HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-06-01, Page 4N PAGE FOUR • • • HE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LIMN-NOW, 'ONTARIO EDNESDAY, ..,TIME 1st; 1960 CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2C • per Wcoi, Mibirnurn charge, 50c. Repeat Insertions, J 1/2e Per wod, minimum 40c Notices, Cards. of Thanks and Coming EireAt3 Injilinnirn 75. In Meoriams, minimum $1.90. 25. • extra for replies, to The Sentinel. Billing: charge of 10c for each bilt re,ndered. e -0 . •FOR, SALE vcat SAE—Good used white 1.OUse. Apply to., Cecil: Bunbrey,R,R:1 RiPle7,.pliene .155-r27 Ripley. • ro*. SALE —40 springing Hol- stein ;heifrs. Apply Ress Henry, 11.R; 1 pat Abert; phone Dun- gannon 234-5. • lctric,HrefrigeratOiti 1xge, in, goi4 cOOper,.;,.phore 'Lucknw. ,2102.51! T.melifiow.. • . ,••• •....• , FOB • , • SALTA', 'barn • timber, • • raftera."..'and.; ltniber„ Leb nard Irwin, .E. 1'. Ripley; phone' .• Gi3011. •w.laher=dryer,:•..tried,.• as good as •Greer TV• '84 • Electric; L11-eknow• , • FOR SALE — McKee harvester, 3 -years -old, with, box; also New Idea side -delivery rake, 3 years •old. Wm., Kinahan, R. -2 Luck- , riow, Phone Wirigham 717-W-4. Y arid PASTURE — 10 acres of pasture and 10 acres of. stand- ing hay• •Sarni Chiglett,' phone 179 Lucknow. FOR SALE fill and top soil, contact Jack Farrish; phone ps, r • .4tiekla.O.W • • FOR'SAT-1959 Rambler gu, :i3e1c, 12,000 Miles,' sub .agent for Austin arid Morris cars, ete, See e. Reid and Sbn at Frosty. King• Custard .Stand, Kincardin(e. COTTAOE POR :SALE or RENT • : at Point Clark,- last 2 weeks of July and all of August,,al1: mod- ern Conveiiietic.ei. Apply Mrs Grant MaciDiarmid, phone 87-W... • CAR BUYERS. • Our Financing -Service, at low cost,will help. you Make a 'bet- ter deal: Ask ,us •NOW befor you buy.. J•.•A. IVIcDonagh Insur- ance, phone 306,, LucknOw. FOR SALE .LIVESTOCKAought andsold, all kids. Phone. 41 Lucknow or 77-r-1 Dungannen WE BUY POULTRY When You have poultry to sell Contact Charlie Scott; Auburn; Phone collect 84, Auburn. •KuavIER PROPERTIES •• REDI-BUILT homes , and cot- tages, Prefab and erecte&. Free Weratue._Easy--terms. See our saMPle§, genoe Lumber, "bijafige- ville Ontario • WOOD FOR sAr...g, good hard maple wood, in•truck load lots: Bruce • MacMillan, Lucknow- FOR SAL?—Now• taking orders for our. new !hydraulic round bale loadrs. Will also have sqUare bale • stookers for sale: Get orders in early as supply limited. For a good, rugd, de- pendable post. hole s auger or. Manure loader for any make or •model of tractor call MorfOrd Mackay, •Welding arid Machine Shop, Phone 6-r-8 Ripley, Ont. COMING EVENTS RECEPTION AND DANCE- • recepticon Will be Yed, in the Legion Hall, Luckow, on Fi- day, June 3r4in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Prithard. Elliott Cartuther's orchesra. veryOle welcome, ANNIVERSARY SERVICES.. The.• intb:•Arulvesary ,Servi- ces will be held in ,Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Tune 5th, Services at 11.00 am. and 7,0 p.m. !MN. Rev, R..G. MacMillan of Goderich to be the guest Speaker. • BARN DANCE At McLellands, Bervie, Friday,, •June 3rd, Music 'by Garnet Far- rier's Orchestra, with vocals by Sarah: Skinn. Modern and old time dancing from 10to A:00. Lunch eounter. Everybody •weI- come. $1.00 per couple. • FOR° SA,LE —•1959 'nine citbie toOt Frigidaire refrigerator,. reg4 • ular $275.95, Special $130 and, your old sealed unit refrigerator in good •working coridition. Greer TV and... Electric, - phone 11.0, Lueknow. , • FOR zSALE-7Portabk TV with aerial, " large' . iereen, ektellent $95.00'; 'Modern 'Elect- ric radio,. $14.95; Electric razors frOna $9495 up. Phone 32 Dun- . gannon, ' • COTTAGE PROPERTY roti SALE at Amberly ,Ileach, about 6 acres flats and side hill,..good •'bulding properly and dry ground, 250 feet- froth lake front, • two clear iright-of-way.• to , the lake. Will sell in one parcel. Price $5,000. Apply to D. • B. . Blue, Phone 49 Ripley. 1,TSED REFRIGERATORS 1 .six cubic foot Frigidaire; 1 nine cubic foot Gilson•With full width freezer, .1 Astral refrigerator. • Greer TV an • Electric, phOrie 110, Ludknow: • • . • • .40,,d4,404•••••*•••,••••••44-#4,,444.04.4.4,* ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL. , LUcknOW: Phbiie 4154 BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABI4E. CLOVER rtnd CARASS. SEEDS For .Sale. Green• Cross WEED and BRUSH SPRAIN for sale. —• 44‘,4k,',4'.!k,,i•••1,,w—vng.r.ip..ioN04044....p.;04.044,40,4,41, • TIRES! — TIRES!! /Ill types of tractor tireS, sold and seirviced lowest prices also cOmplite slection, of all types of tires. • Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow. GRASS S1EED, we- have a full line of grass Seed in. stock and We are • acc.,epting orders for seed gram., We specialize in pas- ture mixtures to suit your land. Harvey Hagedorn, Ripley, phone 161-r-2, Ripley. FILTER QUEEN Sales arid Ser- • vice, repairs ; to :all, makes .of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes: for sale. Robert K: Varna, '.teleplfone .. • • • SEPTIC TANKS SePtic Tanks, ceps 'pools, etc., pumped arid cleaned with mod- ern equipment. All work guar- anteed., Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus- sel; phone 427r-6 Brussels. ELECTFtICAL, -- repair ' wor, radios, toaiters,irons, e ectric fences, anything in the electrical line, proMpt service, •reasonble prices; Lyons Radio, Shop, phone • 84; Lucknow • . AUTOMOTIVE Glass—Steering---Body Repairs ,Lubrication, etc: • For Quality. Service, See • PAVIDSON'S TEXACO • SERVICE Phone 320 • • Goderich No. 8 Highway • COMMUNITY AUCTION . Consignment community , auc- tion at..BrOks' Transport 'Shed, Lucktia*, this Saturday after- noon, .June 4th, sponsdred by Lady Foresters. cOrivett. Sale- able' articles into cash.' No;, Sale, No Charge. Part proceeds for Cancer Society. To consign ,arti-: cies, phone. 104 Lucknow Or 68- r-17 Dungannon. Allan MacIn-, tYre, auctioneer: • • • " ATTENTXON LAWN 'BOWLERS • , The oPeningmixed•jitney will be held on Friday, June 3, 8:00, pm.. Sharp. All members, and anyone •wishing to 'become • a memberare requested•ito attend. • APPLICATIONS A1)$.cATIos will be receir- ed by, •the undersigned until 1960;• for the Position of, Secretary -Treasurer .of the Ashfield Township School • Area., Duties to cdrintience July .1st; • R. T. Kilatrick, Sec., R.B. 7, Lucknow, REAL ESTATE FR,AI.4E --- 3 bedroom, '11/ Storey, insul brick house in good repair, 3 piece' bath, large • living room,double garage..sit- uated in Lucknow.• Full- price $4500 with terms. 100AC,RE FARM situated in the. Luknowarea) 4 'bedroom house, builtin cupbords*in kitchen 3 piece bath and furnace. • Water on pressure inhouse and barn; 90. acres workal3le land, balance bush. Full price $6,000 with terms. 'Contact: , WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker, Wingham, Phone 22-M • WANTED WANTED 30 bushels buck- wheat for seed.. Apply Ander- son Flax Products Ltd„ 'Luck - now, phone 21W. ' WANTED man dr student (rniniinum. 'grade 12) for sum mer empioyment, to assist with general office,: work. Apply Tre- leaven Milling Co., Limited, Lucknow. dnios4,04,44.44%•••*:•444000!*#4.4.9*••••44 WATERL00 .CATTLE.BREEDING. 'ASSOCIATION "Whre. Better Bulls Are. Used" ARTIACIAL INSEMINATION. •SERVICE provided 'from bulls of ail breeds: We are farmer, owned, • and controlled arid operate at cost. ' . Summer calling hours: Between • 7:30 and Q:30 a.m4 week days 1'600 and 8:00 p.M. Saturday WOOD FOR SALE --hard maple ' evenings • and elm Slabs; truckload lots a Fdt service or, more information about 4' cords, also: sawdust. call:- • Spence Irwin, phone 171 Luck- Clinton Zenith 9-5650 POULTRY WANTED - • • • '' Best prices at your door, .phone A, Brown, .Kincardirie 181: s, • At, AUCTION SERVICE • Allan McIntyre • Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, ' Phone 281 CUSTOM BUTCHERING • Beef and pork - sold in any quantity. Custom butchering in Govermnent licenied "abattor. Pigs every TuesdaY. f3eef from Monday throug, ,Thurscly. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET • NEED MONEY? •Uulimited funds alhillable on farms, homes, motels, stores, etc. Fast SerVice anywhere. 'No re- tainer fees. • DE1,RAY` 1N'VESTMENTS 450A.Wilson Ave., TorOntO. ME32353 Collect Wiicardilie 460 • DEAD STOCK • SERVICE , .ilIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid forSick, Down or Disabled Cows & Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at ° CashValue 01:horses 4c per pound • • GORDON TAYLOR •Phone 44424, Lucknout Itti. 2 Lucicriew • • '24-hour service 044ii,00; WANTED A representative, for a 1N'ell knoWn Life Assurance. CorriPinY on. either a full or Tart time basis. - GEORGE M. BECKER, Hex •138, Waterloo, OntarO, •• ANTRIVES.WANTE11. , - W,declen. Sinks' Corner and Flat Cupboards; Leaf Tables, Coal Oil LaMpi, • Chamber , • Sets,, Dishes, Guns, Etc. ,1 Write: LAURENCE MURPHY • P.O. 'Box 310 Palmerston •Ont.' • • . • . TEAH ER WANTED • Teacher wanted for S.S. No: 3 Kinleas„ duties, .to COminerice• in Septeniber. Please .State ".experi- ence, qualifications and :salary expected Applications to be ' in by June..10th: • ' • , • Frank Murray,: Secretary, HolyrOod, 'Ontario. 'AUCTIONSALE AUCTION SALE PuOlie Auction Sale or house- hold furniture, and dishes will be held at thehome of William . Wall at Kirilough, Saturday, Jun4th at 1:30 A meeting, will be held in the Parish Hall, 'Dunganno, this Thursday, June 2nd at 800• p.m, to organize, for the Huron Cou. ty. .mass., survey in July .Federation ,of, Agriculturerep- reseipntiriivir thefrorinespeceatcihve stcohwnool sKt ships are ,requested te. attend. The regular 'quarterly 'meeting. of the. Ashfield Federation; w'll ARD THANKS Mi. and Mrs. Elliott Sandy would like to sincerely .tanic these who rememberedthem while in hospital, :with flowers trats,,gifts and. to all who sent. cards and. letters, and those who cline to visit. They; were all very much appreciated. ,Speciar 'thanks to. Or. cOorrin and the nursing Staff of the hospital. .1 'LOST LOST btween. Dungannon and Liickriow, 2.4heel hand-truk,. '$5.0O; reward. Finder. contactl3ill Bogle,•Goderith, phone JAckson 4,82061 or leave at Sentinel Of- fice. - : • •• :••:. • NOTICE ,The MacRae Beauty -Shop Will be Closed :Friday and Sat- urday, June .3' • • and 4. . NOT,ICE, LIGHT HORSEMEN • Standing at stud, : Purebred Arabian .• stallion,. "Isabeyrn:r also thoroughbred • stallion ;'.'Stream 'of Gold." The stallions are standing at Kincardine .arid make •a Very desirablecross With, heavy -or light' mares. For full. particulars , contact Bill Gedds,. Kincardine; .Phone , NEW or RENEWAL subscrip, •fions for the Family Herald are takeri.13y The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35 direct 'representatives of the publishers. i year, $1.50; 3, years, $3.; 5 years, $4. gave a lot of bOther, let us •handle your subscriptions. Would like to sincerely-thak everyone who remembered me,. with fruit '.and cards and tele, phone enquiries, while. I• was in the 'l hospital. • • Mrs', Chester Finniga. • 1 wish to express my thanks to my friends who sent cards,. letters, and treats andthose who • CalledtO see i.e while I was a patient • • in Victoria'. Hospital, Loridan; and since coming. home, All these kindnesses were much appreciated. •• : Donald Cardis. • . . BORN • HUN(]'—.Iii.:Listowel •General .Hospital •on.Saturd.ay, May 28th,• to Mr. and: Mrs.' oy. Hunt (Elizabeth -Ann Webster) . ' of Gorrie, a son, Randy Wilhiam a brother for Rickey.,. SinceJUnir's learned to drive • the. car, . We find the changes mainly are; There's generally a lass in But seldom any *gasinit.' 1P404.40.0.044,. KENNETH J. MaCICENZIE Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. at 'the, fernier Wrefia Jewalery store; itipley, 10 a.m1 t� '9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 8th., and: every Second Wednesday Eyes •examined - Glasses' fitted Por apPointment'phOne:ltoy • MacKenzie, 96r-24, Ripley R. W. BELL • OPTOMETRIST. GODERICE • P. T. Armstrong' Corisulting' Optometrist •,• The. Square • ,• • JAckscin 44861). • FURNACE OIL, STOVE 01I4 KEROSENE, GASOLINE • See WWI. A. ‘`lUDor " cHaAIIMILfiON Phone 220w. Lucknow District Agent- for Cities Service •. . WEEKEIlD :SPECIALS • COTTAGE ROLLS, lb. „ 4c BACON, Our' ifery 0%40E4.116P FRONT OF riEEr, „ ; . 35e (For Freee) CUSTOM '1041..ING .TO YOUR S'ATISFACTI9N • Phone 41