HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-15, Page 13.00A Year .In Advanice --* $LOO Extra To U.S.A.
v. Geier
It: Effective
At, a congregational', • Meeting,'
in Lucknow United Church
;on Sunday, following the •morn
ing service, . Rev, Gordon • B;.
? . Geiger announced that • he...; had
.accepted a call to become pastor
of Essex United Church,' ,effec-
tive at the end of June.
Rev. Geiger will be ` on holi-'
°' days during July at Inverhuron,
and offered to supply tike pulpit,
vvand carry on • other pastoral dut
,i, tes if required or desirable.
A deputationfrom •. Essex " at-
tended. service in Lucknow the
. ,previous' Sunday, , and •on Mon-.
;day evening Rev, Geiger receiv-
•:ed a • telephone call inviting him
to Essex,, Upon confirmation. of
the call, he tendered his resig-
'nation to the secretary of. the:. Of
(tidal .Board •& 'notified 'Bruce
`presbytery officials. His decision
did not .become. • general ", know-
ledge until the congregational
announcement on Sunday.. Rev.
Geiger said the approach • had
een' ~made by the. Essex: congre-
tion .& the challenge was 'such
:that: he felt he .must ' accept it
The congregation • authorized
the, :Official Board: to .set 'up , a
pastoral '-' relations • committee,
which will ' contact Presbytery
officials, as the first step in se-
: curing a successor. The Official
Board met .last night.,„
` The';Essek' congregation has a
membership of 100, and, :for the
?•' past eleven years, -has ,been mini
'• stered to by Rev. 'Douglas Stacey,
forme ly, ' of Teeswater, , . whoa is
;:y' of ' '
g ng to •'a London: charge.
tliev.Geiger, who was ordained
C',:'• by Hamilton Conference in 1948, '.son` of Mr: and:Mrs. Ben Brown
e a,Zc nov two. r :�h o• -o •°:Font Albert;:er :>is:ln Sid k
from:Binbrook, as . successor'; "to ,ten's Hospital,. London, with 'a
Rev. Grant Meiklejohn ..who went badly fractured `leg The lad
G Reed. f• t his i�rothe
Miss ` Betty.',.Durnin; ' daughter
of Warden John:, Durnin. and
Mrs: Durnin, of West • Wawanosh
Township, has. been appointed to•
'the :secretarial staff. of ..the On-
tario Department of Agriculture,
Clinton., Her :duties.':begin June
20th. •
Miss Dur. nin will replace Mrs.
P . •
Mae Schihbe, Clinton,, who. has.
resigned . .
row ' 12 -year-old
ear -old
Douglas . B • p, y
to Forest
'W: ee. : o' ` town,
a grandson of Mr. and Mrs:
Mark Loder,' 18 -month-old
son of Rev: ; and Mrs...Wilson
Loder ' of the 'Ma` ai'r 'Restau-
): rant, ` was hos italized at the
week -end with badly • scalded
Mark's •sister.:,pl(aced' him
the ' empty bath tub . Pwhile .she
was .taking care of :him, •• and
.while her back was momentaril`
turned, Y
ed, the youngster opened ;the
hot water tap, and a blast of
�, steam severelyburned • his feet •
<. and ,.
, .could. easily have had much
'more serious " conse uences..
• Other than shock .and bruises
being,y:the ` former Jean Reed.
The' accident < happened on
Sundayevening at the:` intersec-
tion of.Concession 2' Ashfield &.
Highway' -21 (Bluewater): Doug
TD1N`I�� PL.
The ;June. meeting of the Vil-
il lage Cquncil. lasted, little • more
than an hour,. for one of/ the
year's shortest sessions.
Routine business, and, a pro-
. report' on. the' :year's ,•
prov:ernent program were chief
matters°. • on the agenda.: But,,
Reeve Joyrit took a look ;into the
future as well and recommended recommended
that• consideration be given to"a' '. '
"face lifting" program`' at , the
arena, when some of the'cur-
rent projects are completed,
`, Gravelling ,and ' • shaping ' of
Clyde St., Palmerston St.,' on the
south side, .and „the remaining
portions of Hamilton and Vic-
toria Streets, in' . the northwest
.sector of the .Village has, or is
being done,'in • preparation for
:hot roll asphalt. which it is ex-
pected will be laid this month,
weather permitting. These
streets total about 3,200' .feet.
North Delhi' Street Will be ditch-
ed and widened for next: year's
paving program when. it is anti-
cipated. all remaining roads will
•be hard topped..
'reported thatthe.
R eveJoynt r orted t
Reeve pY
were about ready, to. ;call, for
tenders' for the • Campbell St
sidewalk' replacement. `project &
that preliminary plans .for the
'Wheeler•'St. * bridge had been ap
*proved : by, the ' Department. `' '
;Mg. to St. Thomas
At "the, . ;University of :Western
Ontailb•• .convocation, Ray ,Stan-
ley, .Son
Stanley,..son • of Mr. and'' Mrs,• Wm.
Stanley, of Lucknow, received
his Bachelor- of • Arts degree;
Ray obtained his ••degree .. by
extension courses and; three' -sum•
mer courses durin • ...the ` .Past
g, P
six ears. He;commenced work
on his: degree after:' going to 'St.
Thomas ' six years . ago, ere he
is`. now. vice-principal of 'Elm -
;da'le School:
Ray taught at' S.S. No.' 9 Ash'-
field ' for three years before -go-
Finishing' touches were : being Mrs: . 'Startle is the ' ' former'
•Mar area_ Black of the Dungan- g•. g on:
' to a . new septic ta.nk
non district. They have.' one' p
daughter, Laurie' Lee.:
on ' the West side ' of • the :building . ;
' � =had 'to . be :laid: under the base- -:
`merit floor,: arid the concrete,• had
given to the Town .Hall basement
renovation, and : the building .had
received `,'a . special .cleaning in
readiness for the .district rally
of Women's . Institutes. `
A •renovation program which'
has .been • tarried on at the Car-
negie Hall for ' *some 'time, has
reached its climax With the in-;
stallation of modern basement;
rest rooms for ladies ;and- rnen.
The : Carnegie: gall was built'
' in 191;0,,' during • ahe • reev'eship of •
the ''late • John . Joynt, .arid fdr,
many, years was, referred • to `as
the new *Own:41.44r to;distinguish.';
it . from
which it replaced hiid; which sat •
on the site.' of, the present .Super�r: r.
test Garage;
The renclIWgl i .11*4; 4ne21:uded ..
remodelling u `of axe t's�"w raacy,•
painting acrd improvements to
the. Council. room, auditorium''
entrance and stairways, ° Guide
and Scout rooms 'in the base
ment,.. and, finally the ' •comple
tion ;of spacious, rest rooms fal.
cilities in . the: basement. A pew ,,
heating. system was installed a
year ago `:last winter,' '
The entrance and,, r aseznez t.
stairway, and• basement• ''floor''in '
the rest. rooms have -'been covered
With:linoleum tile: The •la`i'ato,'
fixtures - are :new and -modern:
There is hot •.water, on. tap pro
vided by: an electric water -heat-•
er, paper towel rack's and: dis-
posal: units. The .walls and part=
itions haveAbeen given a spark-
coat of. roxatone and fluore-
scent ` .,lighting' completes the
It was stated, that a delegation •: RETURNED SA
from . Essex who recently/. visited . FROM OVERSEAS' TRIP
Lucknow had' remarked that the
t *angst he a�:
h .;. le
Village. • wa e c , .a.:g . � .. y, lUlr-s.• ,A �, MeKam-,ot t6.wn�:�&�
hadCarrie throu h on their mot-
through her daughter, Mrs.'. ` Mary ` G•ra :,
Or tri . h a `.ham.' � of >Toronto returned:, on•
p .,
Saturda • �" rom • a two -Months
Wou�d ' Improve �� ,Arena. • y f
The Reeve pointed
ed ex enditures in 'the',.iuture-
•on the. Carnegie Hall, ;and road'
building, and.'recornmended' that::
Council give some''' thought to..
'future' repairs• '• and" Modernizing -
was 'bicycling with 'a chum, and ..of.the arena.
trip' to Europe and.. -the British`
The made the Atlantic eros`-
sin�gh' by plane,' and on their re
turn .journey had'an unscheduled
sto�•''at Iceland.
stop •
they were 'about._ Jpo . cro`ss the The -_, building ' looks. . like
highway .His friend:crossed the, ibarnv, now, and Reeve;• Joyilt•,
road' but Dou turned as .the -:. ,front,- IN PARENTS'. MEMORY'
gfelt that a partialbrick a
motorist /sounded his horn, and. new entrance and'room altera-
was in` collision with the.car, .:tions could be accomplished, that
driven •by ' Wayne, Burrows' , of would.* enable ' all rooms . to 'be
Toronto, heated from the:`furnace He felt
Doug was taken ' to'' Goderich`; which:. might ht. , be
that anything* • , g
Hospital, from : th e to.,Victoria . considered in this regard should
Hospital, London; and "on Mon -'::be, :done' before the'building;re:
London. •t
day to .Sick ,Children's, i.ceiyes .a•. •needed,. coat of paint
The: leg is: broken • between the i :' A mod rnization. ro ram
knee and' the ankles and: the bone•
v e p ' g
,. would encourage greater use; 'of
splintered. the building.
On Sunda' '3urie 12th':°at the:
morning service the • ev. '
Jennin' s. •dedicated . a : ...air. bof
g P.
solid: brass, ' candleholders in.
memory of the • late Mr.. and:
Mrs. sHart Mc� uillin.• The can•-.
°dleholders' were ," presented by
their. ,daughter, Mrs:' Verna
'Myers . Of. Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom` MacPher-
son, t M Q 'll' ) f
to be broken and replaced.
The hall. 'recently was :given:a
complete cleaning: from stop to
•bottom, and ' was sparkling for.
:the• W m•en s 'Institute rally an
Friday. •. . ,.:
Reeve. George ge :•Joynt .and• mem,-
bers of ':Council can 'well. be
proud. *Of "the completed project,
:but none is;. more proud' of•; the. •
job than'A. M. "Sandy" Havens,
• In his . spare.. time "Sandy" has '
done the : compgete i rest rooms •
installation, assisted .by Norman
Stewart,' .with • the, one exception
of 'applying: th'e coat 'of roxatone.
Residents , of the ` community',
should take the first opportunity
to look. the building over:; We_
h Rey. H.L. believe . you will .be 'amazed.;
St., •Augustine and Kingsbridge
Roman Catholic parishes;_ : are
listed •in' a num�ber,•of a '
changes announced by most Rev.
John C: Cody, Bishop of London
son, (Margaret c ui in o The 'changes' are effective' July
FATAL:ACCID�NT Dou las ram ini.dry. was the' Teeswater .were ,also present at
' fracture.
Bob Gardner of Toronto, son
of Mr. and Mrs. James` Gardner
'of Lucknow, was. released from
Toronto Hospital the' first of the:
week after.. being injured in a
ear .`•>accident last . week that
aimed the' ' life of ''•a • Toronto
man, -•
','• .Dead is • Donald 11Macdonnell,
27, of ` 'Toronto, : who leaves,.' a
wife and , nine-n'ionth old son. Hey
was' 'returning from a • ibusiness'
• meeting when he stopped to
help a' Motorist. in trouble. The
motorist, Robert `..Becker of Tor
onto, and ;''Mr; Macdonnell Were
standing. between . the' two. vehi-
cles when a third car driven by
William�Rsin, 27, of Toronto, &
formerjy of .Wingham,'drove' in-
to the rear of the Becker vehicle.
Macd�innell received internal
injuries and. died two : hours
later. Mr. Recker suffered •seri-
ous leg injuries.•
Bair', was uninjured except for
t' • bruise's and Bob Gardner, 'a :pas-
senger in .his car, received '30•'
stitches . across the forehead, ,
to � cnts
the face and an injured knee.
Bob and Williarrm ain were
g from a ,hall game they
played in Weston,; Both are
•enployed' by the:, � R in Tor-
t ` `onto,
w lit li'lEc,ii URCi3 .
�.•A �•p Kingsbridge •. 'rich will go to Kin sbri to
Succeed "Rev. Fr 'Henry. Van
Vynckt who is;`'being transferred
to St..;Michaels Church, ; Ridge -
Rev. Achtabowski's• successor
will �be Rev. "r. L C. Thomas.
from Immaculate Conception,
Stratford.. '
Ts Ycur Subscriptior Paid9' the' ' dedication • service
• Ret. Fr: ' J A. '
,Achtabowski• of
the St. Augustine and Lucknow
• ' •
Caught' by the Sentinelcame-
ra ,on the. Town' Hall •lawn, dur-
ing a• noon. hour' break at the
Bruce .south." District. Women's
Institute ` annual meeting last
Frjday are \left to .right, Miss
Mary Lou • $hack; Walkerton,
Bruce' :Courity .Home` 'Economist
Mr D. W, Cameron, Walkerton,
board member; "Mrs.
Harvey ' Houstofi Holyrood, past
president ' 'of' Bruce South. iisy
trict; Mrs: Victor' Errierson,
Whitechurch, the' new president
of Bruce South; Mrs. •Cecil Ho1M
lands, R.R. 4, Kincardine, seere-
Sentinel Photo
I _ •
The. Salvation Army annual
Red Shield Appeal is being con,,:
ducted locally • and canvassers
are requested to complete 'their •
calls this week. • '
Members .of• the ,Lions .•Club.
are conducting the canvass, and.
Lion Charles Webster is heading •
up the campaign, which .°was,
ternporai ily postponed to ; avoid
confliction : with other . 'public
service campaigns. '
Some O;ural canvassing has al-
ready been dome,: but in ,town. or
country, if you,'are not called on
within the next, few days, you
•may : leave your' donation at
Webster and McKinnon's • hard-
ware, .dor. at, The Sentinel Office,