HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-13, Page 7VEDNESDAY, JUL' 1301, 1980 :A. M. ,HARPER AND COMPANY Chartered Accountants West Street • CODE RICH,• • ONTARIO Tele hone ,,JA 4-7562. •.07(....,i•• BENTLEY PUBLIC ,• 'ACCOU'NTAN;T . GODERICH ONTARIO fox 478 '..Phone JAckson .4-9521 • .. ►': R.: CDU 'VAL • Chiropractor r ' Thera ist b sio .and Elecirro . p . I'..Y Wi?am P400 300, • (Office :located , nt ' former CKNX. building on the Main ,..Street); N' �NS 'A �. U R .E-. k'Il3E WIND, CASUA .TY . AtTTAIVIOBITL+' • • AND ` LIFE: Protect Your •Jack, Insure. Wit' Jack`,` Today. cDONAGH ..A..M . Lucknow, Out.` 'Phone 61-5, •Dungannon HET1ERINGTON, Barrister,Etc. Wingham and •Lucknow IN LUC-KNOW each ;Monday and Wednesday Located in' the 'Municipal Office 'Phone: Wingham Office 48: Residence. 97 • STATE FARM ''MUTUAL • AUTOMOBI LE' INSURANCE • Investigate ,'Before investing REUBEN .' WILSON R.R. 8 Goderich Phone 80-,r--8 Dungannon ' :• JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phoine 76' , Day or Night 'USE' oi,,timiliAL HOME !tt No Extira Cost. LNbderate, Prices . Established 1894 • IMPERIAL.OII; PR•ODUTS . fox' prompt. seiVice, and quality ' products, cortaet: . . H. It. CHISHOLM Phone' collect Dungannon 194-2 Always Look Til Iiriperiaj' • For The 'test": THHE; LVCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. 011TA1tIO GERALD . N. CROOKS DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone. 545 . KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Qfiice hours: Daily Monday '• to Saturday Wednesday a.m. ,. Evenings Tuesday, _Thursday, Saturday 'MCLEN:NAN. and' MacKENZIE FUNERAL 'SERVICE Services conducted . accord, ing to: your wistresiat Your Home, your, Church, or • at .our Memorial Chapel at no • additional charge... ' Phone 161; Luoknow, Day or Night , WI NGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have' , Been Memorial Craftsmen for'; Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using ' THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and, Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable - .. Cemetery Lettering :a Specialty • R. A. SP TT 'Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario; O :A. LAN' WILLIAMS Optometrist Office • on Patrick. St., just Off the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional al Eye Examination e Y Optical Services `F,or. • appointment, Please. Phone 770, Wingham R W.ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTO;WFL, ONTAR1U Iht LUCKNOW . • Every, Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon•. Office in the Joynt • Block Telephone: Office ,135 Residence 81-J ':LUCK. OW 'DISTRICT, CO-OPERATIVE INC. Phone' Lucknow, 71. TED' COLLYER. Registered Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in , Electrical Wiring add 'Repairs AGENT FOR SPARTON ,TV and All Electrical Appliances • -Phone 46-r=25, i,uc no • ROBERT E. I,RVIN. GENERAL GARAGE Agent fbr OLIVER FARM' (VIA, HINER•V and coMpiete FIRESTONE LI10 Phdhe' Dungannon3 • PRESENT' PURSE TO MOORE FAMILY (WHITECIjIRCH NEWS) Mr. and Mrs: Charlie : Moore and family will leave on; Mon day for (their new home 'in Bur- wash where • Charlie has .been. employed for some ..time, as -a. -prisoner guard. The Ball Teams. collected from:, the .people in' the community ' and %.presehte& Mr. and 'Mrs.,. :Charlie •.Moorewith :a purse °of money., Mrs; Bili .Conn ' of, this Som- munity /narked her. 90th birth- day 'on the '5th of July.. Mr. •arid Mrs.. • Harold .Johnstone of Park hill and Mrs„ . Kate: Hutichison. of Wingham . attended the birth- day of ' :Mrs. Conn.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forster of Lucknow visited ,• on Sunday, at the: home of Mr. and Mrs.":John-` stone 'Conn. • John Willis,, 'son" of Mrs. Doris. Sunday at. the home 'of Mr.: and. Mrs.°. $ C; Willis of Gowanstown. :John' Willis. son of • Mrs. -Doris Willis is ' spending the 'week in Sprucedale: and Garry Willis is spending: the week in 'Crumlin. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mitchell of ; Toronto 'visited' .over .•'the. weekend ,at' the . home of Mr.. &" Mrs. Bill`Henry''&, Mr. and •,Mrs. Russel l Gaunt. ' Eddie Hand, son of 'Mrand Mrs. Hugh' Hand . of Whitechurch is a patient in Wingham General Hospital after being hurt . in 2,a car' accident on Friday. .night. There was . a . large crowdin. the: Whitechurch hall on Friday S 'KENNETH ENN TH J. MacKENZIE.; • it.O Optometrist: LISTOWEL. ,ONT. at the former Wrbna Jewelery store, Ripley; ' 10 a.m. to. 9 p.m.: WEDNESDAY,' JULY '6th and every Second.' Wednesday. N ,.. . Eyes, examined Glasses fitted ..For. appointment. •'phone Roy, MacKenzie, ' 96-r-24; Ripley IR. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH, F. • T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The ;Square (Phone JAckson• 4-7661) • • FURNACE,' OIL STOVE OIL,. KEROSENE,. GASOLINE;. See .or. call WM.. A'. "BUD" 'HAMILTON :Phone 220-w Lucknow'' •:District:: Agent flit • Cities Service J PAGE SEVEN' :4. Heavy Duty Batteries Generator Exchange , Fuel Pumps, , as lo*: as. .: Brake Shoes : Exchange,.f se Voltage Regulators ...; $7.95 up° .. ;$8.95 $2.: $7.8590 ,. $3.98 �e�elAlignment and,�Balanc �ng� ..:Motorcade Dealer -; :Phone . 3,L,it� know night for Mr. and Mr's. Jack Coultes reception. • Miss. Karen Groskotth read the address and Mr.`' Bill Willis • presented the couple, with a ;purse: of money.: Mr.' and Mrs. Carl 1VIcC•lenag- ban and Mr.. and Mrs. Ben M' c- Clenaghan spent Sunday , in . St. Thomas for •a farewell picnic. for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leeson & fara ly' who will start. on Monday ,to 'motor home > "to Nanaimo after ,tvfp weeks: holidays with her parents, ': Mr. and • Mrs. Ben :Mc- Clenaghan and; her brothers and' Sisters of other places. ;Miss: •Janet' :Gaunt, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Russel Gaunt has completed her' grade two theory of ` music from: the'.Boyal•Conser vatory , of Music, Toroxito, She received first class honoursand. hero teacher was.. Mr. Frank. 'Pur- ves of .Hanover. Mr and Mrs. Dus'tan 13eecrof t returned home .last week after ,:spending a few :holidays in monton, .,' There will .'',be a• W,1VhS. Meet- ing. at the .home. 'of ,Mrs. Dustan, Beecroft On the 20th of July. It will be_ for the Mission, ",Band' & Baby. Hand. Mr.' and Mrs. Relison Falconer and ' family of'Sarnia visited on Sunday at' ;the, home of Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil ' Falconer. Mr: and Mrs. Ken Pardon. of Thorndale spent ether. week, end .at the home • of Mi.' yand Mrs John Purdon:. Mr. Albert Patterson. visited ,on Sunday at the, Borrie of Mr. Jim . Patterson • 'of ,.Kitchener: Mrs. Jim "Falconer visited on: Sunday at 'the home of Mr.. and' Mrs. Charlie Falconer of'•Glamis. Douglas Parker, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Bill`"Parker of• Exeter. spending' the week. with Mr. and •Mts. Carl McClenaghan: Barry and , .Douglas, Tiffin spent the week -end at the hoine. of their': parents, Mr`: and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. The: 'boys . hate been working: at thefarms of Mr. and Mrs: Dan McInnis and Mr: and Mrs. Robert 1VIdnnis of Holy - rood :.. Mrs.• Russel Chapman "spent ar: few;. days at the•' +home ' of • her daughter, . Mrs: Boss ' Bxriibli' of - Toronto. Mr. :Russel Chapman & ,. ;Garry' were in 'Toronto for 'Sin day 'and they.. all'returned backs. ,home',together., .: RECEIVES .GRANT ID' ANT • IN 'A OF .POLITICAL RESEARCH :'.Dr Carey B. Joynt, head °of the department of.. international relations at Leheigh University, Bethlehem, Pa:, has been award-' 'ed:` a '$1;000 grant-in-aid:; by .the Aarn'ercan 'Council: of Learned; Societies.' The ' grant :.was 'Made to support. • Professor Joynt's re search on a : theory of': interna tional politics.: It is .'an attempt,, to 'apply the concepts'; of; uncer tainty, ''risk ..: and" :rank.. to the policies. :and activities; . of the:. great *owers Dr. Joynt •is a IIensail"•-riatti 'e-.. it'd • a i .i . J. W, • Joynt. Ai C. AGNEW IS V'WINGHAM -BUILDING ,.INSPECTOR • Wingham �Council'has appoint- ed ;'A C.. Agnew of Lucknow, as. building,:: inspector for the ..town of Wingham, where > he ' also holds the position','` of assessor. In the new appointment replaces Police:•:iChiefGordon Deyeh, who••. has held -the post, •on' as temporary, basis for ,some time.. Mr Agnew was • appointed on: the basis of 50 per cent . of 'the permit ' fees. His duties will not include'.- the ' ,.inspection of any, municipal Or ,public buildings. ' The appointment;' followed a long discussion by council mem- bers. on problems relative to new, construction :in the town, and in. particular • abort cases where buildings have been. started •be- fbre building permits'. 'have been issued. The general opinion • of-: council, wto the effect •that enforcem,ef t.• of the '. 'building code wotild have to be tightened: tip and more '.thought put 'on permits that' are issued. ATTENTION itUflStS YOU Lawn and . Plant Food 50%: Captan Fungicide, All Purpose Fungicide Ant and Grub Kil "Slug-Kil Soil Sterilizer CAN. PROCURE WILSONS All. Purpose .Garden Spray 2-4 IS Weed Kil. Brush Kil (Poison Ivy, etc.) 50.% D.D.T. (Leaf Spot on Roses) Rose Dust eners "VIGERO LAWN ' FOOD and SPHAGNUM" . PEAT MOSS for your Plants WILSON'S DSPRAYERS ,. tattach to Garden Hoseand spray 9 Galtreated atia1and allyou carry is 24 TRUE! pote:41.444044.4.4shir** Available At:- Knechtel an Son.. Lucknow Branch,. • .Phone, 78� "THERE'S A NEW LIFE FEED FOR. EVERY NEED" • 94 .n. •