HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-18, Page 12-GE TNITH VE" TIRV:1417CIMONV ,Sl " .D110G, LUCKNOW, 0141 O WEDNESDAY, 44Yr nth, 1960•;. • CIILDfE 4 � • ecia is IIVe F REE' HAT, GLOVES and ' SCARF with each coat 'purchased for ladies or °.teenagers. We can offer you a goodselection of LADIES' COATS in, sizes 10 to 20, 38 to ' 44. and. 16% to 241/2 TEENAGERS in sizes 12 .to 14x and 11 to 15 CHILDREN'S COATS from 2 -to. 6x and , 8 to .14 FREE HAT and ;GLOVES OP • IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. ,; 1 THAT friends .of Bruce Mac, ' Milian caught•• up with; him, on Saturday night (the occasion of hisbirthday) and made .him sit still long enough to present 'hilt with a car robe and other ' lefts. THAT tickets for the' Lions Club I' Billie O'Connor Show on ,Tues- day, May 24th are going like' hot cakes:. Lions George Joynt Cecil' Blake, Mike Sanderson. • and Charlie Webster attended .GoderichLiana. Club . meeting' and sold over 50' `in about. 20, minutes; ' YI R BARGAIN FOODLAND PYRAMID COOKIE, SALE. Save" 17c. Assorted Cello: Packages. Feature." KLEENEX SUPER'. SALE. Save 28c, Regular or Chubby. Bargain' FORKINCARDINE CLEANER S. and De1i� .WEA SWEET MIXED PICKLES, Save 6c. • Rose.' Brand.. 16 -oz. Special 'MARGA:RINE SUPER SALE. Save 27c :Delmar or Tulip. It's Tops! , ,. PEAS ON SALE. Really • Save. .. Happy Vale. Choice Quality•. 15• ,oz, #ins• • THAT the new .$115,000 Wesley . United . Church in • Elmira • was dedicated oh Sunday.' The : first sod Was turned in June of last year by ..the senior niernber' of the Board, Frank Bristow, father' of C. 11. Bri- stow of Lucknow, who was r, soloist at : the ' dedication serv-. lee., Mrs. Bristow and daughter anne, accompanied him to �7!•mira. / THAT Ruth . Treleaven, daughter of Mrs. • Harold Treleaven of town,'. has accepted a :position as :a :high .school teacher. with • •: the London: • Board of Educa- tion: THAT !members •of the United • Church . Hi -C. group, ,. were among : other ' Young, people's, • groups .in the community who •.' were entertained by the Ber vie:' , United. Church. Young People on Friday evening. lay. Gordon . R. Geiger ac companied' the.: local =Members to the social which included film showings, games, devo , tions and lunch. THAT a 'number. from : the Vit loge attended a trousseau tea held in London for Miss Mars •lerie'MacLennan, . bride of this week, and the daughter '• of Mr. fir' and •Mrs. • Mac MacLennan. ' FRIGIDAIRE' CUSTOM DELUXE 30 -INCH ELECTRIC: RANGE Clean without slaving" with Frigidaire's ' exclusive Pu11.'N Clean oven! Tucked into this compact 30 -inch. range .isa• big, 23 -inch wide oven and it pulls out like a drawer for easy cleaning! You can clean the whole oven, standing up. °You can wipe away spills and spatters in • minutes! But Frigidaire's idaire s revolutionary Pull. 'N Clean oven is just the beginning. The Custom Deluxe is, filled ,with Advancedconvenience features. • • AAA. For in. • '... stance, Infinite Heat controls on all surface units. They ' let let you set any' heat you want, progressively, - from, Simmer r to High. , Greer and .Electric Phone 110, Luck i w THAT Dr. Bern N. 'Corrin' of 'Wingham has 'ibeen "re-elected • president. ' of - the Wingham Gideon .Camp. Richard Kilpat- rick of Ashfield is one= of the. committee conveners. • TlIAT Bob ' Aitchison, who has been employedat the „Beatty Ladder.. Co.,. is' now working • for Harold Cooper of. St. Helens.. Mr. and ' Mrs. Aitehi : son have been 'living 'on • Ing- lis' St., North, in the ` former Roy'' Culbert , house, and:will move this month. THAT. the Huron 'County live- stock judging competition . will be held on. Saturday at Sea- forth. The Perth -Huron Junior Farmer field day. will be held at Seaforth on June llth. Col- wanash representatives on the lunch :committee are ' Joanne Alton and Doug Hackett. THAT eye glasses for. the Lions Club: "Bank , of Light", con tinue to be ,received in consid- trable numbers. Within the 'Past few days we received a . - . -+._. ♦ .. AAAA Toronto; . box of glasses 'from. an un- named sender .in Toronto, .and` anctther box' from Mrs. W. Gr Thomas (Clara. McQuillin) of . Niagara Valls. A REAL BARGAIN :JUST FOR YOU. WITH' EACH $5. CASH :PURCHASE YOU GET " CARTON OF 50 •BOO/K MATCHES FOR ONLY 15c Values :Effective MAY :: 19 : 20, 21' THAT Flight Lieutenant; J. I. Barger 'has been transferred from Gimili, Manitoba. to the R.C.A.F. station - at Uplands, Ottawa. Jun visited • recently. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs; Howard Barger of Ashfield., THAT •due to•• healthy Mrs, Dorothy Thompson has ; sold her nursing (home at Ripley to Mr.. and Mrs. Robert McInnes of Wingham,• Mr's. Thompson is the former Dorothy Hough, ton. and, a sister ;of ::Mrs. Chas. Steward of Lucknow., a.. THAT on Sunday, May l5th• . •at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron a 'dinner ` was ;held in honour `sof' "Mr, and Mrs. Elden Miller's ` silver wedding anni- versary. Those present includ- ed: Mrs. John Miller, Mr. Colin McDonald, ;Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson . and Kathy,. ' Lois. Miller,, Ross ''Durnin. THAT Mrs. •`Johne' Crowston :.of ' . Langside had a `very :pleasant Mother's Day remembrance in the form, of a phone call from her son . Earl . (Bud) Crowston of Lytton, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Crowston were' visiting in Wingham .that evening atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin (Myrtle Crowston) when. the call was ' received. T];I'A'T there •has been 'a "rash"' of. merchandise sales by . local stores during the. 'past few days including. Lucknow Dis- trict Co-op, Webster and Mc Kinnon, Crest Hardware, Sie- grist's, • Aslton's, Halls Red and • White, and the former Market Store re -opened tinder new management. ' Ve`°'Sell For Less• hone : 119, i uck:row THAT the Kairshea ..Women's' In- stitute ` will' meet 'Thursday' afternoon=at the home of Mrs. Evan Keith.. This was origin- ally planned as : an.' evening •meeting, abut;` has been changed to the ' afternoon because 'of the 'Fashion. Show :t at even-' ing at Lucknow District H.iglr School.' THAT reports of higher ` Water levels',; in Lake Huron are sub-. staritiated by 'a walk along the :shorelines this spring. At • points' along, •Arab erley Beach the_water is rolling in to the _embankments. THAT Miss Alberta Fryers of; Hamilton ;is, ,spending a month :' dere 'doing "'field work' in as- sociation .with .Miss Ruth Thompson of the .local: Bruce • County` Health .Unit, Office.• THAT ,Walden .'Brothers Trans= port have initiated a ' freight`: service from Kincardine' to London. and Toronto; and ;in'. this issue an advertisement ap- •pears' regarding their .:'service. Local pick-ups may Abe' arrang- ed "by;, calling '.Ross Cumming' of •.the: •Supertest .Garage.. THAT the Lucknow 4-H Calf Club has a .rneeting ' scheduled';" at the : farm ..of George Ken nedy next Monday night. • THAT. the annual *fashion show, at the Lucknow District High School . will be held this ; Thurs- • day evening at 8:15:. It is. al- ways: ..a popular and pleasing event,. .which attracts a large :audience' of. ladies,, and. a spec- ial. invitation is being extend ed to the men to attend with the, promoters convinced. that' they too will : enj oy • it. Choose . From. Our . Range Of Casual: Summer Footwear FOR WORK or PLAY An Extensive Array; of Washable Fabrics In a Complete` Colour Range For; All The . F itiOily; in; KAUFMAN ' "FOAM ' TREDS" and "DOMINION KADETTES" From $2.95 to $4.95 THAT the foundation has been • poured • for .a store at Amberley Beach. which 'Gordonof Ahtberley is building. The lo= cation is at the foot of the boundary hill, as one • turns, right. to:go • to Point Clark. " TEAT !.the '`Workmen's Compen- sation Board of Ontario has received' • its 5 millionth acci- dent claim since the Compen-. sation Act betaine • effective in ..1$15, ,. . :CANVAS FOOTWEAR For Men, . Boys, and Children . AT DOWN. TO EARTH PRICES �e S . •/• u..