HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-08, Page 5• WEDNESDAY, JUNE .8th, 196nF. TUE. :LUC NQW SENTINEL, I;UCKNOW, ONTARIO ash at Beet ail HEINZ SPAGHETTI , 2c , off pack, save 21c GEMM'ARGARINI 1's, save 17c t ; 4 for. 85c GRANULATED SUGAR Save, 50lb. bag., to a customer)' DELSEY TISSUE White or Colored, Save 4c:..'.2' for 29c • Y t 5' for 69c $,3:.99 SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING Save 15c, :16 oz, 2 for 59c•. HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER. . R & W, Save 17c 2: for 89c CROWN TEA BAGS Save 6c, )00 to pkg 'h79c • CALIFORNIA ORANGES''. FULL OF JUICE . . '5 ib. bag 55c 'PI-ONE 2'6 ; FREE DELIVERY or Mr; and Mrs. Robert Thornp-' son and children John and' .Ro beat of Windsor visited the first of the week at the home of 'his mother, Mrs., R. H. Thompson. Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Neable 'and family, Langside'' Mr. sand' Mrs. Julius. Fisher arid, family, Listo Wel; .Graham Neable of Ararnp-' ton, ;Mr. and 1Virs .:`Gene Tunny and . Ricky .• of Holyrood 'visited over the 'eek-endl at the Jack* Wright home ZION UNITED . CHURCH. . N:I V E RSARY will be held this SUNDAY, ;JUNE 12th at '11:00. 'a in.• •.and. 8:00 ':p.m.• !Guest Speaker: :- v. Evan. 1VIaLagan, B.A., - of Blyth, SecY Huron ,Pre'sb terY Special Music' At, 'Both Services t.• • Lucknow sb tern . Y an Church Interim -Moderator Rev. Neil ' McCombie, Ripley'• •SUNDAY, JUNE` 12th' 10:0Q a.m. " Sunday School' 11;00 a m Morning Worship •1,15 p.m, `South Kinloss 3:00. p.m. Dungannon Rev:'.. Wni. Fitzsimon. L1CKN•OW• UNITED CI11JR.CH• Minister: ;Rev,. Gord)n R. Geiger',' B.A.,. B.D.. SUNDAY, JUNE 12th , 10:30 a.m. Sunday • School • classes gather to attend Church 11;00 a.m. Church'. School i A,nn;iVersary—Mr. Lloyd! Ackert the gu'keri I ttrsery during est eburspeah. 'nogg*For The Weeit i. 1 ''Tie man with ' - !needs, never tts pull. ; . 11MPcjRTAWT.ini. meetg of ,the•, Congregation at .the close .of the. morning service. 1 Local: :& General Mrs., :.Marion Brooks, Shirley,, Marilyn and Ron, . • and Allan Gamnlble,' visited .' in .Toronto .on Sunday.. " John • McInnes` • has returned of Goderich visited " on, Sunday' er Hospi :at .the home 'Of Mr.. and. Mrs. WHITECHURCH The Whitechurch Midgets played with Tiverton on'• Thurs day night of•.last week ,and; won :the gane:.17.3 • Mr.. • and Mrs. Clayton • Sh6itz home from Westsninst tal where he-. had . been- hospita=` Hid' ':for. some tune. Ezra- Sholtz. Mrs. John Bunyan. and Miss. •Mrs. Grant,Mi . ;MeDiarmid,' ss Shirley Snaith of • Edmonton' spent • the ; week -end at 'the home Ruth Thompson, Mrs.. N . J. Mac- of .Mr:. •and Mrs.., R. `Farri ' Kenzie and•.' Mrs;.. John H ll spent' ' er' th " weekend in' Detroit Mr., and Mrs. Elwood • .Gros e• kotl`i spent; . Saturday in ' 'Union Keith .Gardner ' has • a bob' with 'ville where .they:, attended Mr., Stirling .: constrction Co. `, on • and ; Mrs. A:: C. Kennedy's. 50th. u 'Highway .40- between Chatham Wedding anniversary: They .also. and; Wallacelburg and : started on spent` Sunday at the 'home' of. Monday. • Mel Stanley is • employ= Mrs.' • F. Beggs and . Mr: J. C. ed with; this. Company, • Groskorth '.of ,Hagerman - .White- . W7ri.. Stauffer.,' of Brantford,&' The Anniversary of . the. .- •church United Church Will. be ;formerly" .o f the Blackhorse ' con held on. June 12th:: Services' will, nunity, visited with : relatives. beheld at 11 a.m. and at.8 8 • .m. and called.'ori friends in the dis- ..P Rev.: •T. .0 Wilkinson a former• trice last week. minister; of. St, ' Helens and Whitechurch charges ' will ;.con- „. '•Roy. 'Have' resumed work this week after . 'hospitalized :in duct: the services. The following being h "because ' ..a back "in, Wednesday evening a supper; & Wxngam of •program will b jury: Buster 'Whitby is employede , held • at the PAGE Presbyterian Madan Band Thirty-seven.: members, of the Victoria `Mission ;Band, met in the Sunday • School Boom . of the Presbyterian Church on. Monday afternoon,, June tithe- After the singing of the opening'hymn the' motto was 'repeated .rn unison, Murray Johnston read Psalm' 100. Barlb.ara ,Humphrey le d in'.praye7r and Mary' Finlayson played a Piano. solo. - Sharon Mowbray led in repeating. the Offertory Prayer. More from the Study .Book was 'given, by Mrs. James' Little, the' guest,' speaker...Sharon TNlowbray thanked Mrs. Little & prayer followed led by Donnie - McDonald. The meeting .closed with': singing the theme.. with Roy church. Mr, and Mr's: Charlie, Tiffin Mr. and .Mrs. •J. D.; Bryce of 'spen't • Sunday at the --home of Port Elgin. were recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. Sandy "Murray of with •Mr.,,and Mrs: J. •D, McKend- Sharon rick and Miss Madelyn McMor Mrs .Mary Jane.Tiffin visited' ran. on Sunday. at •the home • of Mr.. Miss Jean .Montieth of Wolver- and Mrs:. Victor 'Emerson: hampton,Staffordshire,' England, ;• Mr. Tom Morrison broke a is • visiting •here, with• her., cousins, ;bone. in his foot last week..'''' Mr: and :Mrs. John With. Mr• the .District Annual of the, and Mrs.. MacRae, and the, lat- Wornen's 'Institute, will be held. :'ter's mother; • Mrs. '. Elizabeth ;in Lucknow on Friday, June 10. Cook of Orangeville, motored.to• The meeting will 'commence at. Montreal.' to sheet Miss 'Mo'ntieth, ten .o clock in the' morning. • who had . a very pleasant, .cross- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber at- ing. She plans to spend . three . montha An Canada=• tended the funeral of. Mr; 'Hugh, Abert Reed of Rothsay. He • was: Visitors last week: with ' Mrs: in his 20th year. , William :Bushell were; Mr. and Mrs. Donald MoCosh, Mary •and Dick; 1114r, and Mrs. Currie Col- well, Bruce and , Betty; . Mrs. John Bushell, Max Bushell; . Mrs. Donald- McEwan, Mr • Dick''Rich. aids, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rich-, Ards, Mrs. J. W. Colwell, Mrs. John Moore, George and;. Jean (Mrs, D. A. 'McKillop),. Miss Er - leen Collins, Miss Harris, Mrs: Walter ''Forster, Ruthe' Forster , where he .has been a patientfor anjMr:. Gordon Patterson. Mr.. and 'Mrs. Hugh Simpson and family visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mit.. James Wilson. of Exeter. 'Miss Frances Henry and Miss Phylis O'Brien of Lendon' s'Rent. the ' week -end at the home of Mr. • and. Mrs. Bill Henry. i . • , Mr. Ezra. Sholt,z•returned home;. fiioin. Wingham General • Hospital" , Kincardine P r e s b' yt e r i a n Church ' congregation, after hearing four . candidates, have' extended' a call to Rev, Fred •'IH.. :Croiney of • St. Giles Church, Galt. three Weeks,' • .Leroy Rintoul of Milton .spent the ''week -end :at the home • of his parents, . Mr;..'and Mrs,• 'Gor don Rintoul• • Carl. and Wayne Pritchard ..o'f' 'Lucknow spent the wt•eek-end at the •home of Mr.' aid Mrs. Carl' McClenagl an. Mrs.\ T: ' C, Bass of Walkerton is visiting this ween with friends' "Never;, curb a child's spirit. • in the village, • You can'' ' slug ,s y move out of ,the Mr. and . Mrs, Carl McClenag. neighborhood: s . � e h 'a 'n visited on :Sunday at th jilonotioolotoottigoolo .A1=40.- home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Eln5o Frit- chard. ' • Mr: and Mrs:, George 1VIcInries of Lucknow visited on Sunday' at' the home of Mr: and Mrs. Or- ville •Tiffin.. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Russel Chapman spent the weep. -end with. Mr. & Mrs. Ross •Smith ' of Toronto and also! . with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith .of -Markham: .: Mrs. Doris • Willis. , and :John visited on Sunday at the home of,' Mr. and Mrs: S.C.,.Willis .of Gowanstown. . Ly m Theatre WINGHAM r`wo shows' each night. First at 7•155 Thursday, . Friday, • Saturday June 9, 10, I1, Debbie. Reynolds ' Glenn. Ford., in THE *GAZEBO' - .A thoroughly deliightful"come • dy, about a iblackinailer • and a • murder; that wasn't really a murder. HICKEY HAND A • wedding of • interest, took place in the Wingham Manse on Saturday • the . 4th of June when. Rev. Hussey. ;united in' marriage Dianne Margaret Hand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Hand 'of Whitechurch,; and Emerson Hic- key, son of Mr..and Mrs:; Robert Hickey of , Wingliam. The bride wore *a pink suit: Fifty ..guests were ...present . from Wingha*,:• Maple, Toronto, Collingwood Whitechurch. elect ONTARIO LEGISLATIVE' ASSEMBLY nn;mitt oe• it Insuranceomo�a On• April ' 5th, '1960, the Legislative' 'Assembly ` of Ontario appointed ' a ' Select:, Committee' "to examine,.investigate, enquire ,into, ,-study and ` report on all matters,relating to personswho suffer ' financial loss or injury as a result . of motor vehicle ,accidents and, ,without';restricting the •gener- ality of the • foregoing, 'including all matters relating : to: 1 'Financial responsibility of operators and .:owners of ..' motor vehicles;' 2. The payment of .claims inclusive ,of unsatisfied judg- ments and • others and' also:'includin the''operation ' an gP, d,: coverage' of the Unsatisfied Judgment : Fund; • 3 All aspects of .'compulsory insurance and other 'related , .. and '.relevant plans, including ' the experience bf ' other,. jurisdictions;`. 4. The operation. of, .existing .legislation :and procedures in' • Ontario: And to make such recommendationsas are deemed .advis- '. able with respect thereto.” . ' The Committee invites representations from pant es „inter- ested;' in any or' all aspects of 'the foregoing tiwrrs of .:reference.'' Such representations should be 'in .the form''.of : • written briefs; • twenty-five copies of .•Which • should. be sub- mitted. to the'Secretary of the :,Cornniittee not later than,*' . September . 15th,..1960: An opportunity will. be. 'givep. at a later date for those:. Making :submissions to ,;appear .in: person before the Committee:, ' • T. M, Eberlee, . . Secretary._. 262,. ./ Main Parliament Building, Toronto 2, Ontario Hon.' James hi -Allan, Chairman, June 8, .1960. • GODEBICH ow Playing`yWake Me. When It`s Over',' Scope'• Color with Ernie • Kovaks. Monday, `Tuesday, Wednesday, ' June 13, 14, 15 Glenn Ford=Debbie Reynolds and Herman 'the Pigeon Comedy and,mystery blended into the hilarious adapts= tion of a ',Broadway . play -by''' Alec Copper. It`s really' riotous!!! "THE GAZEBO" Thursday, , Friday, . Saturday, 'June 16, 1,7, 18. Toni- Randall y. Patty MacCorma►ck 7=7, Archie Moore Buster Keaton—Mickey Shaughnessy & Eddie Hodges : , '.A • spectactilar . musical based . on the character of • an i illiterate river boy as created by. Mark Twaini/h ' "THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY ' Ff NN" •-y-- Scope aril Metro color • doming Eliza! eth Taylor In "Suddenly Last •Sum ter" • ' :Adult Entertainment ._.._:... - „"». ........ _,• . •• � . 4r.H1...11.,3..., �.ly.�N1I1Nr4l►.i��1r.L..N1�1��.Y`ii.MM1,A►�.i�M.�.A1:i,.�i+,Yi.1 • a.`+3'r•drh`..Ii.Yli..vr.w:ii�ilriWy9�•rw,;iiiii�.la ^us'•• 4'• • y' '4 11 •