HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-05-11, Page 1$3.00 A Year In Advance — $1.00 Extra To. U S.A,
• oKeepate,pa,yersVote...
Second Con# Sch•oeoIA Open
• RaeP.Y.rt a e s. of
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'loss (Second Concession) voted
'• on Monday " night • in favor of
keeping their school open., The
• .ballot was 40 in favor and 26.
against. There was one spoiled
ballot, and .the chairman didn't
have a • vote, : making a . total of
68 ratepayers ' who attended the,
'meeting, indicating keen inter-
est in school affairs. '
• A meeting was held two weeks
ago with, 4:1 • ratepayers in, at-
tendance,. and
t=tendancei':and at that time there
was ' a "lively" session resulting
in a two 'week adjournment be.
fore a' vote was taken.
•Only _ratepayers, of the Section
were present ,n Monday 'even-
. ing, Chairman. of .the meeting
was Currie Colwell, with Mrs.
,Jack'. England ' acting as. secre-
Mr. Colwell ° outlined expendi-'
tures which,'; would :eventually:. be
necessary, to bring the schoolup
to standard. ,A new, roof is a ne-
cessity. at an early date.
• • Evan Keith, with reference to
the school act, explained the ad-
ministration of a school area, &
•a discussion of•,'these matters
took place.
_Chief ` co tro er.sY was as •
nv_ .to_
what the ratepayers' would vote
'Two' proposals:. had' previous
•ly been advanced - to decide
for or .against' the new Kinloss
area, or coming: to : Lucknow.
Finally it was decided. to vote
for or against keeping the school
Open,. and ' the affirmativema
il:WRy on this ballot precluded
the necessity . of any further
balloting. •
It .is:prese tly
expected there
will `be° akefi`rollment
'of 41 stiff
dents at the:: •Second School 'in
September, an increase . over. the.
The deat 'of James. McQuillin
•occurred at his, 'home : in West'
Wawanosh on Monday in his 91st
Year. A private funeral' service
was: held at they' Johnstone Fun-
eral Home oh' Wednesday with.
interment in ,South Kinloss Ceti-.
On Wednesday of '.last ,week'
No: 4 well at the. Bowling Green
Park was cut into the domestic
water supply system, ,w'hioh . now
has the most modern pressure
control device's, to Maintain a
constant volume of water in, the
standpipe and consequently a
constant pressure.'
•Controlsat the No.. i well
:pumphouse _adjacent to the-are-
na, govern the'`standpipe volume.'
From there signal: lines have
been, run to the No; 3. pump
house at , the Flaxmill and the
No. 4 pbmphouse at the .Green.
• When' water. is ' required: the.
-:signal .goes' out acid either --well
provides the 'necessary:.volume.
The next• time.' the water signal
goes out, the alternate ,pump
•will operate. In 'other words,
'they take turns in providing ,the
required, water volume • to keep
the standpipe at • a constant
height. '
• The No. ,3 well which at times
has been .:pumping .at capacity to
meet . , the demands of the '"'sy-..
*Olt , and consequently • stirs up
a clogging 'silt, will be. "`cut back
to, a more' normal pumping 'vol
present; enrollment .of some ' 36 •
children .who are .'being • taught
by Mrs.' ,Donald MacIntyre .; ::
If the school. is eventually mo-
dernized, including new heating
and Sanitary' facilities, a major
expenditure would be. involved..
At a •,congregational. meeting
of . Lucknow • and Dungannon
.Presbyterian Churches .'on' Tues-
day of last week approval was
given to the formation , of a
three-point charge. with 'South'
:Kinloss, •: should resbytery • sok
The South Kinloss congrega-
tion previously' requested that
they be ' included in this charge.
They are associated with Lang-
side and, Whitechurch, and have
been "without a resident minister
/since Rev.',.Marshall's ' departure:
• However, several' district 'con-
gregations are involved in any
charge whichmight be made;
and.:a ' Presbytery Committee is
at present: studying the entire
matter,, • and • conferring.• with the
congregations concerned.
' The Kinlough congregation
Whichis ',associated with ;Tees-
' water, is 'quite' 'satisfied we tun-.
derstand, with the • existing .an:
rangenent. Likewise, Ripley and
Ashfield congregations . do not
seek any change in their two-
point pastorate;
The :Lucknow Community Sale
Barn 'was jarrimed on ;Mor day
for the annual stocker cattle
sp ing sale sporisored by.Robert
osh. ".
412 head were auctioned off
during the 'afternoon, with 290
steers, in the • eonsignrn.ent, and
the balance' heifers. •
.Top price of $24.10 was paid by
Dan MacKenzie, of .•'Blyth for. 15
Hereford steers.
The sale greased` $55400..
A 1951 Ford stolen on 'Thurs-
day :.night from. Montgomery's.
used car lot was abandoned .up.—..
damaged at Bayfield. There, a
1958 Plymouth was stolen and
wa's' later recovered at Sarnia,.
About $8.0.0,00: in. cash was
stolen from the downtown store
'of the Lucknow .District: Co -op -
erative; in a robbery' early last
SundaAl H 1
The regular May meeting of
Village Council was .devoted al-
most entirely, :.to a study . of re-
e .
venue, expenditures . and • esti-
mates. and a comparison" of the.
1960 and 1959' financial picture;
The -overall result was to plan
this year's progressive program.
with a view. to balancing the
°budget, and picking up .last
year's deficit This resulted' from
paying off the entire cost of the
Town Hall heating system, anda
considerably extended paving.
program, when hot roll asphalt
was . available at a price much,
below the • usual cost. The• ad
ditional paving was chiefly • the
repaving of Havelock St. from
Rose to Ludgard, and ' at the
price . asphalt • could be 'secured
then it was estimated° the sav-
ing amounted to $1,000, •
Estimates arrived at,'at."last
week's ' ` . meeting indicate :.that
Council. can- .hold the --line-'this
year without •an increase in the
general Village .rate.. •
Purchase New Truck
The old 1/2 -ton ' munici~pal
pick-up . truck is . to be replaced
by ' :1 -ton : Ford
-truck purchased : from. " Montgo-
mery Motors at a cost.of ` $2,500
Plus a 'steel • platform, • and front:
Cost of the :vehicle will • be, ap-,
portioned Hydro, 40%, ' and Vil
lage and Water System, 30%
each .•
Council .approved ' the ,pur
(Continued on :page ",3)
Y .morning., ' vin ; ami -
ton,, who is employed .by , the
Co-op,, discovered the breakin
on Sunday morning.
Entry was. gained :by, breaking
a heavy lock at the• rear loading
area of the' building. It is be-
e-lieved.•thatthe lock was' sever-
ed. with .heavy .bolt.- cutters..
' In an initial survey it appears
that no' merchandise was taken,
' At • the ..xegulan .`May ..`meeting
of theLucknow Public School.
Board, it was decided. to open
the 8th room as a classroom for
the ,fall . term :and to .advertise
for a teacher.
Registrations : foe' { Kindergar-
ten will be'received' next Mon-
day"• from 1:00 to 3;45, and child-
ren' eligible for attendance next.
term must be 5' as of December
31st, .1960
It was decided to renew mem-
jership :: with the Bruce County
:Film Board. •
:The ` initial payment of : the,
Government.'education grant
was received in 'the '•amount of.
The Board is arranging. for . a
meeting with the Teachers' Fe
deration in May. •
'.Inspector :`Waldie• was`,.present;
at the meetinig to `; discuss( the
matterof accomodatior and at
Eruee Go -• int
tz ,. y
Spector is to: be invited' to at-
tend the June meeting.
The highlight of the Lucknow
District High School's social
tivities took place on . Friday
night with the crowning of the
School' 'King and Queen ' at the
Spring. Forinal.
It was 'the first time the . stu
dents have chosen a "Xing and
first to wear the crown was
Fraser Ashton Seated' 'to the
right' is the "Queen," Miss Barb-
ra Murray. '
Standing, left' t'o right are Floyd
Stanley;, Marion Reavie, last
year's Queen; Joanne Hunter,
the Queen's attendant; and
Sandy MacKeniie. The, boys
were the King's attendants.
' in the' robbery. The thieves ran-
sacked the safe taking only the
cash ;that was available and
leaving cheques behind;.`. Upon-
ponleaving the . building, another
lock w,as placed;, on the rear door•
by the thieves.
It had the appearance of .a
professional job. Theoutside
padlock • could . 'have ,been . re-
placed with : the idea that it
might delay discovery until
Monday .morning., Another •sur-
mise is that the lock. could *have
been placed . there by. a "look.
out", while' the burglary vyas in
progress , to •prevent detection
should police make a nocturnal
inspection of buildings that are
subject to such ,breakins.
Fingerprintexperts from the
Ontario Provincial Police dusted
the "office'' in an ,effort,. to' obtain
evidence" in : thi$' regard.'' Man.
ager ;of :the .Co -Op, is Ross Rob
OF CANCER FUND, '$764.61
As reported last -week, students
of . the Lucknow and District
High School conducted • a . door-.
to=door canvass rn support;.of the •_�.
Canadian Cancer Society:'; Com
plete•and final :returns amount-
ed.to . $764M.: These contribu
tions • were received .in an area.
comprising Kinloss Town- •
ship, the`. Village of Lucknow &
the northern 'part of •West Wa-_
wanosh. ••
,,Brooks,.local an
'tr s-
port : operator; . ° some time ago
entered into a business transac-
tion ' with "Walden .:Bros..to,'take
over their Ripley shipping in
In a few days Mr. arid Mrs.
Brooks 'and' family Will move to'•
Ripley,:.. for : the . time being' at
least, : to direct 'the new enter -
"prise. 'They have three children,.
Janice; Ruth and ,Donald.
Ken Mowbray, who has been
associated 'with. the firm'. of An-
derson Flax Products for several
years, has' taken a position with
Mr: Brooks Viand will• commence
his new duties next week. Keri.`
will be engaiged..locally at the
Brooks. Transport., shippipg cent-
re, which is located in a. portion;
•of the : Community shed,-
.which .
Gordon ; leased from the - town. . .
Gord started the trucking; busi-
ness in 1950 and. was later .as-
sociated. with his' brother Omar,
until •.' 1956 when. Gordon took
the businessover.
A� new.. Public school. area; is
in. the process, of being' establish-
ed in Ashfield Township, , com
prising seven school sections.
They ,are the four ; sections.
which initially favored the area,
Kintail, ''Laurier,. Lochalsh and
Hemlock City:with' a; new school
proposed , in the Hemlock City'
Since their Lothian, Para=.
Mount . and.: S.S. 'No. 10, (Scott's
School,), have favored; joining
the ;group,.. ` making . a seven-
school area,.. '
An official delegation request-
ed Ashfield Council to .pass the
necessary by-law. authorizing
formation of the area. This has
been done; and subject to appro-
val by' the Department of Edu-
cation, the •area• will officially
come into *.ing at the year's!
end ' when Area Board trustees
will be elected.
Atthat time plans will then
ib doubt be _laid. for the con-
struction. of • a new central.
school: .