HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-01, Page 8P4E: EIGHT
Mrs. J. W, "Colwell spent a few
days. With Mr, and Mrs. Currie
Colwell' and family.
Miss Sheila. Ialdenby spent a
few days with relatives at To- -`
• +Congratulations to ,r'Mr, and.
Mrs Cecil Sutton on the birth
,;of• a..aon, "Charles 'Robert..'
Anumber from here attended
the, , ' Billy ' .�O'iConnor . `•{Show , at
Iucknow, 'on May 24th sponsor-
ed' by •the .Lions.' Club.
Mr..., Waiter Breckles is 'build-
g an addition to his . garage,
The .Rev.Lyle A. Bennett was
among those Who Were Ordain
ed' at W'`oodstoek . on. Thursday.:
'.' E•te ' •1 as • been ` the student in
..charge 1of Bernie; Kingarf . and.
Kinlough Ang1ieanChurches for
the past: year.
Mrs Don McCosh Of Purple.
Grove spent'; Sunday-, with cher
mother; Mrs.' J, . W., Colwell.:
School' was :cio ed. on Friday
to allow- the teacher, Mrs,. Kath
erine Collins to attend 'the Grad
:u'ation ; exercises when' her bro
ether, -Mr. ` Arthur` Patterson, $.
Ed., received his M Ed. degree
:at ConvoFation hall, Toronto A
reception .: followed for -relatives
and. friends. 'Mr. Patterson ;is
principal of % the Agincourt. Col-
legiate, and is a son of Mr; and
yrs. `Andrew:, Patterson, of Ifur
During the month of 'June the
Anglican -service will 13,e held. at
11:15' a.m.
..Muss Heverley ..,Stanley Of
+chener visited last week,'at her,
home here;
Mrs ` Harvey Iodgins has been
spending „awhile. at .:London • <
Week end visitors; ':with: Mr.
and ,Mrs:> / ,Ezra 'Stanley and_
family Were Mrs Frank ' s lliott
:Miss; Jenny Stanley';' Mr: and
'Mrs. Ray :Elliott and ` family of
Detroit,'•.Mr and Mrs Everett
Stanley of Flint;. Mich Mr,*" Wm,'.
Mrs, Arthur Phillips and Peggy.
Mr, Pearcy Barr of iagersvrlle
spent, the week -end at his home
here, . .
Mr.. and Mrs, John Emerson
entertained the Presbyterian
Young People at their home:. at
Lucknow .on Sunday • .,evening.
Those from here. who. went. on
a . bus trip to Waterloo College.
were Douglas and Floyd Stanley,
Donald Barr, Alex Hewitt and
George Bushell;
Members. of,
the Junior Farm-
ers from herwho . attended the
Rally and Dance 'gat ,Chesley on
Saturday were Erlma, Jean and,
Sandra Percy: Percy y Barr, Ste-
wart Lane and Gerald Murray,:.
,We. extend sympathy to. the
family . of the late. ,Robert Mc-
Lean *KO passed away at Kine
cardine, The funeral was: held on
Thursday from , the Linklater
funeral home,'
Mr. and MrS. George Hodgins
of Woodstock' ''and daughter,
•Thelma . and Mr. Joe Hodgins:
of Armley, 'Sask., Visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas M. Hod-
gins. . •
Mrs. Jas. tHodgins Jr' and little
daughter,. Tammy, spent a week
in• Windsor with, cher parents.
Jerome returned to .'Detroit af-
ter visiting with relatives' here.
j{ x. y, y, w,. fir,
and"•B Mrs..rt..•Nieholsor
and • 'family visited on -$Stinday
with . Mr .and ; Mrs., Harold, Sles-
sof: and fait' iat Glamis.
Mr and a Mrs. Frank Maulden
and •XKeitn, went to Guelph on
Sunday when Mr..J..,R. Lane
returned with them; after visit-
ing, . at, •Fonthill with. Mr* and
Guests were:.present from To-
ronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles,
Whitby, Strathroy, . Woodstock,
Ingersoll and.. Wingham on 'Fri-
day evening at eight, when Mar-
garet Rena`' -Moore, and : William
HughMontgomery were Mar-
ried at ' St. Andrew's. Presby.,-,'
terian Church. The bride is s the
daughter Of, •Mrs.•, Edward Moore
of �L
ucknoww • and the late Mr.
Moore, and • the groo p is -the son
of Mr. and M.S. J. G.. Montgom
ery . of Ingersoll:
Rev. T. Joseph • McKinney,
Teesw,ater performed the cere-
mony amida setting of candela-
bra and baskets .of white feather
mums and mauve stocks. ` Harold
Victor Pym was .• organist. ' • 1
Stan 1VMoore of' Woodstock gavel
his niece in. marriage. She wore
a full-length gown of 'faille trim-
med with .alencon •lace, : with. the
bouffant princess silhouette
skirt falling into a 1short' train. I.
Her finger-tip Weil'' of French'
,illusion was :gathered and held
-in place.13y . a seed ,Pearl' tiara
and she 'carried a 'white Bible
crested withan orchid, • from
which'. fell streamers: and earnaI
tions.• l
Miss Phyllis Moore was ,her 1
sister's only • .attendant; gowned
in • mauve ,silk organza , with a
fitted,' pleated bodice 'and a full
waltz -length skirt with., back I
bow, from, ,which .fell', streamers.
Her head-dress , was, Matching
silk organza held by..:a pearl and
rose : tiara. She •carried an oval
shaped bouquet ,. of ,pink . and
Bev. Tyrell : Of Guelph' was the
best,.mean and 'Fred-' Moore was,
the Usher.'
The bride's mother greeted the
guests ; at ,the :reception in ; the
church ; . parlor, following : the I
ceremony. Shewore light blue
:net over taffeta, white and I.
bloc ascc°essQries, •and a corsage
' of white r` eses:'
, The ,groom's mother assisted in
lst, 1,96Q
■MI.r!Ila,IIIII1I!!mU11a11! ��all,n) wh*� 11aw1uu #I
'Clinton Engines
J . Ted Woods, a .Guelph C'olleg
ate. student captured :top honors
Last. • week at . the : Teen -Aged
Road -E -O,,' held :at Loblaw's par-
king ::16t '• and sponsored by . the
Guelph Junior Chamber of, Com-
merce. 'The skilled 'driver .total-.
led: 430 out ;of . a :possible. •'500
points on the 'difficult course to.
oii;`st '42 other' hopeful . young'
.people. He received;.. the Allstate
Trophy, and a chance at, the
Ontario `competition to be held
in Toronto. The winner ` of the
provincial.'contest goes _to -Regina.
to.' compete ..'for" the ' Canadian
championship. '
, Both automatic and standard.
• shift. scarrs:. were a.ed in the.
Guelph :.contest; Which demand-
ed :skill+.andstiming,' in putting
the cars through an intricate
series of °blocks, stanchions . and
Ted is the son. of Mr. and Mrs.
'Wilson Woods of Guelph. Mrs.
Woods- is, the former; Lena Hac-
,Lawson Engine-'. Handle Control
Don't forget togive your ' old; eye glatises' to the Lions
Club "Bank of ight". for use in India.
ester & MacKinnon
Plumbing, Heating, ` Wiring, Eavetroughing-..
. ■aiaummann aan iunionsuseinomI .,
an a corsage o ye .ow. roses. Chapter of Ontario 'West• at the Supper 1.,V1.111. be observed in the,
of Detroit w re Week -end 'visit -
Master of the Grand Black . •
The Saerainent of the Lord's
The tables were decorated 84th Annual: •CoriVocation held United G,Iiiireh next SuadaY
I with bouquets ,of feather munis in patharine recently. His morning, In the evening a re -
and sweet peas. The pride's table associate officers were re-elected preSentative .of the ,,Bible Society
was centred With, a three -tiered
wedding cake flanked witti fro -xi nearly 60 municiPalities,
ler a second; tPirn.• 125 Delegateg will, give .an illuStrated, lecture,'
Mauve -candles. Ross Hamilton frail Windsor to Peterboro to ' tation is. extended to the com-
acted as toast master. Fort William attended. the., sesr munity to attend these seryices:
HOnored . ••guests ' Were the sions. • I 'The ladies are reminded 0.
bride's, grandParents, Mr.. and .thiring the sesSions several
Mrs. Arthur • MOOre,: of West Special events -were' held.
the annual,' eirh" Indsat_it)i..lte.. to be held this
Grandmother's Day and the,
For the wedding' trip to Wash- I divine servkce was held at Queen is y evening at' 3.30. This
irigton, p.c., Mrs. 1VIontgornery l'St. Baptist Church, preeeded .)D3r
donned a charcoal Suit with' a a memorial Service at the Ceno-
On Monday the annual. ban7
ouet was attended by 125 gueSts,
delegates and Wives'. Following
the dinner, the Royal Bladk De-'
green. and Wthite hat, black and
white aCcessorieS and wore- an
orchid. They will live in Wing -
give your chicks
For Proper Growth and _Development
-OP Grow Mash
Whether you rear youy chicks in confinement or
'on range, be sure to n'se CO-OP Grow Mash -- This ;
feed contains all the nutrients necessary to give
your birds the fa4 growth and strong bone ilevel-
opment they need in order to ,give you top results
in, the . laying cage.
ucknow District Co o
Mr— and Mrs. Don Steel and
Linda, Sudbury, spent the • holi-
day week -end with 'Mrs'. Chas.
Miss Ellen McBride, Cooks-
ville, was a holiday visitor with
Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg and
alSo with. john Schtuna-
Miss. Mary Collispri, who has
been emplayed at Galt for some
time, is at her home here with
Mr.S.' Catherine O'Neil.
• We .extend our sympathy to
Mrs, A. Green in the, loss of her
brother, Bob 'Dobson, at Pori
Congratulations to Mr. ,. and
Mrs: ErneSt Hanna on the birth'
of a ,son Winghatn Hospital
and to Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil Sut-
ton (nee Wilma King a recent
.teacher , at out school) on the
birth of a -son in Kincardine
The liolyrood Supper 7 met
at the home of Marion Green.
The girls made covers' for their
books arid discitssed plans tfor
Achievement DaY which will be
held later. ,Lunch was served.
Miss Pearl Shelton and Mr.
John onley, Kincardine, visited
Sunday ,at Browns. .
six candidates by' It.B,P. 877
The seskons .will he held, in
Windsor in, 1961 and -in . Fort
Huron'''CountY was , represent-.
ed by R.W. Sir. Xt. Oliver Jac-,
V.W.R. Sir Kt. Max .SWitzer of
Orange sessions 1Preceded% :the
Chapter convocation, With Har-
old' Webster in attendance as a
delegate from Dungannon.
Mrs. Frank McQuillin, Mrs,
Allan Miller ,and Mrs.' GordOn
Graduation t xercises for the
Stratford General Hospital in
Stratford, Festwal Theatre on.
Saturday. Mrs. McQuillin St Mrs.
Finlayson with other 'members
of the 1940 graduating class, and -
those of 1950 were special gtrests.
Mr,' and MrS••• Frank 1VIcQuil-
lin and Terry Wilion were. re-
cent guests of Mr, and .Mrs.
Jairies Wilson and family at
Exeter, Mrs, Gordon.' aVlac,Pher-
son accompanied then and visit,
ed with L.A.C. Fred and Mrs.
roll call will be 'an old fashion-
ed custom , or remedy that I'm.
Pleased has been discarded,
"hal, Goderich, on 'May 22nd,
Meyer, R.R. 1, Dungannon, a
daughter, Sandra 'Anne 'Marie.'
NEF.D1,1Ag—In Kincardine Gen-
eral Hospital on 'Tuesday, May •
71.7tii, 1960 to Mr, and Mrs. -liar-
vey Needham, R.R. 2; liolyrood)
Esso Oil Burner
Sales and •Service