HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-27, Page 8• N.; ti sad DW: row .. LO No% QNT Q` • WHDNESDA•. •. : 4701„ 1980. OBITUARY�. Miss MAE ROW) ,-Mss Mae Boyd,' `passed away Toronto gat het'"residence `,bn Wednesday, .April 'r2Otl , in her 74th year, She Was :bora° in Ash field Township,; daughter .of the late Mr. "end 'M'rs, /Donald Boyd and early in: life she went ' to 'Toronto' where she was associat ledfor a number of ' years with •..+General :Foods Limited: She was a devout Member of the Presby; :terian Churchand,: also'. a mean - bet' of the Order of the Eastern ;Star. • The. Memorial Service • was. conducted in the Golden Chapel of Chiimes, 22$7 Yorige Street, on Thursday, April 21st, Rev. Dr. Ronald MacLeod; officiated.,. The;pailbearers, were, Mr, Gor ?rdon Boyd,' Mr. Mac Boyd, Mr, .Elliott Carruthers, Mr. Rutledge, mt.- Douglas-= Holmes, • Mr. "Win, lugla ;..'.' She, is survived 'b . two sisters . "Miss Beth Boyd and Miss Lillian • Boyd 'both' of Toronto'' and one brother;,, Mr, Charles Boyd ' of Amberley. She was predeceassed,by three } brothers, A1ex, Grant and Ken- • zeth aril` oney. sister Madge ,(Mrs, I:d Hance) ;• ti Attending : ,the, :funeral" from: a distance' • were, .Charles. ' Boyd, dOn, .Bayd of • A'mberley,, ;Mao &Ton,': Mr, and Mrs. B1- iiiottt • Carruthers .• Of '.•Holyroad,' �enneth,Boyd, Peterborough TMs, Lloyd Hennessey of „ti t tt S, Whin ADDR SED J Y NIOR 'Nonn• The April Meeting 'of the -Col. wanash .: Junior Institute „was held 0n -April 10th; alhe roll Bali *OS m y favourite hobby and was answered' t y ten members. Mrs , Larne Luther gave a .very interesting :tack and demonstra- tion on foam rubber ,and the many things made ;•from it. The joint. ”-meeting with the Junior Farmers was - herd<_ at , the' Parish Hall. a ; Is Your .Subscription , raid BORN RII 11Y,;• At Kincardine' Hospi- tal on Thursday, April 7th, 1960, tq Mr, and Mrs. ,.Gerald Rhody, 1,..» Holyrood,,. a daughters. GGA'YNOR. At Alexandra :Hos- pital; , Goderich, an April,'. 7th,1 1960, •'to Mr; and. Mrs ' Leon Gay- nor, Goderich, .a sow' W�iIBY-�,At W ingham General Hospital' on ,Thursday, April „7th;; 1900,..to M. and ,'Mrs:. Edward. Whitby, '11(ringham,, 'a.. daughter. :.AURINS A t Witigham General Hospital, on, Thursday, •April 7th,. 1960, to ;SVIr. 'and. Mrs:' James" Burns, r, Wingham, a son, Barry Stephen. . C`AIRSH EA• W.I, REVIEWS •YEAR x, Mrs,,' Win. 1ViacIntyre was hos- tess • or the , annual meeting of the,' Kairshea Women's Institute, 'The '4-H. girls who had taken the' winter o project, "Working with • wool" were present and modelled their skirts, Miss Joyce MacKay' , gave the .commentary ori an', exhibit as she had given it at Achievement Day.. Miss, Karen.'. +Carruthers;' president of • thea. Daughters of Kairshea, present- ed' their leaders,. Mrs. Allister Hughes and • Mrs. 'Lloyd Mac - Dougal with, gifts. : , • ;.• Interesting Standing Commit- tee' ommittee' reports of the , years work wore given:. Agric Dore . and Canadian Indust?'ies by Mrs. Lloyd gacDou gal, listed, a de- l-bate; e- rbate, "Resolved that the modern farm woman is, More' helpe' to cher husband -than grandmother was"; two exhibits • put up at the local' Agriciultural Fair;' a ' paper on Gardening; Hints. MO At'.:Wingham General. Bospita ,, on ;Sunday,' ,April 10th, 1960; ' to :Mr.. and Mrs. Fred *Imre, 'Wjngham, a- son. r • E FLAVOUR AND ,COLOUR. • OFA *ITER is NATURE'S SECRET! TARIO ''CREAM PRODUCERS' .MA*KET11NG-, $OARD tl!,iUfsrsN 5L.H aiitA • PRODUCERS. 6 •r �m•ai■■■■■i•■■ai■i■■a■■■■i•■■■u■I■SII■■�I■��I 1• • ah, ■• • .y. • i • a• rev jig, Mrs.' Harry; Laois's , Historical Research and Current . events. .reports was read by Miss Dean MacLeod. ;An interesting' , day was ,spent; as hostess ,at the ,Log Cabin` at the Museum,South ' ainiPton; delegates' had attended` the • ' :Tweedsmuir Workshop at Ripley lasts fall. ' Citizenship and Education by Mrs Gib :Hamilton, ' showed a skit ' .presented .• 'the "arid Class Citizen, a speaker on her work with . Retarded' Childreen;' and Radio and, T.V. Programnie: eval- uation survey conducted" Home Economics : and Health, by' Mrs. ' Frank MacKenzie, list- ed the Extension, service course, ",` Hospitality ` Foods,". ' members 'lad Ytaken part.`, in the Bruce. County ' Sr. „ Women's Institute 1, Leader ship course' on ÷ the ``.Third ;Meal"- four " members • having Presented,. • a- panel discussion' •at ;the • Summary aDay in February; New E Massey -Ferguson .7 -foot, 3 -point. hitch• mounted e., 12 -ft.. `Aitkenehtead ' 2 Pasture Harrow mower SPECIAL . PRICES on present stock: of NEW HOLLAND 'BALERS • ,(regular •$:15:9.0'0) ▪ Massey -Ferguson "35" Diesel .Tractors' (regular $2,850,00,) ▪ Massey -Ferguson "65 'Gas ■ (regular $3,350:00)' 1,5 -Run Seed ; Drille .. . . • (regular $810.00) • i 10 -ft. , New .Idea Fertilizer Spreaders.. . `(regular: $31.5.00) • 95 Bush. New Idea 2 -wheel .Spreaders a' (regular $575.00) ,. i . New 4 -Ply .10 x 28 Tractor Tires ... r �. -- .o. ---- ■ USED MACH 1'.NERY ■ 325,00 • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •1 ■ ■ ■ ■ a. ■ • $1.35..00 T$2','225.00 ▪ $2,650..00 • $675.00., . $245:00 • .:;. $465.00 •• ■ $55.00' i ■ ■ ■ Massey Harris "22.: ....... .$450.00 u• ■ Massey Harris "30" ' .: . •.:• .... .. • $500.00 rl ,Cockshutt "30", 4 Live PTO . • .'. $650.00 , 0 Several Used Spreaders :. • . • • $65.00, and Up. '• ■ Several . Used Chain Saws ;a, .. ' • , • . $ 5 0:00 . and' Up. .■. r Super 6 Push 'off ,Buck Rake .: ...: > $100.00; ■ ' 1' Case .,S„ Tractor. : " :..« ..', .. $350.00• ■' Cockshutt Forage Harvester ` • : ■ is 4 -Four-.Bar New Idea Side Rakes'' ..■ TWO GOOD CARS , . •'. 1958 V-8 Meteor Automatic 1959 @Ford V z8 Sedan r O ■ •.. . • , •.... • . ▪ •• . • „ . • ,4 . Ibtiplemetit • .Stales and Setrtrice • a . Phone 4-'W, Tceswater • 1lrtwr/It,/■�urRIAIRN■■Mno//'N�■Ntr,Ml/TAM/rt��rr�wi■ AC the given.,each, year to'"a Home Economics: stu- dent ,' at the ,Lucknow District High' school; Mirror 'and -blanket ?urchased' for' our: .hospital• room at Wingharn; stackingchairs, purchased for :use at our `meet- rgs. • Mrs. Fred .Gilchrist's ''report on Resolutions 'was read by Mrs. Houston Although Many :resolu-. tions ',were,' passed by , ;branch, district, and area, to have' Day- light Saying •Time abolished, it is ..disappointing to find so many communities 'continue ` with it ;and have "' extended . it ` to : the• longer period,: October` 30th. Members - of Parlliament • are to the 'commended for discussing. this''matter, during their sessions: A Public Relations Repres nt- atiyes repprt by Mrs:- Harvey 'Houston • showed, donations, ..to• worthy' catttses and projects, 'in- cluding scholarships, Red,Cross, Luelmow, , Agriculture • Society, Tely \Milk' Fund, J. ; M. Game Memorial,'. the, branch '.Sunshine Committee :and many others 'to the amount ' of $216:40. •' The Treasurer's. report 'gave a' Val- ance of $76.28 at March.' 30th as: • presented by Mrs.' Currie Colwell; Sec.-Treas. • During the, business period, $10.00 'was. 'voted "to the World Refugee .Fund and a, ' sifnilar' amount to •the • Agriculture Society., "Poeta 'on Finishing'. was the choice for the Leaders Training ' Scheol "for ' the : Sr.1 group. •r" A invitation was received from the Ripley Women's Institute who are this year sponsoring a Daffodil' Tea in aid of the, Can- cer Society; to' the held in the Legion ' Rooms, Tuesday, May 10th, +2.30 p.m. A good atten- dance ' is : urged from all our members for . this 'worthy pro- ject. ; Mrs, ''Lavis, Mrs. HbuStOn, Mrs, MacKenzie were named a conunittee to arrarige the Fail Pair 'listing for our .Institute.. w '1'i'ie roll call was payment of fees. 16 members' and 13 visitors 'a were :present, ' , In the interest of members ■ who are 'employed "Outside the Small ■ i , home, and .mters With , m irnii children t was deeided; to have' I .. 1•w SATURDAY, GI' ANTIC Sdeo Y: 7th:t to SATURDAY, MAY ' 14th V .,COUNT IOME, -REE2;ERS FAMOUS IS . � As Low As: --;.,$229:95' VISCOUNT 1L8 Automatic TWO TEMDefI`.rost REFRIGERATOR VISCOUNT UTOMATIC. ": DRYER ELECTRIC .'A;ND GAS RANGES Two and 'Four Cycle' '1:8" .Power Lawp Mowers As 'Low As. ---' $42:50• 6 VOLT TRACTOR BATTERIES ... $7.95 .. . DUIILOP-RECORD `4 -PLY 'PASSENGER TIRE, $12;95 -. ° •• r '. PRICES TO SUIT YOUR .UR BUDGET one. .1.1141♦ -00 ♦ b•,.•1•411.41•��♦ evening meetings . from May until , , ;September,; ' inclusive,, at '8.30 •:p.m.,- `afternoon meeting a 2 15;{.lunch to be, confined:to one. item. A <cordial invitation is ex- tended . to any lady in the com- munity, ommunity . Who might like . toat- tend the ;meetings Mrs. • Evan Keith will be hostess ,for the May meeting,.' Thursday! May 19th.. Mrs:, Harvey Houston presided for the erection.`:; of officers : and installed, the following Presi, dent, Mrs. Cliff. ,1Ttoulston; •..1st Vice, :Mrs. Parish Moffat; 2nd Vice, Mrs.: , .• Prank ' MacKenzzie;. :Sec.-Treas•, . Mrs:Currie' Colwell; Assist. Sec.,; Mrs. Ira Dickie; • Dis- trict Director, .:Mrs Donald J: MacKinnon; . Alternate 'District; Director, , Mrs.' ''Fred '• Gilchrist; Pianist, Mrs. Virden . Maw{bray; Assistant. Pianist; Mrs. . ,Herb Buckton;. Public.' Relations' Rep., Mrs. Harvey •Houston;' Auditors,: Mrs. Ted : Collyer, Mrs. ' George Lockhart; '' Institute ; Direetors, Mrs: :'Harold : Campbell, : , ' Mrs: Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs.- Evan Keith, Mrs, Dejong; Sunshine Committee, :Mrs.., Roy :Finlayson; Mrs. Alex MacLeod Stas it Committee` :,Conven- era'' Agriculture and Canadian •Industries, Mrs: Lloyd . Macbou gal;` Historical Research and CurrentEvents; Mrs. _._-Ha'rr-y Lavis, Miss Dean ' MacLeod; Home , Economics and' Health, Mrs jim: Burt;' Resolutions, "Mrs. Ted a Collyer; Citizenship,' ; and Education, Mrs. Gib Hamilton. SENSATIONAL ! NEW NI$H • • Dr'ies;in 30 minutes e`5dols, out rale . resists ` blisteirinp a : Hides old surfaces easily peon-vp,with'soapy Water •' ilki04/, radstant':. A. SENSAtIpNA[ MY' .PAINT FROM �enjaimio OW `paints. vt..M.URD!E i AND SON cuona Heavy y Duty , Batte!i.e$ 7.95 « guarantee' .� .. _ • .... 18: Months G . « . + .:. .. 2 Years Guarantee ... . , . ` 48` 1VIontlas Guarantee. (With Exchange) Wheel Alignment, and Ba1anfl Motorcade Dealer ` - . Phone 3, Lucknow