HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-06, Page 10PAM EIGI T TO HOLD LOCAL - BEAUTY, CONTEST' The regular monthly meeting of Branch 309 Canadian 'Legion was ;held on 'Tuesday, June. 28th with the president Harold Rit- chie ii the chair,. but with a very poor attendance. � ' The draw for $5.00 'was won THE IUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, by Jiro Hamilton. Harold Ritphie gave• a report on the meeting held `at Port El- gin on; June 6th, with particul- ars of "Miss Bruce County" Con-, test to be. held 'at Kincardine during the . reunion, The "Miss Lucknow" contest will take place on Friday; July • 22nd in the Le- gion ,Hall, ' with ,a dance and' a, program. 1959 :Chev :Biscayne , sedan, automatic, fully equipped: $2,295 �equipped • 24-71949:Ch. e • BeYari�s ' 'automatic,full ; .... $ 2,49 5'• 1954 Pontiac °Laurentian- : 2 -door hardtop, fully equipped;, full.power ., . _ $2;150 ,150 1 Fo 'Fa . lane au tomatic 2095 Che-tiandard.e is199 1957 . M e e .. . .. : r'• 19 ons,Sen�:, ;. l'.- $1139955'>'rsiuso•Sedin`•'wi fi': autooatrc 95` �'�1956p'o coah 8c lun er ...�..,. ,.o 1955 Pontiac Deluge sedans, with automatic. $. ,.1, 199 5 1954 Buick sedan, automatic,$ 95 Number of 1953'. and 1954 Models 'from. $295 to $750 T,itUCKS! ' / TRUCKS! 1958 Chev. ',4 -ton pickup $1,495 3-4958 •Chev. % =ton pick-ups,with fleetside body :.. $1,495 1956 Choir. i% -ton pick up 7 $1,095 1954 'Chev: %-ton pick-up at $395 1951 Chev •2 -Ton $650 SSeis Motors ties Service Dealer; Phone ;173,. Brussels:. with Johns=NLanvllre..PERMATONI ' COLORBESTOS SID•ING Johns-Manville'Permatone Color- bestos Siding goes right over your old 'outside 'walls. This is a low: cost luxury sidewall with the last- ing qualities of asbestos andce- went. Colorbestos Siding will'give your'home a "custom built" look as -well as provide: full protection against the weather. Come in to- day and see the seven'luxurious' new colors and learn how easy it is to beautify your home with Coloirbestos Siding. "Averagehouse as little as . $16..00 per month." HOME RENEWAL HEADQUARTERS FOR JOHNS -MANVILLE 7 -STAR: VALUE PRODUCTS, risk USt ionn j. k'IL7�ii : . 1 II �«.... / 1 1 i $4os Yalte Only 92 II 1 .ak m foe frei coupon I Le hand!!set'% , y •ceasity. Fine ipring I .teal. unusual value. 1 . . Jo! as -Manville JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. Phone 1$O Lucknow, Ont. Olki'T'ARIO . WEDNESPAY,JLTLRY ;8th, 1960 Several members planned to 'attend the district ,drumhead ser- vice at `Walkerto ,. on • Sunday, July ard. An invitation was ..also receivecfor a drumhead service at Kincardine on Suriday, July 31st. ' • .A vote •of; thanks was 'extended. tothe committee: and all • others. who helped :'witl • the flowers in. front of the hall• , Ted Collyer gave the report .for the draw committee Prizes for the. annual November .•11th draw are: a drier, movie'. camera, baysor girls. bin cle► coffee Per- , per , colator. Followingna lengthy discus-., cion' on miembership, ; t was de- cided to notify all members whose . dues were in arrears, that they could ,be reinstated by pay- ment of 1960 dues. PRESENTATION AT CREWE SCHOOL About 80 friends of the Crewe. community gathered . at ,Crewe School- onTuesday . evening, Sc . y June 28th • for, a picnic: to hono- u r ,Mrs. Frank Ritchie who is 1ev- 'ing after teaching for four' years at S.S. No. 16 Crewe. Db Due' to � the ` wet Weather,' tables es Were, all ,set inside and dui ing .the,supper hour: Mrs.• Ritchie was • ' presented with a G.E. fry- ing�pan . and an autograph book ,_•, in which each pupil had written a versealong witha•pistu' re of 'hirnself' or herself and also the • date' , of their,' birthday. _ ■ Jim Anderson • read the • ad- dress and Ralph Curran made • the presentation. These : two boys • both are entering Lucknow Dis. trice High School next fall. Jim Paquette on behalf ' of the pupils presented the autograph book. Mrs. "Ritchie graciously„ thank- ed everyone and said she. had spent four pleasant years in the community. Mrs. Ritchie wished ,Mrs.. J.' C. Drennan, who . is go- ing to .be her soccessor,: the same. co-operation and, success'., that she. has',,,,enjoyed while at Crewe, There will be • 20 iii the ' school for . the; fall ;term. Dear Mrs.' RitEhie,` The families: of S.S. No. 16 Crewe ' and its 'pupils wish to take this ,opportunity of showing our appreciation for your work with us arid our ' regret; at your leaving. / During your four years among us you not only did the things IN necessary. ;in teaching but ,also many 'extras -=card parties,. ;boxes ■ .for the sick, .birthday, cakes; ° ete., that will always be remembered:. ■ We' hope the childrens' verses in this book will bringback good. times and that this: gift will help ■ you • "cook up" fond memories ■ also. • Sincerely, SS. No.. 16; Crewe. =o■■un■0p■p pppppp■ppp.Upp p.lp■lppp■ppp■■pp■aig• p■ ■ t.t.f.;: -.). t . It III: Canadas__o. o • il.:' :C.. . • ... ...: • .It 0-... . .::....,.... f f.a :: .,_. . w' a ' � II IV it ;•41:iii iiii:•,:i::::igAii:i,;,,:;;;:,:iiii. 4.: 1...:'.,'..1:...." ■ ■ i 1. II ■'•ti.21;Q:::•:i:ii•,;:.:::::-.5:;.;::;::::.'",:,-.1: ... ■ ::, .4%...',...;,..::::::14::::*:. ■ ■ ■.. • ■ ■. it • ■' ■ 1 y, ■ ■ m. ■ ■ 1.it■ ■ ■ •■ .■ ■ ■ ■ 4: . ■ •rnia ■ ■ ■.' .a ORR REUNION AT ,I:NVERHURON. The eleventh . Orr reunion Was held on Sunday, Jne 26th at the Provincial Park, Inverhuron, with a large attendance present Dinner and . supper, also swim= ming and, sports were enjoyed. Prize winners were as follows: Children under six, Kim Miller;' ' 11 `--= Larry Bannerman, Mar- g ladies, claret Eskritt, Harry :'Fong, Bill 6-10 � RickyOrr; Young Betty Ann Lapp; Hodgins, Grace Hodgins, Diane Bruce Currie; iClethesy PinO-15m, ' ' Jamieson, Karen Kilpatrick, jar, Mrs. Wm. Lapp; 'Nails in a' Douglas MacKinnon; Barbara w ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■i■■ siatemmam■■o■imi■maim■am■ rniones on MOFFAT .24" DELUXE: ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ .■ • , 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ : ■ ■ 1 1 ■ _ ■ : ■ ■ Outstanding value in an , automatic 24 •range.' • Easy touse clock, panel lighting, seven heat'▪ ' switches and : high speed elements with pilot lights. Lighted oven with ;picture:; window, fea- • ▪ ' tures new 'lilt out oven walls for easy cleaning. ■• ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ reer T V -and Electric SPECIAL This Week Reg., $279.95 ;Phone 110, Lucknow LDHS ' RESULTS IANNOUNCED --Pro/notion —results in—Grades i 9, 10' and :J11 of the Lucknow •Dis trict High School, are announced as follows: . GRADE IX Class I --- Mary ,Andrew„Glen Cowan, Bruce MacKenzie, Shar- on O'Donnell, Donald Young: block, •Claude Dore; finding. your partner blindfolded,, made much merriment; •Lucky, Spot, Mrs, William Orr;Ladies kick the slipper inn a box, 1Vlary Joan ,Lapp . and. Mrs, 'R.A, Orr, tied; Men's kick: the slipper in a; box, Fred Henderson; Children's luc- ky plate, Karen' Arnold; Adult lucky Plate;. • Mary :Joan /Lapp; Ball relay for `children, .ohnnie Orr's team,. 1st; Ricky'Orr's'team 2nd; Peanut scramble for all children present; lst •gentleman. to sit at the supper table, Mel- vin Orr, • And, ' James Orr.; Members were, present -from London, Parkhill; Hensall, Wing - ham, Belgrave, Elmwood, Kin - lough, Ripley and Kincardine. The committee in, charge, were Mrs. Dave • Henderson, Mrs. Claude bore and Mrs,: Elvin Ar- no1d.• . Rathwell, • Beverley • ,:Rathwell, David Thompson, . Mary .:Shiells, Larry, Stanley, Sharon West. 111 — Dawna Aitchison, Nancy Cranston, Ken Gardner, Ken Houston, James D, MacDonald, Finlay MacLennan, Leonard Mc- Farlan. . • Credit — Donald. Campbell, Linda Campbell,', George 'Ca'rter, Marlene Carter, Nancy. Dorscht, Donald Gaunt, Wayne Hackett; Dorothy Hallam, .Ross Hamilton:. Herbert 'Hunter, Janet Husk, :Johnstone', James Mc- Naughton; Helen McNay, Barry l.VIeriary,' James Mullin, William, Nelson, Marion Scott, Beverley Wall, , The Lucknow Sentinel • has in' stock at all times Counter check books and: adding 'inachine rolls, phone 35 Lucknow. GRADE X Class r Marilyn/Cameron. Class Wanda Henry, Bar- ry Johnston, Mary Purdon, ' Judy ' Webster. . • • Class, 111 — Marjorie Alton, Ce- celia Crowston, ,Margaret Far- ' rish, Elisabeth Henderson, Pat- ricia .,Keith .Kaiser,..Gor doti •McNay, " Margaret Mullin, Stuart Reavie, Ann • fintoul,, Wilhelmina ` Smith, Ann Vander - lay, William Zettler. Credit - . Jean ' Bonnett, Ladra Breckles, Wayne Brooks, Thomh Collyer, Paul' Ernberlin, • Norma Haldenby, Roy Haldenby, Albert Heffernan, Sharon; Hodgins, Keith Maulden, Doris Moffat,' Allan Mowbray, Terrance- 'O'- Donnell: a GRADE XI , • Class I George Bushell. Class' II —• Joanne Alton, John Andrew, Beth Cooper, . Denver Dickie, Janet Finlayson, Paul Hexderson, Mex Hewitt, Mur' ry Hunter, Rosalind Loder, Elea- nor ]McNay, Carol. Stanley, !Ter- ry Wilson. Class , 11 y--- .Ernest Ackert, Robert Andrew, Joanne 'Crozier,. Evans ' Helm,' Elaine 1•lodgins, Carolyn .blathers, TomRathwell, Isobel Ritchie; Corabell ,Thome-. son,: .Dick Richards., Credit Evan Agnew, Karen Arnold; Donald Barr, Mart Cur` ran, 'Peter E'skritt, Eleanor :Reed, Dianne Ritchie,' James 'Watson. ,