HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-29, Page 12PAG.:. TWELVE TBE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK NOW • =WO IO • 'ONS • FOR Do ' you need any, help choosing your gifts? WE HAVE LOVELY:. TOWELS from finger tip size. to sturdy bathtowels' in blue, yellow, green and rose., ' Many With gold threads, with matciing wash cloths. Also many fancy boxed sets, . PILLOW SLIPS Wabasso in white or pastel shades. Fancy box- ed, oxed, embroidered , or lace trimmed, sets of . sheets and pillow cases. TABLE CLOTHS Damask. and ,lace ? , CHENILLE BED SPREADS • : FOAM PILLO"V,VS BLANKETS in plain shades and . plaids FLOOR MATS = special at .$1.98 and $2.98. AND FOR : THE LUXURY LOOK! RUGS WITH.,,ACR,ILAN .IN 12h SHADES 2.4 X 36--- $10.95_ 27X48—$1395`. AGENT FOR KINCARDINE' CLEANERS Free Pick -Up sad:. Deliverr Monday aind ' Thorn day LADIES' 'and. MEN'S" WE PRINCIPAL' RETIRES- P g,e 1 ) from page Hoag,had been closely , associat- ed and , his retirement actually - marked the end of an era. He Q paid -tribute to to .his work with the band .:and of his services in .. other fields in • the, 'community; which ` had earned hiin the, ap- preciation and . love of the :/peo- ple. ,• Mr. Hughes extended best wishes . to . Mr. .and Mrs. ; Hoag that they might be spared : many.. years , to enjoy their leisure. , Mr: • Hughes : presented the luggage. Henry MacKenzie sup- plemented,: his remarks & pre- sented re sented ' the ''watch & Arthur Hod- gins presented. Mrs: Hoag with . a, bouquet :of red roses. W. ' R. . Howey: paid tribute to his. 'exempt ,life,and nd th e de- dication .to 'his work; not moti - vated lbq . Material .,gain, 'but the satisfaction •of a work' well. done:. Others' addling; •mutual :expres- sions ofappreciation and good wishes: were _ Campbell Thomp- son, Harvey Webster, :;Gordon. Fisher, Mrs W. R. Howey, Dane •ald Henderson' and M. R.' Bal- lard.' ., 'Mr. Hoag expressed • his sin-. dere • appreciation of the kind- ness and thoughtfulness shown. theta: He 'reminisced : about peo- ple .and : incidents in : Lucknow, ::.paid a : compliment to the well manneredliness of his students, and of . the fine .personalities he has seen go out from the :school The Board has been Mostco=op - endive, and he recognized their problems Mr. Hoag made Vidal mention of Mrs. J.' C. Armstrong and Sidney Whitby for' their co- operation.. • Mrs. Hoag addedher thanks and said • there was a pull', at .the' heart strings when ` one lays down their life •.work. She said that' wherever. they may locate,:. there will always.• be: a•' warm welcome ifor Lucknow., friends. In ; Mr, .Ioag's' remarks , he, had referred, to the • biggness 'of• heart of the people of . this com- munity in joys or Presentation. sorrows. Band Fifteen 'members of the Luck - now District High School Band, along' with : their `• leader, Mr. W:.Hoag and Mrs. 'Hoag, en- joyed a. dinner at the Bruce Inn, Kincardine? last .Thursday, Bill Andrew, president of' the band, thanked .Mr, Hoag for • his lead- ership eadership throughoft the years, to ' which Mr. Hoag replied,. , Only a few weeks •ago •the Student Council on behalf of the students, presented ' Mr, . Hoag with ar Deasy chair and portable radio. ' CARS CRASH' • (Continued'. from: page : 1) The • doors on the' McGillivray car were wedged.shut "arid• were opened ,with difficulty with • ;'a tractor in order to remove Ste- wart. - The tragic • accident marred . ;:a pleasant day .. at . the Westford" school gas the students • had ed, a picnic. ,Mrs. `Bolger and her daughter slaw had come to the; school to get'Rose Marie and take _her home for, the week -end. The Westford sideroad was 'clos=' and ":theory has it that nos- siblj that it why they were:. ' roceed ` • ' west to the.'• "Luck- P �g now `gravel". Rose M vie , has been teaching at .the Westford School 'since. Christmas when she succeeded Mrs: :'Cecil Sutton. She' has been staying at Tom Hodgins. • Coroner M. R. '';Helliwell . of Kincardine 'said' an inquest will /he held . into the:deaths. , Provin tial"" police from Walkerton • and Kincardine•., investigated.. • 'Mrs.' Bolger is survived.by, her husband; one son, James, : of Grey , Township;; one: daughter, Mrs::Gordon:`(Marilyn)'-Exigei of Cranbrook,; Ont; one . brother, Mervin Richnond of Blyth; and one granddaughter. '• Rose: Marie ; Bolger was born October ' 13th,1938; in , Grey Township. Both , were. 'members •' of the Anglican Church. A double ,funeral• was -held V from the.home, Grey. Township, Tuesday at 2 p.m Rev. Kenneth Jaggs of • St.' John's Anglican` Church, Brussels, . • officiated and. burial was in Brussels . Cemetery. 11E; BY THE '.:SENTINEL 7.1HAT Torn Hackett has purchas- ed the ,Laurier schoolhouse' in School Section lid.:12 Ashfield. There were three bids for the building' which has. not. been used as a schoolhouse for some time. Decision to • sell it was .reached after .plans were., ap- proved for a new central school in . that district. Mr.;` ' • .Hackett. • plans to : move • the building, we, . understand. THAT Mrs. Ed Thom and . her, granddatighter, , R o s•a rn a r y . •: 'Rothwell' of "Norwood,. . left by . 'bus from London on Thursday for a trip. to :California, . arriv- 1 WFC WAY :DUNE 20th. 1960ti now Fruit Marl 'YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND ICE CREAM SALE. Save 10c. - Silverwood's For Quality. Half -Gallon ...';87( "TAKE-HOMEM PARTY. CONES. Save, 10c Package.. Feature. Pkg, . ,. 20 Cones, In' MIRACLE WHIP DRESSING., Save e k. For AllYour Salads a Sandwiches. 16'• oz. Jar. 3.5E4. INSTANT' COFFEE SALE. Save 25c: Mother Parker's Large 6 oz. Feature. Jar. ,, 9( TOILET: TISSUE SALE. Save 9c • Ballet White.. Super Soft. Special. r� lS THIS IS STRAWBERRY WEEK WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS AS USUAL. LUSCIOUS RED FRUIT. CASE LOTS A SPECIALTY ing at , their, destination on Sunday morning. They will, Values .Effective We Sell Fair Leas spend . the summer with'her daughter,` Mrs. Al Martin (Jean ,June :'29, 30. July "Phone` ' 119, Lucknow ho and Mr.. arum, ' T m) M , THAT Mrs, Arabell . Bushell arid Mrs. Philip MacMillan• left. by '. motor last week for a trip to the • Maritimes; ' returning by the Eastern States. ,They will• :be gone about three' weeks. • Z?sfrct• Branch:. , . o willleave at 8:15 a. day and, Friday • mornings dur- iing • 'the summer. Over sitcty registered ' on .• Saturday. `and' others since indieated their in 'terest in the'. course. THAT the . •`Harrison Reunion write-up, which. appears in.. this week's paper, arrived to US :on' :time but. has been side- tracked 'j.for two .weeks, be- cause of lack of space THAT .glasses have been receiv :ed for:• the Lions. Club :`Bank: • of Light"•, `from :' Art Cann of. London and formerly., 'of Luck - now. The: glasses, now .n 1St, eying .`several hundred '' pair, will be .shipped .at the : end of the week. !MAT. Teen 'Town 'held their final dance of 'the season on .Friday evening: It was. a semi- formal'? event with music' by Willoughby's Orchestra. THAT. • Marian' Reavie, daughter of MIr. 'and ` Mrs:: Miner Reavie,. has been successful in passing.. .her grade 8''piano exams Mar- .. Ian's • teacher is Mrs: Lillian • Simpson, , THAT R. L. •Treleaven of 'Wood-; stock, son ; of. the late Dr, and Mrs. R. I:: 'Treleaven, .Was among: the members: ` of the. •• Osgoode Hall graduating. class.. THAT Lorne MacKenzie of m- bro, on of Mr: and . Mrs. Roy MacKeniae of Ripley,, . will teach in Stratford, in the fall, and is presently : pitching' for the Stratford Kroehler THAT, registration for . ball swimming ;instruction., .at Teeswater Lions Poolwas. held locally on Saturday, under the spon- sorship of. the • Lu eknaw and of, the .Red. . 'Cross which provides transpor- tation to Teeswate EMBEDDED ' .IN OLD TREE SAW STRUCK" HORSESHOE :While Harry: •Lavis' was cuts• ting down a ' tree 'for :,Cyril Brown last , week, • .he ran into a horseshoes •, embedded in • the centre of the, .tree.. ,When the block was split open it 'was dis- ,vered that the chain saw had gone half way through the shoe, and • it -wasn't to be wondered' why the • saw wasn't cutting 'as usual and had, to be . re -sharp- ened. ` The BrOwn residence on Hawe- St, South, , *as at one time: the home of Dr. J. S. Tennant, who was a practitioner of the horse & buggy. days, &' a pony fancier as ,,the ' horseshoe mig` well oe 'associated`with him. It is believed' it may , have 'been placed 'in the crotch - of of a young 'tree. . which grew around it; r; The bus m on Tues - ,THAT Rev. • W. ' .' Welsh ,of • "Guilds. in Kent Presbytery, will succeed. Mr.'Allan Neelons • as minister of Bluevaie and. , Whitechurch • United Churches, Ie will be . inducted at Blue- vale on Friday evening, THAT Mrs. Albert' Taylor; R.R. 2. •Lucknow,. won $50.00. as a share -the -Wealth prize in a lucky. ticket draw conducted by the Friday Night" Mer- p . chants of Goderich. THATCpl•. J. i Hackett has been . posted tO the A.F.V., tank range at Meaford,, • and the family . have 'changed' thein abode _from' the Stayrter dis `trict to Owen, .Sound:. THAT Mr,. and: 1VIrs. Murray. Mc- Dowell are,. moving from Ash- field on Friday 'to their home at Cookstown : near. 'Barrie. Murray .will later, go to Chica- go to take a course in Surge sales, Sr; service, in which he will be engaged 'in, the Cooks- town __district. 00ks-town.._district. .HAT • the Teo nshiroad : tra ge T.. w pg ... dy that occurred last Friday in r front' of. Harold Percy's farm 'on Con. 12, Kinloss, recalls •' another fatality . just about . a year ago 1t was on June 18th' of last year 'that David, 14-. . year-old :' •son of . Harold 'Percy • , and the'" late Mr`s'., Percy, and Eric, • 11 -year old son 'of' Mr. &. Mrs. Alex Percy; died under an., overturned. tractor ,on .:.the farm adjacent to the sceneof last week's fatality. • • • • • THAT members of. the Lucknow Chapter of. the Royal Arch Mason .conducted degree work at the Goderich .Chapter last week. • THAT, Elliott: Carruthers mark ed the'20th anniversay sof • his dance band On Friday with' an engagement : at inverhuron ,pa- yilion, THAT "School's ' Outl" , Last , • week -end saw the close of ,the Lucknow District'. High. School for the .1959-60 term, as Grade XIII students completed their writing of examinations This week, ; the Public School School dors across the dour will . close for the .summer. vacation. School; re -opens ' on September. ;6th. THAT 'Joanne Hunter and ' Mari- an Reavie will be employed 'at "Jack's Ranch" near Under- wood, for the summer ' months. '•:O1FFtl:Elft& >INSTALLED • (Continued teem Page.1).• Mr. Wells is an, ardent Lion,. and in 'Lionism he ''sees the op- portunity for:. 'unselfish •service to others, and in that 'service to w. look beyond our own lives, ;help help- ing ti$ to 'overcome our worries: The speaker was presented with 'a gift and thanked by Lion Stuart Collyer. Upon arrival at the dinner the ladies were presented with a carnation corsage,: The evening concluded with dancing': to music, by 'Elliott Carriither's •orchestra. 11. RRECTOR •TO • LEAVE °.. (`Goftniued' trona Page 1) presentative .. ono` : ttie Diocesan.• Board of Religions' :Education for Bruce; Deanery: At Lucknow, he ::has taken an •active part in 'community affairs.. Bei/is', a. director of' the Lucknow an ' District .Horticultural Sbci-:, ety, and a member of the ' Luck, now Public School Board:. ' Mr.Ings enni is "married to the J former Ivy May Lawrence 'of Gorrie. At Brussels,• he• will 'suc= ceed the Bev. Kenneth Jaggs who is leaving the .Diocese :of Huron: . •• During his 8 -year. ministry' -in this parish, Rev. •Jennings >has assisted in the celebration ofy3 centennial • anniversaries .' and , a • 75t'h 'anniversary. ' '. • • In • his . 25 -year, ministry he has missed only :one • Sunday service; and that due' to illness while . a missionary• in the North. Bob' and Shirley. Mowbray ' of Kitchener; • • in . acknowledging receipt••, of- .The , Sentinel, say:' • "We, look forward: to the arrival of the, mailman ;every ..Thurs- I day. •' KEEP YOUR FEET COOL and COMFORTABLE • During The Hot Weather Chose Froin Our Range .Of ansa • In White or Beige 'Leathers In: Open or Closed Back .Styles PRICED FROM . ..r ... $296 to $4.95 Also A. Wide Variety Of • WASHABLE CANVAS•'FOOTWEAR. in :Several Color Combinations: Ideal For Beach or Everyday Wear PRICED FROM Y' r ., w' . .. r $2.95• Shoe Store