HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-11, Page 4PAGt rouR " • . ' .1 , • THE LycKNow, SENTINEL, LUCI<NOW, 'ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 1960 • ..CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c, Repeat Insertions, II/2c per . . . word, .minimum 40c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and• Coming Events, minimum 75c. In Memoriam's; minimum.,$1.0 O. 256 extrafor' rePlies to The •Sentinel. Billing charge of 1 Oc for • each bill ' • ' • FOR. SALE FOR sALE—a number of pigs. Apply .Iteid BrOthers, Dungan- non, phone 81-r-12. •• FOR SALE Finlay coolstove, - burns coal or wood.' Apply Mrs. • William Macintosh, Lucknow, phone 186. •• , FOR, •SALE — Beatty, washing . machine in good. working •• tion, .Apply Mrs. Loren; Luck - now, Phone 143J. ' • • • • FOR SALE —elimax wood Cook • stove in good condition. Apply Harry Lavis, Lucknow, phone 219W. , •-FOR SALE -3 -piece chesterfield ,• suite, twd end tables ' and one coffee table. Apply Mrs. George McInnes,. Elgin St.,. Lucknow. • FOR. SAL—Grand Piano in , good condition, Newcomb, „Solid Mahogany, ,phone 266. .1, LUck= noW. • ' • JUST- ARRIVED , —1 truck had finishing, lime, ariasons Ifine and spray ,lime.. john W. Henderson, . , • Luer • Limited. . • FOR SALE --- Grey Percheron horse; .weight 1.800 , ib. guaran- -,teed . Sound.: Apply Wilham• J. Johnston, A.R. 3 Goderich, phone Durigannon 66-r-2. • FOR SALE—.22 Hornet With 6 , power 'spope, in real good condi:- - tion, priced right, Greer TV and Electric, ,Lucknow. , • • FOR SALE — 10 sows carrying first litter. Bred to Aegistered VOrk hog. Bill Stewart, Dungan- non, Ontario, phone 64-r-,5. LAWN MOWER REPAIRS • LAWN MOWER REPAIR ' Ser- vice -- all makes -,and modeLs. • E.' V. Rice, phone 211-31 ,Luck - •now; R. • FOR ,pArLgi.,— 4 'Hereford bulls, • • .,Of serviceable age. 'Art Gilmore,. R. 3 Lucknow, phone 61-r-13, Dungannon. • • ,.. • FOR SALE — registered ,Short- horn bull, 14 months, sired by Aberfeldy, Reward.; Gordon 'ROulr stori. IlR :I Ripley' phone 2-r-6. •-•, FOR SALE —8 grass cattle, • Herefords 'abont, 750 to 800 }hs,; also W. D, Allis Chalmerstrac- tor. Alex Hackett, R: 7 Lucknow, phone 67-12: Dungannon: '• • • FOR SALE • SUMMER PROPERTIES REDDI-13UILT homes and cot- tages, prefab, and erected. Free 'literature,' Easy. •terms. See our samples, Genee Lumber, Orange- ville Ontario.. WOOD FOR SAM—good hard maple wood, in truck load lots. Bruce MacMillan Lucknow FOR SALE—Old type wail mag- neto telephones in working or; der • $5.00 each. -No batteries ,or Wire supplied' or for sale.' Ord ers will be taken only until May 31st, 1960, or earlier if •supply runs out. Call or write: Huron and Kinloss IVIgnicipal Telephone • Office, Ohtario. Phone CAR BUYERS • Before you buy .your new Or late Model used car see .us about our 'Lew Cost Financing, ServiCe. Available for either Dealer or :Private Sales. J. A. McDonagh Insurance; phene. 306, Lucknow. WOO I) FOR SALE—hard inaPle, rid, elin• slabs, truckload lOts of • about 4 Cords, also sawdust •*mice Irwin; ,phone 171. Luck- nOW.. . ern equipment All work gUar- anteed., Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus- sels, phone •• 42-r-5 Brussels. . * TIRES! -,inREsta All tYpea, of tractor tires, sold and. Serviced, lowestprides, also complete. Selection, ,,of all types of • tires. •Bruce ,MacMillan; Lucknow. • • COMING ,EVENTS SPARE. IUBS, KRAUT Y • Wedneday„, FridayeverSaturdy • Night at the • , Commercial Hotel, Formosa L.D.H.S. FASHION "SHOW The annual' Lucknow District High School Fashion Show will be held Thursday, May19th, 1960 at 8;15 p.m, The highlight of theevening i11 be the. crown- ing of a "Posture Queen." Also, 'many of • the latest, fashions dresses, 'suits, skirts and, blouses will be modelled, A special in- vitation is given tO the men. Ad- mission; A:dulta .Children Free. lliqll SCHOOL ,DANCE A Cadet -Graduation Dance, is to be held' on Monday, May 16th in the auditerium, of the Wing, ham District High. School. Danc- ing is from 9;30 to 1 a.m. to the music of: Bill WOlfe, and .his Or- chestra. Dress formal:, Every-, body • weleerne, . • 'HEREFORD. SALE • • Grey; -Bruce Hereford •• Breed- ers' Annual Spring',Sale, Colise- um 'Fair Grounds,. Owen SOUrid, SaturdEiy, ' May 21st, 1:30 • 14 bulls;'8 females, all in calf, to comein soon. Bulls Govern- ment• 'tested With bonus. *Ltinch aVailahle. Writ.Arthur Lemon, 380, '2nd Ave., East, •for Catalo::. GRASS SEED, we have •a full •line ' grass:, seed in stock •and we are aceepting,. orders fOr. .seed. grain. We specialize in pas, lure • mixtures to suit your land. Harvey Hagedorn; AlOey;, PhOrie. 161.4-2, Ripley 1 Farmers: STAN -HOIST HYD, RAULIC •loaders 'for all. tracters with their ' exclusive, type cy- linders; have been in the lead for 12 years. ' Let s us show you •why, American Separator Sale's, phone Carlow 2821, Gederich,.*Oritario. Performance Milking , all .types, witli auteMatie'leat- •cup release, Sold for over 40 years. "Perfection' has' lead the ,way to scientific milking meth. ods. Your enquiries without '02 Jigatibn • are invited, iAnieridin Separator Sales, phOne *Carlow 2821, ' GOderich,' Ontario. - • .. AUCTION \ SALE Cleating 'auction saleof farm, stock, implements, hay • and grain, and ,h.ottsehold •furniture at Lot 6; Con. 8 Aslifield Town- ship, on Saturday, May 14th • at' 1:00 p.m,. Noreserve as farinis sold See bilis for 'list 'and terms: Richard.T. „Kilpatrick, * prop.; • o al . Blu • k :CARD OF ,THANKS.. I would-1,Iike to .thank every- . one who reffiefribered me while 4 was in the •...liiiiiktiliA•atid since returning hothe'' With" 'ti‘ *sPecial. thonks...to 'the '.Zion a beautiftil, bouquet of inumt..-*,, : „•••:,•• • ..1Vlayarie,:;Wilkins. PivrEp:.QUEEN Sales and' Ser, vice, repairs; to. all. makes • of ..vatiniin cleaners: Used cleaners • of" all makes for sale. Robert 'It PeCk,',. Varna, telephone' Hensall. '•117.• !SEPTIC' TANKS 41' • • Siptic • Tanks,. cess pools, etc,, • pumped , and cleaned,. with Mod- LIVESTOCK--iBought and sold, all kinds. Phone* 41 Lucknow or 77-r-1, Dungannon. •• ' ••FOR SALE — slaughter house •property in Lucknow, 'lights and • water. Apply to. Uri: N. H.,Iled- • ley, phone 122-W. • PREPARE' FOR SPRING , Get . your garden tillers and •• supplies, „fishing tackle and Lawn mowers. Best 'prices able, Canadian Tire Corporation ' Associate Store, Wingharn, Ont.. . .• ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL Lucknow, Phone 1544 • BARLEY CONTRACTS ' • AVAILABLE CLOVER and GRASS .SEEDS " For Sale. dreen Cross WEED and gnu= SPRAYS for sale. .• ELECTRICAL -- repair. work,' radios, toasters, irons, .electric fences, anything in the electrical line, prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, phone 84, Lucknow. . • •' AUCTION SERVICE; • 'Allan llacIntyre Licensed , Auctioneer • LucknoW, 41 •Phone 281 • CUSTOM BUTCHERING • Beef .and pork sold in any quantity, Custom butchering in Government licensed • abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday througi. Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT. MARKET • . NEED MONEY? Unlimited funds available On farms, homes; motels, stores, ete. Fast service anywhere. No re- tainer. 'fees, DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450,A . Wilson Ave., Toronto. •' ME 3-2353 • Always de, right will gratify some people, and will astonish the. rest • tEACHER.. WANTED. • An additional roam will be opened this Fall at the Lucknow Public School. The Board re- quires a teacher for .Grides 2 and 3 (subject to change) for September,' •. 1960. Applicants • please state qualifications, ex- perience and name, of present inspeelber. Lucknow • ,Public SchoOl Board, Donald ' Hender- • son SieretarY• • • ' FEMALE HELP WANTED • Person • for Business Office I. Supervisor for Telephone • Sy, -1 stem. Duties, include all kBilling and Secretary -Treasurer for Sy- stem, to .commence May ,,16th, 1960. • • Apply in writing to the Huron and Kinloss Municipal • Tele- phone. ,System, Ripley, Ontario, stating qualifications and salary expected. Application must be in on or before May 16th; 1960. • Envelop to be clearly marked "APPLICATION."•• • • FOR RENT . , . • FOR T—I50 acre grass farm ,'On• the 6th; concessionof Kin loss, running • water, 'clots of shade, phone 173, Lucknbw, A OMOTI • Giass•-s,teering—Body Repairs • Ltibrication, etc.' ••2.For •Quality Service, see /DAVIDSON'S, TEXACO • •,i• SERVICE , :phone 320 Goderi'ch, •• No. ,8 Highway • '• • •WATERLOO • cArrix. BREEDING , • ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" •.ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION •SERVICE, it provided bulls ' of 'all breeds. We are • farmer le*ned and controlled and opefate at Simmer calling hours: Between • 7:30' and 9:30 a.m. week day's 6:Q0•and 8:00 p.m. Saturday, •• • evenings, •• For .service or Mork information • • call:-' • Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or . . • Collect Kincardine 460, Prow•••••••14,•:•••••••••••••• .44 HDEADSTOCK . .• sERvIct . • • HIGHEST.....CASH. •• •. • PRICES •-• • Paid for Sik, Down • or DisaMeJ Cow & Horses' ' -alio'. :••• DeadCO.140 and Horse n•i ' CaSh..Value • Old horses 44 pet pound • CORDOICTAYLOtt..' PhOtte-..44444, LUCknOW • , •11.12,,, 2 Lucknow• 24.46ur j‘entide. FOR RENT -- Farm' Lot 6; Con.' • 9, Huron •Township. For: particu- lars 'write to Mrs. H. 73 Front St., South, Orillia, Ont. FOR RENT heated apartment available, immediate possession. Gainrnie Apartments, phone 183; Lucknow. • •• • STORE • FOR, RENT --- Apply to Mrs.. N. 114.Hedley, phone 122-W, Lucknow.• „ GRASS FOR RENT ---- suitable for 12 • head of cattle, 'west, of Dungannon,running water. 'Call • Dungannon 4-r-10; Goderich ,JAckspn 4-7488. ' GRASS FOP., RENT—Or 15 -7 .20 head of cattle, loth • of shade,: *aid', and grass, Graydon Alt- chie,••,phone Dungannon . NOTICE s Mrs. Bert Ward has definitely discontinued all, sewing. She • wishes to thank all those who have Patronized her in the past. The reguiar Health Clinic for pie -school 'children .and infants will be held in the Legion 'Hall on Tuesday, 1Vlay 17th • from 10:00 to :11:30 a.m. LOST LOST4-4arge • tarp on Monday twwhei el en 13.leaving:11,1ST! te c lir naer eb4at: Charlie ;Wilkins, phone 69-r-7, PUrigannon, . • • , FOUND F.o.ura) — set of three keys, with car' key 878659. Apply at shton's Ladies and Men's Wear. . CARD .OF THANKS. Misse Emma' ha'letri,shiaLdesren.thwainskhs- e to and appreciation to all . who so thoughtfully remembered.' her with cards,,, gifts and visits while, she was a patient in Wingham Hospital. TENDERS. TENDERS WANTED for the. caretaking of South Kinloss and Greenhill cemeteries combined. Tenders to be in not later than. • Saturday,' May 21st; 1960. Low, est or any tender not necessarily • accepted. • For particulars apply to either Alex McNay, -Lucknow or Al- lister 'Hughes; RJR. Holyrood. • • . TOWNSHIP 'OF KINLOSS Tenders will be. received by the undersigned up to June 1st, 1960, for the 'Supply of a new coal. and wood ;furnace and 'in- stalling the seine at the 'KoWn- • ship ,11.611; Holyrood. J. It. Lane, Clerk, R.A. 2; Holyrood, Ontarid.„ • AsToneg TO. CREDITORS' • • In The Estate Of , Thomas George Brown ALL , PERSONS,. having ',clainoi against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of • Huron, in the County of • Bruce Farmer, who died on: the .firit day of March, 1960, : are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned On or before the 21st day of May,AD. 190: • After . that date • Administrator will proceed to distribute the es, - tate having regard only to the claims of .which they Shall then have had notice. DATED 'at Wingham; this 29th day, of April,' A.D. ).9,60.•. Crawford 'and • Hetherington. Winghani, 'Ontario: • , Solicitors fer the Administrator TOWNSHIP 00 KINLOSS ' , • Tenders will be. received by. ,the undersigned for supply- ing.of 10. cords .of 16 -inch body, wood; beech' ••and inaPle,piled and .measured ipthe basement' Of the ,Township Hall, Holyrood, by August 31st, 1960., J. R. Lane, Clerk,, RR. a, Holyrocid,' Ontario. 'DEPARTMENT, 4F. PUBLIC ' •' WORK*, OTTAWA TENDERS. sysk.,1„ER "nmEgs addressed to Secretary, .. •Department of Public Works, Ottawa and en- clorsed. TTENDE13. FOR THE . SUPPLY .OF 'COAL,. COKE, ' . VOL OIL AND PROPANE GAS ; .FOR THE FEDF.RAL • BUILD - mos., 'THROUGHOUT . •THE PROVINCE ':OF ONTARIO," will be received until 3:00 0.m. TuksDAY,' JuNE: 7th, :1660. •• Specifications and forins of 'tendercari..,be obtained at effice of the Chief of Purchasing • • and Stores, Room 503; .Garland Building, • Ottawa, , Ontario; Dis- trict Manager, 225 .JarVig St.; Toronto, .Ont.; District Manager, Dominion Public • Building, London, Ontario; District' Mana- ger, Post Office Building, Fort piltario. • Tenders ...mist be made on the :printed forms .supplied by .the Departanent and in accordance with` the conditions set •forth therein; •• The •successful contractor .may be requested to provide securi- ty, before the award of the con• - tract, in . an. 'amourand form acceptable to' the Department. • The lOWest or any, terider.not • .pecesiarily . accepted. • • •Itobert FOrtier, Chief of Act- miniltratiVe ServieeS and Sec.' FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS FIRST GRADE COTTAGE ROLLS, lb. ,. . 39c SLICED.BACON, our own Brand, lb. .:, 45c •FRESH GROUND BEEF, lb. ; . 39c Having completed our first year hi business in Lucknow, we wish to take this opportunity 'to thank all' ourcustoMers' for the pat nage extended to us. We .hope that We may Continue to serve you wen, CUSTOM KILLING.TO YOUR :SATI4FACTIOW; Phone 41, • "• • •