HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-25, Page 3WEDNESDAY, . ',15th, 1960
r Savings In Cash
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'Pam size,. 3 new- flavours, •
"CherrY,,Orange,Banana; . 2 for 59c
Save 7e . 3 for 34c
Save'..2e . 2 for 35c
. Save 5c, 20oZ. .. . . . 2, for 37c
1.4GE, Timm
29c off, new jumbo size,. Save 50c
10 oz.
Your choice, Orange: Blended,._
Grapefruit, 48 oz., Save 15c . . '3' for $L
SWIFT'S PREM, 12 oz. tin
1% lb. •poly pail. .
• 5..• 29e.
ocal & General
Mr. and Mts.. Bernie• Hussey
and family of Clarkson 'visited
for the •Week-end W.ith. Mr., and»
' Mrs: ja6k
Mrs. 'Garfield MacDonald, and
. • Garry of •Whitby attended the
funeral •of Mts. J. A. MacDonald
last week... Garry is completing
• a 'course in accountancy and
':business' machine . operation at
• Oshawa.
Miss Gertrude -Treleaven , of
..LOndon •accompanied Mrs', jack
arid- her 'son, Mr. and: Mrs.
• Frank' Caincame to Lucknow
. „.
last Wednesday :fOr. the funeral
,of/Mrs. •Wrn. Kearney, the form-
.' er Annie Cain: -Gertrude ...arid
Annie Were former Lucknowites
and: longtime friends;
. Beattie , Gibson .of 'Detroit
went the past week with his
sister,. ,Miss Susie 'GitSori. Mr.
•arid Mrs. Harvey Congram 'and
Barbara of Kitchener were
ors 'over Over .the week-endat ,the
same home. • .
Miss: Eleanor Carter arid Mr.
Murdock. McLeod of Walkerton:
spent the - holiday week -end at
the. home af Mr. arid'. Mr's.: Peter.'
Carter,' .6th concession. ot Kin-
., loss. township' '
, •••
• -Minister: .
Rev. Gordon R.. Geiger,:I
B.A., .13.113. '
' Conference
• SiMiDAY; MAY. 29th,
10:00 a.m. Chureh, School •
11:00 a.rri. Divine WorShip -
Quest-, Preacher,: 'Rev. ,
• 1
' .Harc.:,14 Sheed.' . .
• .,Sermon theme:.. The Three
„Great Needs 'of Africa
• Guest , Soloist:. Mrs. John
I'Armor, Toronto: ' • • ,
Nursery during chtirch.
Thought Fol. The Week .
.i Where ;there, is no vision,
• the people perish, -
. 'Saturday, June 4th .
1 CongregatiOnal Picnic ---A
i leave church 2 P.M ' I. '
, Mrs, Torrance. Anderson .of
Sudbury, Mr: , :arid Mrs,
Reeves •and Miss Grace McIntosh
of Toronto were weekend Nests
'of 'Mrs. J. D. Ariderson:. '
..Mr. and .Mrs. Ford Cunning-
ham and M. .and, Mrs, W., G.'
Heed were it: Niagara Falle: on
Sunday. . •
. ,•
AmOng the lecal.guests at • the
CroW—MacLennan, • wedding
i'Lon.dOn on. Saturd,ay . Were'
'arid Mrs: Boly McIntosh; Mr, and
Mrs. Donald ',MacKinnon,. Mr. &,
Mrs. II,'Thompson, ;', Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald :Ragmen,. Mi., and
Mrs. Jim ,I-.1enderson. Miss Mary
MacIntyre *as an -attendant.
Mrs: RosS Robinson of .1,,uck-'
rioW ;arid ,Mrs.. 'joe,Thompson :of
Goderich went by bus last week
tO Kansas City: for
visit with the4 aunt,. Mrs. Ed St,
John who is g5 Years of age. '
Kenneth IVIiirdie was . in
London Thursday -attending
the alumnae .dinner in honour
• Of •the graduating. •glass .of Vic-
toria •gospital.
Joe HoWald .of the „Canadian
Navy . . furlough at the.
. home of: his. parents; Mr: and
Worden HoWald. Joe hiteli.•
:thik'ed from ' Halifax in little
More than 36- hours, leaving. their
,Wednesday morning and arriV.-
• irig .here on Thursday evening.
Marguerite. MacKenzie,, daugh-
ter of Mr: and Mrs.Bruce Mac,
'Kenzie', Was taken to Winghain
Hospital last • Wednesday , with
Pneumonia;' an illness to which
she Was. subject several times :as
a ,
. Mrs. Mary Jane Webster was
taken to Wingham Hospital ,on
Tuesday ' Of last week •with a
heart condition,
. •
Rev. 11. L... and Mr's. Jennings
attended ' graduation exercises
on FridaY at Me/ Victoria School
of Nursing, London,..i.when their
niece, •Miss ',Pauline Hill of
Goderieh was 'One of the gradu-
ateS. •:
Mts.. RUssell Clipperton and
family. of, London • spent• the
week -end' with' her mother, Mit.
Sam. Reid,' and while here, at-
tended ' the COok-Swan. wedding
at 13ervie.
..Gbderich 'Summer • School —/ SERVICES .
'•••••-.•pm••04•04,•••••#•••..••••• • ,frzeir. Loder,*'Pastor,
tan•itly•••1•••ranow•••1..poo war.°
at i7t30 'p.m.
presbyterian•Chutch Young 'reoples, May 31st-'—
rains will be shown.
in .the
Iletulerson Building
AdjOiniiie Mayfair Restaurarit
No Creed' but the ,Bible -- No
Law but. the ,Law ,of' Love —
Church • Meiribership not Main
interest, but a new creature'. in
Christ jestis. .
You Are invited
• Interim-IVIoderator
Rev. N'ell 1VIcCorritie„ IPPlonY
.StINIDAY, MAY' 29(b
1000..• 4m.unday, School
11;00' a.m, Mornirig .Worshipi
• 800 ph. Eltingarinon
,MacCombie;,' Toronto
4"‘p!Illiiii.ji..M4.44044,111.11114.1.4111.4.114140, ,• • •, • „
•• 4,
Donald land Anna Finlayson of
• Toronto were Week -end- visitors
at the home of their: mother,
Mrs, A...11: Finlaysen.
Vitt, Albert Little has return-
ed to. herlih,Orne here after spend-
ing• the wiriter in Tavistock with
Mr. and Mrs..Lyall Gaynor.
• Holiday - visitors: with' Mrs.1
Sproul- were her. brother, ,Will I
Begley and his wifelfrom Leam-
ington:, *also 1)Ori.. Kettle . and
friend from LealAington; her
niece, „Mrs. Frank ,Barkwell and
Mr. ,Barkweli and her brother -
:in -law; .. ..Oliver Smith of,
_ -
Visiting, at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. Thomas Magoffin and with
Mrs. Sam -Thirriiir r*Who isn't en-
joying good health, were Mr. &
• Mrs. Perry DUrnin.and girls. of
•Wilestown,. Mr. and Mrs. Andrei*
• Gaunt,,, Mr... and Mrs., Henry
Carter of Clinton; Billy 'Mole of
DungannOn., Lansley .Magof-:
firi and family 'Of London.
'Miss Adda Treleaven of 'Tor-
onto is visiting here With .Mrs.
'Fowler at the home of Mit': Har-
old Treleaven While she An in
.. Mr. & Mrs. Bill liuMphrek had
as guests, on Sunday; her, mo-
ther, Mrs. Sam -Reid, Mr., and
Mrs. Milvert Reid arid family,
•Mr.' and 'Vim Peter Cook arid
Elaine, Mr, and Mrd. Keith
Craiistori arid, *Brian, Mr. and
MrS. Charles McDonald and famL:
ily and Mrs. Russ Clipperton &
ferny of Lendon.
. .
(Continued from page 1)
• -A welcome. Was extended by
'Mrs. Elizabeth Suter and Mrs.
Laural Hewitt outlined the wink
carriedon .at. the school and the
plans in arrangirig, the. Fashion
. Through the evening .dance
numbers were 'given by Mary
Allik,arid Elizabeth Finlayson &
Sandra Brooks: Accerdian solOs
Were played by Laura Breckies
and' Mary PurdOn. • Al'group of
senior: girls gang .•Seteral numb-
ers With soloists 'Diane Bristow I
.and Diane Ritchie. Sari:Oral percy,
• Sheila lialderibY. • and Laura
Breckles arig ,a triO number.
Dance numbers, were given by
Grade. .12. that • included the
• sehool queen,' Barbara Murray!
and .her attende,nt, Joanne Hun -
'ter, and square dances by „Grade
11 and Grade 12, •. • . •
The highlight of the ..program
Was. the 'modelling Of • the, dreg-
ses, blouses' in both Win-
ter and summer styles . arid all
made by. ,the' student g at` the
School. Commentary on the mod.:
eig was given by Nahcy Irwh
Mrs, Hewitt; Patricia Thompson,
Diane Rayner-, • Joanne Crozier
and Na cy er,ster.
• Mrs.. R,osS Cumming apeorn-
• panied at the piano for the -ev-
enirig,' -arid Mit. Gorden John-
ston asSisted with the progratn.
An encouraging number of men
attended thks year's: show ;as
conipared 'with other years.
In failing health tor some:time
death came to William j. Doug-
las at WinghamHospital on
Wednesday, May 18th. He was
in his 38th. year and was the
oldest male resident of the Vil-
,lage who was born here,, and
resided here during his lifetime,
"Bill" .as he was. popularly
'known,was a son. of George
Douglas and, Dorothy Haig and
was the last surviving member
Of a family of seven. His father,
a native. of &Wand', pioneered
in the Woollen mill busine.SS in
Lucicripw,,here William. was
born on, rebruary 28th, 1813.
\Mr. Douglas had Many inter-
esting stories to tell i of early
,days in ,I.,iicknowand we recall
hirri hOw aS a yOuth, he
had for Ja 'gine acted as the Vil-
lage • "lamplighter,", in the days
of the hand -lit street
• Mr. . b,OUglaS. was associated-
-for a number of years with his
brother Robert in the livery .and
stage business. Theyran the
last stage and .mail service to
Goderich, that terminated with
the adVent Of rural mailservice
in -',1915. For ,oveir ithirty.years
the decease served aS a mail ear -
Her: 40m' LucknoW7, mainly: ori
Rural .13.Otthe 3, continuing these
thitieS until health forced his.re...
. .
.1VIrs. , •Douglas;' the 'former
Emily Leishman o Marrio'ch,
predeceased:. him in. ',January • of
'19591 They *ere Married at Bel -
grave an June :30th, .1914. Mr.
•Douglas hadteen predeceaSecl,
by Elizabeth 1VlacMilfazi, t� whorl.]
he...Was first married, , .
The funeral service was :con,
ducted at. the J,ohnitOne Funeral,
Hoine. . on Saturday,' conducted
•by Rev. Wm. Henderson. of Wal-
kerton, assisted by. Mr: Dotiglas'.
riePheiv, Rev: george- Li, Douglas
of WOodstock; Interirienti. *as in
South ' Kinloss " ceyinetery, , • the
'pallbearers- being :Fred 'Ander-
son, R. D. Ross, -,,Stuart Robert-
son, Cameron MacDonald; Ken-.
neth Camercin, acDonald:
ylVIr:. Douglas* is survived by
Mrs. Horace, Aitchison .,(Jean) : of
Wingliarn;' • Mrt, • Bert Garniss
(Isobel) .'R.R. 4, Wingham and
KS.* Calvert-. (Marion). of
Paris. • • - •
SPAR,LING — Clare and Ethel
Sparling are happy to annourige
• the birth of a son .at the 13ruce
County Hospital, -Walkerton on
May 22nd,: a brother for Anan.
R,OEINS7-to. Mr, and Mrs. Dal-
bert Robins in Elgin Huron Hos-
• pital„ • Exeter,' on Sunday, May
15th, a son, Stanley Delbert.
WILSON—Gwen and Jack.
son . are happy to announce , the
birth of their Son 'ori May 28th
M at. Josephs Hospital, London, ,
Ross Stewart. '
WILSON -in. Mt. Hamilton Hos-
pital on MoridaY; May 23rd,'to'
Mr. and • Mrs. Jack Wilson,
(Norma Ritchie);. Hamilton,' a
daughter— a sister for John.
ySTEARN: at Montreal . on .Siltr-
day, May 15th, to Mr. and Mrs:
Colin Stearn (Mary Joan Mac-.
Kenzie), , a ' son, Andrew :. Mac-
Kenzie a brother • for twin
sisters, • Patricia • and Virginia,
and a great-grandson for
R. V. MacKenzie o Lucknoir:
, . . . .
McKINNEY -- at the R.C.A.F...
*Station Hospital, •Corriox,'BC. to •
J.i.A.C.. Dennis and Mrs. McKin-
ney (nee -Elva Carter). on Satur-
day, ' May ,14th, .4 son,. David
Harry --a grandson for Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Carter; .,R.R. 5
LuckriOw; ,a grandsOn for Mr;
and Mrs: H. A. McKinney, Vik-
ing, Alberta; and 'first great /.
,grandchild for Mrs. Emily Don-
aldson, .Wingham. ,
Is Your Sttbscription Paid?
• •
Lyceum Theatre
J.wo shows each night
First at 1.15
., • , •
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
• • May 26,21, 28.
Clark Gable Lilli. Palmer
The desperate ,attempt of an
aging theatrical producer,
find the fountain of youtli."
By Hour or.1tOtr4ct,
PHONE 288 .
Nov Playing "Here Come Jetsand
"13 Fighting Men."
'Monday, Tuesday, Wednes4ay,. May 30, 'June 1.
The Drama You Must Seem,
01...A MURDER"
• .e . . •trulY, great dramatizatiop of Robert TraVer's
sensational susperiSe novel: Called the year s perfect 1
i picture' it features a, top-drawer Hollywood cast. ' •
! One ShOwing, Only, Each Night Starting' at 8 'O'clock .
i; 4ames ;Stewart„ Leelemick; Eve Arden; Kathriin Grant.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, ,June 2; 3; 4.
A' NEW Comedy TeaM.
Tommy NOOnan,., Pete Marshall; Julie 'Newmar aOd..,,
/ I come, Out
co; Jerry, Lest
oer . ,
ari.-eve-nirig of chuckling fun and se:---
1 •
Coming "("..)1C,, ',MORE., WITH .FEELING"
13ryrin,er, — Technicolor,'
r. • ' •
, al'
• t