HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-13, Page 6,.. .-. .... .. .,....... •9 • .,::.'111 .... r.. .. .,. .. • G �,. 1. , � . Y"' •! .. KINT w �. , of AUXILIARY 1i�Y a�rnvG � �� " , . , I , . s HIC ula1r, ~'Jul : o• yeti f ` rid h , O _ilr_ , . �t , I � . , Gavi �w M915 , . W The reg . Y the Kintai P Woznen's- Institute, , . The regular meeting of the' was. held .at the home of NZrs,; �'a3' I''oly"2 . : ,business their rooms at 8.20 tolloveied the opening ' 9. ��A�7�=�2�i� �gill►C��U �1►:�i'TS Ladies, �iu�ril�a'r• � . ��r�ch ii084 henry Mac�enze, The'le�ercxses...� : :. , . , . 11 was held in t, . • . - , _ : - on July 5th, The �residerrt, Katie ' Mrs.. Stuart MacLennan . & Mrs. , ; .. 11 $+Iel� Te;C I $l#C r da :. ;Purvis opened the meeting. The JQb Collin, son were or the coin . .11 11VAi;�1[ 'SON " . - membership .draw ' was won ,by mittee : to 'look 'after: ;the bake ... , ' . ' I,ois � Macintosh who was. not sale to be held''''at Point Clarke g . _ .. resent. Mrs. • J'ack E 1 land, 'as- on August 19th, A coanmittee of • - , E. Kt' N' 'Y,, B. d, ; .A, C.A. ,.-Resident Manager . - .. 999 ` 1.. J I. arer with, Mrs. Mrs.. dIenry MacKenzie, Mrs., , � , „ = . silted as flag be . o i on and" Mrs. Clare.' Robert Farrish 'a' ' Telephones. �.u$mes 6 3 Resi ence l06 rs Doug k nd 14 . dRbns . . Hovvar. Z ' _ cting secretary Drennan were appoirite,d to plan Johnstone was a e +ban Sport for the quet : for the lis .. sent. They Preside th asked r ,for •Car ]taces to be .held: on July �helo, ;for Legion dance,.' July .12,' 9 Mrs. James• Little prepared At ',this dance, the Ladies Auxi the current events. Barbaxa. Bary, will draw 'for • their chair. ! MacKenzie' favoured the ladies . y 11 1: . . I AVews 11 RANC9Agent ' Tickets for this .may be had with a piano solo. . . 91 ., . . frown' memibers of the • Auxiliary The meeting closed with thea g Anyone wariti more tickets Queen and Grace after which . '` . may ' contact Mrs. , Lorne. John- the ,hostess served a "dainty t . �q,: r. I- GENE .A INSU LANCE r. lunch. , . . MacNaughton�wS ck :Comm 'Susan . '""��� . prize was' -"wore b Mrs. Jean.' South. Kinloss W.M.S. - • % r 11 P ,.:, .•: . . p , Phillip Builr.ding fund priie was Mrs. Donald 1VIacIntyre was lZ�O1128'.:.. 1aR�s• .39 k�QWARD AGNEW Readence 138 wan• .by Mrs. Nellie: Johnstone. hostess to flee . South IinlosS Y K , .. . ,, . �. Presid6' t • Purves suggested W.M:S.. • on Wednesday;, • evening,. . . ' • . she' would hold an Dutch. `Auc-' July 6th; with. Mrs.' 'William Mrs,,, <. ,. tion at "the September meeting..MacIntyre and Mr G.' Lockhart ' I. ;., _ Stanley home were Miss Bever- Plans were talked, Aver to as 'directors. Mrs. �$uckton pre- TNLQ Cs hold 11 .1a Hlallowe'�en : Dance' '�th,is 'sided ,and Ghe secretor 's report . , . lel Stanley who ., is , attending • • n 'SaI—or ay lily desecendants Starnzner;'$Ohoot :nt � Hamilton & Year`• A lovely `lunch was Served'' revealed that some thirty rnem-I. ' Mr.: Dan Tolefson of Toronto at the close' of the mee"tin previous. the late Mr4 and Mrs: Edward g hers: had gathered the 19 . ]Messrs. Johnny and ` Stephen Held Picnic : , Thursday - evening at ',the-. home . ;' lst>i3eg held there annual :get .. . .9 ,_ _ _. v ,here: a ,picnic 'was,, Elliott of DiAtoitt are holidaying . A few ladles of .'the Lucknow. of Miss Martha Sutherland` .:who p �fiYftl' Leorinrd antiirthur Stan Auxiliary and their families en= ctinv,ened 'the program for the 3 eld at„'Catnip .I eewv!adyn which le ' 'o' ed a ionic at .Kincardine: Tib Helpers eting .ass .. J Y 1'., mle m: fisted t Sot�ith of A erley. y ,: , , . .� Mrs. Ii. ;Dawson: !and' Mrs.' ”' a t+i•■ s�tum, ed ere' IQ a `. i ' . attendance ; ;. M,t , Kenneth Hb, dgiizs of F`Lnt, on June. 30th.. NF1, verY,, enjoyable by , er - Downy .The nest s coker was ..s , . , 1VlithigAA Aftd ]Vies. "Hary Hod- 'day ,was had by all, Those .par, Y g P , Amon those resent ficin ,a g p , , Miss . Mar ,,� •.:=...w. N s• of.'i.ondon: t ahe'week ticipatin�g .xn 'sports were; Girls Y fac�i.eod 'who -was gnn , spt'n . drstntice_ W6% Mr:' . , and ,M' - . , _ 6 ,and under, -Marilyn ` Hamilton thanked . " shy , :Mrs. W. F ''Mac• end at, their home here and also &. ;:. `*erett ' tanle ." and;:. famil : of ar _ y Y.., , _ . , Janet Cooke gene Wall ' Bo s 'Donald and presented with a ,, attended . the - Stanley farruly Te ; .. , y , lint; Mr; ; .and Mrs,; Leonard, resided • :. , union::. im Cowan; John' gift. Mrs n . p , . CALL , Storer . and; - farcmly of . Lansing, 5, and under, if . Mr. and Mrs. Chris •.Shelton .A,Y- Wall,. Robert Wall; •Boys 6 - Bible • 3T $uckto tae .Elliott and' �' and the roll call was a . :: r mid lbs... 9 1 11, su h .Johnstone, Johnn verse, containing the wofid NUMBER ' - �yy ,, r~: -and'. MVs. Earl Elliott . , y in L• ondon g y. Ad .... , ., Spent, Mondor • wins; Larry Hamilton; Girls g. owledge. M xn.VlacIntyre end faiml 17etroit •all of i�la+ces , of interest ,visited by Y' r conducted the Bible question _ ... 9, ' Marilyn 'Hamilton; Janet rle»dci;: spent. ,the week -end wroth the "seho°1 pupils . on, their re- _ answer stud on John `8'. -'Mxs: q • : , Cooke • Girls l0' 1$; ITelen • Y ; .. end ' Mts. •Ezra' ' Stanley and cert' bus trip were The Book, Co: .\ ... ;,. ; ,..,_ . oh sitor at th at ::Owen Sound, The Blue Moun- nstone, Wendy MacKenzie; 'Sandy Macleod, accompanied #amlly 1�th I v s e _ by Mrs. •.A Hughes sang "The . Shoe kicking, Mrs. An Jahn - lain Pottery, GeorgAan Cl ina, st ne ,. Th :;. { r' - . one, Wen Y MaeKenzre;,''Helen N nett' :and e;' Study ori Smarts, The Museum . at Coiling- i Ni !, , , wood :also The Devils. Glen. Joh'ns'tone; Needle and . 'thread: Africa was ,taken by: Mrs... 'om " .L.' 1.,. ,. .,.. x,. .�. l..:wv. .'. . c 1V - Anna ''Johnstone :and Mrs. Ma llustrated her. , c 'en ' who 11 11 ;,Mrs.; Dillon Sr, and Mt..:: J� Joan, En land• 'Eirthda nearest t lk withea map land:,:numerous" • Dillon moved ` 'on Monday ' to. . g. . Y ' picnic; Kim - Co*an, Oldest lady p . � African; scenes ' as ' — , Teeswater; 'where . they will re • _ well r.. of collector's page, of b Mxs. George a 'S I at picnic, Mrs. Howard. Robin p, .g ,, y g ; t . �, . sLde:- �'won. sunders• ell - 4 ; son; Purse Mystery lVirs: Joan :Afcan stamps: { IVirs., H: ' Laves mrnation :contest; won .by Mrs: . Yy ` Misses Edna and Ma Boyle E ` 1 .n _ read letter 'fr'om Mrs. t' ohn ; Emerson'• � � . the essiri .. Y . England d �and� Mrs. Howard, Rob LydiaY J ; . � g ,: t } werej, recent, visitoxs;' with'. their inson• V.Married ladies race 1VIr Philip an D.• Graham.,`read contest, . `won by Mrs. 'Elmer d Mrs: . ..uncle, Mr: Dick. Neil at` .the'" Hey- hirley Cooke , Mrs. An John-. recent coriimunicat ons' from `Johnston; drawing of : an. ani- " I : N'ursing home at Exeter;'o e• Number. • ellen Mrs, missionaries. The directors, sere mal,>,' won'` b Mrs.::Sam `Reid. n -, � g� M Y also .wrtY Nie.: and• Mrs. Arthur. Wall, Mrs. Pauline.:Adawns:_ y lunch. 1Mrs. Salkeld won the purse con- , . 1. 1 d a' fast' .Simpson and family at Clande' ', -'. a test and .Mrs. Fliil p 'Stewart: and . boye. ' LUCKN0W W.I • H Mrs: '..Salkeld won . � • the flower •. E - The, H.W:I. xnet on' Thursday %ZIQN :I. PICNIC.. AT C�ODER,>( Iii . contest. , evening when: they': entertained A bus cad' of :members . f -lily A it w s a` ointed to',. neLghbours. Mrs. Morgan John , C.ongratulrations to ,all 'the pu- Lu o .. o : tee a pp. els on W ckn w omens ; ,Institute plan.•for the bus''trip•'to Kitchen stop 'presided rand welcomed the P passing ;their exams, also, held their' picnic. in Goderich on `er ,on • the. 18th of August. The` guests.,' ,Followving.., the opening 'to,°Mar,.lene Hunter. Freda' afternoon: ;The form.' of membe s' of the. Committee axe sand "business "period; Mrs. Ly ,Mnand -Mrs.. D A. Hackett rm x . i .entertainment.', was ,,as ,follows: .Mrs. 11 .-Johriston'. Mrs: Wilson, ~ : man. Sutton reported on the' bus .visited at.' .Victoria" Hospital, . guessirLg .the number' of alleys Mrs. Fisher; 1VIrs: Stewart. Lunch •. trip .to the Stratford 'Shaketper London • on '.Sunday with: Mrs. . contest,, wore by Mrs. .,Philip Ste- was :served which brought to a ion Festival ., on July 21st.' Play. Harry `Hackett , who • 1s ''improv wart' ' clothes pin contest,, won' close �a Veryr enjoyable afternoon;' 5 �; Romeo and Juliet: Mrs. Frank ing. . Maulden . gave, the District Det- Mr., and :Mrs: 'Gordon 9. Stobo . r: . ectors • report. On • -August . 15th ' and Hetty ; of : Teeswater. isite . v. d , the "i.W.I will be hostess at, the xetly with Mr', and Mrs. Gor- , ` y I- I. , . , log house a#1 the museum - at ' don Kirkland. . • "Southampton where _ they � veil Mr and Mrs. Nelson Ra nard' . furnish. a' room: ,Roir-'c""al[Ir and Chris visite_• . 3'0 A• ,, „1 - • ui Something .comical I heard , a Sunday- . ;f��. d in Godtt , 3� erich on paint: ,;: '999 '' child sa . Achievement Da ' ;;, , 3'• y. Mr. attd Mrs. Earl 'Swan •and' , 4 n r I I . . y 1;. will he July 15th: Dr: J B:' Tin-, '.w•isited his. arenas Mr�b e., dall of Ripley gave a ve. m ' s rt' ter-' len P.. . I . Mrs;. Earl Swa ,Sr. `at the �k' d n , "` ', ' trated . talk - on the I • . tax,, esting illus week -end:: .. • ., ",heart: , how' pit functions and , li­•., . . , - Miss. lKarleve Brooks visited. . . ,�- ,,;1 . . . _ the different diseases that 'are rxly, with` PTancy£rkland...' �A a;�. ` , ` cornyhon. Mrs: �P. A. Murr8 r';' ,,.:�Wl. a ,:< , .. THE CION is the King. of Beasts . X Keri Gardner has gone fio $ ,;; a. 1 P . introduced Miss Anna .MacDon-- camp. . ';* ,'i , ,. fl• . ; . andstalla:kis; reywith;litile' perwash to attend •.A';