HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-25, Page 1{
$3,00 AYear In Advance $1.00 'Extra To U.S,A,.
PU%IC ChOOI +.Boar• ts
A do
Salaries $300. are in bloom • 'a t the fro(•t ofultihp
e•Some golden 'Yellows
a s e�al meeting. of the
Lucknow% Public. School Board
mi Tuesday of last week, the
adoption of a salary schedule,
was unanimously approved, �Ef-.
fective in'September a $200 'in
crement. plus a $100 s'chedule,ad-
.justment allowance, will be re
ceived by each member of • the
staff The :Principal receives a
responsibility allowance ,of . $100:
per .classroom. •
The expected opening; of an
additional classroom in ,Septem-
ber wily make an $800 respon
i ili •allowance:. The schedule
sb :.t9'� a
,effective, in September ' sets the
salaries of • the ° present..members
of the staff: as • follows, as corn-
pared with salaries now' receiv=
.Stuart Collyer $4,400' $4,700
.(plus an additional $100
if 8th room opened).
Mrs: Lloyd' Hall .:: $3',200 $3,500'
(1/.2 -day. 'kindergarten, $1,750)
• Mr; • L, Johnston :: $3,400 $3,700
r ' Mrs. •N,; Taylor :$3,200 $3,500
At p
VILLAGE: RECEIVES � Lucknow Girl Guides as part
Town" Hall The w
last fall by members af the
The municipality, has received
quick -delivery of a. new one -ton
Ford truck which was ordered
at the May :meeting. With pro-
minent P,1J C.• •lettering on the
cab the vehicle is in service re-
placing the half -ton • pick-up
which had "about'. had it." .
Delivery was also recently re-'
ceived of a truck -mounted aerial
lad'd'er, This• was bought, second,.,:
hand from the .City :of Stratford
for $400 'and is regarded as: ,a'
"real buy.", This swivel type ex-
tension ladder has been in op -
eration and provides both ex=
cessibility arid.'safety for nurner- .
the across -Canada "River of
Gold" to mark the golden jubi-
lee.this year of theGirl Guide
Movement. u
This : past winter, :Mrs, A. E.
McKim, with - has long been a
promoter of, and leader in Guide
work, .undertook •a private flo
' wer growing project, ,and Many
potted blooms resulted" from her
effort and (were' in evidence from
time • to time: As we11, "Mrs.. Me
Kim presentdd a : potted bloom.
to each grandmnother' in the corn,
rnunity, who . at, one time had
a daughter in the Lucknow
Girl Guide' troop`,.
A family gathering was held
at the home of Mr and Mrs:
John Wraith on ;Sunday on thei
Mrs D:.:Thompson $3,000 $3,300 occasion' of the Seth 'birthday , of
Helen Thompson .. $3,70.0 $4,000 Mrs. 'Wraith's, father, Mr. Wilson
Ruby Webb; $3,700 $4,000 Wall. / •
The' annual increment was set Mr. •Wall resideson the •home
at $200.00 until the .maxi num of farm in Kinloss with his son
$5;000 ;is. reached in Level: Two; 'Gordon' and Mrs. Wall.
subject ; to refreshersummer Mr: • Wail's wife died two
courses being taken :by a speci-
fied time. Five summer courses
(credits) qualify . a . tekcher ,for
'Level •Three "'
Officiials Present",
:At , last : week's nieetin.g Mrs:
Jean Watson of Inierkip, :.secre-
• tary, of the'.Oitario, School Trus,
:tees' and Ratepayers" Association
was ,present -Vic(.. consult with 'and'
speak for the Public `•Schoo1.
iConferring with the Board and'
Mrs Watson; :'on behalf . of the
Teaching Staff; were..Miss Mar-'
tha Xl Harrower, of the.T'ororitp
Office' of the Federation of .Wo='
men Teachers','Associati'ons` of
•Ontario and Mr. Jack Fisher ` of
• Toronto, for: the Ontario • Public
School. Men Teachers! ,'•Federa-.
The Meeting' was Most ,harm,
< g
'anious arid :there were only a
° couple of ;minor: points: ` of com-
•'prcmiise in'mutually agreeing on
years ago : last August.'
In a :car crash. near St. Thormas.
last .Thursday: evening, Mrs. Toni
Gagen, of .London suffered ' sev-
ere head injuries• •and • for .a time,
was. on the critical 1ist• at,„•St.
Thomas 'Hospital; where she .un:
dement .: surgery,
Gagen : is the former Al-
ineda Durnin ” of ;Lucfknow.
':Gagen •was hospitalized
also,.but has since been -discharg-
ed: •
The driver' • of . the• • other
vehicle ,' involved, a. 'pick-up
•truck, .was 'severely: injured. Both
'vehicle's .were ' demolished:
May 'has.,
been unusually •wet
the schedu •el �, which^was primas and for More ''than two weeks,
Hy/introduced at the meeting b3),}1"it has been practically impossi
' the Board ble to accomplish "•anything on
:. ' It •is; the •first time .a schedule ,the land `so'far' as seeding :is coin
°h'as been . adopted • locally, and cerned and it's getting lat'e.'
sterns from : a schedule submitted
When • it hasn't been raining,
by the local teachers, after: the for' the • in4 part it has been
•School Board's: initial offer: of cloudy, damp and at times fog
• $100:.• increase to each , teacher.
and, $300•• to 'the •Principal. r' had
. •been rejected. The schedule .was
,:much. in' line ..with • that: recom-
mended by the Trustees', and-
Ratepayers;' Association.
Take: The Initativ'e • TO.,HOLD SALE
..Mts. Watson, •speaking for the
(Continued, on ,page 9) r'F'OR •CANCER. FUND.
The Lucknow " branch of 'the
.gy..Good drying days' have :been
rare. In' numerous . cases where
seeding' was .done. reseeding,will
be • necessary. '= if it' isn't too.
LOCAL P;A % i NG ,.
C � NS ,•
. The^ 'custom. of the' Presbyteri-
,an and• United ,Churcid congrega-
tions holding joint 'services dur
ing the 'summer. months, cannot.
be exercised this summer, ' and
each 'con'gregation will hold re-
gular services ".in their . respective
The three-point charge of
Lucknow, Dungannon and South
Kinloss- comes ipto. being the
first of June, and:.: the congrega-
tions will then.' hear ',candidates
for a call to. •tlie . pulpits now"
The three congregations :met.
last week to finalize plans for'
the, three-point charge, and : it•
t-• ,o.
was .cQnsidexed, that. ,in ,view . f
the uncertainty ;of when ' a resi
dent .minister: would be • called,
•that, holiday planning was.,. -net
• T1s United . Church was 'advis
ed to.this: effect and. on Sunday
morning' a ;Meeting of the Offic
ial Board' was called following
the service. At this "meeting; •it
was arranged with Rev., Gordon
Geiger to : have: him. take 'the.
services and be available • for
funerals during'. August, Which
will' be his holiday .:month..,'
Both Boards • expressed the
hope that the .:joint. ,services, and
the.- fellowship. which is enjoyed,
'through, them could be -restarted
next •• year
The triplet sons of Rev.: • and
Mrs, . Gordon. Geiger, will be
baptized on Sunday morning in
the ;United• Church,- This is. Con-
ference Sunday with, the . W,M.S.
in charge'. Rev, Harold ,Steed Of
Moorefield, .a returned' mission
ary . from Africa will. be in.
charge of the service and will
perform the ,baptismal..
'I he triplets Paul, Allan 'and
Ross. were born on January 27th,.
and were 17 weeks ;old :on Wed-
Another big treat. for the citi-
zens of • Lucknow, . and' :district!'
The Horticulture . Society is
bringing another famous person-
ality "to. speak • at the'next meet_
;ing: He is• R. �C..�Gunnell:other-''
wise known to. his 'radio and TV
audience,. as "Dick the Amateur
Gardener:'` .'
'The Horticulture Society in
vi�tes ''you to' come out and heir'
this' well known speaker. There
is to• be,. a ':showing'. of' spring
flowers as well.
The Ashfield: 'Township ` School
Area Board is advertising for'
appaication`s for "'the.. position.' of.
secretary-treasurer,, to succeed:
Richard. T. Kilpatrick, whose re-
signation . • becomes effective at.
the, end'of June, because". of his
pending departure ; from' .the
'�11V1"r` R'ti1patriclt, with the ' assis-
tance of his' wife, has, capably
and efficiently, filled this,:Office'
for some fourteen years -since
the -Area+ was formed in 1946
'The Kilpatricks' .. have' sold
their .Ashfield. Township farms
and expect to (love during the..
summer/ ' holidays' to : Wirigham
where "Dick" recently- comnien=•
..ced an office position. with a
lumber . ,company..
Mr. Kilpatrick :had a success-'
ful sale .Of machinery, ,swine,,.
ten' days •ago., His cattle•
Were • sold prior• to' the sale.
rr '• ce or: will
11�r . Kilpatrick s su�cc ss
as:sumne the duties of Area•. Board
secretary treasurer on July ,1st..
On :Sunday,' May 22nd, Mr.and
Mrs. Alex • (Sandy) ' Purdon.. of
Lucknow quietly observed
59th. wedding anniversary. '
Mr, and Mrs. .Purdon, were
married 'at Whitech'ureh at the
home of the bride's. parents, Mr.:
arid Mrs; Hector ..MacKay, by.•
the Rev, G. M. Dunn of White
church • Presbyterian Church..•
Their' attendants were the.bride's'
sister, Sarah, Mrs. Jim Markle
of Hamilton; :and • the : groom's
cousin, the late ,Edt Thom of St. •
Helens, '•
Mrs. Purdon; was , " formerly
Christena. MacKay; one ` of • a
family of 'six.; girls and five.boys, •: ,
"Sandy" . is 'tile • son of the late
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Purdon and
is • one of a family 'of eight:
Mr. and Mrs.. Purdoti; ' farmed`
on.. the .12th.. concession" :of Wa
wanosh for about fourteen 'years'
.and Moved to.. Whitechurch to •
establish a hardware, flour • and
feed business.. In 1948 they sold'
the ,business to..• Fred Newman
and. retired to Lucknow
Mr. :and Mrs. Purdon have. a
°family of. four.; daughters and
three sons, " Mrs.. Cecil . Falconer
(Catherine) "of`•`East ',Wawanosh
Mrs. John Cleghorri.' • (Clara) of
Wingham; :Mrs. Jack McIntyre
(Florence)' of:.Winghani Wm� •E..
Purdon of 'Detroit; Mrs, .'George •
Tiffin `(Isabel) of 1 ucknow, .Ath- • "
' of and Hector of . Sarnia •
Another Local Couple
Marked 53rd:Anniversary
• Sunday was also • the wedding
anniversary of. another :local
couple, Mr, and. • Mrs:. • Fred' An-
derson who.. were 53 years . mar-•
ried that' day.' A family; dinner
was:.: lie"ld''Nat 'Ghee Paisley Inn.to
mirk. the ,occasion,
Mrs' ;.Andersson' is.'the'. former
Ruth G•irvin; . ` daug' �iter of • the
• late •Mr.
and :.Mrs. 13ru�� h: Grvn
:of Nile. Mr. Anderson: is a son
of the': late David Anderson and
Mary Ann Webster
1VIr; and Mrs: Anderson :`far(-:
ed "in• Ashfield until •`retiring.. to
Lucknow several years ..ago
They have a family .of.. two
'sons, David •and Charles. Anders ,.
son and ' a:. daughter, Mrs: Jack •
McDonagh, (Norma). •
, ...Mr and Mrs.: Purdon, . Mr:
and Mrs. Ander's o the est , .•
Anderson hie es,
wishes of many friends for. con
tinned ,good 11,ealth, yard • many
there, 'happy `anniversaries.
Grown :.Ostu,re.
The au'ditoriuin• of the' :Luck'
,'now District.High School ' was
filled: to'•overflowing' on .Thugs -
day night for, the annual • Fash-
ion ,,Show: staged by the girls of
the school. The event, which has
become. one of the, "most, popular
and pleasing eveings in • the
school .• .year, ' ,was splendidly ar-
• ranged and handled •.•by home,
economics teacher, Mrs. 'Laural•
• Hewitt. Mrs, ••Hewitt'•s' single
handed effort in presenting such:
a spec•tacular •.show is to, be
highly' commended.
'Patricia Thompson, "16 -year old
',daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Camp-
bell Thompson . of Lucknow, is
the first "Posture Queen" of'the
school, The Queen was anriounc-.
•ed 'and . crowned by Miss Audrey
Fiederlein, teacher, at the schools
Mrs. Hewitt presented 'Cvfih-
a gift, .Over • a , period of time,.
• students have been eliminated
by the teachers for infractions
. of ...rules and good posture. ,The
,choosing of a Posture Queen was
the' climax, Patricia is a 'grade
12 student at the school. •
While the. crowd was ' gather
.ing, piano solos were heard from
Mary ' Andrew,' Wilkieltnina
Smith, Mrs.' William Scott and
Marion, Marilyn Cameron, Mary
Shiells, Wanda Henry; Karen.
Kilpatrick and Eleanor MacNay.
(Contilhued' on page 3)
Lady :Foresters• are making. plans
for their annual community con-
signment auction, with proceeds
in aid of'the Cancer fund„ a pro -
Details are completed' for this ject • regularly supported by .this
season's municipal road ' paving fraternal order,
program, and, „ depending on The sale is not •to.be mistaken
weather conditions tit is '.expect-' for a rummage sale;` It is a auc=
ed :the work. will ' be• done ii'i tion sale of all types :if house-
early. 'summer. old and• miscellaneous ..articles
Ctintrac-rfor the -hcieroll •asp eonsagne �---- l y ' 'anyone in t1i
'halt' surface !has been •' given to cominuriirty,who has something
the Lavis Construction Company saleable to offer.
of ,'Clinton. The Foresters receive a small
Such streets as',Hamilton West, .comr lssion on. 'each sale,. and its
around to Victoria ' at Wheeler
Which .is i n the "Standpipe,Hill"
area and Clyde 'St which is • the
"80fe road" to the flaXmi11, are,
a couple of roads that will be
inelude'd in this .year's program,
although• the exact "melba e" is
not definitely 'determined:
• ,In any event Reeve . George.
Toy •' anticipates that ,,the 'V` l-
lage'.s 'entire network of roads
Will 'be hard surfaced by 1961- to: sell,
a, case of "no sale, no 'charge.
This' '• increasingly', popular
event Will be 'helti as '.usual at
Gordon ;Brooks'. Transport Shed
tri Luelcnotu, . and the date has
been set for Saturday afternoon,
• June 4th, •
A large advertisement appears
this issue giving details,, and
consignors who to contact
by phone if, they have something
Patricia • Thompson is shows.`
here being crowned as the first
Posture Queen of the 'Lucknow
District High' School, Left • to
right are Miss Audrey Fieder-'.
teen •of :the teaching staff, :who
a •
placed the crown; ' The Queen,.
and .Mrs: •Laural Hewitt, Hone.
economics' • teacher, • • who has,
made the fashion show .a 'popu- •
'lay annual, event; .
Sentinel Phokt'o
,. .