HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-01, Page 12•
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Ladies' and Men's Wear
:Phone 75-W, Lucknow
CANCER 1.111.111Z..•
. •• .
•WEDNESEDAVI ji/Nt lst, 1960
Ernie Crawford, chairman of
the Goderich, and District •can
cer campaign, stateS that •itwas
a huge success. In doing so, he
said; "One would, no doubt, i -
terpret the above statement
an indication that :the' recerkt
blitz was a financial. success.
This, of cou,r,se0s a fact but act-
tially',represents only a portion
of entire ,rneaning., It. is int-,
„THAT' R• Lyons of St eters- ally iraportant that *oil, ,past
...burg; Florida, and a native of and oltnr eanvosers. reaii2e
. •
this community, is leaving in thatsuccess or failure , does not
mid-June f?r. threenge- ... months' Of hientirely • tion the amount
travel. • of cash collected, . As they pro-
ceed fr�m house to house. they
THAT Alex 'Mandy) MacKenzie • •
• are reminding the general pub-
rePrOsenting the Ludknow. Dis- lic that there is a Cancer, Sod-.
trict ,School, was one of
75 members of the Free Press bera wli° etY is composed whichf Mem-
: stUdent Leaders' Club to visit ' are willing and eager
to give assistance' ,to sufferers
Londop.,, last week, for a tour
of- the, University ' of Western —
anyWO Possible. Also it -
brings. to the attention Of many
„POtarfn• ,:and •the, Free Press.'
a knowled.ge of warning signals
$and$r: Tommh%esKonenziote. Mr..and •
and the 'fact that they should be
• • . heeded. Consequently, we feel
quite justified in stating to the
'F4T '••• 40'4,14lex ..,McDonald
returned from : British many canvassers throughout. thewo has
G4iana, will'bOridtict the Ser.: district, you ear never .1CII°W to
What extent benefits arederiVed
• - vice. in the Presbyterian from the calls that are Made; in
• • 'Church on Sunday. Alex s par- yoi." '- -'
'entS:..004 krandpaTents. are person' bY
0' .:fcraner LtOpowite• His mat- • This year; the GOderich• and
-„ernel grandfather. was the late District carriPaign.. inVolved 248
'Professor, Ewen MacKenzke • Qf participants, all of whom" tar -
Knox Callege, gentreal.- tied' out their, tasks Promptly*
TIIAT :Dr. Carey Joynt,
kin, of W. Joynt oftovvri,' has
been promotedto professor -of
iriternational relations tL'e-
high University, Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania. ,He is a native
of Hensall and a graduate of
Western University.'
THAT a gathering of Kincardine
Old Boys and Girls was held
•at Detroit recently as a build-
up for the 'lakeside town's re-
' union this summer. Mrs. Ada
formerly • of 1Kinloss
Township; received a corsage
.• as the eldest person in attend,:
ance. Mrs Hodgins is 80. Her
• grandson, •Calvin Sigoff won
a door, prize. 44'
• THAT Alan H. Ne,elon Of Blue -
is on, Highway 86, east ,
vale attended el' convention sof I: • and chairman of the locai • •
THAT we've been Waitinig. for
it -- someone '• to .advertise
• • buckwheat for 'sale; or .wanted.
:This generally happens in 'a
late, * wet, •seeding "season 7 --
and' May has .certainly,
ivied in this respect_ It 'hap-
pend On Monday with Ander-,
•son/.,lax ProdUcts .,placing an
advt. for ,"bucwheat, wanted.",
The latter partof the week
and thoroUghlY. To each'. and
everyone of these we again ex-
tend • our very sincere thanks
and trust that you gained much
in the satisfaction which comes
•from , having- shared in, such a
• 'Throughout the rural areas
much Credit is. due _ the . various
organizations ' who undertook the
canvass ,in_their . respective lo-
calities as a 'united effort Prpof
saw%\ the weather.. fair up in of this -is the fact that all per -
this ' viciriitY yet ; • threatening / ,.•, ."
at tunes, but it did' permit deceased relatiVeor friend and.
some work on the .land. given in -lieu of flowers. •
all ; reports this district has- Ashfield ' $ 499.54,
• . .
'fared 'much better than- most,
Summer Pride, ,Choice. 1,5 .. 9 "11
SALADA TEA BAGS ,` 15 FREE ' •vit .
When You Purchai, The.$0..'COunt Pkg. /1(
White Cross Super Soft. Feature., ,8 roiis 95(
Any $9c Pkg. Your Choice. . .
Hybrid Everblooming Tea Rose. Each. ,70c
- Values ffeptitre .,. . : 'We Sell For Less '
June 2, 3, 4. .'s. Phone 119,. Lnclniow ..
. . .
_ 1
son who received kits carried
'out the canva,,ss, and _did so
promptly and, well. To the
groups listed here we are - most
grateful: . Dungannon
Dungannon Women's Institute,
• Colborne, • Women's 'Institute,
Benmiller (ladies), Gode-
rich • Township Federation . of
Aviculture, LoCal Hydro ,Office,
Several Grade -VIII, 'IX, and X
•• .
The last' item represents mon-
ey donated to the Cancer Society
from: the district in terieral. In
Memoriam receipts consist of
money, donated in memory of a
THAT Ross*McDOnagh has, taken
a position with 'Industrial' Ac-
* 'ceptance Perporation in Lon=
the Consignment community
• Colborne : . ' $ 438,86
in ' getting' ,Seeding: done,' and Gederich Tiwp:`, •!.. .. :..,...., $ 378.60
in the general apPeararice : of Wawariosh ' ' $ ,.1,33..15
THAT the pulic isreminded
fields which were sowed be= Town- of Goderich $2511.70.
In Memoriam Receipts $ 494.00
fore' the • rains came causing
Practically a three-week delay sale to be held at the Brooks'
in getting onto the again, Transport Shed in LucknoW.
. • this Saturday afternoon. There'
,-THAT boys of Gradea 11 and 12 is a small Commission on each,
of Lticknow strict. 1 - sale for the sponsors, the Lady
.• school took, a bus trip to Kit- Foresters, with proceeds in
chener on Friday ,for a tour .aid of the 'Cancer Society. No
of Waterloo . University. The sale, no . charge. Here is a
' eIllaenacbel et?a cr toinc lvee rfto rt to
c hsome
have an "inside look" at how s
girls' went • to Kincardine , to
furniture is made at. Coombs have no 'further need...
factory, followed by a preview
"peek" athe Kincardine
• Trade Fair exhibits:,
THAT J. H. 'Kinkead of Gode-
rich was re-elected chairman
of the Huron County Advisory
Board to the Canadian Nation-
al Institute for the Blind , at of The Clansmen Club when
the annual meeting: dinner' at they promoted Periodic mass
Clinton:,.. Present from this -k-ray /clinics • 'at the local
Community, were Mr. and Mrs. level. . .•
H. D.• Thompson of Lucknow • /
and Mrs. Eunke, Dinsinore & THAT .Garnet Farrier. has corn!•
ber sister, -Miss `Carol Helm of • menced construction of a new
Ashfield. Mr . Thompson' is a ..'hame'' "Oil will callibirie a
member of the. CotintY Board,piano showroom. The building
THAT Gordon Montgomery was
last week elected 'president of
the Bruee.County Tuberculosis
Association. Gordon has been
active on this Board for sever-
-al years, his original appoint-.
ment. •going back to'the :days
the iAncient Mystic Order of campaign held annually in Wilitecin-ircli. . • '
early fall. ;"'",,ciAT Lou Parker has 'Commen-
Sainaritank ' at ' Leaniiiigton.
where he was presented with
a trophy for obtaining the
most new members during the
year. Mr. Neelon,' who is mini-
ster at Bluevale and' .White-
church .United Church, is a
'• nephew •of ; Mrs. DI R. (Dr.)
Finlayson •Lucknow.
,THAT- in his will the late Reg
, • McGee of Goderich,. bequeath-
ed the sum of $500 to the
• Goderich Lions'Club- to be
Used by them for Young Can-
ada, .hockey Week. • •
- THAT Laurine Olive -MacDonald,
datighter • Of Mr- and Mrs.
Clarence MacDonald of oode-
rich; Was- one of the. Members
of the Stratford c4eneral. Hos-
. pital graduating , class, and
'received the award for genet,-
. • al proficiency in theory and
practice • She is a granddaugh-
, ter cif -,Mrs Duncan MaCDoriald
• • • • `• of LucknoW who for several
• -
' '4
' months has been ,a patient in
-Wingbarn hospital,
THAT We are frequently Char.g: •
ed with :mistakes which ate
not , of- our making. It'. 'is not
uncommon to. -recheck the ori-
ginal• coy to . find the• error
in the. item submitted. We
don't ; like* errors, regardless of
where • they originate, and
suggest, to' anyone sending in
an item to, write it distinctly',
without 'abbreviations, and
with particular, care as to
dates . and spelling.' We make
our share of mistakes but
weeklykre, 'cotrect mires of
other people's errors. Some -of
them, we miss. •
THAT ori June 13th, L.A.C., and,
Mrs.. Dennis McKinney are be-
-- ink miovedfrom Cornox,
to Cold take; Alberta, ft.C.A,}1.
aba expect to visit his
parents for a few days at Vik-
ing Alberta. They have been
at Com,ok for two years. Mrs,
it .a dattghter of
Mr, and • Mrs.. trnest Carter,
ced 'work at the Johnston Meat
Market. ••
• t "
THAT Mr. and Mrs.- . Bob Aft-
' chison moved recently the
St. -Helens Community where
.Bob employed by • Harold
• 'Cooper,. They 'are residing in
what was . known. as .• the
"stonehouse" when the farm -
was one of the , Joynt proper-
- ties. Boby.VMS.e./1-
citoye4 at the Beatty Ladder1
. %F
THAT Dr. Mark % Itaithby was.
one of the pallbearers at 'the
funeral of ' his , cousin, Glen
,Itaithby of Aub4n, who ,died
at the age of 57 after a leng,
thy illness,'
THAT 1V1i. ind Mrs. D. R. Mac-
Kenzie of Loclialsh were at
Blyth , recently attending a
birthday party • for Mr.
, Eqgh
Campbell 'ho is .98 years of
age and still enjoying , very
,•good' health, '
, • Total Receipts $4455.85
The above amOunt exceeds the
district quota of $4000.00 suffi-
ciently. to indicate the generp-
sity .and concern 'of our local.
• • ,
. •
(Continued frau. Pagel) .
minder Hall Theological College
in Vancouver' in 1910.. •
His first congregation was in
Victoria and while there they
built a new church. He entered
into PresbyterianMission ,Work
and served, at Several charges.
Returning to eastern Canada •he
inistered at • RipleY" and Bervie
om 1935 to 1938; Since that
the he -las 'served at Many
p aces as the need arose; Eadies',
-South Kinloss, Brussels,, White-
church, . Ashfieid, Bluevale,
I319111 and .others.• • '
IteV• Macconnell, a single man,
has preached with. the belief •
• that it was • God's will that he
.remain that .way, , and -go -
wherever the need might he,
His Preaching. has been done at
stattered points all . across Can.
doing much relief •work. He
is proud of the fact that he has
never sought an appointment &
yet never , lacked one. '
Congratulations , go out to this
fine• gentleman who' told the
Sentinel reporter that he would
be quite able to preach' at any
time, if he were allowed to sit
to do*
. ,
(0mM:tied front page 1).. '
Mr, O'Connor thanked George
and said that,: it Was organiza-
tions such as -the.Lions.that gave
;these' .entertainerki_a break ;in
getting started: ;
In. additiOn1 to 'the advertised
headliners, an -additional acro-
batic act, Penny :Nichols, was in
the lineup. Dancing :followed the'
stage- show.: , :
While the. size..of the crowd;.
Was a 'little disappointing to the;
;Lions; it is expected that about
$300.00 profit .will result, Ad
vaned sale of tickets;by the mem-
bers 'was very good,' but wic-
ket sales opr the, riiglir�f the
• show were not as high• as
ciPatedv • . • , '
The elevated • stage, With -its
decorations . and backdrop, -the
seating and public .address ar-.;
ranigernents added to the 'enjoy- .
inent. of the evening -
There •is' a movement afoot to,
keep children in/school the year
ound; cowardly . can, -part-
rincess ontest
. , al. ma 4:30 p.m. .
Competition open to girls 17 26 years.
14. 44,i 6114,0,14i4 . ;04 41.1 . 4444, . .. 446644e*4 . 6 .... . . . . Ii446.4414}04.,41/40415,414i ....
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04 4-. • •
• -skarite
• ,' •
•Age A • i 1r 1 '• • 4,4 i0 4,4
' A
Addreig .'" ' ' a• W W oi
46•4•b*�84•ii.44444...'.4i.�4 44.0444444.44
• ,
t.4.21 44• .....
'Applicants please mail above coupon to 130 31O
;Clinton to arrive 'no later than -Tuesday,j,*ne 76,
Huron Dairy Committee..