HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-15, Page 11IODNESDAY,JUNEth- 1960 THE UCKNOW ° SEPTTINEL, LUCKNOW, ,OgTARiIO SKILLED PAINTER � Succeeds Mrs. LAIQ TO REST .. rs, V. , ,Erierso .,N Houston, A$'..1) Bruce South District, "VWfornen's- Institute held their annual ,eting in; 'the Lucknow Town aslFday and elected . Mrs. :victor Emerson Ba of Whitechurch . . , president for the coming year ompleting her ' term as presi . C dentis Mrs. Harvey Houston of Holyrood • who presided for the meeting. Luckriow. , and. Para-: mountwere . the hosttranches, Registration_ commenced at. 9• Q an. with the sessions . last - log throughout the day. The .ad dints in the morning, was de livered by 'Mrs. D. W, Cameron Of Walkerton, Federated Wom- en'S Institute, of Ontario Board Member, and in.' the afternoon: by Miss Mary' Lou, Black,- `Bruce County Home Econoinist of Wal- ikerton. Reports •of .committees &' 1ddividuals, were heard through- out the day. , Following 'the noon dinner at � Ak,the LuclruQw Legion Niall, Reeve George, Joyrit of. Lucknow wel corned the 'group to .the village. Officers ' elected were: ' past' :president; Mrs: Harvey Houston, :'Holyrood; president; Mrs. "Victor Frierson, Whitechurch;lst, vice ,president,;, Mrs; 'Cliff `Hewitt, Nltincardine;; 2nd vice. president, `Mrs. • .fiances Gem • mel, Ripley r rd vice , president, Mrs. ` Joe ieMillan,' Lucknow;, sec,—.treas.; is. Ceeil:Holland;.: Kincardine; ,assist. sec:-treas., Mrs. Donald J. i'lliacKinnori; Lucknow; federated representative,' Mrs.. Havey; t<Houston, •Holyrood; ' alternate, 'Mrs. John Colvin, Teeswater.. Voting. delegate » to area con- ventiou;' Mrs., Reuben Appleby,' Wingham; alternate, Mrs. -James :Bushell, .:',Kincardine; auditors, ,:;',Mrs. Harold Thacker, -Mrs:• ,Rob— ert McCormick, Kincardine; pub- Jc relations; Mrs.' Neil;_ McLeod., Tiverton, Federation of .Agricul- 30re representative, Mrs:.„George ''wYoung, Kincardine; • alternate, ',Mrs:'.'_ Wm. Farrell, 'Kincardine; 4H useurn board, Mrs.. ',George -Downey,,' Tiverton farm• '. safety council, ; •Mrs Victor. ' `Emerson, ,1Vhitechurch. . Standing *CommitteeConven-» iters, agriculture ' and ' Canadian Industries, Mrs. • avid. Eadie;' w �.D iinghani; citizenship and •edu-'. cation, Mrs Robert Osborne, Lucknow; historical research .& current events, Mrs. Wm. 'J.: Ar.- rola,: Ripley; home economics' &' ',`health, Mrs. Fred Blackwell, Kincardine; , resolutions,» Mrs. Russel' Hogs, Lucknow.; junior ¥ actrvities, Miss' Mary Roulston, itipley ' Mrs, D. W. Cameron • of , W41- iierton presided' • for the election. fTher 1 o :officers: • e were ' 60 delegates and 4 'members who registered,,from 'the sixteen senior: • and two. jun- calor'f branches,: •narriely, . Armow, ilelii ore; :.Bervie, :Holyrood,;Kair tH she Kincardine, Lucknow, • Lis `g burh,, Para fount,•. Purple •.G rove, i' red's •'Corners; , " Ripley/ Senior, . • ipleyJunior, Silver. Lake; Tees - t hater 'Senior, Teeswater Junior, Tiverton and Whitechuurch' Silver Lake and Eolyrood:led : 'in assembly singing. ` Greetings Were brought •.from. North Bruce. • district 'by, Mrs. dburn, and from .Grey Bruce t:Area by Mrs. » Donald 1VIeCosh, vice-chairman, The Toleration Of ` Agriculture report was given by, Mrs. 0 Nor mi for Mrs - Eldred Reid,, Fed- eration Representative. • .The standing committee , conveners reported 100% and 'their, .reports were most interesting and in- ✓struetive. Mrs. Duncan Convay, rmow, reported on .the Provin- elal boadership Training Forum: '.Tile report oh the Bruce County ►ntr t seum was given by Mrs, Wm. Arnold, Ripley. Mrs. • H..Hou }, si0n gave the President's report aha reported on the. Ecliolarship and Rally executive meetings; r Bruce •County Polk school Was t)orted on by Mrs: Jas. Mc - of Silver Lake, Mrs:: ; Neil gaol,eod, District Public' Relay gave t'epresentative, Tiverton: r• meetiiter report and covered the' t; for the Press. A . quem , t • istri'c.lPresident tion and answer 'period r i ., p x od was c n- ducted by Mrs. Cameron and: Miss. Black. A skit "Dr. Brown's Patients” presented by the 'Kin- cardine W.I. was 'enjoyed.•by all. Four .branches displayed exibits from "Working; with .Wool the remaining. branches exibits:.`from "The Third Meal.". , '• • The : Bruee 1961 South ,District Annual .is to be' :held in White- church. In :the Tweedsmuir His- tory ;book ' contest the :Tiverton Tweedsmuir .. book first prize,» convener, ' Mrs. •George• • Downey. Tweedsmuir book won .1st prize, won." by Tiverton • Branch con- vened by Mrs: Bert. Brown. Mrs. Rowe of Kincardine on behalf of the district, presented' Mrs, Harvey Houston with F.W.-., I.C. pin • in ' appreciation of her excellent and faithful' service as District President. . ' Mr,,s. Emerson, the new .presi- dent, .spoke a few words of ap- preciation. and encouragement to the • branches; .PRESENT MINOR NQR _ HOCKEY AW � ARDS if Five boys. who., won special dis • tinction, in ; minor hockeyactivi- ties .ties during` the.. past winter. were guests ` of the Lucknow and Dis- trict Lions Club. •at :.»their bi- monthly :dinner on 'Monday. y. • • Lloyd Ashton of 'the Boys and' Girls Work Counmittee.` re p ort,` ed.. that '85•• boys had' been. active- ly -engaged in Squirt, Pee ;Wee and Bantam'hockey during, ,the. past winter and called en �h P , the quintette to take the ,platform, Where .. five trophies : were pre- 1 sented. The' Robin Hood Co., I:most-valuable-player cups,. : yvhich 1 are. kept by the »'winners.. were presented as • follows: Squirts to.: MISS ANNIE MacKE ZIE Miss .Finnie • MacKenzie, : the last, surviving member of a for riser 'pioneer family.. of West. Wawanosh Township, passed; away in Winggham General Hos- pital on • Sunday, `May, 29th in her: 81st year. • • She was the daughter of the late Donald' and. Margaret Mac- _Kenzie , and sister of Duncan,, Donald and 'Margaret».' MacKen- zie. Miss' 4.4acKenzie:, was . born on the farm ,now owned by: An drew 'Gaunt ' and later \+lived on the "Gordon Farm," where Tom. Todd; now resides. Later the fa roily . lived ;in Wingham,' where Duncan died and: Donald went to B.C. ' where he died' and was buried in Langley 'Prairie; Tor. some fifteen years• she lived »with a: •cousin, .Mrs., R. T. Amos of Guelph, and the . past six months' with Mrs, Allister Hughes, Holyrood. Zhe paintings »which Miss Mac- Kenzie did 'throuigh the years are. treasures which many in the•. • community', and 'elsewhere, Pos- sess, • and who cherish' the Mork of a very •talente'`d person: The' funeral 'service on Wed- nesday, :June 1st was conducted by the Rev, ..J. L, Burgess Of Hanover, .. former minister of South Kinloss . ,,and "Duffs" at' .Morriston and /was . well attend,. ed by' old friends and relatives from here and • the : Guelph area. Burial' was . in Greenhill; Ceme- tery. Pallbearers?; were A'`rehie Aitchison, Wallace ' Miller, Tom Todd, Dumb.' Philipis, Leonard MacDonald, Walter Amos; ments in. this. age of .automation. He was thanked • •by Douglas Tinton, a retired Bell Telephone. employee. Harvey. • MoDermit of . Fordwich. spoke, briefly . before ,the meeting adjourned., . • Donnie MacKinnon by» .Milt Ray- i • per;' `Pee Wee to Wallace Hous- I ton' by Ernest. Button;' Bantam, to 'Doug 'Johnston by. ,Gerald:' Rathwell, acting for Lloyd.. Hall; , the S. E. Robertson most :valu- able •player trophy` to ,Edward,• Brown, by' Mr. Robertspri and the. J. W. Joynt most improved' Pee Wee' trophy to. :Doug Mac Kenzie, » by •Mr.. Joynt. • Wallace ''Houston replied • on behalf of ' the young : champions. •President,'Cecil Blake'said.•thisb project .pointed 'up the need for'. •artificial ice.. , With 'its , depend ability the .number of boys err • gaging in minor hockey could lbe doubled. "Let us put our'. Shoul- der to the. wheel and go on 'with what we have • in mind." Appreciated ' Co-operation The •President` had »previously thanked »the • Club members, for their co-operation in putting, .on the. Billy • O'Connor show. With. such co-operation. artificial ice might not be the problem some think. The treasurer, Jack Mc- Donagh reported . total receipts from the 'O'Connor show, of $1305,. with a net profit of $362.00 which mill be • set up in ,a special ice .fund. .-• • , Rae» Watson who had charge' of . ticket. sales, . gave a detailed report of the • individual sales .of each member, and , with but a few 'exceptions` they 'were • ,quite good ; The `average sale per• Lion was 12 •tickets and 6& members sold. 10 or More. A vote Of thanks was recorded . for Rae's work. Ask Ror Help Lloyd Ashton stated. that` help was `'.needed in . 'directing minor. ball' activities, Over 100 boys •want :to play Pee Wee and. Bay - tarn ball. ".. • Charles • , Webster reported: on. plans for . the Lions; to conduct the Salvation Army. Red Shield,' I'Appeal.' , • Campbell ' Thompson rep5rted an excellent response to the ..ap peal fo'r eye glasses for the Lions ' "Bank'. of Light;" which .will •-go to India. They will be shipped at the end of the month,• Harvey Webster • ' introduced' the guest: speaker, Mr. E: C, for- ester of the Bell Telephone Corn - party, wlio gave • an insight into the afnazing» ,electronic develop •' 4o • • r Transfer Laid Authorize R4- KInl�s. i '•nc 1 ut s Qeou. ... 1a Kinloss Council',rapt in the Hall, • June ..1st,. 1960. as per ad- journment. djournment. Ali members present. Conn-Conley—that the minutes of the meeting of May 2nd, '1960 as read be» approved and signed: MacDonald Conley - that the Reeve, contact Mr. Ross; O,L.S: re survey of tenets on Side Road , . 51. and 2' R,S.D.R. Conn-Conley,—that we ' 'have »a standing order with. .the ..mun, cipal World for the Annual'Sta-' tutes »of . Ontario, and also place 'and. Order for » the ,NeW Revised Statutes of Ontario ..of 1960. A Deputation waited' on Coun cii with a Petition signed by all the.' ratepayers of - S.H. Lots 65 to 80. Con.. 1 that they be: trans- ferred, from No. 14 Hur- , on,and • S,5. N o. 7 i Kinloss • to the Lucknow Union 'Sch'ool, On motion: of Burt:' and MacDonald the Petition was agreed •to ;by `Council. Conley -Conn• ---that the : •Clerk reply to Ashfield "''Council re Kinloss • lands in 'their School: Area :No. 2. • • ;MacDonald -Burt — » that the' •Clerk prepare 'a By -Law setting' up Township School . Area of Kinloss Central' 'School consist- ing of School Sections 3, 4, 5, 6 Bs atpa reS ent. .... B; Law 'prepared as No. "4- 1960, and given first, 'second and third; readings 'and' , finally pas- sed the 1st day. .of June,. 1960. ..Conley-Conn—that • we •. accept the tender ... of Nathaniel ' Thomp- . p. son for new, coal•» and wood. furnace for . the Township Hall to , be . installed by: the »end of August, '1960. • Conn -MacDonald � that the ., tender ' of. • Gerald Rhody for • 10 cord of wood be, accepted. • • Burt -MacDonald �- that» Jack .Barr - - be paid :balance 'of,. W. F. ,Jnloss Are Contract with extras for x. riileag and repairs, $590.31.• , MacDonald -Burt --that we pay Spence McFarlane $10,00 for outer let for creek to the lake on Lot 19; •Con. 12. » Conn -MacDonald. --:-that ;we •de • now adjourn to •meet. • again on Monday .the 4th ' day, of July, or. at the . call: of the. Reeve: , • Cheques Issued » T, • Lucknow .Cony:_ Home, care May, $200:00; Mrs: ° »Jean Henderson, . care May '100.00; »Carruthers Cony. Home, • 'care •May, . 455,00; Laverne Dow- ling,' • Whitechurch St. Lights, 2.60;'• Dr. W. G. Bruce; dental' care, 15.00; Dept.: of Health, In-: sulin,• • , 1.61; Ontario. Hydro,. Hydro at Hall, 13.29; Gordon ' Wall,' Extra tax, time, 20.00; Har old• Percy, Telephone calls,. 5'00;:• Jack. Barr, bal..: W: Contract, 590.31; . , Highway., Cheques -- F, .Car- ruthers, Road Supt. and .mileage, $257.90; 'H. McMillan, operator, '148.97; L. Stanley, • assembling pipe, ' 16.40; Brill,' Percy, assemb- ling p;Pe, 18.40;' `.William Scott,, • assembling pipe, 36:80; George Tiffin, , assembling pipe; , 38.80; J,' McGillivray, assembling:.. pipe • .41.60; John McInnis, checking,: gravel, 110.40; H H Bannerman,.. on account Gravel Cont •, . 3,924:;- 40; ' Don • 'Gillespie, coarse gravel, 280.80; William Scott, . blasting, 12.06 M. ' A. MacDonald, crank, 2.50; Webster • and McKinnon, Padlock and Wire, 1.40; Elmer ' Umibach,.. ;ether:. for -',grader, :, 6.30; Ontario Culvert Co., culverts, ..•,. ,. 994.24; • Rosco Metal Products,. culverts, 216.48; 'Dominion Road , Mach. Co., ' repairs, 43;432; ' Cities, Service, ' fuel, 17.7:69 »Ray ' Stan- ley, fill gravel, 5B4.08; . Lawrence MacLeod;' tractor'': and loader, 87.50; J. •R. Lane, .Unemployment stamps,. 4.00. . ,. J R: LANE- Clerk. , E E 100% PURE Ette442tlicadtaa ester an realmovr Canada's climate 'gives paint its tough: est torture tests -- froni Sub -zero cold: through driving rains to . steaming Humidity and desert heat. And Martin- Senour 100% Pure House" Paint resists them all, thanks to quality controls. determined by continuous lab, and • field testing. Choose • 100% Pure:House Paint iii a wide range of modern color "fast tones. You're sure of lasting pro taction against time and weather. tic titian