2 -hours at ,$9.00,. 1057 ,' yard gravel 26c, , 693.32;' • H. "' , H. Bannerman,` on acc. 'gravel contract; • 3,652.92; T. J. Mansfield,, grader`' repairs, 15.52;, ' Huron and 'Kinloss : Tele- phone, phone calls, '10.35r; DOM - inion Road .1VMchinery Co,, grad- er repairs, 393.76; City Service, fuel, 165.03 Wm.. Scott,, blasting,: 98.00; Chipman Chemicals, weed spray," ,.309..00; James •Conley, repair sideroad, 105:00 J. R. Lane, unemployment. stamps, 4.00. J. R. ZA1NE`, Clerk. SHOWERS, 1I •HONOR 9F'• JULY BRIDE -ELECT Miss 'Sandra J3eggs' of the lo - Cal staff of , ;the -.Bank of Mon- treal, was guest . of honor at a miscellaneous shower on Friday evening at .:the • d.home ' of Mrs.' August:;. Boehmer ',of 'Kitchener. On ' Tuesday,' evening. 'of ' this week Miss.. Deggs;' -was similarly. honored. at ,a shower ,at the home„ of Mrs.. Campbell : Thompson. `Her Marriage to Don'' Steeves. takes place i, the ';endof this ' Month. ST. EIELENS'SHOWER FOR RUTH WEBB (ST. HELENS NEWS). ,, '. Miss Ruth Webb whose mar- riage to Mr. Dan Rose .takes place on 'Saturda y was honoured at a large gathering in the com munity hall 'on Friday evening.' ' While the ladies were assemb- ling, ssemb ling, Mrs.: Chester Taylor fav- oured av oured with ,: piano selections con_ cluding; with the Bridal chorus as .`.• the bride elect was' escorted to the seat of honor`' on the platform by her sisters, Mrs. Ken Grewar and Miss. Alison' ` Webb. Above her was suspended a prettily de-• corated sprinkling •' can, pink streamers, decorated , horse shoe and a profgsior of roses and. other 'summer ;,: flowers ,were ef- fectively" ffectively" used .for decoration Mrs:.';.Allan . Miller. presided 'for a short program of appropriate readings by Mrs. James Aitchi- son. Mrs, Ross Graminie and Mrs. Charles McDonald, • an accordian solo by 'Mary Plirdon, a • vocal 'duet by Irma'Forster and, ,Mrs. Ronald •Perrott; and , interesting contests by Mrs. Harold Gaunt .. and . Mrs. Lorne. Woods. ,Mrs. ,Andrew Gaunt gave a short reading., arid pr'.esented Ruth .with ;' book' of favourite recipes, contri- buted' by the, ladies. Irina ..For- ster read an address of . 'ood.. wishes to the bride-to-be' who was ;; assisted in opening the many gifts by Alison Webb ,and' Mrs. Grewar who read the verse.' and by Marilyn ` MacTavish . and Lois . Miller: After expressing her 'apprecia- tion, Ruth invited the ladies to a trousseau .tea' at her horhe on Thursday' afternoon and. ' even- • ing. The singing .of Tor. she's a Jolly Good'' Fellow' followed by lunch 'Concluded an - enjoyable 'evening, arranged by Mrs. An- 'drew' Gaunt and •'Mrs; . Allan •Miller. • • Mr. and'Mrs. Jack ' Xardisty. of London were visitors' last week with Mr. G. A. • Webb and Mr: and Mrs. „E.: W. Rice.. Mr. Charles Stuart.. of Regina is a visitor with Mr. •and Mrs. "George Stuart and Mr.•'Joe. Stu 'art. . Mrs.'.Donald McDonald has re- turned • from a two-week Visit with Mr, •and Mrs. Hank'•Krue- ger ' and 'other relatives in De- troit. Miss Alison . Webb' returned horrs'e. on •Thursday • after a vaca- tion 'trip to the West coast, ''Mr..•George iVicQuillin ;of. Ha- milton is holidaying with: Mr. & : Mrs Wm,' Purden and other .'re lativels. 41. d•