HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-06, Page 2t r3; 1 •r .TWELVE' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW� ONTARIO W►FrD�NEs, yA,Y,,FUNK•• 9th, 1960; 'ONS FOR: Do .you need; any help choosing .your: gifts) WE HAVE LOVELY TOWELS " P from finger tip. size to sturdy bath towels in blue, yellow, green and rose. Many with "gold , threads, with matching wash cloths. Also many fancy boxed sets. PILLOW SUPS Wabasso' in white or pastel shades: Fancy' box- ed, ox-ed embroidered or lace trimmed, sets of sheets and pillow cases„ TABLE CLOTHS --- Damask and lace CHENILLE BED. SPREADS' FOAM 'PILLOWS BLANKETS- in plain shades and plaids FLOOR MATS - special at $1,98 and $2..98. AND FOR 'THE''. LUXURY LOOK! RUGS WITH ACRILAN IN, 12 SHADES 24 X 36 --, $10,95 27 X 48 --- $13.95. AGENT 'FOR' KINCARDINE CLEANERS • Free. P%k, Up and Delivery, Monday and 'Thu ►y. LADIES' -and MENS• WEAR PRINCIPAL. RETIRES (Continued ` from page , x) .Hoags . had : been closely associat- ed and his 'retirement actually, %marked .the, ..end of an . era He paid : ;tributeto , his 'work with the bated and of his' services ` other', fields 'in : the. •'comrnun4ty,• which, had earned .him the ` ag preciation and love of the pea: - Mr., Hughes extended • best wishes to` Mr: and _ Mrs. ; Hoag„ that they might hp -,spared many -years to enjoy • theirs. leisure: Mr. •I ughes presented the luggage. -Henry MacKenzie :sup plemented his • remarks &', pre sented the watch & Arthur. Hod gins` presented Mrs. Hoag: with a bouquet of . 'red roses. :W. 14i„ Howey' paid tribute to his exemplary„ life,. and the :de- dication to' his work, not snoti . vated: fby. material gain, 'but the satisfaction. of a work well done. Others:adding < • mutual expres cions: of appreciation: and • good Wishes were • CaMpbell Thomp- son,' •Harvey Webster, Gordon.. Fisher, Mrs W. R. Howey, Don= ald •Henderson and M. R.' Bal- lard. Mr • Hoag expressed. hia cere appreciation :.of the kind .ness ' and., thoughtfulness 'shown: them He; ;reminisced about peo- . pie and ; incidents in . Lueknow; paid a compliment' to the well:, .manneredliness of his .students, and of; the fine personalities he has. 'seen. "go out from •the. school: The Board has been most Co-p::.o • erative, and he recognized . their prriblems. Mr, Hoag made special mention,. of 1Vlrs J C. Arinstrorig and Sidney' Whitby. 'for their co- operation. . ' Mrs Hoag added her • thanks. andsaid there was -a: pull at ..the • /wart :Strings when one' ' lays down their life work,. She said 'that 'Wherever, they. may 'locate there will always' :.be , a • warm welcome ; for Lucknow friends. In .Mr. Hoag's . remarks he had' .referred, tq, j. the : biggness` of heart of the people of this • eom mi unity n joys. or, sorrow`s. Band .Presentation Fifteen mentibers • of the Luck- now District High •,School Band; along ' with their. • leader, Mr. 'P. W. Hoag and Mrs. Hoag, .en- joyed a 'dinner -at the Bruce Inn, Kincardine, . last Thursday. Bill Andre v,; president of the .band, . thanked Mr.' Hoag 'for- his lead- ership throughout the years; to :CARS! CRAP/. •(Continued .:from ' page 1), The • .doors orithe ,McGillivray car' were wedged'shut,arid were opened with difficulty ' vefth a tractor in,. order to' remove Ste- wart.' The tragic accident.: marred a pleasant. •day at • the: Westford school, . as the students had': stag: ed 'a 'picnic.: •Mrs. Bolger and her daughter -an law had come to the'• school to get :;R se Marie and take her. home for the'..week-end ,The. Westford sideraad was ,clos .ed,. and theory" , has; it that pos- ssibly , that. it is: • why they were 'proceeding- west •to. ,the• "Luck- now, gravel" • "Roses Marie 'has. been teaching :`• at .the • Westford School 'since .Christmas when she. succeeded Mrs Cecil .':Sutton.. She has been' Staying:, . at . Tom. Hodgins.' Coroner M. R. Helliwell of Kincardine said an .inquest' will be held into 'the ' deaths.: Provin- cial' police from Walkerton and Kincardine investigated. 1.. SEE BY . THE • SENTINEL THAT Tom Hackett has.purchas-- ed; the: Laurier .schoolhouse in School Section 'pro. 1,2 Ashfield. There were three. bids for the building, . which has no tbeen • used as a schoolhouse far some ';• time.' Decision to sell it, was reached after' plans' wer e ap- proved for a new central. .,sc hool -.in that district. Mr. Hackett . plans to move the building, we understand, ' THAT ;. Mrs. Ed Thom and 'her granddatighter, R o s e m a r'y. (Rothwell of Norwood, , left by .bus from London •on Thursday for a trip to California, arriv- ing at their destination onspend the summer 'with her ~' .Values Effective which Mr. ,Hoag replied.. Only . a few weeks' ago the Student Councilon behalf of the students *presented Mr. Hoag with an 'easy chair and portable' . radio: Mrs.• Bolger is survived byher husband; . one • son, ' James, ; of Grey Township; • one daughter, Mrs. Gordon` :(Marilyn) .Engel of Cranbraolt, .Ont,; one brother, Mervin. • Richin ond, of Blyth, and one .granddaughter: • Rose;" Marie 'Bolger was born October • 13th, 1938„ in •. Orey Township: Both' were ' members of the Anglican ',Church. ..: A double • funeral was held from the home, • Grey Township, Tuesday at 2 p m, Rev. I£enneth Jaggs ' .of St.' John's Anglican Church, Brussels, officiated and burial was in Brussels Cemetery. ucknow YOUR BARGAIN •• FOODLAND ICE CREAM SALE,* Save 10e. . Silverwood's For Quality. Half, -Gallon 'TAKE-HOME" PARTY CONES, Save 10c. 20 Cones, In .Package. Feature. Pkg. 13 C:. 'MIRACLE . WHIP DRESSING: Save Sc. For All Your, Sals►ds &-Sarndwckes 16 hoz. Jar. 35c' . INSTANT COFFEE SALE. Savef 25e.. Mother Parker's Large 6 ' oz. Feature. Jar. . .89c TOILET TISSUE SALE. 'Save' 9c Ballet• 8 Wroils.89( '° White.: � Super. Soft.. • Special.., • THIS; IS STRAWBERRY .WEEK WE/CAN, SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS AS' USUAL. LUSCIOUS RED FRUIT..' CASE 'LOTS A SPECIALTY. Sunday morning. They . will. ' daughter; Mrs. Al" Martin (Jean .J June 29 30 July 2 Thom) and Mr. Martin. • THAT Mrs. Arabe1l Bushell .and Mrs. Philip MacMillan left by motor: last week for a: triti to ' the Maritimes, •:. returning. by the Eastern. States. They will' be gone ; about three weeks'. THAT regist "ration for swiijmin`g instruction • at the ' • Teeswater • 'Lions Pool was held; locally on •Saturday, 'under the:spon- ' sorship of ;the • Lucknow and District .Branch .Of • the Red, Cross which provdes..transpor- tation ''to Teeswater... The ,bus will leave at 8:15 a.m. Om Tries-. day .,and •Friday mornings dur, ing the summer, Over sixty. registered on Saturday and others •since indicated. their in- terestin the 'course THAT the Harrison Reunion write-up, wlucl~ .appears in this `week's paper; arrived, to us on, ,tiine but has been, side- tracked for two ', • weeks be- cause at lack .of space. EMBEDDED' IN ' OLD TREE' SAWN STRUCK HORSESHOE While Harry.. Landis'" was cut- ting down a. tree for Cyril' Brown last week, he ran into ,. horse-shoe . embedded in . the centre "of thee tree., , When the block was Split open it was dis- vered that .the chain saw had gone 'half way through; the shoe, and it wasn't to be wondered why the saw' 'wasn't cutting • as usual ' and had to be . re -sharp-' .ened. The Brown residence on Have- lock' St, ,South; was at one time. the• home. of Dr. J. S. Tennant, who was a practitioner of the horse & 'Ibfi`g'gy 'days, & 'a pony: fancier & the horseshoe might well be associated :with him. It. is believed it may have been placed'in the crotch of a young tree which grew around THAT glasses have .been reedy ed for'; the ` Lions; Chin "Bank of Light from :Art Cann.' o' London and formerly of • Luck now..:The gasses, now numb ering • several hundred • pair, Will be shipped • at the end of .the .week. THAT Teen Town held their ..final: dance of the season on Friday evening. It was a semi- formal" event with music by Willoughby's .Orchestra., :.THAT Marian' R'eavie. .daughter" of ,Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reavie,' '.,has .been• successful in passing her ;grade •8 piano .exams. Mar- ••inn's ':.teacher is Mrs. 4iiiian Simpson • THAT R. L.:,Treleaven of Wood stock, : son of the. late Dr. - and Mrs: R ' L. Treleaven, ' • was •among the 'members of the Osgoode Hall graduating .class. "Ih11AT Lorne Maccen-zie of Ern- • bro,. son of Mr. and Mrs 'Roy'' ' .MacKenzie of " Ripley,' will teach in Stratford in the fall,' and is; presently pitching for the Stratford Kroehler ball team.' THAT Rev. W . R. Welshof Gttilds in Kent Presbytery,. will succeed Mr. Allan Neelons as minister •of Bluevale .and He will , be inducted at Blue - 'Vale on rriday evening. THAT Mrs': Albert Taylor share -the -wealth prize in a • by the "Friday Night" Mei.- chants. of Goderiph, . THAT CP1.. j. IL Haekett has been posted tti: the A.F.V. tank range 'at'.'Meaford, and the family have' changed their abode froth the Stayner We : Sell For Less Phone. 119, .Lucl :pow THAT Mr. and Mrs.' 'Murray Mc- 'Dowe11 are• moving from Ash- field on Friday to their home at Cookstown near Barrie. Murray will later go ' to Chica- go. 'to take a course in' Surge sales : &' service, in, which :he will :be; engaged' in, the Cooks- town district. 'PRAT 'the Township road trage • ,:dy that occurred last Friday in•' front of Harold Percy's faun on Con:12;.: Kinloss, ' . recalls *another . fatality just_about :a. year ago It was ; on' June. 18th; 'of' last year that David, 14-, year-old son of Harold Percy and the late:. Mrs: Percy; and Eric},.`li year old son of Mr. & Mrs. 'Alex Percy,' died • under an. overturned, tractor.' on the farm' adjacent . to the scene, of last week's fatality. THAT members of the Lucknaw Chapter' of the Royal • • Arch; Mason conducted degree work at the Goderich Chapter last week: :, o- THAT Elliott Carruthers . mark-: red. the: - 20th .anniversay of his.. dance band ' on Friday. with : an .,. engagement .at inverhuron pa- vilion . THAT '. "School's. Out!"` ; Last •week -end saw the,close.of ;the Lucknow District .. High: School for the; 1959-60 term, as Grade XIII students completed their writing of examinations.' This week• '' the • Public. • School doors across the ; county will close for the summer 'vacation. 'School :re -opens on •Septerither .6th.. THAT Joanne, Bunter arid Mari - .an Reavie will be employed -at, Ja4s ,Ranch near Under- ' woOd for. the simirner months. • Mr., Wells is an,. ardent Lion, and in Lionism he sees the op- portunity for' unselfish service to others, and in that service to look beyond- our -own lives, help- ing us' to overcome our worries. 'The speaker was presented with a gift arid thanked by Lion Upon arrival at the dinner the ladies were presented .with carnation corsage. The evening concluded with dancing to music: ,by Carruther's orchestra. (Continaed-,froin. Page 1) presentathie an . the Diocesan Board Of ,Religibus Education for , At tilleknow; he has taken .an .actie part in corrimunity "affair's. '. tie IS a 'director :of the Lucluidw and, District •Horticultur,a1 Soci- ety, and a member of:the Dick - now ',.Public' .Sehdol Board: Mr. Jennings married.to the ,CT,Orrie. At Brussels; he will ••puc- leaving the Piocese of Nuroa. - During his. 8 -year: ;ministry in this parish, Rev: jennings bpi assisted, in ,tbe celebration of 3 cen.tennial anniversaries and a 75th anniversarY.•- In his 26 -year ministry he has. missed' only one $uriday service„ and' that due tO illness while a inissiena4 ,rii the North. Bob and 4hirley MOwbray of receipt of The Sentinel, , say: "We look forward to the arrival ,:of the mailman. every- Thurs- KEEI! YOUR FEET COOL and COMFORTABi„.E:` During The Hot -Weather Chose From Our 0.ange Of er . In White .or Beige. L.eathers . In Open or Closed Baek Styles, Ado Wide Variety Of WAS,HABLE CANVAS FOOTWEAR Several,Color. Combinations.