HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-15, Page 5pAy, JuNE 15th, 1960 'T0RONTO:H*1AR. RAZED BY FIRE ..(pNLovoitoovs) Friends here Mr. and ,Mrs. Bernard Norris (nee Annie Burt). were sorry •to knowthat. their, home on HighPark Avenue, .'Ionto was ,destroyed by fire of ,ankhown origin, Mrs: Norris had gorie to a. bridal shower: that •ev,' 'ening for a friend,.aid was un- aware of the. fire until arriving • . 'home, Mr. Norris and the fam- • ily Barbara 15, Joan 12, and Jac- kie 111) wer,e in ',bed at the time of the, ontbreak. The contents of the•house were a total loss. An- ine's• parents, Mr. And Mrs. Charlie But now of Kincardine •'and'nformerly of Kinlough and ilolyroocl were visiting in Tor- onto at. the time, •The Norris family went to. the home of Mr. • and Mrs. Robert Burt and David until such time as they can make pther arrangements. They plan to build a new home. ..• ,s . . THE• .i.m.c15.Now sEisitrTEL; LUCK/40W, ONTAMO PAGE ° FIVA :The W.A. met. on Thursday :'afternoon it: the home of 'Mrs: Howard ThornPson with. Mrs‘ Boy Schneller 'presiding. The Meeting:. opened, with the W.A. Litany; Rey.. Lyle Bennettread the scripture- lesson : which :was followed . by the prayers .Phe •meditation was; .given by Mrs, •Midford ,Other n• readings .4 Bennett, Mr, Jim Smith, Mr. Roy Schneller. Mrs: Midfdrd, Wall,gove. the courtesy remarks. qtlilt was completed .'during, the afternoon. ReireahmentS. ...were served by the hostess, W.I, members from here at- tended Bruce South District Meeting- at- Lucicnow on Friday. Mrs. .Ethel Runchey of Toron- to ,,sold her Village :property on Wednesday, to Mr, and Mrs. Chris 'Shelton of Hanover: We. • welcome themto our village. Mrs, William Wall 'and son, - 'Allan, moved to Kincardine, during the week. , ' Visitors with 'Mr.' and Mrs. Gerald 'Rhocly on Friday evening were. Rev. and Mrs:, Lyle Ben- nett, Mr. and Mrs. Claude 'Dore (sr.) Mr. and. Mrs Ralph. Rhody • of Port Elgin' and Mrs: Harold • Otto of SOuthanipton when thOir daughter Marityn • .A.,nnetta was. baptized. ,. • Mr. ,and Mrs. .Chris • Shelton spent the' week -end at their home here, Which they purchased during the • week and are busy • remodelling .and renovating. . and .Mrs. George Haiden-, bY, Mr. and Mrs. •• Clare Sparling. and ..Douglas • called 0 'ow • .friends here Sunday. 'Mrs, Haldenby has. 'beep at the .Sparling •home .for the past few Weeks and is re- turning Sunday with George to North Bay. •/ ,•• ' Mr., Wesley Gtieet and Fred were by Mrs. J....W. Colwell, Mrs. visited with 1VIr.s. and Mrs: 'Stan-. • A 40-0P WEED KILLER• , FOR EVERY' JOB e• • Co-op 2,4 -D's • • Co•oR 2;4-D Ester, 64.oz. Coop 2,4-D Ester, 128-oi. • C6 -0P 2,44D Amue • • Co-op 2,40 Ester Dust. _ • Co:op 2,4-D Low Volatile Ester • Co-op MCP's' Coop mcp Ester' Co -0P MCP Amine Co-op MCP Sodium Salt . Coop MCP Ester Dust ' • Coop T.C,A. Co-oP 13iush See you, Phone 71 • a ley Johnston and famity at Lon-. don and with Mr; and: Mrs, Mil- ton Guest and • family at St. Thomas.. • ..Mr. and. Mrs, Gerald ,Rhody :and family visited- non Sunday With Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Abel.. Mrs. J. W. Colwell spent Fri- day afternoon with • her, sister, nMoZ.A.. Annetta 1311s110.1,1 a, Luck. n • Mr. and -Mrs. Williarri Co, and Rev. Benson Cox Were guests•nf ancl'Mrs. John .Scott, Con. 4, 'Huron on Sunday. ' •. •, . Mr, and•Mrs, Williank. Cox' arid Rev. Benson Cox ,wee guests a Mr: and Mrs. John Coiling ,of •Con. 4*, on SundaY. , . Mr • and Mrs., Gordon .Hamil- ton of 1 Vancouver 'Visited on Sat- urday with' Mr: and Mrs. Cox and ,Rev. Benson •Cox.. ' Beginning next Sunday the Preabyterian' Service Will be ,held at 12,, o'clock with Sunday 4Schoo1 .at 11 •a:m... • wklit.ctripticH 'Mr,' and Mrs. ClarenCe. Mv- Clenaghan and family, and Mr. •Robert Mcclenaghan.;of Rothsay visited on Sunday with 'friends and _relatives in, the village. • Mrs. l3en MCClenaghan visited on :Wednesday at the home Of •Mrs...Jean Moore 'In .Lucknow. • The . of the 'United Church will ,hOld. the. June meetirig , and birthday tea, at .the, • home of Mi.S. George MoClepag- visitOri:. with Mr.. & MrS. G Fisher .ori Sunday., were Mr. and :Mie :T.' jantzi and family and ,Migs Cared Smith 'of 1Vii1vertim, Mr. ,and Mrs. Ronald'Forester•of LticknOw and Mr and Mrs Bill :Gibson of Zioxr.. .arid •Fisher 'went to Zion non Sunday morning: for the Church Anni-' •versaryn..there: • • . Mr; :ancl',Mrs. S. Musgroke.‘ & j. • 'Musgrovie of .Wroxeter .visited on ,Sund# at the home of Mt..' Doris 'Willis. and family. .. 'Mr... and' Mrs. Cameren Wrn7 th�ns'andfainily et London Visi- ted over the 'week -end .with re- latives in the;viliage. .. • ., Mrs: Donald ..*Donad 'Of St 'Helens nspent Sunday .at the. 'home of • Hugh David McDonald: ,Mra. ;Lennie .Durnin„ ..Mr, and :Mrs. T. jantzi and "farnily. Visit- ed on Sunday at the ',home Of Miss Annie Kennedy. - Mr, and: Mrs Robert Seedrd. of Hanover andfamily, visited on Saturday at the•home,rof Mr. and Mrs. Elwood aroikorth.. Mr: - and 'Mrs. ,Ken.Dielcisori of Behnoren arid Mrs. . Charlie Moore spent .Siticlay'; ,at • the home . Of Mr.. and Mrs. Art 'Moore.' The • pupils'.of .S.S. • No. 10 school Went on g Very enjOyalale bus Aril) on Friday.: Their first stop . was, in ',Kitchener. Where they, toured the .WestOn's Bread Company 'arid .the next stop was Preston where'. they toured the Hostess Potato Chip FactotY and • they -. went •on V) Guelph,' and toured 'the Q.A.C.LThey'were given ,a free lunch. after .the tour and -then- they :went back to Kitchener and hadtheir stip- , 1959 Chev Biscayne sedan, aututna,tic, fully equipped $2,395 • 1959 Pontiac Laurentian sedan, automatic, fully • equipped „ ' „. „ $2,595: 2-1958:Pontiae Laurentian Coaches, automatic, fully •'equipped,. full -POwer " ° $2,159 1958 Ford Fairlane, automatic 1958 Pontiac' Laurentian 4 -door. Hardtop fully • equipped, power brakes 1958 Chev. Standard sedan •1957 Meteor . • 1956 - Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, fully equipped 1956 Ford coach, 8 cylinder Tire 1955 !Pontiac Deluxe sedans, with automatic 1954 Buick sedan,' automatic , Number a 1953 and 1954 Models from $295- to $750. TRUCKS! 'TRUCRS! 1958 Chei. 1/2 -ton- pick-up $1,495 3-1958 Chev. 1/2 -ton pick-ups, with fleetside body .... $1,495 1-1958.-Chev I/2 -ton pick-up with long box and rack $1,495 2.L-1956 Chev. /.ton pick-ups $1,0954 1954 Chev. 1/.2 -ton pick-up at $395 $2,150 $14250 $1,995' $1,395, $1,395 $1,195 $1,1g5 usse s Cities. Service Dealer ralt9ne:. 173, Bruseia ' . • • • . Sholtz. •, Mr ' and Mrs Robert Aitchison • . and Bradley visited •on. Sunday • at -the home ;of Mr's. Adeline Dowling. ; • WS'S `Janet Gaunt. of Hanpvdr spent, the. week -end at the home :Of . her -parents, •Mr:. and. . Mrs. Russel Gaunt. ; 'Mr; and Mrs. Harry'Moss nand family of Plattsville spent the „Week,end,.: at: the borne. of Mr. & 'Mrs. 'Ben, MeClenaghan.' Mr e: .Ben 1VIcClenaginian returned' liorrie to 'PlattsVille.• with them. '• • . Mr. and:•Mrs. George .Ross of Owen .Sotind' 'Visited .on SUndaY at' the' n• home of 'Mrs.: Robert . • . Ross. . The .W.A.-,Of•Whitecintrch Ch invited to St Helens on the 23rd of 'June for their annual '."Teg." Miss Greta , Bininema ;Who is in training .at Wingliarn General HOSpital visited.Sunday night at the liorne of. Mr, arid• Mrs. John De poOr. : per. arid 'went AO, a • movie; .in the • • .evening. .. Mrs. :O. Bess .of 'VValkertori tre-, turned hOine on Sunday evening after spending two weeks in the • village. • •' • Mrs.... Margaret Naismith • Of 'Forest .Grove,- 'Oregon, ,is ;Visiting With Mrs.: Robert Rhea. • Miss 'A.nnie •Kennedi'and Mr. Peter, KerniedY attended- then. 29th Kennedy. :reunion on • Saturday. which' was. .held' in. W.alkertori.. There was n 43, .people. in attent 'dance. ,n :• , • • Mr., and Mrs. Walace ',Whey .& Charles,' Vir.. and Mrs: William Johnstone of Paisley:, 1Vliss' Leah Currie , 'of •Wingham and MiSS Janet Gaunt visited on, Sunday , at the home of .and Mrs, Russel Gaunt, • Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl • JohnstOtie •.of Bluevale, 'visited 'on 'Sunday at the ',,tiOrne of Mr,, anil Mrs• , Garnet Farrier,. O • Mt.- and:. Itoss. Shiith df Tonto spent the weolc-end at ,th....homO of Mr, and Mrs„.-Ittissel ,Chapinan. •" • • : mr.. and. MrS, Clay4ort' Sholti and girl 'of Ooderieli visited ,soh Sunday . with, Mr; aid Mrs, tiro Zion. United. CliUrch , Mrs. 'Gordon • Kirkland.. held, ;the Grandmother's meeting • at ,her home .with 24 'ladies, 5 visit - Ors 'and. 10 children present. 'Roll call was .ansivered With a'• name mission.ary. Mre. "Robert .'Heim read the devotional . and Bible study with Mrs Earl Swan reading the scripture.' . Vieitors shut ins -art.- -Mrs: Frank •viee in mid -summer. Mrs. Hai. - Vey Ritchie is to get the program' :for july. Old 'nylons . are to be. :brought to . the. :July meeting. Program by non-grandmoth- ersthe-• '. :for the grandmothers* waa in ;charge a Mrs. Hunter. A folliArs;' pi4116 pDles; ' Marlene Hunter, . reading. :"The Grand- mothers of- Today,", ,by Mrs: Al- lan Ritehie; hyriiii • "Jesus Keep pie! . Near.. the ,,the .g.roup,, Mrs., Wm. Hnnten, Mrs, . Harvey Ritchie, 'Mrs. Chas. And- erson, • Marlene:- Hunter, Mrs. John Ritchie .& 'Mrs. Peter Cook.; a •reading. '"An Old 'Fashioned', Mother", by. Mrs. Eldon 'Ritchie and by Mrs. Jim. Hunter.••"Eiren,•.- tidp,",, a hYrrin "What ,a :Friend We r have' in Jesus ,. by another :grouP,. Mrs. Russel'. Swan, Mrs. 'Charles' Wilkins,. Mrs: Graydon Ritehie, Mrs 'John. .HUnter .and Mrs. Miirray McDonagh. Each •Grandrriother; nurnbering • 12,. gave a exciting event ,about their grandchildren. -Study 'book was taken. y Mrs, Harvey Ritchie. Two large decorated Angel Food 'cakes served 'with,, ice-cream, , were. Cid by the oldest grand-, mother, Mrs. Fred Anderson and the youngesti Mrs.' :Jack MeDon- agh. The July meting'.:is the • children- Meeting a the, home .of " ,mrs. Cook'. Mts.. Kaiser dosed _with prayer:, . • • • Ritchie and Mrs:7. WM. Ritchie An. invitation Was read from St Why 'de, they call' .them the .Helens to attend on June, 23r .. risnig generation, when they're Plans are made for a church ser- so had to get up? • • lig,10•41110e