HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-15, Page 7L.
Huron . Township , Council, met
on June. 6th with all members:
Moved. by WaldenRLowry,, that
we accept •the. tenders of W.: Wil -
ken for. garbage collection :at
point; .Clark :beach and. David
Moore for Bruce BeaEh,
',Martin -Lowry, ,.that we. pay
$1000,00 to each 'school section
or former section wholly. within
the Township as a general grant
and levy swine from the. sections.
involved, ""., ' .
• Martin-MCKmnon, that eouri:
cil approve the , detaching. of
certain, lands in .the former
11.8S. 4 Ashfield ' and ° • Huron
from the Ashfield. Township
School •Area,
McKinnon=Martin, that Coun-
cil' agrees to the!- inclusion. :in.
Ashfield Township ',School Area
Na. 2. of . those rands. •lgcated
this Township and being a part
of U.S.S. No.,, 4 Ashfield • and
Huron and. those lands located
in this Township: and being a
. part of U.S.S. No 14 .Huron,'
Ashfield arid Kinloss.
Lowry-McKinnon,,*that the fair
of; -
lowing accounts be ' paid:
,Cemetery; Ken ' MacKay, sup-
plies.. and gas; $11.20; Ivan' Pol-
lock, care of Cemetery, ' 110.00;'
Harry Coiling,' :hauling top,.. soil,
Township:. '.Eugene Dunlop,
Warble Inspector, 194.00; Wayne'
Lowry, Warble sprayer,: 144.00
Doris MacDonald, care of hall,
20.50; Pollock Electric,; hall sup-
plies, 14,20; Post Office, 'postage
,for Clerk, 10,00; ,S. R. Hart Co.,.
assessment cover,' 14.40; John
Elliott,. 'war'bicide, 937,50'; Luck-.
now Sentinel, adv'ts., 10.20; Kin-
cardine Hospital,' debenture pay-
ment, . 2,500.00; .Village. of Ripley,
fire. call and water in'hall, 62.00;
D. McArthur, line fence," 48.50;
Bruce, school dental
services, 297.50; H. Hagedorn,
sprayer repairs, •,138,45.; ' S. W.
Archibald, surveying at Point
Clark, . 2,147.28; W. 1„ Shantz,
dozer at garbage dumps;' 174.00;,
G. Cook, dozer at. Ripley 'dump,
46..00; Post' Office, unemployment
stamps, 8.16; Municipal World,,
supplies, 21.39.•
Roads: Steve Irwin,.•Road ..Sup-
erintendent, .$297.60; John Blac
kett, .chec king. gravel,. 36.00; Er-
nest; ,Walden,.grader . .operator,
297,3'7; ' Joe Kerr., • gravel con-
tract, part payment, 10,000;00;
Roy Marshall; hauling "gravel,
28,90;. Coiling ',Brothers, hauling
!gravel, 303.00; • Gordon Stewart,
grader rental, '' 348.00; Imperial
Oil, diesel fuel, 329.30; Grey-
Wellington ` Paving,; cold 1nix,
2a4.23; Huron . and :Kinloss Tele-
phone,Dying poles,• "50.00;. G
W. rothers, , grader repairs,;
250- D. G. MVMcDonald, • grease'
and . il, ,13740; C1yve Munro, ,ii
•and axe, 7.30; • Frank's :garage,,
gas and oil,. 12,00; D. B. Blue,
auction sale of snowfence,, 35.00;
H Hodge,, .repairs and' welding,
97.50; ' Rosco ' Metal Products,
guard rail,' 190.16; G. .Cook,, haul
ng • and dozing, 92.90; ' W. L.
Shantz, hauling and ' dozing,;
1.3'..50; 'Win; . Wilken, sanding'. hills,
5,30; 'Wm. Kempton, hauling,
gravel, 225.00; • Harry • .Coiling,,
'hauling • gravel, '255.75;. Douglas.
MacDonald, grading, 41.50;. •'Mel
Pollock, grading, 750; N: Barn
ard, hauling gravel,' 69.60•;:. Steve
Irwin, 'postage and' telephone,;
12.38;. James .McTavish, gravel,,'
595.10; Donald McTavish, grad
ing, 6.00;. Total Roads,' $14,037.3.1.
Moved :by Martin=Lowry, 'that,
we adjourn, tomeet on .July.4-th..
EARL` TOUT, Clerk..
Minister's Brother Ordained
' Rev. Alexander- McDonald Mc-
Combie, a member of the 1960:
graduating class of Knox : Col-
lege, Toronto, was ordained into
the' ministry of the Presbyterian
Church at Collingwood*. He is a
brother . , of Rev. Neil McCombie
of Ashfield and Ripley, who 'as-
sisted at the ordination. service.
,Mrs, George Stuart • ,opened
her home on Thursday after"
noon. for the' June .meeting of
the W.M.S. and . the W.A. of the
United Church when 16 ladies
were in • attendance. Mrs. B, F,
Green» the president was in.
•ehargf ,,of the W M,S. and Mrs,
W.A. Miller read the scripture
.lesson and• Mrs,. Green 'read.. an.
article "Musings', . Eby ' Mable."
Miss W. ,D, Rutherford gave the
synopsis of . the concluding chap-
ters of the' ,Study Book, "Africa
Disturbed'' , which' has proved.. so
interesting...Mrs.',"T. J. Todd pre-
'sided for the W.A. The, theme of
the worship , service was, The
Spirit of Man. is the Candle of :
the Lord — The- fruit ,.of: the
Spirit. Mrs. Charlie •McDonald
read • the scripture Iesson and
Mrs.,. Cameron . , the ' Lesson'
thought. ' The` following commit:
tees. were .appointed to arrange,
for the „Tune tea to be •held, on'
Thursday, .June '.23rd. Program—
Mrs. E. W. Rice, Mrs, `L.'"Woods;
bazaar—Mrs. ' ,Stuart,: Mrs. Har-
vey Webb, Mrs. Cameron; lunch
- jMrs. T, J. Todd, Mrs, G. Mac-
Pherson, Mrs. C. MdDonald fro
wets—Mrs. Green,. Mrs: Rice and
Mrs. 'Woods pleasantsocial.
hour followed, with Mrs. S. de
Boer and Mrs.. -W A. , •Miller . as
A bank manager is interested. in ':all
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Your problems, your hopes and plans.
THE LION is the King of .Beasts
and stalks 'his`prey With little . •;
fear of attack from other animals.
But when old :age comes the
lion falters. He is King of
Beasts no-Ionger. The other
animals !up their fear of him`'
and he is attacked and, destroyed.
fortunately men ' and women, : unlike.
the lion, can have a happy `old age
If they prepare for it. The best way to
irepare for it, 'financially, is through a
Sun. Life retirement income policy.' Let.. R` -
me tell,you how: .
RR. 2, Lucknow
Phone' Wingham 717-w-4.
4.A4, and Mrs Fred'. Thomp
son . and Benny of Exeter were ;
week -en visitors With Mr. , and.,
Mrs." Cordon .MaeePherson.
We are sorry to ;report that
Mr. James . Forster. is; 'seriously,
ill in the Wingham and District •
General .Hospital.
Miss Beverley.:; Gaunt and Miss
•Norma. • 'Forster : are : holidaying
at their horses ':here after coin
•pleting their •gourses. 'at Wells
:Academy,' London
Congratulations: to Mary :Pur-
don who. 'has. completed grade 10
on . her. yearswork af.the ' Luck -
now 15istrict High School and to'`
Beth, Cooper and; Terry 'Wilson
who .had, to write .only the Podia= ; ..
pulsory subjects:
Mrs. W:.A:. Miller, Mr. Frank'
McQuillin, . Terry Wilson and
Mr Allan 1VIilier visited . at Vic,
toria :Hospital on Sunday ;:with
McQuilhn' . who /is making:•
favourable. recovery, " following
Surgery, last . Wednesday
Mr.. and 'Mrs. 'W. I Miller,
'Mass Isabel• Miller,' Mrs. T. J.
Todd,' . Wayne and_iughie; Dori-
ald McIntyre, 'Mr. and Mrs.: T'
Salkeld, Mr. Larry, .Salkeld,;` Mt..
and. Mrs. James. ;Boyle and .girI
of, Lucknow` attended .the Salkeld.
Pe -union. held at .the United '
„Church Summer School,' ground
near Goderich on Sunday.',
Miss Donna Woods of Kitchen-
er and Mr. Ray Hawley 'of' Osh-
awa were week -end visitors with
Mr. .and Mrs. Lorne Wodds.
Mr; and, Mrs: WilIiam Redman
'Of 'Orton were`. recent., visitors
with Mr, A. G:. W bb and Mr.
and Mrs. F W. Rice,
",`Could you give �me some
pomners," queried ‘the journalism
student, -"ori how, to' run .a
"You .cache to. the Wrong per-
son,' i answered' . the editor,. `cask
one .,of my st'hscribers,"