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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-25, Page 2
fir° hi • ?'AG•E TWt! LOCHALSIi A shower for ;Anhe ,McKay, bride to . be 'W.,aS held in the Hemlock City School ion Tues- day "evening. A large crowd was ' iri attendance and a very enjoyable evening spent, , Visitors with Mr. and Mrs• Ewan McLean over • the holiday Were Mr. and Mrs: Ross Calvert of. Sarnia., ' ' Mr. and. Mrs. Oliver 1VlcCharles -and John spent Sunday iri Brant- ford. with Mr. and :Mrs.. Donald -McCharles. • • Mrs, Emile . McLennan spent.. a few days; visiting in Toronto. - The C'.G.I.T. group met in the church on Monday evening with Mrs. S.: MacLennan and Mrs. E, Me•i can leading. A number..: from.' this comnain-. ity-en'oyed the bus :trip. spon- sored by. the Ripley Horticultur. al' Society to Dales .at: Brampton P. M. . Party in. Toronto, night seeing in High Park and" a .'visit to the Ontario Parliament Buildings. . . M. and 1VIrs Allan 'McLean and family of Collingw'ood 'visit. ed with Mr. sand'' Its. Dan MC - Lean; Zone Palrner and , Georgia Jean Smith ' spent 'the •' holiday .ori eek .end • with Mr. and Mrs:, George GillivraY„ . ,Mc The . W.MjS,; .,meet'ng of . Ash- ' nas ' field Presbyterian Church held: on Thursday at .the , hotne ...Of 'Mrs. Dan Wylds. Mr.: a and Mrs.. "Elliott Sandi« .returned• -home from .Wiam (Hospital on 'Sunday, All(a&- : MoCharles of ' Toronto spent the week -end -with Mr. and. Mrs. 'Oliver McCharles; and John: A number ;of the'.ladies of the W.1VIS.: 'of', : the,; C'onihnnnity• 'at- tended Presbyterial held : in Whitechurch `recently, Mr. and. Mrs.,, Mac... Fiala Y ;son, of Torontci visited :with Mr.. and Mrs. ' Gordon Finlayson: •' • , .: Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur Keiswet- ter and • family of '. 'Kitchener visited pori Sunday' wiath. Mr. and Mrs, Pat . ,MacMillan. and family, THE .. LUCKNQW' 'SENTINEL, Li7CKNQWa-O�iTARiC'. WMNISDA k MAY 25ith.) 1960, IN HOSPITAL FOR • 60TH' ANNIVERSARY ••: Mrs. •,Thomas Austin returned : home recently from -Wingham' hospital ' where :she had been 'a ,patient for » several weeks: Dur - mg that time - on May 10th Mr, and ,Mrs. Austin reached their : sixtieth: • wedding '. anniver- . 'sary.' TheY.family e. have a of three daughters and six sons. Another son. •died a» 'few . years ago. The. Austins came here from. > Dir- Chester several years . ago. Their son Harold of Kinloss, Township, is the. »only member of the fam- ily :in this Community.: Mr. Austin has been in. and out of hospitals •a "good ;deal of ' late, and on Tuesday . had to re ,port. at Viotoria Hospital;, Lon-' • don, 'for a series of, treatments; He . is .in. his 81st Year, AWARD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP.. Douglas Harton attended the closing/ exercises of . ICriox 'Col- lege in Toronto on April •.29th. The "Mary. Drennan •Harton" Memorial 'Scholarship fOr genet al • proficiency Was presented for the first time; On ,Sunday, April 24th, Doug along' with •John., Gammie • and 'Doug; Hackett went to service • at Glenview Presbyterian' Church, *here 'the choir xnerpbers of the graduating class , of The" Presby- terian Deaconess Horne 'took the whole service. • La -ter .Doug : *eat on .to ` Lori - don, for the convention of Tele- phone Pioneers:: The Charles Fleetfora. Sire Chapter and Lon-, don Tecumseh council meetings were well attended. Representa- tives • from Montreal, ' Toronto, London. and. ; District :renewed -many old acquaintaficeships. ` Mr. and. Mrs. Mac Graham` of Toronto' were also in attendance at thea• •London convention. O.BITUARIr MRS. JOHN • A., . MacDONALD:: • The'. death of '• Mrs. John • A. MacDonald ; of, Lucknow occur red at Victoria Hospital, Loriddn on Monday, . 'May 16th in: her. 76th year. Although: not in the; best of health for . Isom.e time,: she ::had been hospitalized only a couple of weeks when death carne unexpectedly. Mrs . MacDonald was : the ' far- mer for= m er •. Lillian' Gertrude Bird, daughter. of . the late • Mr: and. Mrs., Louis Bird ofn: where Mr. 'and • Mrs. MacDonald. were Married fifty-three years egg last Noverimber. ' ;They '•resid- ed briefly . art Thessalon, . then farmed at' Belfast;. until Moving to Lucknow •same' forty-three.: ,a '.'Thessalo SCHQQL, AREA VARIETY NIGHT.. A HUGE ' SUCCESS' Twp.. , schools The Colborne presented a successful variety -concert at the Goderic'h iC•ollegi- ate Institute, May lath with a large ;crowd in attendance, The program,consisted Of mass choir$' sung . in •unison with descant, two and. three part;. novelty songs; singing games; folk dan- ces; rhythm .bands;. and skits, The chairman' fob the evening Was Mr. Jas..' Prest Mr. and• •Mrs.. :Glen Gardner were present.' Mr. Gardner, School '•InsRector com` merited on the .high stardard''of work presented. 'by the Music Supervisor, . ,teachers' and pupils, The teachers •are; , Mr.` Frank Moore, ,Salford ' Senior Room; Mrs'. Lenore' .Harrison, Salford Junior Room; » Miss Audrey Mc- Cabe, Nile; Mrs. Annie Finnigan. Zion ,Senior Room; Mrs.. Mary Robinson, Zion Junior Room; Mr.' Bob Gardner;„ Benmiller; • &• Mrs,; Harold Bogie, Maitland:; Mrs, Elaine • McDowell, Music y. ears 'no » when , Mr. 'MacDonald purchased . the sawmill and gristmill business of Thomas Treleaven._ ' •;Mrs.'• MacDonald' was the �mo- ho n , • .a..: . me loving and devoted wife . and mother. The ::funeral• service was held rat the Johnstone' Funeral Home, I Lucknow . on. Thursday- after noon conducted . by Rev. .R.. I Douglas kMec�Donald , of . Tillson- u< b rg:. Tnterment was. `in South Kitlo s cemetery;' the • pallbear- ers bein : Clive Munro, George McLeod, John. McLeod, Robert Smith, .Morgan Henderson, :Nor- man ' Taylor. Mrs. MacDonaldis: ; survived by her husband; , four daughters,. 'Mrs. Robert . Smith' (Etta Belle). of Sault Ste: Marie;. Jean, Eliza- beth and Margaret • at hone;,; four sons, • Jack, , Tom 'and Kenneth, Lucknow 'and Donald 'of Ripley. Mrs; MacDonald_ 'was , prede- ceased. by' • two sisters.'', .• again'' from Wingiham' Hospital. • A number from here "attended "the •Cook-iwan•». 'Wedding in `Bernie United Church 'on:>Satur- day, May 21st,: . ther• of eight Children, and • Mil d'pa Rotary Club 41,300, iri; .Frizes At: MILDMAY Community . Centre.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE;14... $5.00.00 , Special • Must:' Go 'Two $100.00 Specials . ° . Beg ns 9;00 P. ,M Bingos Are, ,Held In: Mildmay EVERY . SECOND WEDNESDAY:During..Sui nt er • crdine spent the week -end at Mrs; Cliff Menary and Mrs: Less lfer home here.. Ritchie. Sunday. visitors With . Mrs J, 'W. Cchvell• .were," • Mr. and Mrs. Currie •Colwell, Bruce and Betty; , Supervisor. ' Mrs. -.Annetta Bushell,. Mr. and Ardil 'Mason, Mr. and. Mrs; Walter Forster, 'Ruth,. Annetta Carolyn, Janet,, Barbara,• TSon. •O 1' t Church s filled; d on' aid, Mary '.Dorinda ' anad Jamie, ive was e Sunda may .22 d "when Re vel `LMar.ryan:and .dh. tMs, isDs o.nHaelldenM ©GCoosdfhre'y&, rend Douglas • Dunlop blot-lied;N Croydon . Patterson and Richard, Joyce. Ann, infant . daughter 'of I -Cosh:. This was a family : get sborne i . , Ms ,;and .Mrs, Robert , O to-gether.',to mark Mss.:Colwells .:and• Darn David; infant son of :Friends • and e� 82nd ' birthday, ' r ' d taus:•.. James • McTavish M . an neighbours . also , extend ;.best Jir Among the: relatives present, :wishes . at this' time. On Wednes for the eeremon . were; Mr: and1.. Y . IMooreof Ber = day; Mrs: George d` his sister Jean •Mrs. vie` pan (Jean), D. A. McKillop and 'little daiigh .ter:.(DorothY' • Jean) ` of '"Dutton. also visited with : ttheir • aunt,.:Mrs: Colwell Sunday visitors » with Misses Edna . and May 'Boyle were Mrs: Ellwell.• .;Webster, : Mrs: 'Charlie Hodgins, •Ruth and Kathleen of Winghiath and- ••.Mr. and :Mrs . Chris Shelton •of Hanover', ' • Mr.. and :'Mrs.; Jack' Schurna cher • :Mr. Charlie Edgar, : Mr.. and Mrs. • .Dion' iRobertson,,. Diane. and •' 1V1iirray , and Mr.... Gordon �r' kmu. a ': en Hodbsdn, spent, S nd y ev , ing with Mr, William. Wall Mr., and . Mrs. ; Don; Gillespie, Ronnie • and Cathy visited • oda' :Sunday With • Whit church: 'Tela •tives • Mrs: R. Ackert :will be hostess for .the H.W.I: Meeting. Roll 'call, 'What•is your cooking problem? Topic, ; Home , and family.. Motto, It takes 64' Muscles ;to frown 'only. .13 to :Smile, so let's., smile; 'Contest, . Tea' Biscuits, .::%. dozen: :Directors,' ` Mrs: :.Wil%lnam Eadie Mrs: Eddie ; Thompson. Mr. and a Mrs., Roy Grah�arn.',and Madonna and Mrs.' Joe Cassidy of • Teeswater visited last week with Mr. and Mrs'Jack Graham at Ann Arbour, , Mic1iigari.. ' Mrs .Duman • »Maceallum. an children of • •Elmwood,- aVIr- and Mrs. ;James McTavish. Sr: '' of 1' Likeknew and Mr.: and Mrs. Per_ rin. Lowry of Pine 'River. Joyce Black, , little, daughter of • Mr:: and Mrs. Walter : Black, ..en- tertained some •of her friends in celebration of her. third birthday On Friday, ' May 20th '• • Mrs : Eldert Geertsema:; ishome' ,, MAGAZINE SALESMEN .. MARK UP 'LADY'S' CHEQUE The Tara +Leaders reported, last week» that •a crew of magazine salesmen had invaded that vil- • lage, producing credentials 'and using` the line . they were work- ing 'thein way' through college. One elderly • lady was 'touched by their hard -luck story and :Of= fered» •to donate $1..00,» • but`. she didn't : want a magazine., They; •had her , sign , a » cheque for . the amount and then: added a• six to • Make the amount 61.00, ,and' had. it cashed. ' ' Police were later advised and upon locating the company they wert.said to be working for, had the amount refunded in full.. We carried an editorial about a, similar Lucknow "invasion," and since thenhave heard of several cases of their high, Pres sure'. methods, • So . insistant were . they `that • one lady, in .order to get rid of them, wrote a cheque for a sub- scription » and then called, her. . husband, the accountant at the local bank, to stop payment. This he did and the salesmen ''•were quite incensed– that anyone wouldwrite a'' cheque With: "no funds.r . 4-H, CALF .CUJB •° MEMBERS ..DO::JUDGING ' • The ' regular meeting of tile Lucknow Calf. Cltb was held. on May 23rd' at George Kennedy's, T e, meeting was opened with e 4-11 pledge • followed by the op : call which was answered by .kind and breed of• calf. There were two members absent. Toni Todd gaa pointers' on how to judge a beef type . beast.' » • The: members •thenjudged two` classes, Hereford bulls" and 'Here- ford 'cows. Andrew Gauntgave official placing 'on the Hereford bulls » with Fred McQullin . giv- ing placing on the cows after some of the members had given reasons. The members answered. a quiz orally. A 'lovely lunch' served by George closed 'the meeting. The 'next meeting is to be. held 'at • Andrew Gaunt's oil June. 27th. CHARGE TORONTO MEN'. - WITH CO-OP BHEAKIN I' Two. Toronto men, Eric George Leyzac and Norman, Henderson of Toronto have been charged with 'breaking, . entry and theft, in connection with : the, recent $800 ` robbery . at the Lucknow District Co -Op. They will appear in court in Walkerton: iri June I' lab. • KINLOUGH' Those from here :atter din'g, :the:. Presbyterial meeting at White church on Wednesday were Mrs. ToMcDonald,: ; M. Frank_ m Maulden, Mrs.. John :. Barr, • Mrs Perry .Hodgins and •,1lrs. .Alex Percy: Congratulations to :Mr. and Mrs: Cainpbell: Brown. • .(nee' Kathileen Lane). of Markdale on the' birth. of :a son. Chester Boyle, native of Kin loss ' Township, passed' away at'. Moose Jaw on May I7th: He was the.. eldest son ;of' ':the late Mr. anal . Mrs. William ; `Boyle . ' and Went :West with his. family •a number. of• years ago.:In; 1921 he. married•Verna; $impson'Of Luc:- an who survives:;' and also .two daughtersl; MTs. »Allan:, .;Sturton (Bernice)' . and Mrs.: Glen New- ton , (Lillian:) : and 1 son, James; also 2" sisters, • Miss Vera, Boyle. and 'Mrs. Duri'can , .MacKenzie (Irene) and one brother,. Fred, all of Moose Jaw. ' A sister Eva passed' away a, number • of years, :ago, ` We extend' sympathy. to •the bereaved family. ' • Congratulations to :Mr. & Mrs. Clare' Sparliiig ,(lee ,Ethel derby) on the birth :..Of a son. Mr and Mrs. George Haldenby and: Allan Sparling were Sun- day. evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs:, . Harold Haldenby and "family:, Rev. Benson Cox,; Mr. & Mrs: Wm. Cox; air • and Mrs. ' Jack Scott, Edna and May Boyle;' were, in Bayfield : on ,Saturday afternoon attending the- funeral of the late . Thomas H. Elliott.. Sympathy. :is extended to the bereaved family. Members of the Elliott .... family who'are well known in this area. are Mrs., Ian McRae (Winnifred); Mrs. Karl L. •Boyle (Mary); 'Mrs, William A., Townshend' ''(Kathleen) . all of London. - A number from 'here attended the fashion show at Lucknow• District High. School` on ,»Thurs- day evening: Much credit is due the students and their teacher, 'Mrs. Jack. Hewitt. ;Miss Donna Nicholson of . Kiri ' WEDDING BELLS .: DALRYMPLE—GAUNT • On ::'Saturday,. May, .14th, •, the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs... Earl; 'Gaunt'' of L: ondes- born and f anrner1y : of West Wa wanosh, Was: the scene :of. a Qret ty wedding, when their daughter • Olive ' Faye .:became . the bride of Harold Laverne Dalrymple, •, sQ n • of Mr. , and Mrs. Garnet' Dalryrr ple, of Egmondville.• ' The. livingroom;,was• tastefully decorated • , with.Pink- and white ;streamers •:forming an'arch: with:• :ferns, and .spring flowers. The • bride, was given, ;in Marriageby :'. her .:'father' . in a double -ring ceremony by. ' the . - Rev H , . A, Eunge,; . Londesboro .' •• United Church •' The bride was lovely 'in tum quoise: , flowered :nylon; over taf- feta •:with nosegay .:. of ` yellow doses, white streamers; `and rose- buds. and a.'. headdress- of white roses. Matron of 'honour' was . Mrs. , Lorne. Thompson, Brucefield, sister of the groom, " Kenneth Gaunt, ,Lions Head, brother. of ' the bride, was groomsman. Miss Marguerite Lyon, Kitch- ener,. cousjr of :the 'bride, -played the • wedding music... . The reception was' held' in the :- Tiger. Dunlop; :Inn, near Gode- • rich.. The' young couple will: re- side e side at EEgmondville. .. ilracketts 'W,M.S: and The 'May meeting 'was held at .the home of Mrs. Leslie Ritchie,: the' .: "Little '' •Bazaar" . being the highlight.. The ,' theme of:• the meeting was 'The. Lord is: my Shepherd." The. 23rd Psalm .' was repeated in unison .:and:. Mrs. • Chester Hackett ,gave . a ` reading. The. scripture• lesson and Medi-- ,tation was given by. Mrs. Bert Alton. Mrs. Kaiser lead in;`pray er. The roll call ` a averse with Charity, ' was answered ibY 12 members, A. reading a"Personal Soul Winning given to us, by Mrs. ',Georgie Henry, taught'. . us 'our responsibility 'to missionary work a °_.t.. home � as well as m foreign • countries or far `-r:orth: A. very explanatory study •• of Acts '16 and 17 was read by Mrs. Jim Nelson. .The 'chapter from: the study . book "Old Patterns and New" was• given • by 1VIrs,; Dynes • aCainpbell; Mrs. Bert Alton ' presided for the., W.A.' 'meeting . and:taught us . the he moral of rich .well what rag we have to` do, riot -just what we want to do, it; was; 'decid'ed . to hold the » Annual Garden,Party at the church on MondayJune, 20th. The liext meeting is atthe home of ,Mrs, Andrew Ritchie and •wrll, be the Grandmother's meeting., wit each member res- ponsible for bringing her grand mothers. Mrs. Bert Alton "otic-• tioned"/the 'bazaar articles and a .'smallrofi •.. p t was obtained+.. A delicious lunch was served.," by FEAR. - JOUWSMA .A double -ring, ceremony, was held at • Wingharn.. United -Church on...Saturday, I1Vlay ..:14th, `•'when. Janny Jouwsma';and James. Rus-. sell'. Oar .exchanged'• wedding; vows." Rev.,"`.[". G. Hussey officiat= ed:. • • • -The bride is�'a: daughter of Mr.:.• and. Mrs. Otte. Jouwsrria, R.R. 2, • Wingharn and formerly of Ash- field, and the • groones parents • are Mr.:and Mrs.' Sam. Fear of d R.1: 4, Brussels.'''' Given in. marriage by her fa- Ther; the bride 'w.orea royal blue ,nylon . dress embroidered, with a . black ` ,and silver: motif, worn ,Kier taffeta,' The ':street -length 'dress was 'fashioned With •a, sab r"iiia neckline.'; She wore a'White leaf bandeau 'and vviiite .access, ries, a white rose • corsage, ..and :carried • �a; .white rose crested, Bible. ' • ,•• ; Jouws�ma ; was. her. sisters attendant, Wearing » a ` street- ,., lenstriped'taffeta dress' with � three-quarter •length sleeves, a white bandeau ' hat and shoes, and. carried' a banquet of pink carnations: • W Liam Nethery, of . Belgrave, was the groomsman. ' Wedding. reeep tion was held, at :the home of the bride's ;par ents. and the : young couple left on °a 'wedding trip to . .Northern Ontario. They, will live .in ,,,Wing' ham. WHITECHURCH Mrs,' ..Russel Chapman whQ tient iri .Wing�ham •Gen•' was a pa eral Hospital returned home en Monday. - Charlie Moore of Whiteehur•iii left 'b • train on Tuesday where he will commence work at, $ur" wash' near 'Sudbury ns a prison e guard. The .family, will be her until •they find a .house. The Y JV)<�ibre l . mis, in oomm'usnitywil Ebybe the .halsedl playethe1s: and • their friends and relations,