HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-06, Page 11*,•
WEDNESDAY, 3 +Y 60)1, 1060
Barnabus. , Anglican Church,
• . Toronto, was the scene of a love -
.y June wedding; , Saturday,
June 25th at 5:30 when Rev. Dr.
Boland Hill officiated atthe.
marriage of • :Miss Nancy Gail.
Filbert, daughter .of Mr and
Mrs. Wm. E. Probert, and • Don-
ald ' Barry Dawson,. ' Son of Mrs,
Harold :Dawson' and' the late
Mr::Dawson.' The' ceremony took
.place amid a beautiful setting ,of
white candles: 'and. baskets of
white flowers•
outhful'''bride lovely .in a`
The y Q
floor length gown . of white tat.:
feta and lace with finger tip, veil
:carried happy -time .red ' roses &
white carnations. The pipe or-.
'gan played by Mr, SCG. Payne as.
the bride on the arm of her fa-
ther ' came down the white -car-
• petted aisle. to the alter steps.-
teps,•The• ' bridal attendants ' were
Marlyn Ashby, • Jane • Lepper,
'Carol Probert, ; sister. .of the
bride and Wilda Dawson, junior
bridesmaid, sister of the .groorn.
dressed in similar ballerina.
eng_ bh :.frocks.. of `flocked
/ ;'nylon
with, white accessories and car-
rying blue: .
tinted carnations.
The groom's -attendant was .air -
mien James'.'Neal of" Qklahoina'
City, Oklahoma and ushers were
Michael Buchman,, Gordon .Lep=
per. and Daiid Scott.
After the wedding : vows the
couple received communion • and
during the signing of the regrs..
ter the.. choir Soloist, Mr.:'. Art
Lepper, sang:
A 'reception. was• held .at . the
.Colonial room, , 2318 Danforth',
'Ave, batiquet 'Hall. The bride's
mother received wearing a • flow-
ered dress of : orchid ' and white
accessories arid corsage of past-
el•.,.. carnations' and the groom's
mother wearing' • summer.. blue.
crepe and lace .with shell col-.
oured ;:accessories and 'corsage ',of
. rose carnations.
' A .sumptuous turkey . dinner
k..was served to 100 guests. and af=
ter. the • cutting .of the :three-
story wedding cake by the : bride
arid,'groom"and .toasts were, pro.
THE C.UCKNow sENTINEt., Lyciftowo otrrABYO
posed, dancing' ?allowed.:
Later the ,young couple left
'amid showersof confetti and
good wishes on a honeymoon
trip in ' the Laurentians, ° the
travelling in a white linen.
ensemble with white accessories
and corsage , .Of red carnations.
On their return they will reside
in the Glen Valley Apts., Eccel-
stop Drive. '
Out oftown guests at the
wedding were from • London,
Lucknow, Sarnia, . Capreal and
Brandon Manitoba:
• The "Skylarks" CCG I,T,rou .
g ,.p
of South Kinloss Church, held.
their final meeting of the sum='
rner: in the form:. Of a picnic at
the, home of Mrs. •'Ted Collyer..
The girls • enjoyed, swimrriing,
boating.' and playing ball..A , short
meeting was held ' and . at, the
close Helen Campbell, our grad--
uate this year, was presented.
With a cup . and saucer.,' Trudy
Thompson read the address, and
Carol. Stanley presented the gift.
Dear Helen, ' • ' '
In view of the' fact ,
You're intending to leaVeri us,
We, feel that in future . 1 • .
'Twould 'certainly grieve Us,
If we. did not take ' •
This' occasion to show you:
How warm are the`•wishes, :
Of all those who know you '
Considering your ,record •
In school" and all branches
.We feel that it surely
Your . future' enhances
Your, training :in work
With our C.G.I:T. •
Has given ' you, knowledge
Of , what •life should be • '.
I.And.noW. as you study.
More. efficient :to 'be
In the, business course
You have chosen, we see
:Successes in store.
And • we wish you the best
And . this ' cup; and. saucer
Will, swell your. Hope -chest. .
Signed on behalf off the .girls
and. leaders,` Mrs. L. MacDougall
' and :T' Collyer: After the meet
ing barbecued . hamburgers, cake
'"and, ice. cream were enjoyed with
Ted Collyer as "Chef." :
>? ya
The New CO-OP Pastore Ration. supplements •the pasture
feeding of dairy cows in production. Lush spring pasture
prow des'bulk and protein but does not supply: sufficient energy
i b. y gmaximum production.
to•• maintain bud weight and `
It's the extra energy in CO-OP Pasture Ration that enables.
you to get the most from your pasture and from yourherd at
the time when production is cheapest and later when pastures
are drier.
The Co.
op. alto use your grain to give you this ration.
DISCUSS this Pasture Program with your . local CO-OP.
Phone' '71
Mr. and. Mrs,"r$tanley. Leeson
and family arrived; on Friday
from Nanaimo Be, on two week
holidays. ' The MdClenaghan Re-
union was heldat the home of
Mr. and, Mrs. Ben' McCienaghan..
The relations that were present
were: Mr: and Mrs. Harry Moss
and .family of Plattsville,, Mr. '&
Mrs. ,Melvin . McClenaghan, and.
Michael of Waterloo, Mr. and
Mrs.. Bill Parker :of Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs, JIM McIntyre and fam-
ily of •Ridgetown, Mr, and Mrs.
Irwin .MoCienaghanand family,
of St. Thomas, /Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley' Leeson of '. Nanaimo,
13,C., Mr Harry •McClenaghan of:
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Swan and . family of Brucefield,
• Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Barbour'
and family of Belgrave, Mr. arid
Mrs. Jack Kerr of Bluevale, Mr.
and,. Mrs. •Fred Moore •and baby
'of . Wingham, Mr: and Mrs. Don-
ald Montgomery and family of
Wirigham, Mr. 'and. Mrs. Elwood
Barbour of St.. Helens, Mrs. Al
lin Barbour and,•family, 'Mr, and.
• Mrs: Angus McDonald and fam-
fly: A very enjoyable time was
hadby everyone..
The Falconer :and. McInnis pic-
nic was held 'on Saturday at the
Whitechurch park there were. •125
in ` attendance.' Joe• Tiffin was
'president,' George Falconer.' .of
Clinton was .Secretary and Reli
son Falconer of, Sar•nia *as• vice
prsident: Mr. arid Mrs. Gallaher
of Kansas Cain in the U.S.AMIs.,
Gallaher was the. 'former Mar-
jorie :Falconer of Vjringham. • :'
• Mr. • and Mrs.. Elgin Welwood
of Caldon . spent Sunday' at "the
home of Mr.` and Mrs. .Art. • Cro- .
nin.. ..
Tolence 'arid Grant • McIntyre.
visited on; Sunday at the : home
Of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Purdon of
' Lucknow. '
'. There. were 34s. ladies from the
• Whitechurch Institute , to 'enjoy
a. bus. trip to Buffalo :on Thurs
• ` Mr. :and ' Mrs. W.' H. Thornton
. .of ` Orlhia, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett
Mitchell of. Molesworth, Mr and
Mrs. .Heimpel and • family, Mr•.
and Mrs:, S.. Musgrove and ,Mrs.
J :Musgrove all . ' of Wroxeter
visited .,on• S•unday.` at the home
of Mrs. • Doris ' •Willis and family..
Mr and •Mrs. Frank `•Stockhill.
of Blind :River . spent. the .week-
end • at. the home of. Mr.' and
Tom Morrison:: • •.•
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simpson
of..'Toronto spent the''Week end
at Mrs., William •' Simpsons of
Luoknoir and `also at the home
of. Mr.' and' Mrs. Hugh'. Sisripson
and "family: • •
' Mr. •and Mrs.' John Gaunt spent
the week- end' at the. home •of.
Mr. and' Mrs.. Harold -Davis of
Waterloo. . . '
Mr. and - Mrs. Basil Thompson
and . family of Preston , spent
Sundayat the .home of :Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Moore. • •
Mr and 1V.11rs. Walter James
and Leonard of Woodstock spent'
the weekend, at the home of Mr.
and . ,Mrs.': ,Art. Moore.
• Mr,.and Mrs: Ezra `Sholtz spent
Sunday •in Auburn:., „ '
Mr. and Mrs: George Watt of
Oakville.:spent the week -end at
the home. iof Rev., and' .Mrs. John
Watt. • • .
Mr. and Mrs.. George ' Ross: of
Owen• Sound spent . the week -end
at the home of Mrs/Robert Ross.:
Mr. Alex Mirehouse of Melita;
Manitoba visited ori Sunday 'at
the home' ;of Mrs. George Mc-
Clenaghar .:. • ' • •
The. S.S. , No. 10School held
their' annual picnic on:, Tuesday.
They had a draw for a blanket.
Mr. .Beth Gaunt had ' the lucky
number. ' • `
Mr. and Mrs. Toby Jantzi of
Milverton visited • on Sunday at
the home. of Mr• and Mrs.. Geo..
Miss Mary . Fisher . and. Miss
Clare Cli lnney left for Toronto
on ,Sunday where they will take
a. five week course in music:, •
Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Ryan • of`.
Goderich visited on iaturday at
the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Ezra
Sholtz. ,
Miss Winnifred Farrier has
returned to the home • of her par-
'Mr, and .Mrs. W. R.. Farrier
encs, ,
for the summer in nths. Miss
H. echo Well Digging have pur-
chased proRerty in the Elmira'
district on highway No 35 be=
tween' Elmira and • Kitchener. Mr.
Hatherton president of the com-
pany informed the paper it is
his, intention to cover all western
and central Ontario, At present
they are equipped with large
diameter rotary digging machine.
c ble of drilling ;from 15•in=
es to 8 feet in diameter'. In, the
near..., future • he will also have
• rrodein "� rotary equipment for
drilled ,wells: ' '.. • . �. .•
Mr... Hatherton is .4 member of
the Alberta, SaskY and .Ontario
Water Well Association ... and.
While in Saskatchewan was . a
director : of the • Saskatcchewan
Water Well. Association. He IS
.also an associate member of. the
National Association' of• J•S .;
Mrs.. Hatherton is. the. former
Margaret Malurchy', of Ashfield,
daughter of• Mrs . D. 7;, •McMur-
chy and the late D• J. McMurchy.
They have two children, David
and Susan Rae., • •
Mr. Hatherton points out that
with the. rising ' cost of farmiirig
there are a _great many fanners
that feel they 'cannot, afford, 'to
have a bdeep . well drilled. Most
of these. •farmers have a hand.
;dug' well ;that' gives them' limited
supply; With •a new: type rotary
drilling machine a reservoir can
be made .below the water table:
with verb* .little ''extra. cost.., A
great many ' hand dug, wells can
also be . deepened with great suc-'
cess. If a .well. is :old and'. the
curb damaged it pays to have a
complete new • well.
The standardized • procedure
consists :of drilling a 36" ,diame-
ter 'hole
diameter'hole . from :'thirty to 120 feet,
installing .,a „concrete: tile' casing,
gravel' packing if.sand . is .a .pro -.
Farrier teaches in Toronto:'
Mr • and . Mrs. 'Clifford Farrier,
and family • of ' Kitchener :spent
Sunday at the home- of .Mr.,and:
Mrs.ot ;,•Garn
Mr.. and Mrs.. Elwood Gros-
korth spent Saturday in Toron-
to. ,
Mrs.. Kaye Gillespie of Toronto
spent,' • Sunday at the home of
Mrs:. Gibson Gillespie. '
Mrs. Gibson Gillespie and Miss
Janice Farrier will spend this
week in Sarnia, at: the home of
Mr: and Mrs; Jack Gillespie.
,J.• MacKZIE•
at the ' former Wrona Jewelery'
store, Ripley, 10 a.m. , to 9 p.rn..
and every . Second Wednesday
Eyes examined - Glasses. fitted
For appointment 'phone. Roy.
MacKenzie, . 96-r-24, Ripley
R. •W,. ,BELL
blem ,arid you are ,ready for
your , •pump. A definite trend
toward such drilling ; has now
been' developed in. 'Other parts
of the nation, particulary if you
know there is water at a shal-
low depth. A water well can be
put down for a low drilling cost
as more and . more water users.
adopt: this modernized • high
speed, ,bucket • type drilling
equipment which •often .fnishesr
a: well in a few hours.
F. T. 'Armstrong
Consulting Optometrist
The Square
(Phone JAckson. 4-7661)
The story of 'Sir, Hendry Pei-
latt. of Toronto, , builder of ' the'
city's famous. "Casa "Loma,"' and'
the tale of .?the wild • cat of Al-
gonquin ' Park" are ,two; of 26 ex
citing • tales being told by radio
to more than 30. m l ion Ameri-
cans at hone :and 'abroad this •
year to 'help' attract' more. tour=
' ists to Canada.
The'series,' "This Is Canada,"
is being presented as : a public
service. byCanadian National
Railways, and outlines the, at=
. tractions ,and fame of Canada to
'potential. tourists.,
The story, .of the, building of '
• Casa Loma. by the; eccentric Sir
Henry, ; and a . tale .about 'a scrip-
pled wildcat :named "Lena" who
was tained 'by ..the kindness of
Ontario fishing 'camp operator
Jack Wilkinson, are: only two of
the many true and legendary
stories about 'Canada in 'the
les: ;
• ,
• issued in amounts from $100 upwards:
for periods of 8 to 5 years
earn 5i% interest, payable, half-
yearly by cheque .v
• Government authorized investments
for Canadian .Insurance Companies •
• Executors •. Trustees • Individuals
372 Bay St., '35 Dunlop' St,
Toronto Borth"