HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-08, Page 8• V „.} • ti 3 • I; SI 04 . THE LUCK.NOW •SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY, JUNE nth,, 196o • W.1.; HONOURS. GRANDMOTHERS ,(ST. OMENS NEWSY • • The granOmother',$ meeting of , the WOMen's• Institute, was, held the Community Hall -With 26 •'Members, 6 ° visitors and Ten' "present. 14 Grandmothers were 'Presented with.:corsages - made by the, Committee • During the business it was decided to purchase .cur- tains or!the Hall -windows, also .the stage, entrances. It ::Was also decided, We, eater for the Lions banquet, June and,'Meni- lbers, of ',the, committee 'in charge .are,'"! Mrs, ,HatOld'”Gauntk, Mrs. ° • Jas., Aitehisei*Mrs. W. G. Hum- phrey, ', Mrs. Laura McNeil. Miss ° • Mary 'Murrayhad as her .,topic for historical research a . paper , the history , of the 'telephone Which was very interesting to. see the :vast develOpment, since its Invention, rto years. ago. Mrs. Andrew ,Gaunt, .dittrict director,: ,...ibrought backa splendid report of' the :District :Animal, The pill call, naming an old • fashiOned• custom or remedY.I.A,W, pleased •..has been discarded).. was .ariiw- ered by. a gOod 1 -lumber mention- ing torne'.of'.the,:ill:;tasting/reme- dies of Jelig. ,ago which have long • cell' foiiigotten,, yet in their time eased :The motto, ` ow good Were. the. niany,4.:achepain. and - .good old days, prepared • and read '13V-'‘ Miss Rutherford. also brought to 'Mind ::manY-, of the . customs .aid ; Ways of livingso • different to our Modern times. • Mrs: Andrew '• Gaunt • favored with•'‘a solo, Sliver threads ...among ,tbe Gold. Miss. Helen • Harper. , an- • contest, What Grandmother( Used, and donated' a• :gift . to the Grancirno- -*;* whose anniversary •fell nearest the day of .the 'meeting. • '.,Mrs. Cliff Murray was the win- ner.Jas.: Aitchison 'gave a •reading. Miss Mary • Murray: do- nated a prize ,o „the Grandmoth- er with, the youngest *grandchild and also. the one with .the ,m4St. granddaughters,,".Mrs: William Humphrey \was the first winner .• • with Mrs. 'Saniuel.,, Reid receiv- Ind, the. Seconcl:Ori4e. Mrs. And- rew Gaunt handedin-a..•donation from Mrs: Sam 'Durnin an; old & faithful "members. 'and' also read a Message expressing good Wish- es for our Grandmothers .meet-. ling,. and .to the W.I. • forpile com-. a Very. entertaining and enjoy- able meeting. to a clese with courtesy rezia.rIcs• give r4 ))Y 1V.Irs• T.j., Todd to the committee in eharge ofhiuih,, • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and;Larry: .of LOndon were week -encl, visitors •with Mr. an, 'Mrs. Chester Taylor. ' Mrs. Eldon 1Miller has retiri- ed •a visit with her daugh- ter; Mrs. Wilmer Nieholton, Mr. •Nichelsoh and fainily at stein. ", • . • Graduates AS Nurse • , •Congratulatioris to Mitt Donna Woods who .Was among the gra- duates from the ICitchener-Wa- terloe .HOsPital on Saturday af- ..ternbon., Mr: and Mrs. Lorne 'Woods, Mist -W: .P.; Rutherford and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gadner. of Zion 'attended the: graduatien 'exercises.held at the KrW.Colle- giate and the reception that fol• - lowed -at the Hospital grounds. Later. Mrs. me Brown and, Mrs. Alex: Murdie entertained Don - 4's gUe§tS, at the former's home. Mrs. Woods reniained for '•a :few days. , • Mj. and IYIrs. Dan 1VIcKay of Ripley I ‘were , recent guests , of •• Mr. and Mrt,..0ecirge.,Stuart. • A but .trip . to Kitchener on Monday ,,-.1was enjoyed by, the .pupils of Lochi.sti school. ••• 1VIany from. this. coipinimity atteridecl the.'reception on Fri.!, day eVening in the .Legion hall in Luckriow iii .hnot Of Mr. and Mrs Tom Pritchard of Preston. AfiniversarY '$,evices were held Ashfield Presbyterian Church on •Sunday:., Rev. MacMillan. of %Goderich was .guest' speaker .to a 'large dengregation. • Lorne `Luther :recovering from.' burns received: at the, ire that clettrOyeif the barn 011 Dave MacKenzie's farip -Kintail, , A . sneedr.,:recOvery." is wished fOr'ReV, Hutten Who is a Patient in Victoria Hospital in .1.ithido,n. Mr Hutton has, been a "Weekly. visitor at .bochalsh, School, for several year and his presence ..greatly' •- - . We are- sorry to report that Elpick baby, was. taken to hospital in London for further treatment. • • ing year. ° . , The Queen' and Grace brought VIIIIIIIINENINimminsplunitinin.nunsmossiimanimilmanononnion • • • FOR FAST, EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT . Mrs. ;GordonFinlayson, attend- , . • ed' a , reunion of Graduate nurses in. Stratford .recentl 7.. • Mrs. Walter Dexter, entertain- ed the .W.M.S: -Olivet. Church on Wednesday . evening. •• . NI' ' . • .,. • • - • • • ..11 • • is"'. sr • ervic . • ICII,ALOTJGH We. extend synipathy to Mrs, J, W. Colwell in the .death, of her brother, the late Jelin Moore of Bervie. The funeral,was held On Saturday afternoon' from the, McLennan and McKenzie Mein - °jai .14icknow.,, with the „. burial in Greenhill cemetery.. . and Mrs. William Lloyd •and, Doris visited. on Saturday eVening.- with 'Edna and May Boyle. • : :•• ' • A successful sale of. household effects was held at the home of. Mr: William. Wall on Saturday afternoon: . • Congratulations to ' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Haldenby on' the birth' of 'a baby daughter (Kim- berley Arine)„.. Mrs. Halderiby returned home during the week but the baby will remain in the hospital for a time, Mr. And Mrs. Jack' Graham of Ann Arbour Michigan, are visit- ing, with nien-i13ers of his family here. ot...;it ley Stanley at Kitchener. Visit ring the week with. Visitors with Mr. and • 1VIrs.: Mrs. . William Cox were: Miss .man Martyrf and Fred; potter. Margaret Brack, Miss Alice Ear- Miss Judy Smith, Rev. and Mrs. rington, .13/1r., and Mrs. Tom Kempton of, Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Bryce of Port , El- gin, -Mr..' ,and Mrs. Mark John- ston of Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tollefton, Toronto. Sharon Joseph • Harrington Of , Palmer- Stanley.' returned home' with •stori , and Mrs. B. Seabrook, of them. • • Kitchener.• ' The Pentecostal ,Rally was Mrs. Howard ThompSon will held at:Teeswater on Monday. be 'hoStess for the W.A. Meeting. Sponsor Scout Work on. ThursdaY aftepoon. •' ". Mrs. RaYnard ACkert was hoi, ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE 19th BIRTHDAY'? —keep •insured! You're no , longer insured under your parent's Hospital Insurance Certificate. When you become 19, separate premiums are re- quired. Application forms available from hospitals, most hanks or any office , • of the Commission. • YOUR 1 NEAS UUDHOSPITALNC ONTARIO HOSPITAL ONTARIO • GUyioDuEr employer or wlrite ." --if you haven't one ask SERVICEST0CROoMNT.MoISIS,RpONNIARIO • • , • • Rey. Ben 'Cox and Mr. and Ezra Stanley were Revs.Lowc- E: L. Ripley. and family of. To- ronto, Mr, and Mrs. 'Jerry Sche- duski. of Mildmay, Miss Bever- ley Stanley. 'of Kitchener, Mr. The Presbyterian WALS. met tett for the June'mpeting of the On- WednesdaY • evening_ at the Holyrood Women's'InStitiite.. The home :Of Mrs.. Morley Bushell. Ode was followed. by 'the lylary The•Olynin ..,Jesus shall reign" Stewart Collect., Mr. , Eob- TaY.- was..tung and the Pur;•, lor,• Field . Commissioner of Boy 1.pose. opened the meeting. Mrs. Scouts of th* area 'spoke to the. Perry 'Hodgins read the scrip- ladies. on Boy Scout work It was ture. Mrs. Bud ,Sution . led in voted'to have ' the Institute 'prayer. ."Execute" was the word sponsor the, Boy 'Scout Werk. for the roll call. "Arm of the Both Dr. Tyndall Ripley and Anna McDonald of CKNX ham will be guests • at the next Meeting at which all the neigh- bours...are , invited. Tea Biscuit 'winners w,ere•,Mts. Mcphersen and June ACke7.i.MTirnrdA • Lord . awake,'- • was sung. Mrs. 'William 1VIcPherson ..reported on the Synodical at Woodstock,' The .thitsforry studied was 'Miss Margaret Bo Sutton' was ptrOgram• Cen- vener. Readings by Mrs. Tom Haldedby, . Mrs. :,Passmore and McDonald, • Mrs., Lyrrian," Sutton; MrS., ,,Frank • Maulden acted as SON OF FORMER.. DENTIST DIED DR. ALFRED A. NEWTON.. O Dr. Alfred A. • Newton passed away in the hospital in Traverse City, 1Vlich., on Thursday, June 2nd, •after a' lengthy illness. He was in his 75th year. • . Alfred Newton was the eldest son of the late Dr. G. A. Newton his father having' practiced den- tistry here for many years. ' Alfred,' followed his" father's. profession,' and graduated in 1912 at Western • Reserve Uni- versity, Cleveland. He practiced • . where 'he continued his prbfes- . in Detroit for twelve yearfsoracnedd then moved to Reed tity, Mich., sion until failing health hit retirement. , • Dr. Newton was ..buried at Traverse City. His • wife prede- ,csased him °in 1940: He is, survived by two broth- ers, Harold 'F. Newton of Tor- onto and John S. Newton of •Port Credit. • men and boys s 'ems to be the • The chief. difference between Mrs. Frank'Maulden, Mrs. John juges. , cost of ,,their toys. Barr. Bible quiz, Genesis 49-50. Christ for ,.the. World was the !fifimiling•••11"6"1""1"""fim..••••••••••""mmill closing hymn. Refreshments were ....,, ' served. ' ' ' Recent ' visitors with Mr,. and Mrs...Gerald Rhody and family were Mr. and Mrs. George Mes- senger and family, Mr. and Mrs. • on ore arid family, • • Mr. and' Mrs. Gerald Rhody, Wayne and Marilyn spent. Wed- nesday ° at- Southampton with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Otto,' Dr. and Mrs! Ralph. Rhody at Port • Elgin • • • • Mr: and. Mrs. Or • land Richards •Is • and Mr Dick Richards visited on TO or FROM, is Sunday evening with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. . LUCKNOW -- TORONTO .0 Mr. and Mrs. Joe ,Cassidy and' • ,. • • •. • • 121 LUCKNOW LONDON • E calla al era Bros.• RANSPORT '11 * All Loads Insurea * New Wingham Warehouse • Serving Wingivarn and Distric•t * Household Moving Service to any Ontario points. No Load Too' Big No Load Too Small '. • • All Receive Care, When You Ship By • WALDEN BROTHERS • • • • • • u. • , • • • /•, •• PHONE COLLECT: •Ls • SUPER.TEST GARAGE — PHONE 248, LUCKNOW , • • 111 ' 15 •Kincardine 530 — Ripley 193 • , *• . • • a •• • .'.Tell Your Traveller, or When Ordering, To • , • SHIP BY WALDEN ' BROS. TRANSPORT ▪ Esy Phoning.RU 7-6541 Toronto or' GE 8-6753 London s sommummusimismoommoloommilmommosommissmomolkomiem: , .• family of Teeswater . spent Sun: - day evening with Mr.. and Mrs. Roy .Graharn. Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Hodgins entertained the A.Y.P.A. on' Sun- day • evening, Alex Hewitt presi- ded.• The •opening hymn was "Come to. the Saviour". A verse from your favourite Psalm .was the roll, call. Donnie Hodgins read the •scripture. The Rev. 'Lyle Bennett was presented, with, a desk set' following his ordina- tion. He expressed hi§ thanks to the A.-k.P.A. for remernibering him and also gave the topic:, on the prayer • book. A youth and' family 'Sunday will be held on June 19th. TomBennett receiv- ed the 'offering, John Hodgins , 'conducted a quiz and •David HaldenbY a contest. Alex Hewitt and Rae HaldenVy each read jokes. A. game' was played; Eve- lyn Nicholson 'gaVe the closing remarks. A local softball leaguei is to be, formed, also work on 'church grounds The next nieet- ing will be held:at the home of Bob 'Smith. Everyone 'bring Bibles: , Reeve Ilarbld Percy, Warden arid Mrs, • Michael 'Fisher, Mr. arid Mrs. Russell Wiles left' on Striday for Vert Frances where thOY will attend a County Home,. convention, ' • Miss Sharon Stanley Spent the week -end with Miss BeVer% r • . • ware EXPERT 2 -CYCLE. POWER MOWER Clinton)Engines $44.95 • ARTISAN 4 -CYCLE POWER MOWER Lawson Engine — Handle 1Control $56.95 • Don't, forget to give your old eye glasses to the Lions 'Club "Bank of Light" for: use in India.' • ebster & .Kinflofl • PRONE BO, tilbitNow Plumbing, lieafingo VViting; EaVetroughing