HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-01, Page 11WEUnsDAY, : JUNE; lst, 1960 K,INGS'BRk1S� GES TIS LUCKNOW QW "SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • fir;. and Mrs, Blaise Martin .Were 'among the parents attend- ing a <banquet. at Fatima Half Mt. ''St. . Joseph, London: Their daughter. Patricia .bas attended school there for .the ,past term,, pelores 'Dalton, Detroit,, visit ed relatives. here, • Congratulations to. Frances ' Dalton, •- .da4ght-er AuSof . Mr; and Mrs.Dennis Dalton, who 'obtain- • ed' her' Bachelor of Arts from 1Trsuline ...College. IVIr. •arid' Mrs, Len Woodby •& family, Toronto; spent theweek end. with • Mr. and Mrs: Clifton . Austin.. Mr. and Mrs. John Moerrbeck and. 'family were 'guest ,of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Moerbeck: , Mr. and Mrs. H. Bo •m and. family;' Flint, visited Tom Wal- lace. Mr. Larry Wallace return- ed to Flint with ..them: • Guests who . spent the week- end. at the • •Sinnott home here ,were,' Mr; and• Mrs. David Green, Mary Moore and Henry Brace, of Algonac,:. Mr: and •Mrs. Sohn Treweilier and family,' Shannon Sinnott George Hebert' "and• Mr. and Mrs...D. Gillespie of Detroit.• The many acquaintances . , of Father Norman Weaver .• C,R. were .saddened to hear of his .sudden death. in; North `,Bay.. • M'r... Norman •O'Connor and Mrs. Marguerite Brown attend-' ed the . wedding of thelatter's • son; • David Brown,'to Leslie ary .Brunt, neice, .of'.Senator & rs. William.. R. Brunt:' The wedding'took'• place on Saturday, May 28,th, atythe• United,' Church; • Hanover.: • Mr: and 'Mrs. Peter Murray & +son. Donald; Detroit, visited with John O'Connor. . : • We were, sorry. to learn:: •that• Mike Foley was' .injured while helping t� remove the house on the Robert H ward, ' farm. He is a• patient°. at Goderich ...Hospital; •Mr. and ' Mrs Tony ..Knoap, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. M. Miltenberg. A' nw bei' from the parish .a't- tended the annual .pilgrimage. to Our Lady of Lourdes shrine at -Mount • St. Joseph,. London, last Sunday `. • ••Ira • -Garvey . visited ; her mother;. Mrs. Jas: Foley in Lon- don on' Sunday. q. Miss MY, O'Neill spent .Su'nday' • at the Howard horns - Mr. • James Doherty, ' Mr. And- • rew, Martin' ,and Mrs. Ila. ' Gar • Vey attended • the Martin -Sutton. wedding • in' Hamilton lagt • Sat- urday MARTIN •StTTON • Marriage vows .. between Kath- erineharlotte, daughter' of • Mr. and ' Mrs. John J ;- . ,Sutton, and Joseph Edward Martin, 'son of Mr. . and .Mrs. J. B. • Martin of R.R. 3' • Goderich were eXcharged in the church . `of 'St. • John the. Baptist, Hamilton, at 10 .o'clock Saturday, May . • 28th. • The ',Rev. Rayrnond King officiated. • Given in marriage by her fa- ther,' the• .bride was attended ;'by Miss Mary Theresa Martin, sis= ter of the groom. Sharon Pahl, niece • of the groom was. flower girl. Best . Man and ushers . res- pectively` • were Mr. 'Clarence' Doherty,. -Toronto; Mr. David Sutton and. ,Mr. James Martin, Goderich... • • •The bride carried a: pink and white :bouquet of 'roses, .sweet peas •and :snowdrift • chrysanthe- . mums. She , wore ;a.'White "gown of .Chantilly .lace •and pleated tulle, the 'skirt formed in tiers It had a lace bodicewith pearl • trim, Her.'fingertip, .length' . veil was held in place by• a crown of seed .pearls. •The .bride's 'attendant wore a ballerina -length dress , .Of bine chiffon: 'over ;taffeta • styled with Cap sleeves and sweetheart neck-, line, Herhat matched. She car- ried pink and white sweet 'peas The flower girtwas' dressed in "pink silk organza. Wedding mu - Sic was provided by Miss. Mary McGinty, organist . and Miss Anne Garrick, soloist. • A • reception' followed • at Fish er's Hotel. • The bride's ,mother chose a pink lace ensemible. The groom's mother- twas attired fn xoya1 'blue with matching ,• ac - SHOWERS IN HONOUR OF JUNE BRIDE, -ELECT Mrs, O. Popp, her daughter, Mrs, Brian Hallam, " and Mrs. Lloyd ' H'odges: , were hostesses for a • miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs, Popp on. Fri- day evening in henonr of Eliza- beth Pentland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Pentland, whose • marriage takes'. place on -June ' 1tIr.--7 , ___ Dungannon, friends were guests and „presented Elizabeth with many lovely .gifts. On Saturday' .evening relatives. and: ' Donnybrook friends were guests at a: miscellaneous show- er at , the home of Mrs. Ethel MacDonald, with Mrs, Wilfred Pentland and Mrs:, M. • J. Reed assisting with the arrangements. Another miscellaneous shower was previously held in . London when Miss Ellen. • Leffly enter- tained . fellow members of the: office' staff of Westminster Hos- •pital, in' ,Elizabeth's honour. LOCAL GUESTS AT SARNIA NUPTIALS •• •MacDONAL'D• McRAE St: Andrerws Presbyterian Church; Sarnia, a,'dorned'.`'with ,'a floral motif of yellow and white Mums, was •the 'setting for the marriage 'on Saturday' afternoon, May 28th, at 2:30 p.m. of Judith Ann n MeR, ae and John Mackillop. MacDonald of, .London. The cere- monywas, performed by Dr J.. M. MacGillivray,' assisted by Mr,' .St. Clair 1 Campbell, The •bride ;is'' the daughter of Mr.'.• and ' Mrs. Alexander David son 'McRae of Sarnia; and the groom' is ; ,the •son • of "Mr.. and Mts. William of I.uucknoiw. • Traditional was played Harrid, Ilhe bride, lovely in -a full= length • white; .It'alian brocade with lily point • sleeves, was ' giv- en• in marriage 13y..her• father: Her finger' tip, veil of French it .fusion was held:by' a, sinall coro� net of pearls: •Her cascade bou- quet Was. of yellow, roses, step- hanotis . and: ivy . • ' -:Miss . Janet 'McRRae. 'sof Sarnia•' was, her sister's maid; . of .ihonour-, and wore.; a ballerina..length pale green brocade' withfull skirt: '&: hat to match. Her flowers were yellow, and white. daisy mums'. and lily-ofthe-rvailey. Miss Sus- an MciRae;. -sister ' of . the bride was bridesmaid . and her costume and' flowers duplicated . those .of' the .anaid: of 'honour. Little Anne MacDonald, 'niece of the groom, :'was . 'flower .girl.. She wore pale yellow nylon and. carried a small .basket of,, green carnations •,and lily -of -the -valley. 1Vlir. ' 1i�abert C. Thompson of Windsor was best• man and the• Ushers were Albert: E. Millson, •Ronald L• Buchanan Of London and Kenneth :McNay of Luck now: • For a wedding' dinner at the.. Sarnia .' Riding Club, the bride's mother received' in a inoss , green silk' shantung •'sheath and 'hat to Match, • Her corsage was of bronze roses, The groom's moth- er . chose: a beijge shantung . dress with Matching accessories, and bronze ' roses' corsage., ` For travelling the bride don- ned a • white :linen..' sheath with blue and white accessories and Corsage' ,of white orchid and cornflowers: Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald will reside in *London. The groom, i8. a graduate of the University, of Western Ontario, Fowler MacDonald. wedding • music by •Mr, A. Ernest :FLY TO NEW YORK ON' WEDDING: TRI P CROW -- MacLENNAN All -white mums, snap dragons with silver salal„ ferns, palms & candelabra, . enhanced .,_the altar of Metropolitan United Church, London, 'for ' the marriage. of Marlene Frances MaeLennan & -John •._Julius.- Crow17-on-!-Saturclay May. 21st at 2:00 °p Tin. The 'cere- mony.," cere- n tpny was performed • byRev. l'George Wr . Goth. . • • The 'bride is' the daughter of Mr.' and Mrs.. Herbert M 'Mac= Lerman of Lucknow •arid, the groom is the.. son of Mr.. and. Mrs. Julius J: Crew of 'Garden City, Michigan. Given, in marriage by her .fa- ther the bride• wore • a floor- length-gown loorlength gown of silk organza over.. •tulle•• and' ,bridal taffeta. The bodice was styled with .sabrina. neckline, enhanced with appli- ques of alencon lace and short sleeves. The bouffant ' skirt was graced with appliques in alen- con lace and. fell,. to a brush train. Her. 'double French illu- sion veil was held in . place by a 'crown sprinkled with iridescent sequins and edged with pearl's.. Her flowers, were American 'Beauty roses in a hand arrange- meet with: ld 'glittered carnations- and. cascading, ivy. • Maid of , honor. was: Miss. Mary. Maclntyre of Lucknow who . was gowned, ,in a strapless' lace 'sheath dress with aratching re- dingote of 'Dresden ;blue silk ar •. ga'nza . with white accessories: Her flowers': were a• cascade 'ar- rangement: ;of 'cerise 'carnations. and •white baby mums: 'Identical costumes were worn '' by the' bridesmaids, Miss Joan ' Brown, London . and Miss ' . 'Marguerite Balthes of Tillsonburg The flowergirl, Frances: Ann Hathaway : of London Was. dres- sed` • in all white ,silk organza with, white accessories.: :She car- 'ried a. miniature floral arrange= nient of the . bridesinaids' flow:- ers. Kenneth Crow of Garden. City; Mich.,, was 'groomsman ' and the ushers were Stewart . Smith, Jr., 'LOCAL AGENT WON MAY ' SALES COM]ET1TION Philip 'Stewart of 'the Strat— ford district of the K'Sbvereiggn Life Assurance Company, won the May .contest prize for the largest volurne.' of business, dur- ing, .the rnont1i Philip is in his 26th year' of service with this Company. PAGE ELEVEN MR:• and MRS.. JOHN'. J. ' CROW::' London cousin of . theg room• •and. Donald Yahrnke, of London, cou-' sin ..of the :'bride. • . .The soloist, ';Miss. Shirley' Ho- gan • of Brantford, sang The Wedding Prayer. and The • Lord's, Prayer. The .organist was •H. Alex Clark. Fora wedding dinner at 4,the Seven Dwarfs:, Restaurant, ..Len - den,. the bride's mother . received in •;a "Perriwinkle.. sheath dress, with matching jacket `: and. navy accessories.,. She'' wore a deep pink '.:carnation• , corsage. • The groom's,' Mother- assisted•. wearing 'a light blue ' sheath'Nwith match- •ing:' . three-quarter .jacket, beige accessories and' light pink cor- sage., • For. •a' vvedding trip. by 'plane to .New York, City, the :bride wore.:a medium 'blue .suit, ''navy ' accessories, and corsage, of ' de- mure::Sweetheart roses. ' Mr.. and • M'rs: • Crow Will• ; re- side in Wayne, Michigp'n.. RECEIVE' GLASSES' 'FOR' LIONS•FROM ' OSAAWA This past week we','received .. some• eye. 'glasses 'fqr the . Lions sponsored "Bank of Light" from Sid arid Ruby (Nixon) Plowrigiit of 'Oshawa. , • Their• subscription renewal was. enclosed •acconipanied, 'by, this 'note.. •• •. .. 'Oshawa, May 11: Hello Campbell; • • We do: +-enjoy.. getting • it, abut,. . e *both feel:rather ancient at times when reading' it; the 'young.. folks grow up so• quickly. • • • h •cesories, . The couple left on a: motor trip ,, to northern Ontario; • They will reside' in HalniitiVi. • with regular interest' payments when you invest $100 of more in British Mortgage Guaranteed Certificates. L for 1'.: to 5 years; o To invest ' see .your. local 'agent, Or, send' BRUISE. M©1RTGAGE &TR1T Founded . in 1877 Head Office: STRATFORD us 'your cheque. •••••4•44;;,44•4444 TO: BRITISH' MORTGAGE & TRUST, .STRATFORD • I enclose niy cheque for $: .: Y Y.:1 1 for investment• in a British Mortgage Guaranteed Investment Certificate:', • NAME,.. i.,YIt,YVi.4. VYVy i4Y14414VYYVYIY YY YY,'t4 4 4YYYree VYYi YVY VYY 1Y .V,i, Y Y,Y,4VYYYY1V V i.YYYV.Y.40 ,r IY4.YYI Y' ,i;i......Y ..... .,Y .•;44...•••1..e. • ADD�R/�DDpYYY.�( ••3 Y.,yl '.e '•,. YYYrVrYY•.Y.i.Y Y�+rY 11: YYYY rY YYirYYr.. i� 'r..I niYr r ,,E�aS IIT rrrrrrYi,YIrYiYYVY.rrY.iitYYY4f,1'YYYYYaYYriYiYYIYYYiiidil Please: send: nie a folder giving full information about 'British 'Mortgage Si Trust Guaranteed Investment' Certificates, ilii Yil,Y.i.iYYYi9`11YYir..,.iiYioYVYYYYYYY'Yi.1YYYi4.4YY4Y,1Y*YYi*YYYj “tie44YYYYI'YY444VYYYY0Yr Y'Y ....o '... YY.,.VYY.YY: .VVYi.Y -:.AY4.4,4,04 0, 4 �'.