HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-13, Page 4ASE ' FOUR HB vt,Te JQW SENTING,„ LUCKNQW, ;ONTARIQ WFOIN' SDAt, JLl'LX ;13th, 1080 tr rt •,li SSI 'I 1] 'ADVERTISING . 'BATES -=- Fist Insertion 2c g'Insertions, 11/26 -per per �vi�ord,; minimum'. char � � Oc. Repeat wo .o,, Cards , o( . Thanks and Coming rd, minimum 40c, Notices, Events, minimUm 75c. In Memoriams, minimum, $1.00, 2 5 c extra' for replies to .TheSentinel, Billing ; charge of 10c for each bill rendered':' FOR . SALE', a+14R SALE -- ,1950" Dodge, ,sound .`Wand smooth. running. W. Winterstein. " SAY FOR STALE -- A, quantity Of baled hay, : 1Burtun.• Catlins, RA, '8 ,Ripley; Ontario, phone'' 5: ring 3. r • x AOR . SALE; 3-hgrse power, ,dust proal:' electric motor;,' also, coal conveyer:': Apply J.:,;13, Breckenridge; - phone Ripley ` 66- -16. E „ attractive „leoknng� watches On' display' at ,Georges •Snack' Bar, eorg�e Farrish,, prop., . phone' 162 ut;kriow, r R SALE --- Allis-Chalmers odt31 ;.60 C'combine,„, in•..like newt condition, f'1 ave '`:bought •larger machine Apply=, ltu set Irvin,. I t 7 ,Lucknow,, phone 64-r 17 (SED P1 O REFRIGERATOR in good °cQ clition,' Greer , TV , and ;Electric,plione• 1:;10 'p LtieknOW.' • a ` WOOD. FOR SA E—hard inaple • and 'elfin, slabs; truckload lots ,of, about: 4 r"cords,, :also;,; .sawdust, wood ; .delivered freer hof charge y withi racli z`s cif: l ,miles. Spence min, phone 171' Lucknow: 1 4,j .GOM�I�, R - •6 ternatiorial, complete with, ick -u andscot> clean k 4years: ld; . reason le .: for ,quk,sale.: as. 1 nderson;: R, 3 'I;ticknow, brie' 69,15, f Diiiga�tirion'a AOR,SA14E gravel, fill and top ,soil, ' Contact JackParrish 'phone 286, • Luckrioiw. °,' WESTINGHOUSE ' combination 'washer -dryer, used, •as;' good as newreal bargain Greer TV & Electric, Lucknow. •':PHoT'O . for " brides,: fai ii dies, ` noteworthy-; occasions; an- niversaries available at the Luck- low Sentinel.' See the ` "Our Wedding" ;photo file. Line of 'Guest Books for anniversaries, parties, showers, ''teas, etc., phone. 35, Lucknow.: FOR SALE SUMMER” PROPERTIES REDDI BUILT 'homes 'and.: cot- tages, • prefab 'arnd erected., Free literature: Easy ' terms, See our samples, Genoe Luinber, Orange Ville, ;Ontario. ,CUST(1Vx BUTCHERING . • Beef 'rand, pork sold . in , _ any .quantity, 'Custom butchering in Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every •. Tuesday. Beef from Monday thrqug i" Thursday, BIJ1 TON'S MEAT, LMARKET FILTER QUEEN`. Sales, and Ser- vice, :. rel airs to all ° 'makes of vacuum ' cleaners:. Used cleaners •of all Makes for, sale:. Robert K. Peck, Varna, }:telephone Hensall 696 ;r-2: y ' EPTIC' :TANKS • Septic Tanks, cess pools, 'etc.,` puunped .and cleaned with mod=' ern ',equipment. All work: guar- anteed. •.Louis `Blake,. R. 2 . Bros: sels,, phone 42-r=G, Brussels: COMING EVENTS ..,*AI DEN PARTY Pine River garden party ,"Will;. be 'held on Thursday, July 21. Supper served from 5:30 to, ,. 1.3.1n. Ball game, variety' prog- ram,. Admission, adults. $1.00 Children . 50c. FOR, RENT 1 FOR RENT heated • building suitable. -for shop or office.. Available August lst. Apply to. Win..-Murdie and. Soli. ,COTTAGE FOR 'RENT at Point' Clark. July 17 -31. • Electric: range, • electric refrigerator' and bathroom:' K. C. J,1liurdie. NOTICE: As several. clients have com- plained of not yetreceiving their income tax refiund, • • T have been in touch with the , chief assessor: of the tax ,the at Kitchener who tells me there is a bottle' -neck'. of refunds, • and the Department is ' doing their, best to send returns as ' quickly' as possible. ' . S. •J, P3 fl i The reprint copy of Robert- son's '"History of Bruce County" isnow availablle, at $5.00 'per 'copy, yin -all townsand villages:, of 'Bruce. Enquire in the librar- ies. 'Will anyone .knowing or can, :give, anyinformation as to the person or persons 'who . removed: 6,000, `raspberry canes. ;from the property known as. "Emmerson Irwins, lust north . of railway, NAhlC II�1C A CAR.. 'between Mey; 30th & June '15th contact Box L Lucknow Sentin• el:; 'All ' replies treated in 'strict" p a,.. confidence:Reward. ";given Before :you bqy ask abnut' our Low °:.Cost, Financing Service With' complete Insurance Cover- age. J. A: McDonagh, Insurance, Lucknow,'phone ..306: •• " START `A YEAR-ROI?ND- BUSINESS! 'You can earn. money' the first: day,'.':Sell daily -necessities in Luckow; Whitechurch, . Holy- rood; Ripley, ervi Be and : Sur- roundings. High' commission and' bonus. FAMILEX PRODUCTS, •Dept3" R. pelorimier,': Momtreal,. P•Q.z 1 AUCTION SERVICE Allan Maclntyre . - Licensed;. Auctioneer Lucknow; : Phone 281 TIRES! • TIRES!! `. • Al]. types of tractor tires, sold and serviced, lowest prices,' also complete selection of ; all ' types '•'of -tires. ; Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow:'' WELL :DIGGING AUTOMOTIVE • Well digging, machine dug, 30- ; Glass-Steering3ody: Repairs inch well tile, deepening • and re- pairing. Apply Iiadco: Well Dig ging, . 1 mile south of Elmira' on Highway 85, phone Elmira MO The Ladies Auxiliary. of • the Legion are ' sponsoring a prize draw for a chairon display, in MacKenzie's . Furniture 'Store. window. Draw to be made at>. ;legion . Beauty ,contest " Tickets are '.available from, Members.— - , NEW embers - NEW or RENEWAL, subscrip tions for the • nFamily Herald are taken by; The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, direct representatives of the publishers. 1 year,, $1;50;.'3 years, $3.; 5 years,. $4, Save 'a' Tot of bother, let us handle. your 'subscriptions... Is Your, aunscripzion .Paid*, WOOD FOR SALE::- good. hard maple wood in truck load lots. Bruce MacMillan, •. Lucknow: •. LIVESTOCK—Bought and sold, all kinds. Phone 41 Lucknow or 77-r-1,: Dungannon. WATERLOO Lubrication, etc: CATTLE BREEDING 'For Quality . Service, see , . . ASSOCIATION "Where:. Better" Bulls . Are Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE DAVIDSON'S TEXACO . . SERVICE 9-'7761; or 80-r-2' Dungannon. Phone 320 f Goderich FOR: `` SALE --two 22 electric , WANTED No. 8 Highway ranges; one 40" Frigidaire elec- tric " range, often timer, deep ' well coker,warMing oven; Gal - ;son . washer,good condition. Greer TV and Electric, phone 110. ' CUSTOM CAR PAINTING A nice new paint job is money well spent,., single. or .two tone, hot. ,. spray ,method, fender and body work, rusted panels and. sections replaced. N. W. Winter • stein, (1 building west of 'Town. Hall) 1960 BIDES will be pleased with the "Our ' Wedding Book" that can be seen. at The Luck - now Sentinel. . Records every r4OTICE "• Lucknow: District. High :School Board requires. for January let,. 1961 a'.secretary-treasurer:• Ap- ply iti writing to W. R. Howey, Chairman of the. Lucknow Dis- trict High School '.Board. HELP, : WANTED , A . secretary -treasurer is re- quired for the Lucknow Public. School Board. Duties to coin mence January lst, 1961; Apply. in writing to Mrs. Jessie Allin, chairman, Lucknow Public d. School 'Boar • �LtM•NN•N.ri, minute from the courtship through to the new .home, space for recording 'of 'shower & wed- ding gifts, Wedding guests, etc., phone 35, Lucknow, LOANS Farms - Homes - Motels Stores Business - ' Chattels Accounts Receivable Inventory 'or 'any Security. Fast service anywhere 'in •Canada rValteyfield Placements • Ltd., 450-A Wilson; . Ave:, DownavieW, Ont. ME .342353 4 , "VISIT` THE REAL LIVING: • SANTA May 24th to .Thanksgiving 'F'un: For All The FamilyIL CHILDREN 14 years and under .accompanied by .Parent FREE 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ... Sunday .. 1:00 p.m. ' to '6:00 li,iri, SANTA'S VILLAGE ' Bracebridge Qntarfo:" , is provided from bulls 'of all breeds.' We are farmer owned and controlled and operate at. cost. Summer calking.' hours: Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Saturday J evenings For service or more information call= Clinton' Zenith 9-5650. or Collect Kincardine 460 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction , Sale.. of household effects consisting of• chesterfield suite, frigidaire,. coal' and wood range, bedroom•: uites, power saw, 'i }LP, motor, floor 'safe. numerous: other arti- cles at the• George -A. Webb ,re- sidence, re-sidence, Station rStreet,. Lucknow, on Thursday, July Zist: Sale to start at . 41:30. Wellington, , Hen- derson, auctioneer.. CARD OF THANKS We wish to . extend our sin. - cere ` appreciation to'all who an- 'silvered n ' 'swered our call for help on Sat urday, 'especially " the Lucknow Fire Brigade and the'.electriciens. Bill : and Margaret Andrew. Peter' MacDonald wishes' to sincerely, thank. all those who remembered hire with cards,: treats and visits while in the° hospital. •Thanks also to the doctors • and nurses, and special thanks • to Bob ' Helin and the boys and Frank Ritchie,. Who helped with the, haying. We wish to, • sincerely thank the . Ashfield Township' School, Area Board, • Inspector Kinkead & former members for' the slur - prise party ' and lovely :: patio chairs given to us. Your • thought- fulness was " very • much appreci-" ated. ' Mr. and Mrs. . R. T. Kilpatrick 1 N MEMORIAM BRADLEY In•. loving , memoir of Nfary • Haclettl beloved : wife of Jack Bradley, who passed away one year ago, July 15th,. 1959, • Beautiful memories are all that is ,left • Of one we• have loved and will never forget,. Just' as • you were, you always ,,Will be; a• Treasured forever ' in our mem- ory. . Always remembered. and sadly missed by"Husband and Family, 113;W: --lin loving. memory of'a dear husband, John, • Emmerson Irwin, who,, passed: away 3. years ago, ..July 9th. . • • ,Loving .memories neve. die �" yearsroll on. •an .�.s: r d days pass`. AbY,; • In my heart .a ,meniolfy' is kept Of. one I loved and will never ,, •. ' forget: Mrs, t:achel. •Irwin, , Mrs.. Mason McAllister of '': Dungannon' wishes to thank her many., friends ;'and .:neighbours for; their many kindnesses - dur-. ing ' her • recent illness.' All the gifts,,; .flowers, cards .' and letters were.; deeply appreciated, : while patient in Wingham Hospital. _Special hanks' • .to :Drs. orr' t M1 . , Corrin and .Finlayson of Lucknow, also to Mrs. Morrey.. and :the nurses of Wingham Hospital' Staff. A bachelor . is : a man with ,plenty of faults he'hasn't heard' about yet.: DEAD STOCK SERVICE / HIGHEST CASH PRICES, • Paid -for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows &•. Horses also Dead'Cowe and Horses at Cash Value Old horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow R.R. 2 'Lucknow 24-hour service • A OBITUARY WILLIAM 'D. •SIMPSON /There passed away in London tion ,July':'4th, :1960; after. •.a long illness, William Davidson •Sime - son in his 76th year. The late Mr. Simpson was '• born on the 6th' concession of Culross :and re- sided there until his marriage: He was ° employed by the Bell Telephone cornpany and for a time lived' in Kincardine. For 40 years he fanned' on the 4th, con- cession 'of Culross, then retired to Lucknow. He was a :member of : the •Langside; 'Pres'byterian Church . Surviving are his wife, the former • Elizabeth Ferguson; 3,: sons; Arthur F. of Toronto;,Hugh. of Whitechurch; `Douglas • of' Teeswater, . and one daughter (Mary), ' Mrs. James .Henderson, Lucknow;also' `seven ,.grandchild-; ren. One daughter, Murdean' Elizabeth, predeceased him , in' 1943. , 1 Rev. • Wm, A. " Henderson of .Walkerton • conducted the Ser- vice. in the W.'G., Church • Fun- eral Koine• in Teeswater,'' with, interment •in Teeswater Ceme- tery. •Pallbearers were John Mc- Kinnon; Aligns Strome, : Jack Grimoldbye and•• Archie McKin-.` non, of Culross; ,Fred Simpson, 'Guelph; Duncan Simpson, Kin - tail; Flower bearers ,were Ar- nold• Scott, Jack Richardson, El-. mer Scott and Jack Norman. 07101.1J ROY HAVENS Plumbin and Heating g Oil � il Burn r Sales and' " Service COOP, CERTIFIED • BINDER TWIN STRONGER Mode ,from corefupy selected , Mandl of hard fiber ... unifone' from'end.Io end ...'no bunch•( or HA spots:, SMOOTHER • Pr•venls dNoys .by Funning• `through 'Molter without 'Coloring aC: bfpakfnp. Protected ,against insect%, rodents and rot. Top quo) ltr,,fwirte, of a Iow Coop pricO'1 LUCKNOW., DISTRICT; CO -0P Phone 71• Lucknow QUALITY COSTS LESS WHEN YOU SHOP AT ohnston Meat Martie WEEK-EI$D' SPECIALS FRESH PICNIC HAMS, lb: r . + 39c. FRESH GROUND BEEF, Ib. :.. 45c 'CUSTOM '.KILLING TO YOUR SApSFACTI0s Phone, 41 r r