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,gyp , 'DAY, AEEUL 2.7th, 1900
Mr. NelsonWel/ger of,. Wind=
or visited w. ith Mr,, J. R,. Lane
Mr, and, .1V. I S Frank: Maul-
apd .
Mr.. James. Hodge returned
;homeafter visiting with rela-
lives. near Dunnville..
Mrr, Weir Eckenswiller of the
crew of the Soodoe, presently
docked at Collingwood, spent.
the. week end ,here with. Mrs.
Eckenswiller and. the children.:
.Mr. William Wall and Allan
spent , a few daysat the Schu-
macher: home,: con. 10. •
,Misses Ruth and Anntetta For-
ster visited on Friday with their
•grandmother,. Mrs. J: W, Colwell,
• The AYPA " held, a variety
concert at the church. on Thurs-
day, 'evening *,hen%; the following'
program •was given. The •Easter
anthem "Welcome . `Happy Morn-
ing," "This is My Father'.s.
World" .and `SI . must. needs go
home by the way of the Cross"'
Were 'sung' by the 'chur'ch choir,
The Rev, Benson Cox led. ', in
prayer and gave. . a fear fitting
remarks after which • Alex Ike-
4itt, AYPA president' gave the.
welcome. Barry H aldenby :recit-
recited , an. ,Easter .poem and 'Sharon
Dillon gave ;a 'reading on• Easter.
"The ,Sunday :School, pupils sang,
"Jesus:bid"s us shine' and Thank
Him:".. They .were alien joined by
the AYPA members • - singing
their theme song, Donnie Hod-
gins sank "When the Saints come
marching in. Marilyn .Thacker
played a ,nurnber :on cher electric
guitar, Brenda Haldenby • sang,
"Open _ up Your • Heart." A dia-
logue by Barbara,` Norma, David;
and Rae 'Haldenby: A solo by
Mrs. Jack Hewitt. Solo' by Diane
Hewitt. A . dialogue by John and
Donnie' Hodgins,, Pianp solo, 'Ma-
d'onna Graham, • piano' number;
Alex .Hewitt; • A recitation by
Betty Schneller; a duet, ' Brenda
and Heather. Hewitt; Tap dance,
Marilyn Thacker; a solo,. Norma
Haldenby; Dialogue,° Sheila Hal-
denby, Evelyn' Nicholson, 'Diane,
and Alex Hewitt.. Solo, Mrs.
Harold Haldenby. Ra,e Haldenby
expressed thanks to all who
helped: with making the evening
a success and the Doxology and -
Benediction brought the. • pro-
gram to a close after which the
members of the AYPA served
Mrs, Charlie Murray enter-
tained at the •,home of her par-
ents, Mr. ,and Mrs, Lyinan Put -
tan in honour of ::Mrs: Gordon
MacDonald, bride of the, 'week.
• .;Miss .Erlma Jean Percy spent',
a few days with Mr. and Mrs,
B. Alderson at Tharnesford.
The Presbyterian •oung •.Peo
ple • attended a leadership train-.
frig school in ' Goderich •on Sun
day, •
Mrs. Roy Schneller, Margaret,
Jimmy, and Betty motored to
Kitchener. on Sunday where they.
visited with relatives, .Margaret
left from there •on' Monday on
her return trip td: the Ontario
School for the Deaf at. Belleville,.
Mr. and Mrs, •William Iempyn.
returned to' their Clam . Lake
Summer resort ' after spending.
the winter with. relatives at Rod:
ney.,. They ' are making . ready to
build .a new home to replace
the . one. that , was destroyed; by
fire a year . ago. •
Mr, and Mrs.. John A. :Lock.
hart . of Burlington • and Mrs.
Perry. Anderson of Kincardine
Visited, on • Friday with Mi. and
Mrs. James M. Hodgins.
Dt}ri .nig; the: month of May the
Anglican service will be held at
9:30 a.m. with Sunday school
during 'the church hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Halden-
by : returned to Montreal. after
visiting .with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. N. E. Haldenby. and
family; ` Mr.. and Mrs. John Lock-
hart '. of Burlington also visited
at the Haldenby home.
Mr. and Mrd. Currie Colwell,
Bruce and Betty and Mrs.. An-,
netta •.Bushell of Lucknow visit-
ed • Sunday, with• Mrs. J W Col=
well; during the afternoonthey
all ,Went •to call at the home ;of'
:Mr..and';Mrs; John; Moore, Ber-
(To Late For Last Week)
Mr. arid Mrs. Victor Green • of
Corunna; . were a Easter visitors
here. •
Mr. and. Mrs. John Moe.rbeck
and family of Goderich spent
Sunday with 'the Leo ,Moerbeck
family, ' • . •
Mr, Desmond O'Donnell:- Eld-
on Austin, Wilfred Austin; and
Alvin Collinson have all joined
the crew or their bats, for "Me
;sailing season.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Dwyer,
Maureen arid 'Timothy. of Kin
kora visited with Mrs, Dwyer
and the Donald Frayne family
'on Sunday. •. •
Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Doher-
tin of London -were Easter visit-
ors. at the Blaise Martin home.
• Mr. and Mrs.. Gene Frayne,.
Danny, Jimmy Paul and Mari-
anne. spent Easter with relatives
in • Elmira and Lesson.
Miss Florence Laxnbertus, •of
'Hamilton; , Frances Dalton of
Biversdale,; Arnold Marsnian ' 114
Douglas .Frayne of'.London, , Wal-
ter Kelly of London were . other
Easter visitors here:
1VI • and Mrs.': ' Clifton Austin
returned to their home here on
Monday, after spending the win-
-ter months . with their family in
Toronto and Malton ; .• ,
Is. Your Subscription Paid?
ty and two childr"en: of Toronto, I)UNCINNQN '
Jos: Martin of; Hamilton, :There
sa Martin and, :Mr,, and ..Mrs, Pahl
.and Sharon. of • Hamilton, Patri-rl,
• cia Ann Martin and Jimmy Mar -
'Vie: • ,
Mrs. ' MVerle Steigler, Mrs. 'R. J.
Kaake .' and Mrs. Eva Stanley
visited.' with Mr. ,and' Mrs.•'Ezra
Stanley and .family;
Mrs,. Ardill ' Mason visi1ed
Monday. "with her. mother, Mrs.
J. W; Colwell;
' Miss ,Barbara . , Haldenby•: and
Mr. ,Rae • Haldenby entertained
the AYPA: executive . at ' their
'home 'on . Sunday. evening:.:;
Its pages may Carrynews'from,around •
the world but you think of it as your
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Wilson -Drennan Wedding
A pretty: Spring Wedding took
place .Thursday .evening at
Laurel Lee Presbyterian. Church,.
Sarnia; for the double -ring cere-
mony uniting in marriage" Reta
Laura' Ethel, only daughter Of
Mr. and. Mrs;. Mussell Drennan,
Sarnia and Mr. John • Wilson,:.
son of Mr." and ' Mrs. Williams.
Corey, Gravenhurst. . The offi-
ciating . minister'was : Rev. Leslie
Renault.. ••
The,. bride wore a . misty :green
suit, beige pearl accessories and
corsage .ofink .,orchids and Car-
nations. Her bridal n attendant
was. Miss Ann" Huggins .'wearing
a mint .green suit; maatching ac-
cessories' and a ' corsage .of pink
• roses. :Carl Wilson: attended his
brother. Following a reception at
the . bride's • home • the young
couple left iby motor for a Honey•
,•moon,;'iii Northern Ontario. and'
in route visited ...her ' aunt,'•• Mrs.
Len Christilaw, . :Nile . and . • her
..gra ndMriother,: • :Mrs. 'Abner Mor,-,
• ris of Dungannon:" On their" •,re-•
turn, 'they . will reside in Sarnia'
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Wm. J. Knahan
R.R. 2, Lucknovif •
Phone Wingham 717-w-4.