HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-18, Page 6PAGE SIX. THE LUCK.NOW SENTINEL, LUCtNOW ONTARIO. tiS 0111aloaeg%014101 ea00ein1.•4••••i••i••w•osnN■eir ak1 GEST STQCX of the 'ow we Rave ewer had at ■ i ■ ■ alr Siinunons Smooth'. Top :Mattresses .and, Matching Box • • • . •; i` 1TRESSES : aQ: ■: ■▪ ' If You Are In' The Market' For A GOOD MATTRESS or BOX SPRING Come In And' See Our Large Stock Of The. BEST NAMES in' MATTRESSES.,. ■ Sprusgs Reg:. $49:,50 sale $39.9 • Sieepmaster; MattresseS, and SPi�Bgs each, Reg . 469.50 ... ,;;•:.. ',4: , ., , Sale •$49.95 `9 • Mattresses �, ri ,::'e each R ■ ▪ Sle•,ep�nater Mattr ss s and Box'. • Sp angs, . a• Reg 5 . ';:.. , , .. Sale $39.50 i • • • • ■ . ■ ■ • ■; ese red prices, :uced are on Cash; Sales Only.. '. •'. er-a Pedtc Mattresses and Box Springs(10 years: Guarantee) . Reg. $59.50. Sale $49.50 F . Sealy Mattresses {': as .Nationally • Advertised, complete Unit. of Box Spring and Mattress for only $79.95 i'. ■ • ST. 'ELENS, Mrs, W. 1, Miller opened her home on • Thursday for the mon- thly meeting .of the W.M.S. and the, W.A. of the United- Church, with 14 ladies present, Miss W, D, Rutherford, the vice -pre sident, was in charge of he WIVES; the theme . of which as, on nthe'•subject of World Refugee year, Mrs. W I. Miller read, the scripture lesson. ,Mrs. JoilmCay meron '.read an article, about refugees ' in Europe and Mrs.. W. A. Miller led in prayer. Miss Itutherford' told • of the. canvass being conducted' for the • World. Refugee fund, . The :treasurer , re- ported the :Easter • Thankoffering. to 'have .been $26.00 ' and $61.00 ■ had been Sent to the Treasurer, 8 $5.94 had been spent. on Christ • ■ mas: gifts and cotton had :been • forwarded, .fora leper colony In. • • the .•'roll' call, .14 hospital and 3 . • • .home calls were reported. The I.I. chapters from ,the study. book,: ■ . Africa Disturbed were taken by Stilwell,'. Oklahoma the public relations, report, Mrs, •" Mrs•. E•, W. • Rice. An- .invitation : Mr.' and Mrs, Callum; Camerrn• A. Willson, Mrs: R. Roberton, from •the Lucknow United and : Carol of Detroit were visit-MrsE.; Johnston, Mrs, T, Sal-. ■ Church W.M�S, for June 7th was ors on.• ,Sunday; ; with Mi. and, keld, Mr's: N: J. MacKenzie :gave iv, . accepted and: plans: made for ar Mrs,.: John' Cameron. ,comments , on. this meeting. •The _special number, The theme o The ornmunity lost'' .one: of, president, Mrs. • Philip • Stewart : the Worshipservice for the. W.A , its. `oldest citizens in the' death led the- :discussion in 'the plan, ■ 11in<`A life-,nin and: arrangement for :the `' ■, condu�eted any' Mrs.:. T. ' J.: Todd', of lVf r. James McQui .... District , ' . , , ■ • was the spirit: of the Lord is the long • highly, respected resident,: ' District Annual which is tp be ■• ■ candle of the- Lord - Freedom' Mr. McQ i11in was •in ''his. 91st held in Lucknow • on June " 10th; • tiI in the, Spirit. The meeting open -year: The ,sympathy / of many Mrs „A. 'Wilson. gave the motto, • ed 'with the theme 'h mn ' `theme friends'• � o 'to• the bereaved fain • ualities Of a y ood' • hoOmemake Yg Q g r?.•. prayer. . and,:,„the creed: Mrs. Hy_: A solo by Miss Diane Ritchie, .a Lorne, :Durr in : read. the scripture ,• i rea iri.g. by ::Mrs, McNaughton lesson arid Mrs.- Lorne Woods the • and a ,contest. ended. the prog= Luuiv 1TOW WI. ' PLANS. lesson : thoughts: The treasurer rain, The ; rirneeting was brought. FOR . DISTRICT ANNUAL reported' $4123 in' the treasury:'' to , a close ',with 'the. Queen and Ways • of Making 'mane were Ins i'tute ; G'race r • . y,.. x ,:; after • which Members .of the. Lucknow Wo discussed and t,:vvas decided to K' lunch. was 'served. hold : a. tea on. June :' 23rd �"e . ;•mens Institute met .in • the Town aintin of . the baseme t' of tie Hall:.: :on ;; Friday ,.;evening, Maj'; painting _ if church- was discussed*sand it Was 13th. Mrs." George Whitby open e i' ed` to estimate's . n ed .the °meeting; and Mrs.' George c -d g cosdt• At theet ' cfnclision,. ao' plethe a Brooks read the • .minutes and, sant ..social. hour was:• spent with: gave' the treasurer's report.. Mrs, lunch served hy '.Miss -Annie 'Dur- Charlie Cooke,Distriot ,Director;, nin and Mrs. ,McNeil. gave , the report "Of the'district' Bridegroom (at wedding, gift meeting 'which was held" . at Ar- display) Who.''s that guy laugh - Rev •' •, and N!r"s B: F - Green `� have returned.from a ten day: mow`- Mrs. John Emerson: who ing`:so hard at 'your. Dad's $1,000 . •attended the twelfth Annual chque7 , . visit with 'theirson, Dr Burdge Women's Institute meeting at .ride --Oh; that's'his bank ma - rand ,' Mrs Greed anal family '''ata Guelph'' on• the • 5th :of May gave` .Hager • WEPNTOSDA ', MAY 18th, '1960 Make sera YOu, take, along: your:I�ospital Insurance Certificate or, at least, the tornado number,, Jet the number down now -lend keep it where it can be found in an emergency. 'y READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE ONTARIO HOSPifAI., SERVICES' COMMISSION —if you haven't one, ask` TORONTO 7, 'ONTARIO your employer Or wri y,te ■ attress, Reg. $59.99: each' only $44.50 ey Layer Felt Mattress, all, sizes . , . $16.95 El ALL MAKES and SIZES OF ,CRIB MATTRESES. From $6.95 to •$11..95 ' Couch ''mattresses ' for all types of couches) .1 pare ' fbedrooms and Children's beds `m ha19ve:95.i • � ed Mattresses as low• a� ■ Sp':ring • r . Filled �•••enss■Ru*a.**ari*rataa*oa■sonl•■■•U■•II/*U•••U■/ri Mrs. ''Gordon Wall Mrs, William Wangler of Arnie bleside is :a visitor •'at the home ANGSIDE a 1VIr.: and • Mrs. Bob Evans and family of Hamilton visited with tti5 parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. -Evans. At the Communion servic•e on 'Sunday,' Rev. MrKihney christ- ened Richard. Eugene (Ricky) infant on of Mr: " and Mrs. Ed - gine ', ugene:, Conley: * Three :new mem- .- hers ' were welcomed into' the memnbership,of the church, Doris Moffat, Audrey '`Young•,and Mrs. Everett Whytock. The Members. of " •Langside Church, are urgently requested to attend a meeting at White- church •• Presbyterian :'Church .on Thursday, May. .26th at 8:30 par: Everyone •is requested to attend.. Mr: and Mrs.: 'Gordon Neaible Cif Brampton :were• ,recent visit= •ors with :their parents, Mr. and; Mrs: • William Neable. . Mr. David `'Scott .of Tees+water was a visitor Sunday • with Mr.' and Mrs. Eugene. Conley and: family Mrs Arthur .of Auburn ' .has' been a visitor for a few. weeks :at 'the home •• of her daughter; ,6uyl lit/, ndsiWENlyh fps I, BUDGET PLAN DESIGNED, TO GIVE YOU ' T. enjoyment .f worky.vin0 ajpii.nc.s hi the homes ..mf; , equipment an the 'atm pad for !.f of 'incom.r ' 'Sponsored by "!l. Ontario Cooperative Credit Society 159 Bay. St • 01.6-8848 • Toronto 1, Ont LUCKNOW 'D'sTR I Clr CQ�.o p • Phone' . 74 . --- Lucicnow; ,The Teeswater: 'tax rate will this:;year:'be •up.3 rnills.,on •resi-.• deritial property and . Oz. mills. on commercial' properties. of her:. dawghter, Mrs'. Pat Mc- Millan: Mrs..Edith..Brown '.and Barbara of .,London visited Mother's ' Day week -end 'with' :her, parents, Mr sand ;Mrs.. Win. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lapp and :family of • Wingham• visited Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. 'William :Orr. and •. Bob. The Crowston family • were _entertained Mother's Day by Mr. and Mrs:" Orland Irwin, We are. very pleased that Miss Ennna Richardson was able • ,to return 'toher .home after a"" few weeks stay in Wingham :General Hospital. :-Bobbie Young spent ; a . few days" at the .home of his patents; Mr.. and Mrs. Wesley Young after' completinghis first year.. in• en- gineering 'at ileybury. He started employ ent -Monday for. the . summer. "• •AITXILIARY' .MEMBERS ATTEND ZONE . RALLY • On Wednesday; 'May Lith,. .1960,, :nineteen members of the •Ladies. Auxiliary to the Legion attended the Zone: Rally which was held at Corrie. Comrade • Pegg, of ' the .Provincial COM mand• in Toronto was the guest speaker: She gave a very .inspir- ing talk on . the work of the Auxiliary and congratulated the ladies on their ',work. She . also: reminded. them not to forget the older' members . in their Auxili- ary, as many of them were• the founders of the , branches. • She reminded the ladies not to forget the 'men of the first war and 'of the second, Who did not : come back; nor those who ' did '`come back and are in .hospitals. Kay.' Forster of. 'the Lucknow Auxi- liary was one of the lucky win. nets in, the draw held. at the: 'rally, Local members were pleased to have their three new. 'Members with them avid hope they enjoyed their first rally„ Next year's rally is to' be held, in Whigharne .1. 'HIS. BOQKLET -CAN,; A BIG HELIP TO YOU! BLUE -PRINT for . Successful 'Per- sonal 'and Family Financing' °`is ;a • concise little B' of M booklet. that outlines the most practical :methods' of .controlling. personal and family finances. : • 'From:'• every angle, running, your money. instead of letting it run you, • Makes for a' happier,' fuller way of•; livin Ask for.your free copy of this book- let thatshows you how to live on, your income and enjoy'"it.... at your neighbourhood branch ofthe Bof11f. 'Wee dekG� : 4 RANI OF M0NTREAL 9bta 6.444 Ludcnow Branch t MILTON RAYNER, Manager WORKING WITH' ANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 6 .re V1WO%tAiADMIS LIAR N E 'i,s.it rs•�,.� s T.