HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-07-06, Page 1$3;Q0 A • Year .In,Advance 4 . $1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
AY, JULY 6tiv 1960
Sch ar
pro embers On Pubtic
cretary' Resigns
'rhe July meeting of" the Luck
• now Public School Board was
held ,on Thursday► •evening, June
For . the preparation of • the
1960..Budget report, an ' estimate
of receiptsandexpenditures was
presented. A motion was passed
to levy' the sum of $15,530,00 on.
` Municipalities ' n Lucknow . Pub
lic School Area. This is an in-
crease' of $2,000 over last year's
levy. ? •
• After consulting 'with, Princi-
pal, Stuart•• Collyer,permission•
was granted ,to 8 pupils from S.S.
No, 9,, .Ashfield Township to at-
" tend Lucknow Public School this
Plans were. Made to open an
8th classroom this Fall. 'Move-
Move -able type desks are 'to be ordered
and present science desks are to,
beremoved. Tuition fee'.accounts.
were • mailed out the end ' of
• June. The requisition for month
of July was set at •$900.00. .
An `advertisement is being in
sorted inthe local paper regard-'
• ing the proper use . of school
playground equipment. The. May-
pole is- not :to 'be used.'.'Public
• School age "children may use the
playgrounds. -at reasonable -hours
during thee `holidays.
• . Tender of Roy :'Havens 'to in-
stall two modern type • drinking
fountains was accepted. These
are to • be, 'installed by August
Reference 'was made to ' class
pictures provided by the 'Board
• and which were' given 'to each
member of' the .1960 graduating:.
:class; by Mr. Collyer at the close
of the term..
W. E. Collyer is. to' install one
outside light at front of ,school
building, this light to -.be: oper-
ated on the present time clock.
The resignation of Carmen
Mc.Quillin, effective , July' 15th,
was received; . also the* resigna=
tion : of Rev. • H. L. .Jennings, ef-
fective August' 31st. `Mr. Jennings
• stated he ;enjoyed.. his Work. on
the Board and Would have .plea -
,sant memories 'of saine.� '.
The statutes empower the re-
maining trustees to appoint ' suc
cessors to .,complete the unexpir:
• ed terms of the two 'resigning
members which ; run to the end
of 1961. Mr.' McQuillin is now
employed .in ' Guelph and: Rev.
Jennings is being .transferred to
Brussels. ' •
The Board regretfully; received
and accepted the resignation :of
the secretary -treasurer, •Donald
Henderson,; ; effective December
31st, 1960. The . Board 'is adver-
tising for ,a successor.
Wesley; Robb, 71 year-old Hur
• on Township farmer,' is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
with a fractured neck and other
severe injuries, suffered, during
, a haying accident on Tuesday of
'last' week; • ` •
Mr. Robb was injured when
the bale elevator fell on him. in
the. barn. He was. ...working with
his son, J. S. Robb, at the -time,
and despite • the severity ;of •the
blow retained , consciousness.'•
' The injured manwas taken to
Kincardine hospital 'and from
there to London. •
Mrs, Robb• has remained in the
city with her husband. The full.
extent . of his injuries •was not'
immediately determined, but. his
condition is reported to. be • as
r w .well as can be expected.
Mr, Robb''s .latest misfortune
recalls another critical injury he
Suffered more than twenty years.
ago, when he fell from the
. was
,.windmill' and. led.
through the - 'impal
ti . chest by a protrud-
ing arm,. •
Holidays , at . The Sentinel
Office will be observed. ' for '`
a two-week period, the last' •
week' in July and the firat
week in August, . which takes
in the Civic Holiday Week-
• end,
There' will be no issues of.
The Sentinel on ..July 27th
and August 3rd: •
In other .Words, ,there will
.be ; just., two, more • issues -
▪ ••July' 13th and 20th" --.before
vacation time arrives.
John. Thomson was hospitalized
a few: days with a broken arm,,
some bad bruises: 'and ' a .few
stitches as a result..of a car, ac-
cident early • last Friday, morn-
a mile ,east of Lucknow on
Highway 86 John;s injuries were
at first thought to "be more seri-
pus. ' A punctured kidney was.
feared but this was not the case,
and he was. able to, leave • the
hospital • on Tuesday. ' .
His, ca r rolled- over several
times and is: a 'complete' wreck.
John was thrown clear on the
first flip, and by' the look of the
wreck he was most fortunate.'
Mr. ' and Mrs. Rae Watson, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Montgomery
Donald:/Henderson,, efficient :&
faithful • secretary -treasurer of
both the Public. School and. High
School boards for several years
has tendered.; his resignation, .e'f-
festive the. end • of'' the ' year.. .
Donald notified .the Public
• School Board last week, arid at
the;Tuesday night meetingof the
High School Board, they received.
a .:similar notice' which was •re-'
gretfully accepted: '•
Successors to ' both.. positions
'are being advertised 'for:
•1960 winners .of proficiency
awards ' ` at Lucknow'' ' District
High 'School have beenannoun-
ced as follows: by .• Mr: P W,.
Hoag, in one of•his final reports
as principal of the school.
Grade IX ;Finlayson B'rothers,-
Proficiency, Shield ,- 1; • Mary.
',Andrew; '2, ';Donald •' Young; •. 3,
Sharon '.O'Donnell,:
Grade • X = Wm, MacKenzie
Proficiency Shield =:'1, Marilyn.
Cameron; 2,' . Judy Webster; • 3,
Barry Johnston: •
Grade XI Wm. A. Schmid
Proficiency Shield"- 1, George
Bushell, 2, Murray Hunter;•, 3,
Terry Wilson:'
Grade ,XII - Women's' Insti-
tute Scholarship . - '1,' George
Gibson; 2, .' Helen ., Campbell; 3
Floyd Stanley. '
Grade; XII English Profici-
ency Shield •- 1;' George Gibson;
2, Helen Campbell; 3, Patricia'
'Clansmen's' • T'rephy, Public
Speaking' -' Senior boy, Bill
Andrew. •' .
Wm. "A. Schmid' Trophy; :Pub-
lic SpeakingSenior girl, Jo
Anne Crozier,
School Citizenship Trophy
Sandy MacKenzie.
Proficiency ' Cups' .
Grade IX English 1f' Mary
Andrew, 2,, Bruce ' MacKenzie; 3,
Donald Young:
• Grade . X History 1., Judy
Webster, `. 2, Barry Johnston; 3,
Marilyn Cameron. '
Grade . XI Mathematics. =-- 1,
Eleanor McNay; 2, George. Bush-
ell; 3, Murray Hunter.
Grade XI:I' • Language Profici-
ency 1; . Floyd Stanley.; 2,
Nancy • Forster.; . 3, Nancy Irwin.
Home Economics Award '
• %XIII.-=- Helen Campbell, `Better
Homes and Gardens Cook ,.Book;
donated • by Mr. E. Umbach.. •
• XI (1) Beth Cooper, place
mats donated by Mr: ' Lloyd Ash-
ton; ,,(2) Eleanor McNay,towels
donated' by Mr:. Lloyd Ashton:.
X Marilyn Cameron, • China
Candle Holders,' donated by .Wm.
A. Schmid; ' two dress length,
donated. by Sepoy Store. .
IX Sharon West, placeset=
ting of 'ttSrnflower Crystal, do-
nated by Wm. A..Schmid, :
ea p
T�airsh scholarship for , Pro-
ficiency in Home Econotnics
Helen Campbell.
The silver wedding anniver-
sary of Mr. and Mrs.: William E.
Andrew • of Ashfield 'was . quietly
observed by. a wedding dinner at
Dunlop Inn „on Sunday,. July -3rd,
,attended" by the two immediate
families and' their 'minister,; Rev.
and Mrs, G. W. Kaiser., After_ the
dinner a pleasant afternoon was
,enjoyed at Hawthorn Banks
farm on Concession '9,. Ashfield.
The bride •and groom of 25-'
years ago Were the recipients: of.
many .beautiful. gifts and cards..
R,• W. Andrew iof Listowel pro-
posed the toast 'to Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew, to which 'the groom re
plied, •
Mrs. Andrew is the former
Margaret Finlay, daughter of.
;Wm. • F. Finlay, and the late
Mrs: Finlay.' '
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew have a
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Ashton family of five, Louise who tea -
are this week in attendance at
:the Lions International conven
tion': in Chicago. • ' •
The local• sextette motored to
Sarnia on Monday 'evening from
Where they travelled by train•.to•
the "Windy 'City"
The condition' of Stewart Mc-
Gillivray- :who -was :seriously -in-
jured in 'an auto. "accident :on
Concession 12, Kinloss, is show
ing ',narked improvement at V.ic-
toria. •Hospital: .
Among Stewart's injuries was
a badly broken leg, which ' hae.
been pinned:
While Stewart is • getting along
well 'his ultimate, recovery will
take time : and patience.
Twelve members' of the •Luck
now . Boy Scout troop,;' with
their leader, Scoutmaster ;Stuart
Collyer, are attending camp.' at
Inverhuron until next Tuesday,;
The boys are,; Bill Gardner,
Ross Forster, David' Thompson,
Doug 1VIaaKinnon, ,Doliald.'Fisher,'
Tommy . Andrew, Glen . Cowan,
Terry Rathwell, Tom- Rathwell,
Elliott' Whitby, Wayne ' Jamieson;
jimmy McNaughton.' hton. ' • •
The latter joined the group on
'Tuesday after . attending • • the
;North ° Kepple camp, 20 mules
Borth of Owen Sund, where Jim-
my t
im-myt o k the:. Silver Arrow scout-
ing rose.
• Miss -Bessie ' Reavie entertain-
ntertain-ed: Friday evening at the' home
of. Mrs: Grant MacDiarmid at 'a,.
shower for Jean Anne ',Richards.
Bessie presided for'', a program
with solos , by Mrs. Joynt and
Bertha Blue .and' a number .45f
contests. Jean was assisted in.
opening the gifts 'by Joan Craw-
ford and Nancy Webster.: After:
Jean thanked her friends, re-
freshments were, served bringing
a pleasant evening 'to a close.
Mrs.' N. A. Richards of Guelph'
entertained at her home at a per-
sonal shower for her niece, Jean
Anne, Guests included her mo-
ther and .aunts .of the bride, Mrs.,
Jim Richards, Mrs. Ray Richards
of Fleshertnn; Mrs: P. S': Mac-
Dougall and Anna, •Owen. Sound,
Mrs.. Lila Melville, Betty Ann,,
Barbara Jane, Alliston; Mrs,
Alex Andrevy, Mrs. Finlay . Mac-
Donald, .Lucknow; Mrs: Leonard
Huston, Kincardine.
John ' Helm who is employed
with the C,N:R.. at Kitchener, is
a patient in Wingham;• hospital
with pneumonia,
.Mr, • arid. Mrs: Graham Pinkney
and Glyn of Ajax are .spending
the summer, at their cottage at
Amberley, Beach, '
cies at Kitchener, Bill, John .and
Mary, attending • Lucknow' : Dis-
trict High School and Stephen
who attends public, school.
Arthur Andrew of Kapuskas-
ing, who was groomsman for his
brothertwenty-five years ago,
was the Only one . of the family
unable to ,be present
Mrs. Laura 'MeIseil ' of • West
Waw.anosh announces the mar.:'
riage of : her youngest 'daughter,
•Shirley',Evelyn, and Mr. Thomas
George Trafelet, son of Mr. and
Mrs. •Oliver • J. Trafelet • of.
Southampton. - The` marriage was
solemnized :in the United Church
Parsonage, . Port Elgin, on . Tues-.
day evening, July 5th, 1:960: A
reception' . followed: at the :: home
of her .'sister; Mr., and .Mrs Bob
•Johnston, Kincardine.
M'r. • and . Mrs.. Trafelet will re=
.side in'' Southampton.
The following pupils • of Mrs.
Charles . • Shaddick have passed
the . Toronto Royal Conservatory
of Music • examinations.. Grade 8,
Alex Hewitt, honours; Grade 6,
Dianne Hewitt, honours;;. Sharon
,O'Donnell, honours.
Lucknow Legion 'has reserved
sufficient entries in the "Miss.
Lucknow" Beauty. Contest. td-
o•enable them to sponsor the show.
The contest, variety program &
dance has been set : for the: Le
gion Hall on " Friday, July 22nd. - '•
at 934, •
Prizes of. $15, $10,, and' $5.
will be awarded locally and the'
winner will be 'sponsored by the '
Luckrio w :Legion ,in 'the "Miss,
Bruce County" contest to be
held at Kincardine on August'
2nd at their Old .Boys Reunion.
Winners at Kincardine will
receive '$500., $200., $100:, ,.and, -
wrist watches, in that order. The,
girls will • be appearing in ,street
clothes and evening gowns. and
will not have to appear in bath-
ing suits: , Entries are still. being
• Terry; O'Donnell, • 15 -year-old
son Of Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Don
nell; is fortunate to have escaped
.with minor injuries in a Sunday
•afternoon mishap, shortly after
two o'clock. •
Terry :and Glen Porter were
on -their -.bicycles and were eom
ing' onto Highway 86, at 'a point
..near their homes east' of the vil-
loge •` ,
Visibility is not the : beat and
Terry ' failed. ito notice . a west
bound • car in time , to avoid the
mansion. The- : driver, • Norman"
Coulter.' of Wingham, was"''travel- ,
ling at • a moderate speed. and.
was able to; bring the •car. under
.controY quickly
•:`Terry was knocked down while
astride ' his bicycle •which. 'was
partially" ,under. the ; car bumper,,
but the' car;' wheel did not run
('' onto. either hien or the bike. ;It •
was a close. shave.' : •
Dr.. ° M. H • Corrin happened
along at the time and ,had Terry
• removed to Wingham hospital
where. he • was kept under . obser-
vation .for' : a couple' of days. 'A •
sore back seemed -to be' Terry's •
chief :complaint •
1 Year Book A Credit TO L.D.H.S.
• The 1959-60... edition of. the
Lucknow High School Year Book
which• bears. the 'name ,"Veritas'"
(truth) is 'a .the
to.' the; school
and to -theEditorial , staff''and` ail.
who; contributed -•to its contents,
It., is ' the largest over 60
pages and one of the . best
Year 'books ever 'published . by
the school, .which seems especi-
ally fitting `as it .is' dedicated, to
the retiring principal, Mr: P: W.
Hoag. .
The frontispiece ,reads: "The
students : of Lucknow District
ear Book Cres
t To L
High School respeetfully dedi-
cate this edition:. of the Veritas •'
to: Mr. P. W. Hoag :whose.. sin-
cerity and guidance has been an
• The printing of • the book was
completed by .The . Sentinel by
the ':close of school and the ma
•j ority", of, students who had • books,
ordered'' : have now picked : theme;
up'. at this office:
There are 'extra, ,books' .avail=
Able .at $1.00 arid we think most
anyone' will find it • of interest,
'whether ornot they have a •stu-
dent in High School.
. :vyii�'�+'\i.�`w\�5`� \ ...ia`R 3•�.�..1?.a\,y�v:
Left to right, front row, Elaine Hedging,.. Coi:abell Thompson,.
,. Janet Finlayson.' tack, row, Don ald Barr, Patii Henderson, Terry