HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-08, Page 6TIS LTJCKNOW SENTINEL, . LUCKNQW, ONTARIO CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISING 'RATES First Insertion 2c per Word, minimum charge 50e. Repeat Insertions, ,1-.1/2q per wor nininmm -40c. Notices, .Cards of Thanks and, Coming Events, am nirizum 75c. rn ;Memolriams, minimum $1,00, 25c extra, for replies to The,:S.ent"in"t t c�tr„n ehargecoC .10c for each, bill rendered, FOR SALE_: ING EVENTS SUPPER; AND PROGRAM .A. cola meat ; supper will. held in) the Whitechurch United: ,Church. on Wednesday, June 15th frorm 6 to 8 • o'clock. Adults $1.00,. Public'. school •children 50c, A .variety .program to follow. cKee ' harvester, 3 years old, `wrth box: Wm Kina- harr, R, 2 Lucknow, phone Wing- ' han 711-W-4. FOR -SALE.. 34 : choice feeder pigs, Leonard Chisholm, phone 13-r-2; Dungannon. FOR SALE -gravel, fill and ,tap, soil, contact Jack;'Parrish," phone 286, . L' ucknow. :BOAT FCR SAL E -12 foot cedar •''strip' With 10 H.P.:" motor, priced for .•quick sale' -Apply , Clarence Pollock, Ripley :phone ' 190, ?4$e :SALE, Used 22" ' range, • excellent. _condition, Greer Electric, :'Lucknow; EOR . `SAIL&-7.-Wingham: kitchen range, ';new, still crated. Apply Kelso•:MacNay, R; i •3' Lucknow, phone, ° i ipley • 164=r=30.. FOR;.;SALE'-=,China 'cabinet;d ark oak,goodcondition, • Mrs. T: Kilpatrick, pllc►ne Dungannon /440 GROUSE washer-dryeyr, used new;,• ;real•• bargain Electric •, t.Lucknawir' combination as good;. as; Greer TV & 14 AY FOR ;:SALE -20 .: acres of xr ixed'':hay and 4',acres: of clover.; es,, Ritchie, R. 7 Lucknow Mahone' 67.16: Dungannon.'" F;OR 'SA Ken LE:—. •' ore •electrie zn ashing machine, excellent • `con only -.one '° year...,Old.. Has; tMier, -1-and is „semi-automatic'.. Apply `Ni Payne,' %' L Chisholm, phone ;1 r-2 Dungannon. u OR 'SALE' LIVESTOCK— Bought: .and sold,: all kinds, Phone 41 Lucknow or Dungannon.: PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex. Tonic. Tablets help "pep -up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69c. At all • druggists.' SUMMER PROPERTIES •. REDDI-BUILT " homes and cot- tages, prefab and ,erected. Free literature. Easy_ terms.: Seel ,our samples, Genoe umben, Orange ville Ontario. WOOD FOR 'SALE. ---:good hard maple wood, , in truck load lots. Bruce MacMillan Lucknow': FOR SALE—Now ' taking, orders for • our new •. hydraulic . round bale loaders. ;Will :,also have square .bale stockers for .sale.. Get orders in early as supply. limited. . For a '•good, rugged, de- pendable post hole .' auger • or manure, loader for any make or. model. of tractor,call. Morford Mackay,. Welding •. and Machine Shop, ` phone 0-r-8 Ripley,' Ont • FOR': iSALI Tran ite -field tile, 1 `. ,almostunbreakable , .4,• 5 and 6;. inch ' at .prices ' comparable .to. clay tile: Take: advantage of this • good . buy.-- Apply',. Pollock -Elect--. ric,•:.Riipley, phone 190: FOR SALE -33 Springing ,Ayr- shire: Heifers, �bred"'. Hereford. Can be, seen•. evenings or .Thurs- day afternoons.. R. Alvin Hamil- ton,..R.'3.Lucknow,'phone.68-r 17; Dungannon. • FOR SALE --Portable .TV with aerial, large screen, excellent condition;':$95.00;; ,modern Elect- ric radio; .$14.95; -Electric razors ; from . $9.95 up, .Phone 32 Dun - Bannon. F.� NANCI NG A -CAR? Eefore you btiy #ask/about our Low Cost Financing. Service with complete Insurance . Cover- age. J. 'A. McDonagh Insurance, Lucknow, phone 306: .' WE BUY 'POULTRY When, you have poultry to sell contact Charlie Scott, Auburn, • Phone collect 84, Auburn. TIRES' -;=a' :TIRES!! All types of tractor. 'tires sold The anuual _,meeting' _ off Loch and serviced, . lowest• • prices, : also alsh Cemetery , Committee' will complete:• "selection •`of:.`all :types be held' at .the . Lochalsh Ceme- of ; tires.Bruce-- MacMillan, tery, on Tuesday,. June Loth :.'at Lucknow 8:00 • . p.m.! Anyone interested is Welcome. 'Gordon`: Finlayson, Sec. FILTER QUEEN -.Sales and, .Ser vice,• .repairs to all makes of : Maple Grove L.O.L. "1044 Lodge. vacuum cleaners. sed'- cleaners' will :be meetingon Thursda �, I : y, of all makes for, sale. Robert: K. June. 9th, 1960. A` good attend- Peck, . Varna;' telephone Hgnsall ` ance` is desirable as 'the' County 695=r=2. 4 Master will be. making his of- ficial 'visit: AUCTION' .SALE-:‘.., DISPERSAL- SALE COMPLETE, DISPERSAL • of Shorthorn and 'Polled Shorthorn Herd. 41 head including - 2 pol- led, sires.. Herd accredited and vaccinated, : ,Saturday, * June; 18, 1 p.m. 'Glen 'Cross,; 42 miles north-east .of -Orangeville, Follow the arrows. Catalogues, J. 'S: ,An-" derson,Glen Cross, Ontario, WANTED WANTED --,used hay fork rope, 200 feet long, Lorne Forster, R.R. 1, L.ucknow.,, phone ; 43-r-12.. POULTRY '.WANTED - • Best prices at your 'door, phone A.. Brown, Kincardine .181. `• .: CLEARING' AUCTION SALE of livestock, implements and house hold effects. ' for .Russell' Me- • Creight, E.H. • of W.H. Lot 9,. Con.. 9, .Ashfield Township on Satur- day June 18th. See bills No: re- serve as farm is• sold: R Mc- Creight, prop: Emile MacLennan, auctioneer, LOST WANTED A representative for a 'well •known "Life. Assurance,' Company on either ;a full or part.' time WWT>♦<NiE DAY, JW : 8th, 1060 DISTRIIcT ANNUAL HERE ONF FI�'I DAY Tho annual meeting of Bruce ;South, District of Wornen's: ostitute will be held in the Town Rall, Lucknow on. Friday June 110th when, Lwcknow and Para- mount 'Branches .will be hbst.ess for, the .day, At lea ,§t. 150' Wilt be expected for the 'mornin;g ses- cion Board 'Me7nbet',' Mrs. Donald Cameron of- -Walkerton; and the Bruce.. Cou*ity I3ome Economist, Miss Mary .Lou Black are two of the speakers for the day; Re basis, gistration is at ,9:30 a.m.. with Write: • the meeting getting underway / ' GEORGE M. BECKER, Box. 138, Waterloo, Ontario. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted ' for S.S. 'No. a Kinloss, duties to commence in September. Please state gxperi ence, . qualifications. = and salary "expected. Applications to 'be •in by June 10th. Frank Murray, Secretary,, •Holyrood, Ontario. .'" LOST—,between Lucknow and Belfast on Wednesday, June •1st at. 'noon,. a . roll' of heavy bailb wire; Finder contact Blake ' Al- ton, R:R,, .2 Lucknow. NOTICE The Annual Meeting of South 'Kinloss ' Cemetery; : Corporation will, :be held at" South " Kinlo_ss Church on Wednesday, •'June 22 at 8:30 p:m:: All lot holders . are ;requested to bepresent Lloyd MoDougah,Secretary; Allister Hughes; . President. MONEY . TO LOAN. : Farms Monies -Motels Stores. .' • Business Chattels Accounts Receivable Inventory or any. ,Security. ' Fast service anywhere in Canada DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson' Ave., Downsview,Ont. ME 3-2353 ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL' Lucknow, Phone 154-J • 'BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS 'tor, Sai"e. GreenCross' , W'EEU and BRUSH SPRAYS `for sale. • SEPTIC'. TANKS Septic . Tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with :mod ern 'equipment. All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus. sels, phone " 42-r-6. Brussels. ELECTRICAL repair work, radios,. toasters, ,irons, ; electric fences, anything in the electrical line, prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, phone 84, ' Lucknow. AUTOMOTIVE NOT,'ICE, LIGHT .HORSEMEN • Standing at stud,, purebred Arabian stallion, "Nabeym; :also thoroughbred •" stallion. "Stream -of Gold." The.. stallions are. standing at Kincardine- and: Make "' a very desirable cross with `heavy or Bight mares. For full .. particulars contact Bill Geddes, -Kincardine, phone. 13-3. Hollywood is where, if A guy's wife looks like ..a.•. new woman, she probably is. f: Glass -Steering -Body Repairs Lubrication, :etc. . tFor ..Quality Service, see PAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone . 320' Goderich No. 8 Iighway, • WOOD FOR SALE—hard maple. and •'elrri slabs, .truckload lots of:. about 4 cords, also sawdust: Spence Iiwvin, 'phone 171 Luck - now: t AUCTION •SERVICE, Allan' MacIntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, Phone' 281' CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork :` sold in any quantity. Custom butchering in Governm,ent licensed. abattoir. Pigs' every .Tuesday: • Beef from - Monday through Thursday., BUTTON'S. MEAT MARKET WATERLOO CATTLE. BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls. Are Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE is provided,. from 'bulls' of all breeds. We are farmer owned; and controlled and operate at cost. ' Sumnercalling: hours: Between' 7;30 and. 9.30 ,a.m. week days 6:00 ,and 8':00 .p.m. Saturday evenings. .For service or more info .rmation call: Clinton •,Zenith 9-5650' ,or. Collect:. Kincardine 460 • 'NEW 'or RENEWAL subscrip- tions. ubscrip-tions: for the Family Herald are taken by 'The, Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, direct representatives of, the' publishers. 1 year, $1.50; 3 years, $3,; 5 years,. $'4. Save a' lot of .bother, let us handle your Subscriptions. TYPEWRITER • RIBBONS Typewriter ribbons for any' make ofmachine are now avail-, able at the -Lucknow Sentinel,. No matterwhat the machine, we have the ribbon. Phone 35,.Luck- now.` DEAD STOCK SERVICE' HIGHEST. 'CASH PRICES 'Paid for Sick, . Down or • Disabled Cows & Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old 'horses :4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44,,-r-24, Lucknow ' R.R. 2 'Luclt-low 24-hour' service CARD OF THANKS. I. wish .to' express my sincere, thanks for the ‘various. remeth brances while I was hospitalized and. for .those kindnesses shown to, my family since coming home They '.;were.. ah 'much .ap preciated. ,Special thanks .to ' Dr. Corrin and the hospital ital nursing o p, staff, ;Jean Walden;' Peter .M, a6Donald' wishes to sincerely, thank : all 'those : who kindly ' remem'bered' him.. with cards- and visits while in" the' hospital. Special thanks to, 'Dr. Bern Corrin and the Nursing staff < on -the' Third • Floor at lb a.m, President, Mrs. Har • - vey Houston, Holyrood and •Mrs. .Cecil Holland, R.R 4, Kincar- dine will be in' charge of the meeting. An 'interesting day has been: planned and:a cordial in- vitation is. extended ' to all ' who might like to. 'attend. Exhibits -of the ' recent 4- I, , Hornemakers Club, "Working, with . Wool" and the Sr,''Training Course "The 'Third Meal"' will be 'on display,' . 'KENNETH J.. MacKENZIE R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. at the • 'former Wrona • Jewelery store, Ripley,, 10 am?. to • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8th • and every Second, .Wednesday Eyes examined -' Glasses fitted •For. appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie,` • 96-r-24, Ripley .W.BELL. • OPT'OMETRI,ST GODRRICH •!N.. F.; ., ...ay . . EYe. ofns ltin g C u g Optometrist Tlie Square: (Phone JAckson 4-7661), Doris, and Randy - Nicholson. wish to. thank .all those who ' re- membered thein 'with cards and letters while they were in Han- over Memorial. Hospital • and since their •'return "home. This was Very:much appreciated. The relatives of the. ' late ,Miss Annie MacKenzie, 'formerly • of the St.• Helens district,_: wish to; acknowledge with. heartfelt thanks_and appreciation the many ..thoughtful and kindly acts, done for them 'by,^' `sympathetic neighbours •and friends. Many :thanks to the Nutting staff of Wingham. District Hospital and. to Drs..Corrin and Finlayson. Jean. and' Allister Hugh's. I.- wish to.. exp ess : my thanks to my friends ho ' sent me cards,', letters and treats ~ and those who called to see :me while I was in Wingham Hospital and Victoria Hospital, 'London. Spe- cial thanks to Dr:• Corrin'.and Dr. .Finlayson: • George .. McRoberts. AT DISTRICT SCOUT. PARADE ON' SUNDAY The Saugeen District annual Boy Scout churchparade; was held on. afternoon at Priceville.: where a troop was re- cently organized. . About fifteen boys and leaders from the Lucknow troop' attend- ed. Those . taking 'cars were Scout Leader, Stuart Collyer, George Whitby, Alex Andrew and Donald MacKinnon. FURNACE - OIL, • STOVE 014 KEROSENE, GASOLINE See . or 'call • WM.' A. "BUD" HAMILTON Phone 220-w Lucknow' District, Agent for Cities Service SEE" ,; our pis 4, "747,4 rolati ROYHAVENS Plumbing. and Heating Esso Oil Burner .Sales" and Service. ohnston Meat Market WEEKEND SPECIALS'. POT ROAST, Ib.. . , :., +. , • .. . FRESH GROUND ,BEEF, lb. BOLQGNA, . IN .PIECE, 1b. . . 39c 39c - r35c CUSTOM . FILLING TO, YOUR SATISFACTION Phone 41