HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-13, Page 8PHOTO COOPREALTOR 120' ,Davis $t, 'Sarnia, . Ontario, aepresented By, .. '1 " GEORGE; TIEPIN;,; salesman for this district • THF lottCPTQW SENTETa LiUCKNQW, WORM SHORT-HANDED MIDGETS; . T.NUMBER OF REAle GOOD FARMS,. • nclwding Acre far.,m, on; Highway; 50 -acre farm near Highway; Two 100 -acre- farms on. good county road;" 1.7.5 -acre,. farm. on' lighway, 500 -acre, .faring on County `road,, • LAKE: PROPERTY• e. of Lake lots wii •and without cottages. HOUSES A number of houses in Lucknow, Wingham and White- church. ;Businesses. `Of • All Kinds: FOFurther Inforim ition i Apply' to, GEORGE. TIFIIN Salesman! 'for.this area. l7 Lucknow,. Boli 217 Phone 1 84 W PURPLE GRG :Mrs 'Helen `Swann. entertained Group 1: of the Women's. Federate tion of, St, Andrew's Church ,Ripley . on (Tuesday nigh,(,, Mx.. ands ;$Mrs ;Russell Need :ham, ,Donna • and, Maif returned ,home from. -an. extended, motor• trip through 'thhe' Canadian West Mr° and Mrs, Jim :Brooks were recent . -visitors' with Mr:: and Mrs. Stewart ' Brooks ' Mrs. Frances Boyle and "Mrs Peter 'Leeson 'spent • Monday' in Owen Sound. `Misses Rosalind` Swann and Marlene: Gawley of Bruce Beach, Eileen Collins- of ' `Goderich• ; and Mary' Anne: 'McCosh; ,of, Kincar- dine, spent :'their' days off at their respective, homes;:.here, We. are, • sor to' lose 1VIr. and a r3' ;;.. Mrs: Doug •Middleton and fam- ily from our community. ' They arioved into : Ripley. Recent visitors' at Miss' Eva Mr. Lorne, ,Culberts ` were Mr. & Mrs.' Leslie; ''Harris and Donald. and..Mr, Alexi Kerr• of: "London;• Mr: Billie Ireland:0i •Burlington; Mrs. Duncan: Munn and Marion of Ripley;', Mr. 'Lionel, Munn and son Allan of Toronto,. Mr. and. Mrs. 'Julien Butyniac and Jean of St. Catherines Merit the week -end with Mr.', & Mrs.- Bill, Arnold.' 'were happy, happy, to: 'see Our (Road`. Superintendent and. his Work Crew .move 'on •to' Con. 12 ,to widen and improve .the mile: and a quarter: east of the •church.: We :�:welcoine . Mr.... and Mrs. Frank , Kuntscli and family to oar.; community. They are living on the former 'Eli Morgan farm. Mr and .'Mrs: ' Sam 'Ernerson;q Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Arnold,. Mrs. John Colwell 'and.. Mr. Arthur ;Parkinson of Port Elgin were recent, visitors ith/ Mr ' and Mrs' :Don Mc Cosh. ;Tom Mr Robinson; Miss. Edna. s. bi ll; and Miss Alice Blue e u of Toronto spent; ,Saturday Nand Sunda- : wiljh Mrs Victoria Smith ;;ah Mr. Murray• Calp- •.bell r r Mr. , tHrry : Long :of Toronto are; holidaying, this. week with their sisters ; and 'brothers,. IN BUSY SCIEDIII4 ° Boas' Robinson '.has. ' had M'l is Problems trying to• field a. Mid, eget'team, 'to play Our game$: in five .days, . in• winding up •the schedule.• At Pinkerton last ° Thursday Lucknow dropped -a 12.7 11 de-- vision ' 'as Pinkerton pushed across the 'Winning, run 'in the least rine ing On : �k`riday: night Whitechurch downed Lucknow 9 to 3, ' A Sat- urday : night ' game' `at Tiverton was postponed to Monday. when Lucknow was on the short, end of a seore : of 18 •T 4. 'Neaday night; • •the short -+handed squad were scheduled.. to take on Ripe ley in the loeal park. BY USING 4 foot x, 8 foot' PANELS GYPROC TEN TEST MASONITE . OAKGRAIN VERTI , BOARD , WALNUT VERRTI ..BOARD BUTTERNUT VERTI ' BOARD 'PLYWOOD An. Extra 'Room Can Be Made Quickly And Economically WE'CARRY A •GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL' 'THESE 'PANELS. • FRESH CEMENT IN STOCK FOHT • `iii.. HENDEIISON • LUMBER ..LTD. Phone 150 Lucknow, Ont. •.► ►��-010-N•46,411,4.-4416Wh.11.41 01.KO•A M. and iVirs. John • McIver, Mrs, Victoria. Smith . and Mr: Murray Campbell, . Messrs.: Gordon -Robertson and Michael Boyco of:• Goderich ,holi- dayed' with • Mr. Carl' Collins last;, week. SUNDAY PATROL AT BOILER B EACH Huron . Township Council met on July 4th •With., all ,.;rnenibers' present. • Mr. Ian Maceachern addres . sed• the Council and.. asked for. the usual grant for the upkeep'. of the roads. andhills' of Bruce Beach. The tender of the .Royal ,Bank for the Debentures for the con 'struction . ' of •' the Huron -West School Area was. ' accepted . at $$96:649 per .hundred on 51/2 % in .terest,' this being : the highest of- fer: v.'A .letter ' ;of thanks : was read from ° the Horticultural ;Society' for , a donation . from: the Twp. for: the upkeep . of flower beds at , the Ripley Cemetery. Council decided to, hire a:. pa- trolman for Sundays in July & August to : supervite the . Boiler Beach area.: The County Clerk'. ' informed us. • that the County 'will require $38,949.21 as' County rate. • The following,`' accounts were , ordered .paid:. Cemetery --Ivan Pollock, care, $120.00; Township -,Bruce Beach WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th, 1960 aterloo :CattIereeding ,Assoc. "Where. Better :Buns . Are Used" You are,' invited to ANNUAL BULL NIGHT :TUESDAY, JULY 19Tki_ '1960 The Whole .Family' • is : Welcome For re information regarding , our ,Artificial . more Insemination Service call:- . a CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 or KINCARDINE 460 COLLECT , .Between:- 7:30 and 9:30 a,n. weekdays 6:00' and 8;00 . p. m. Saturday evenings BETTER CATTLE 'FOR: BETTER LIVING 'PROCLAMATION I hereby pr ond4y, A CMC k .. ugust HOLIDAY a 1st : FOR° : THE ' VILLAGE' . OF LUCKNOW .and Call' upon all citizens. to observe it as such. George ;Joynt,.. Reeve. B. .of . M. AWARDS FOR. HIGH• SCHQOL :GRADUATES Although there; is ,.none from the Lucknow District '• High 'School it is, of interest that 657 young . `Ontario students are ih. the, running for the 13 Bank of -Montreal Canada. Centennial Scholarships ; which ' are to ;be awarded' . in this province , in 1960. Applications. for the schol- arships. -- each, worth $750 m Association, grant, 300:00, .:Earl •the first , year have now : clos- `,vacation Pay, 27,78, Regist- ed. 50 scholarships will ' be Tout, awarded in " Canada.: These • schol- ran of- deeds, list, 3.06; D. B. arships for' the 'study of ;arts & Blue; hall supplies, 1.31; Dr. R •W. Blackwell, ;dental' services, 213.75 Dr: J. A. Macl3onald, dental services, 507.50; ,Doris MacDonald, : care of shall, ' 11.00; Telephone System, hall phone 8.e tolls, '1265; Ripley Legion, share` of ' decoration •service,:12.00; Post Office; unemployment. stamps, 'Roads Steve Irwin, Sup't 317:95 and 'vacation :.pay 69.70; Ernest' Walden grader,` 302.17.'& vacation 'pay, 62.44; John :Blac- kat, . checking gravel, • 53.10; Ripley Hydro, township shed,' 3.02; • Walden 'Brothers, freight, :2.00;' Sherwin Williams, brush= kill, 180,00; y G. W.' C'rothers, :grader repairs',' .119.63; Frank's garage, repairs, 7.95; McArthur Hardware electric fence 'and tools, 47.66; Morford McKay, repairs, , 8.50; Roy Marshall, hauling'' gravel, 435,40 William Kempton, hauling.gravel, 1,059.- 00; Graham Cook, hauling and dozing, 369.00; " ' W., ; L Shantz, hauling and, dozing, 1;533.54; Coiling Brothers, hauling' , and loading; 255.15; Harry . Coiling,: hauling and loading; 774.75 Joe Kerr, 'balance �f, gravel contract, '2,118.00; Mrs, Herb Huston; • gra- vel, 215.00; • James Elliott,. erect- ing guard rail; 60.00; Imperial Oil, diesel fuel, 273.00 Canadian' 'Tire !Corp., battery, 16.95; Mc;', Arthur Tire 'Co., tire and tube, 271.3'5; D; . G MacDonald,' spray - err • oil, 75.72; • Carl ' . Wilkens Sanding hills, is, 25.60; Dan Kenne- dy,. work, and material on fence, 38.10; H. Iagedorn, levels, 2.00; ,Harold Congram,, ditching, 330,=. 00; Leslie Howe,, talciuni eh1or4 ide, 1,748.54; Howard ',Hodge, re- pairs, 15.50. Council adjourned to meet again on' August 2nd. (Tues•day) EARL TOUT, 'Clerk. sciences -at Canadian uriiversi-; ties. Every 'application had to, be accompanied . by :the recommend ation '•of the student's principal; so • that there. 'has ' already been -considerable • .'-"pre=selection"., in the, high schools.: The scholarships :to. be •award- ed • this year' are the first step in a seven-year plan• announced. by the ,B of Min:May ,to pro vide bank -aided university • study: The program willculmi-' nate :•in, 1967, the year of the "centennial : (ff.-Canadian Confed= eration .:and •. the, :bank's ' .150th anniversary,. when two final.' B of . M.. Canada centennial awards will _ be :made.' One • award will be in ' arts `. and ;oe In science each ; in the amount ` of , $5,00.0 for study anywhere in the ' world. • STILI. `RECALLS THRILL ,:OF' THE CENTENNIAL ' W G: °. Girvin • of 'Calgary, ,in renewing .his `.`Having',,visited: Lucknow during the 'centennial, & meeting many people who knew my parents, .; it ,was 'really a , thrill to me."-. Mr. Girv'in ''bought souvenir, books, and, sent :thein to his 'bro- thers;. in • California. H'is. brother, 'Bob, , visited Lucknow '• last sum:7' mer, • which ,was the first time be was ' `back since :leaving here in 1907. ANNOUNZEMENT HAS ENGAGED A I2 -YEAR :xperienced Body, DON STEFFLER OF KITCHENER We . are now . capable of handling • MAJOR & :MINOR BODY .REPAIRS & REFINISHING and can offer: FULLY EQUIPPED PAINT ' SHOP WRECKER SERVICE, ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT Come In and .Meet, Done at BILL'S FINA •SERVICE '. -- CAMPBELL' STREET Bill Hunter, Prop, Phone 55 Lucknow