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' . Tellephones: Business 633; Residence 106
And, ` before you ' , know it,
'strawberry: time is with ;us.
.There is .nothing ;'•more. delicious
'fordessert ;than just plain straw-.
berries' and ,sugar and cream,;
with ' perhaps a simple light
Vie. But :they _'team. so :beauti
-fully 'with: SO- Many ' things, with
rhubarb 'in a ' pie meringue
' she'lls . ; filled with crushed: and
sugaredstrawberries; •and 'garn-
/shed .with,'whole berries' •and a
'rig of : mint makes an arnbros-.
11 ,.,_`sweet,',
Make •your .`favorite` j elly;. . roil,
but; instead of_ using jelly filling,
use. !crushed ,;berries sweetened,
with `sugar. Ice 'the roll " lavishly
with; whipped cream and "garn
ish'with whole'' berries.
Rhubarb and' Strawberry Pie'
3 'cups rhubarb, cut m . 1/2 inch
pieces: 1 ` cup strawberries, 11/4'
to 11/2 cups` sugar.. 1. tbsp. butter,
Pastry for ,double. -crust 9 inch
Pie. Niix flour, and Sugar togeth-
er, " addiruit and .stir. Let', stand
for 15. 'min. Turn, into uniaked
pie ;shell and •dot with. :butter.
C er ,with top' crust and' bake;
in of oven 50 'toz 60 win.
Straw1 erry '' Meringue Pie "
Beat until frothy 3 egg, ,whites
M ;tsp.`.`cree n'of tartar End a
pinch of salt. Gradually add I
cup Sugar, '2 tbsp, at ,a time beat-
ing ;',well ; after 'each,' addition:
.Beat: ' unti1,the'. meringue stands
in. stiff peaks. ' Line -a .(buttered..
9 • inch pie .piate `with'•the 'Merin-
gue', covering • bottom,;' and sides
evenly, being sure the meringue
does not over, lap the: hp'of the
plate. !Build up an. edge about
?iii inch above the plate.' Bake in
slow ,oven,': about 275: degrees, for
1' -hour and 15 'to :20 min. "'Cool.
Fill with following filling .and
nish.•..with berries: • and ' mint.
cups, ' hulled' strawberries, •:1;
cups sugar, few grains salt, ;1
tbsp. gelatine, cup cold water,
1 citp whipping cream, whipped,'.
crushed berries, add sugar and,
salt and stir well. Let 'stand •1
min. Soak gelatine 'in the 'cold
water, for 5 min. Pour off juice
from strawberries into a`.sauce-
pan and. heat. Add soaked gela-
tine; remove from heat and stir
until gelatine is dissolved. ,Add,
strawberries, , stir ' : well, then,
chill. When mixture is • partially'
'set fold 'in whipped cream.
This may also •. be used in a
baked pastry crust, or chilled in
a '4 -cup ,mould. U'nmould and.
serve garnished . with. whole. ber-
ries. •
Strawberry Shortcake. 2
cups sifted allpurpose flour, 3
;tsps/ bak.;. pdr., ,//2, 'tsp. salt, 2
'tbsp. sugar,. 3 : tbsp, -shortening,
1 • egg yolk, B cup milk. Mix and
sift `flour;; bakpdr., salt ., and
sugar Cut' in the shortening un-:
til mixture resembles' fine 'bread,
orunibs.. Beat ' egg yolk ;and' milk
and add' to flour "Mixture, mak
ing ',soft' dough. To make indivi-
dual shortcakes. Roll dough 3/4
inch thick and, cut with medium'
sized cookie cutter. Bake :in ` a
very hot., oven,. 425; for 12 to .:15
^ min. Split while '. hot, .. fill with
crushed, slightly sweetened ber-
ries and top with whipped cream:
Strawberry, . Jam :_ :.8' cups
washed, hulled strawberries, 8
cups- sugar, 1/2 cup lemon. juice.,
Place berries and sugar in alter-
nate in preserving- kettle..
Let stand. 2; to 3 hours: Bring to
boil and'' boil,'' uncovered :for 5
\Min., 'Add lemon juice and boil
to yarn. stage; sheets from a
spoon. Remove from heat' Stir
and skim for 5 min. to prevent
fruit • floating.' Pour into • hot
sterilized 'jars. Cool ,slightly and.
,Strawberry Float — 1/2 cup
strawberry syrup(recipe, below)
3 cups milk;' 3, large scoops van
ilia, ice cream. Spoon • syrup into
3 tall .glasses: Add milk and stir
well: Float ice cream. on top.
Strawberry'. Syrup — ' 2 Cups
hulled strawberries, 11/a. cups
sugar. • Crush berries'.: in saucepan.
WEDNESDAY, NNE ,29th, 1960
The ' Sunday . 'School Room of
tile United Cinireb was filled on
Thursday afternoon for the 'An-
nual tea .and !bazaar sponsored
by the Women's Association.
.Mrs:. T. J. Todd, the president,
was assisted in the short wor-
ship service by ¥Vfrs; •B, F. -Green.
and by : Mrs. Gordon MacPher-
son who read the 'scripture les-
son. Mrs, Todd extended a wel-
come to. the guests from the
United .Churches of Lucknow,
Calvin,. Prick, Whitechurch, the
Ashfield circuit • as well as from
our own community and intro-
duced the following program,
readings by Miss W. D. Ruther-
ford, and `Mrs: 'Falconer . 'of
Whitechurch;, vocal solos by Miss
Margaret Rae of: Lucknow, Mrs.
Cook of Zion, Mrs.' S, de Boer
and Mrs. E. W.Rice, piano solos
by Mrs. Chester Taylor :and Mrs.
Will ' Rutherford, . a , whistling
number by Mrs. Currie . of Cal
wins -Brick and an accordian so-
lo by Mary Purdon. A pleasant
socialhour followed when 'tea.
Was . served. Proceeds 'from the
tea and the bazaar and bake sale
amounted to' nearly $60.00. This
will„ assist in ;the project which
is the. re -decorating of the Sun-
day , School room:
Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Dean of
Ingersoll were.. recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and
other . relatives.
Congratulations .:to Mrs. ,•Albert
Taylor who won $50.00 in the
Goderich Share -The -Wealth` • Con-
Mr. and Mrs. Allan: Miller,
Douglas and Lori and ,Messrs. Ri-
chard and .-Ellwood- Elliott were
recent visitors With Mr. and••Mrs.
Willis Corrigan.dt Cookstown.. �
The, July meeting of the . Wo-
man's Institute will be held in
the ' Community Hall .on Thurs-
day, July 7th'. at 2:30. This is
I C:hildren's Day and the roll .call
will 'be your .:childhood picture
arid a nursery rhyrnee for the;
children. Program in charge of
the . Nappy Handicrafters.. Picnic
Mir. and Mrs. Irvin : 'McCabe
of Windsor and Mrs. Carl John-
ston •of Bluevale , were visitors
on Saturday withlV.r. and Mrs.,
Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Add sugar and '''nix well, Cook
over ,low heat, stirring constant-
ly until 'soft, about 5 min. Press
through ' . a fine sieve. Store in
refrigerator. May also be used
over ice cream or ina milk
__-- shake etc.. .
or sound counsel;and a fair price on a monument
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• "Weel, Angus," said Donald, "I
hear ye've got married?"
"Ay,. Donald.
"Ah' what kind of wife hae
you got?: Can she .cook?"„
• "No, I ' don't think . so."
"Can she sew?"
"Then whit can she do?"
"Mon; Donald, she's'' a gratin ,
"Ye're daft," said Donald ;in
;disgust "Widna a' canary: shae
been' cheaper?"
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The modern approach to your,
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: a
• The 29th annual Kennedy Re-
union picnic was held recently ins
Lobies' Park, ' Walkerton with'
about 40 adults and children in
attendance. • People Were present.
from. Galt, Puslinch,; Morriston,
Guelph, Goderich, • Lucknow,
Wingham,, Whitechurch and Wal-
kerton, ' .
This Kennedy re -union picnic
started as a wedding anniversary
for a former ' Wingham . 'mayor,
and his • wife, the late Mayor.
Duncan Kennedy at a Goderich
Harbour Park in Juane; 1934 -and
has been held , every year, Then'
it ;branched out to the complete
Kennedy clan. •
The late Alexander • Kennedy
was an early settler in 'this part
of the country, settling on the.
farm now owned by Ewart Mac-,
Pherson on highway 86, three
miles west of , Whitechurch. Wan.
Kennedy, his son, led : a' cow.. all
the way from; Puslinch,• which:
took him three' days' as the rail-
road had not gone through, from
Palmerston :to Kincardine.
The 30th picnic will,be'held in
Goderich. in 1961, second Satur-
day in June: The following of-
ficers were elected: Pres., Joe.
McCloskey, Guelph; vice ' pies:,
Geo.. ` Kennedy, Lucknow; sec.-,
treas., Wm:, Kennedy, Wingliam;.
lunch .coin, Mrs: 'H. Tichborne,
Mrs. T. '•Lamb, Goderich; ':sports
com., Dave' McCloskey, Guelph; •
'Ken Purvis; L'Peknow; and Wm,
ranston, .Auburn.
Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary
Mrs. Robert. MacKenzie was
president for ' the June meeting,
held at the home of . Mrs. Noble.
Johnston., Wayne Jamieson play*,.
ed an accordian solo., ,Mrs Stuart
Jamieson gave' a Summary on the
Glad Tidings for June, It- was
ino\ed by :,Mrs., Jack Fisher and
seconded by° ,Mrs. Howard Ag-
new That we pay .for one dozen
of the adult size:: chairs, which •
are needed to accommodate the
growing' ' number attending s.S,
The Sunday 'School it purchas-
ing 2 dozen. small chairs for the
Primary needs, - Mrs. Virden
Mowbray. 'gave. the Bible Study:
The topic on Nigeria waspre-
sented in the, form of a "Safarie."
Mrs. Ronald . Forster acted as
guide, Mrs. Morgan Henderson
as: a Scotch Missionary, • ;Mrs.
Jack MacDonald as a Missionary.
Doctor ,over the "leper" colony
and."your" clinics, and general
hospitals. • M'rs.Gordon, Fisher
acted- as,'a "leper patient. Mrs:
Robert MacKenzie .'acted as a
Church - Sister, who would be the
equivalent of our church :Dea-
Dea conesses; Closing hymn was sung
and the ' •Mispah ' Benediction: Pro-
nounced. . The lunch committee -
served -the very seasonable
"Strawberr Shortcake."
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