HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-06, Page 3g}QO A, Year In Advance- :$10O Extra To
;quire ers On Public
drool Board, :secretary Resigns
The July meeting •of. the Luck=
now Public' School Board was
held on : Thursday evening, June
30th. ;'
Fort the:. preparation of . the
1960 ..Budget report, an estimate
of receipts, and expenditures was.
presented, A motion waspassed
to levy the sum of'.$15,530.00 on
Municipalities in. Luck:•iow Pub-
lic School Area., This is an in -
'crease of $2,000 over last year's
levy. •
After consulting with Princi-
pal,, Stuart Collyer, . permission
was granted to •8 pupils from S.S.
No, 9, Ashfield Township to at-
tend Lucknow. Public ,,School :this.
• Fall..
Plans were made 'to open. ` an
8th. classroom . this Pall.:Move-
able :type desks are to be ordered
and present science desks are to
be removed, Tuition fee accounts
Were. maleout the •end.. of
June. *The requisition for month
of July was .set at $900.00.
An advertisement is ' being in
serted in the local paper regard-
ing :the proper : use of:. 'school
playground equipment: The May-
_pole -is. not to.:.:be: ..'used....Public
• School age children. may use the
playgrounds at reasonable hours
during the holidays.' .
Tender of. Roy Havens, ;to in -
Stall 'tWo
nstall'..two modern., type drinking
fountains :was ,accepted:. These
are. to . be installed ; by . August
r 9
15th.` •
Reference was made to class
pictures provided by the Board
// and, which were given to each:.
• • member of the 1960 :graduating:
class, by Mr...Collyer ;at, the close,
.of the term..
W.• E. Collyer 'is to install ,one
; outside light atfront of school
building;: this light'to be oper
acted on the present time clock.'
The 'resignation of Carmen
McQuill n, effective .' .July 15th,
was' received; also. the :resigna-
tion of Rev. H. L. Jennings, of-.
fective August 31st. Mr Jennings•
stated he ' .enjoyed .his .work on.
the Board and would have plea-
sant, memories of same. `
The' statutes empower ..:th e re-
maining trustees to• appoint •sue-
cessors to complete the unexpir-
ed terms of the, two resigning
,inemun bers which rto the end
of. 1961. Mr..McQuillin, is now
employed, in Guelph and Rev.
Jennings is being transferred to
Brussels. •
The Board regretfully received.
and 'accepted the resignation of
'the secretary -treasurer; : Donald
'Henderson, , effective 'December
31st,, 1960. The. Board is adver-
tising for 'a successor: ; '
Holidays at. The Sentinel
Office. will be observed'. for
a twotweek period, the hast
week in. July and : the first
week in August, which takes.
in 'the' Civic Holiday week-
There Will •be no issues of
The Sentinel on July. 27th
and August 3rd. •
. • In. other words, ,.there will •
• be just 'two more issues.
July 13th and 20th - before
• vacation tithe .arrives. •
Donald Henderson, efficient &
faithful secretary -treasurer of
both. ..the Public School and High
School boards for several ,years.
has tendered his resignation, ,ef
fective, the end of the • year
Donald'' notified , .. the• Public
School Board :• last week,. and' 'at
the Tuesday night meeting of 'the
High School Board, they received
a similar notice which • was re-
gretfully accepted: "... • •'
Successors ` to both positions.
are being advertised for..,
John Thomson was hospitalized.
a few days with' a broken. "arm;,'
some bad bruises, and .:a . few,
stitches as a result of ; a • car•.• ac-
cident early last Friday :morn
ing,', a mile east of Lucknp v on
Highway 86 : Johns injuries were
at first thought to be more seri-
ous, A punctured ' kidney • was
feared bwt this was not the case,.
and he was able to leaye the
• Hospital on .Tuesday.
His • car rolled ' over several
times and is a complete wreck:.
John was thrown clear. ,.on the
first flip, and, by the look of the
wreck he:'•was, most fortunate.
Mr; and': Mrs.• Rae Watson, Mr.
and. Mrs.: Gordon • Montgomery.
and .Mr, and :Mrs: Lloyd Ashton
are • this week •in.,, attendance at
the Lions Internationalconven-
tion in 'Chicago.
The local sextette motored to
•Sarnia on Monday evening• from
where :they• travelled by train :to
the "Windy. City."
The condition of .Stewart 'Mc
Gillivray ''who was seriously in-
n-jured in an. auto accident .ori.
Concession 12, Kinloss, is' show-
ing :marked improvement at : Vic
•t H pitel.
ova < •. os
Among Stewart's injuries. was
abadly :>:ro
b ke -..leg,which
been pinned. •
. : While Stewart is ettin g
well : his :ultimate . recovery will
take time and . patience.
The silver wwedding anniver
sary of Mr and. Mrs: William E,
Andrew of 'Ashfield was quietly
observed"by a Wedding dinner..at-
Dunlop Inn, on .Sunday, July 3rd,
attended . by the two.: immediate.
families and• their ,minister, Rev
arid' Mrs., G. ;W.. Kaiser.' After :the
Jdinner a pleasant afternoon 'was
,enjoyed at Hawthorn Banks.
farm on Concession 9; Ashfield:
The .bride and groom of.�'•
years •ago were the. recipients of
:many beautiful gifts and cards.
R.,- W. • Andrew of 'Listowel • pro-
posed the toast to Mr. and .Mrs.'
Andrew, to which the groom re -
Mrs: ' Andrew is the forner
Margaret Finlay; • daughter of
Win. F. . Finlay, and ' the late
Mrs. Finlay
Mr. and Mrs.. 'Andrew have .a
family of:, five,. Louise who tea-
ches at.. Kitchener, •Bill;. John ,and
Miry, attending Lucknow Dis-
trict' High School and :Stephen,
who attends. public school. '
Arthur Andrew ; of Kapuskas•
ing who .was' groomsman 'for his
brother twenty-five years ` ago,
was'the •' only• one' of the family
unable to be present.
. Mrs :Latta McNeil' of West
Wawanosh.' announces the Mar-
riage:. of 'her. • youngest , daughter,
Shirley Evelyn,; and ,Mr ' Thomas
• Lucknow Legion ;has received
sufficient entries in the "Miss.
'Lucknow" - „Beauty -to-
enable them to sponsor the show. '.
The contest, variety `program &
dance has been set for the Le
gion Hall 'on. Friday, July ' 22nd.
at 9:30.
Prizes' of $15„,• ;$;10,, and $5.•
Will , be awarded locally and the
winner will be sponsored by, the
Lubknow Legion .in ' the "Miss
Bruce. County contest- to '• :be
held at Kincardine on August
2nd at their ,Old Boys Reunion:.
Winners it, . Kincardine will
receive $500., •:x$200., $100: and 3
wrist watches, in that order. •The'.
girls will be appearingstreet.,
clothesand evening gowns• and
will not have to 'appear in bath -
in g suits. , •Entries are still, being
Terry ;O'Donnell, 15 -year-old
son, of Mr, and ' Mrs. Jim 'O'Don-
nell, is fortunate to have escaped
with minor injuries in a Sunday
afternoon', mishap, shortly liter
two o'clock.
. Terry and Glen 'Porter were
ons their bicycles and: were' corn-
ing onto. Highway ; 86, at a point
near their homes east of . the vil-
• lage.
=Visib• 1 is-f•not.=:.the
George Trafelet,,: 'son sof Mr. and -
.bound avoid the
time' ' to
de♦r in
collision. ' Thee driver, Norman
Coulter: of Wingham, was :travel=
ling: at a moderate.,, speed" and
was able to ' bring' the Car •under.; ,
control quickly..
Terry was knocked down while -
astride • •.his :bicycle which . was
partially, • under . the car bumper,:
but the < car • wheel. 'did. not .run
onto either hun. or the bike. ,° It
1960 winners of: proficiency
awards. • at ': Lucknow District
High .School: have been ,announ-
ced 'as follows by ''Mr
:Hoag, in one of his final'reports
as principal ;of the school._ '
Grade IX Finlayson. ;Brothers,
Proficiency Shield -' •1, Mary.
Andrew; 2, Donald Young; 3,
Sharon • O'Donnell.
Grade X Wm: "MacKenzie
Proficiency Shield- 1, Marilyn
Cameron; : 2,': Judy Webster; : 3,
Barry , Johnston.
,Grade.X.I . • W.M.:.A:: Schmid
Proficiency. Shield 1 George
Bushell; 2, Murray , Hunter; '3,
Terry. Wilson.
Grade. XII Women's •.Insti-
tutee Scholarship =' 1, George
Gibson:; 2, Helen 'Campbell, 3,
Floyd Stanley, '
-Grade- .XIS. English Profici-
ency ,Shield 1; George Gibson
2,' •'Helen:' Campbell; 3, Patricia
' :• Clansmen's'. Trophy., • . Public'
":Speaking ,, Senior boy,' Bill
Andrew. •
Wm. A.. Schmid Trophy, Pub-
lic 'Speaking -- Senior, girl, Jo-
anne Crozier,
INJURED School Citizenship
Sandy MacKenzie:
Proficiency Cups,
Wesley Robb, 11 -year-old' Hui -
on Township farmer is a patient
in St. Joseph's' Hospital, London,.
with: a fractured neck and: other
severe injuries, suffered during
a haying `accident on Tuesday of
last 'week. •
Mr. Robb was ' injured, .when
the bale elevator 'fell on • him in;
the barn. He was .working with
his son, J., S. 'Robb, . at the time,
.and despite theseverity of the
blow, retained consciousness.
The injured man was taken to
Kincardine hospital and froth
• there to London. •.,
' 'Mrs. Robb has remained in the
city with her 'husband. The full
extent Of his injuries was not
immediately determined but his
Condition is reported to , be • as
well as can be expected. • '
. Mr. Robb's latest *Misfortune
recalls another. critical injury he'
suffered more than twenty years
ago, when he fell from the
Windmill and
h .was • impaled
through the chest by a' protrud
ing ar
Trophy ;-
Grade:'TX English - 1, Mary
•An, drew; 2, Bruce MacKenzie, ; 3,
Donald- ` Young.
Grade X : History -- 1 Judy
Webster; ' 2, Barry • Johnston,; 3,
Marilyn Cameron
Grade XI Mathematics --- '1,
Eleanore: McNay; 2, George Bush-
ell;, 3, Murray Hinter, :
Grade XIII• Language Profici-
ency ` = 1, Floyd: Stanley; 2,
Nancy Forster; 3, Nancy Irwin.Home Economics. Award'
lI - Helen Campbell, `Better
Homes andGardens Cook Book;
,donated • by ' Mr. E. Umbach. •
XX,I =- (1) Beth Cooper, ,place
Mats donated by Mr. -Lloyd Ash-
ton (2) .Eleanor, McNay, towels
donated 'by Mr; :Lloyd Ashton.
X •- • Marilyn Cameron, China
Candle Holders donated, by Wm.
A. Schmid; two dress length,
donated by Sepoy Store. •
IX:.-- Sharon West, place set
ting of Cornflower Crystal, dog
nated by Wrn, A.' Schmid.
Kairshea • scholarship for Pro-
ficiency in Borrie Economics ---
Helen 'Campbell. • . .
,Twelve: members of the Luck
nowBoy' Scout troop, .: With,
their leader, Scoutmaster : Stuart
Collyer,', are attending camp at
Inverhuron until next Tuesday.
The `' boys are, • Bill Gardner,
Ross Forster,;' David Thompson,
Doug MacKinnon, Donald, Fisher,
Tommy :Andrew Glen . Cowan,,
Terry' Rathwell, . Tom ' Rathwell,
Elliott Whitby, Wayne Jamieson,
Jimmy McNaughton.,
'The latter joined the group ;on
Tuesday after attending the
North Kepple camp, ' 20 miles.
north of Owen Sundt/ where Jim=
my. took the' Silver Arrow scout-
cout-ing. course.
Mrs. Oliver • J., Trafelet of
Southampton The', marriage was
solemnized in the United Church
Parsonage, Port ,Elgin, on Tues-
day evening, 'July. 5th, ' 1960. A
reception. followed at the' home
of her..sistgr, Mr .arid Mrs. Bob.
'Johnston, Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Trafelet will re
y -best- and
Terry. failed to notice a west
side` .i utha'mpton.
' PASS MUSIC. •'EXAMS was' a close shave
• ;The following: pupils of .Mrs.:: Dr. M: H. Corrin happened.
Charles' Shaddick have passed
the Toronto Royal ,Conservatory"
of .Music, examinations: Grade- 8;
along at the. time • and had Terry
removed to . ` Winghaim hospital
where ' he was keppt. under o!bser•-
Alex Hewitt, honours; Grade 6, vation,: -for a couple of days_ TA
Dianne' Hewitt,' honours; Sharon sore • back seemed" to • be Terry's
O'Donnell, honours. ' chiefcomplaint
gar Book Credit.
1' Year Book A `:Credit To .L.D.H:S.
The 1159-60' edition of the
Lucknow High . School' Year Book
which bears the. naive: "Veritas"
(truth). ;is a creditto the .school
.andto the Editorial staff and all
who contributed to • its contents.
• " •It . is ' the largest .'over 60
pages and one of the best'
year books: ever .. published by
the school, Which 'seems ,especi-•
ally. fitting as it is ' dedicated to.
•the retiring principal, Mr. P. W
Hoag . .
The frontispiece reads;. "The
students of Lucknow District
Miss' Bessie Reavie entertain-
ed Friday, evening at the home
of ` Mrs.• Grant MacDiarmid at •a
shower for Jean• Anne Richards:
Bessie :presided for a . program
with solos by Mrs.' Joynt and
Bertha Blue' and a number of
contests. Jean . was, assisted • in
opening the gifts by Joan. Craw-
ford and .Nancy • Webster. After
Jean, thanked her friends, re-
freshrnerts were served :bringing,
a pleasant . evening to. a :close:
. Mrs N; • R. Richards of Guelph
entertained at her home ata perms
sonal shower for her niece, Jean
Anne. 'Guests included her .mo-
ther ' and aunts 'of the bride, Mrs.
Jim Richards,- Mrs. Ray Richards.
of 'Flesherton Mrs. P. S. Mac-
Dougall and Anna,,, Owen Sound,,
Mrs Lila Melville, "Betty Ann,
Barbara Jane,. • Alliston; Mrs.
AleX Andrew, Mrs. Finlay Mac-
Donald, Lucknow; Mrs..Letinard
Huston, Kincardine.
John Helm who is employed
with the 'C.N.R. at Kitchener, is
a patient in . Wingham hospital
with • ,pneunoliia.
Mr. and Mrs, Graham Pinkney
and Glyn of Ajax are •spending'.
the. summer at thein cottage at
Amberley .Eeach:
1'o LDHS
High School ' respectfully •:dedi-
cate . this edition of. the Veritas
to Mr.. P., W. Hoag whose sin
cerity and guidance ` has been an
The• printing of , the book. ,was'.
'completed: by The Sentinel by
the close of school and the `ma-
jority of students who had books
ordered : have now picked them: ,
up at this office.
There, are extra books avail-
able, at $1.00.. and ,we think most.
anyone will find it of interest,
whether or not they have a stu-
dent . in High School::
v:ats•t#.iG`L. ` ya. ti ' r.`:a ki'.i�:' ::�..,.' ..
' Left to � ri ht front row,gElaine, Hodgins; : Corabell Tompson,
Janet Finlayson. Back/ row, Don ald Barr, Paul Henderson, Terry