HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-27, Page 143 00 ,A Year In Advance $1,00 Extra To UaA:
APRIiL 27th, 1960
2nd Conces�an Delays Decision
After Lively ��s5ion SS 9Says No
A capacity attendance of, rate-
payers of S.S. No, 7' Kinloss met:
. in the Second Concession' school-.
house on Monday night when '',a•
lively discussion' developed as
to . whether- or not to • join a
school area. ,
An enrollment. of 'between 40
and 45,. students is 'expected at
. the Second. Concession next: year
and ,a teacher' .vacancy will have'.
to be filled' if the. school •is kept
• The . suggestion bad been • ad-
vanced thatthese pupils might
attend Lucisnow, • or,' ' at least
some of _ them, to Tighten the
burden on the teacher at:. S.S.
The Lucknow ',Board ,is faced
with the problem of 'whether
or not to.,fit out an. extra' class-
room and: hire an additional
• teacher. To do so would require
seine assurance', ' that 8S. No. No. •7
:• would become part of the •Luck
rrowi► area,' so 'that, the expense,
entailed in. expanding ,the acco-
modation. would not.. be .a .temp-
orary measure... ,
Members'.., of the . Lucknow,
School Board were preset at
. ;..Monday's •, meeting • to answer
questions • on a •.proposal to forth,
a school" area with Lucknow: The
details of pining the Kinloss
school . area, with prospects, of
a central siool -being built to
the , • north • ,(H•oly,.rood ' having
been- suggested) :'Were .explained
by. Inspector T ; t Waldie:_
Problems of .keeping the Se -
condi. school ' open .were '' discus-
sed, :and there' are those who
strongly favor doing 'so '
And so, with much indecision;
and : 'controversy developing, it
wasdecided to, adjourn the meet-
ing without taking. a vote on
any of .the questions.. Another
meeting • will : be held in ' two
Weeks,. on Monday, '-May 9th. .
S.S., No9; Reject Area
Last Thursday. evening . : a:
meeting ; of the ratepayers, of
School Section number nine
Kinloss (iYfurrayi School) was
heldat the schoolhouse on' the
Second Concession, East;" to dis
cuss,. the' pros: and cons of a pub-.
lic school area, whether it be in
Lucknow, • or Kinloss. A decision
as to "where" was`•not necessary
for:.on the first ballot the•meet-
ing voted 13 ,to 1 against joining
an area. • •
.Considerable .expense. was in-•
volved 'in fixing up this school
a couple ,of years 'ago, and as
well it is felt that road • condi=.
tions` and'' 'snowplowing facilities
are not whatthey: should be to'
provide. satisfactory: 'transporta-'
tion at present. "
So, S,S:: No..9 is, : for the pre-•
sent at, least, almost unanimous
in; continuing;: as 'an-- individual
School' section
" Melvin Morrison • chaired . • the •.
meeting -.'with , Russell ,Gaunt .as
secretary. ' Mr.. 'Waldie,. 'public.
dschoolance: . inspector,, was in atten-,.
Carmen McQuillin' of towns lids
accepted a,;°position as -guard at
the, ..Ontario R'e f o rm a t or y,
Guelph, and will commence . his
duties immediately. Carmen was
formerly employed at Silver-.
Wood Dairies here.•
Mrs.. McQuillin and their five/
children • will move to .Guelph
shortly and their' home in Luck-
now *ih; be . for, sale.
Four.' Boy Scouts, Terry ..
and Tom Rathwell, D'onald'-
Fisher and Tim McNaughton
made an ,overnight hike last'
Tuesday , as •'part .of theirs,
first • class Scouts' ,badge.. • •
The boys hiked to the
Henderson farm on the: 6th '.
concession of Kinloss where
they spent the ,night. • re
turning byfoot.. in the morn-
Others who ni.ade the trip
spent'the night, but are not
•'eligible for any Scout :bad-
ges wer' BillChester, the
two Corrin • dogs, and Jim
McNaughton's' dog.. .
Dan . , ' • .. ,
Rase has competedhis:
course at ' the Ontario. Agricul-
tural College, and has been nano-
ed as ,assistant agricultural re-
presentative in York County
With 'headquarters at' Newmar-
ket. C •
Dannie, as' ' he . is popularly
known here, is the son of Eliza-
beth ' Rose, & the late Dan Rose,
was born and raised :.in this
community and attended high
school here. He is following in•
t footsteps,,of his uncle, Bain
Stewart, . who • was also in the
. agricultural representative ser-
.vice. •
Dan took over his •new duties
the first' of the week. During
'the past 'two years' of his
five-year course he was summer
assistant at the Huron County
°fPice in :Clinton,
Volney C Rae who .is complet=
ing his third terra as a member
of •the. Lucknow' District :High ..
School :staff,: has tendered his
resignation effective; at the end
of .June.
Mr. Rae is the industrial arts
instructor' for -Grades 9 to 12,
the 'boys' physical 'training' in-
structor and also ,teaches' book-
ookkeeping in Grade :12 and ,busi-
ness practise in Grade 9
our -dear -Old as Struck
ly Car, Has Both Legs Broken
John Button son of Mr, and. embankment The 'occupants
'Mrs, Ernest (Freck) Bu=tton of were little more than, shaken 'up,
tows/ had• :his' two broken legs.,: and damage to the car appearedo
be comparatively minor: •
Mrs. Button heard the .screech
•of .brakes and got to the door in
time ' to see the ' car going into
the • ditch and 'Jimmy running to
pick .up his little ibrother. She.
reached them, j by the time Jim—
•my got to their driveway with
John in his arms. Jim. Wilson.
the • north of the Village where Who happened along, drove
Ludgar°d. St: '(Silverwoods) joins them to the Doctor's office, and
after emergency treatment John
was taken .by ambulance • •to"
Yu K
s� Winghairi Hos rtal,
h' brother r J' age 9 Besides the double •f
� ..> �'•t�>=z�>.:� Y� g. cactuses
John received lacerations and
abrasions,. and has suffered ser-
iously' from shock.
personage in • the entertainment ed to go Home; which.' is just
field, has lined • up 'several . stop- across . the:. highway n
g y and. up the ;
ranking acts,,for a floor: show in hill from the bridge: GLASSES ROLLING IN
m b dge' Jimmy had
set in • Wingham Hospital on
Tuesday. 'morning. John was four
• years old a, few days agog and
suffered' ' the • fractures when
struck by a car. Both legs were
broken above the knees._, •
The mishap . occurred about
'mid-afternoon on, Saturday at a.
•point on. `the Holyrood road at
the., county road. "
Johnny 'as many 'call 'him
but. the; lad prefers .John .7-7 win
withhis ro, eimm
and a . couple of other lads who
.fh. thek' t• th
Ludgard St.. bridge. John .,want -
• Billy O'Connor, a well.known
were is ing in cree a el
the.. Lucknow Arena on Tuesday,
May 24th. "Bubbling Billy," as
he is named ` will. emcee the.
show, and' his • band will play for,
the` dance to follow.... •
This double -bill attraction is
sponsored by ;. ,the Lions Club
with ' proceeds earmarked to
launch the.artificial „ice fund:• .`
Frank MacKenzie, Harold
Campbell and Currie, Colwell of
the "Rapid:. City" school, : 2nd
concession of 'Kinloss, met with
the'. Lucknow Public .School
Board last week in regard to
the ,possibility .:of`,' the Kinloss
school. coming to • Lucknow when
room is available;
Of the.
three rural'; schools
presently attending Lucknow,
two: have voted to withdraw,
Grey Ox and Paramount, Grey:
Ox has voted to .join the pro-
osed Hol:Y rood area; and Para-
mount, the proposed . Hemlock
City area.
However, . schools, if
they are !built, will. not be ready
for 'thhe : Fall: of 1960 and • it is
presumed''that ..the two 'sections
will requestto stay 'in Lucknow
until the Fall of 1961: '
• This will not solve the prob-
lem: for Rapid City.' They are
looking ;for a school for the Fall
of 1960. With an enrollment of
45 pupils forseen 'for • next tern/.;
it may be difficult to secure a
teacher• for their • ole -room
school,: .
•A. • .proposal .made to the
Lucknow . board wasthat they
accept., a portion of the Rapid
City: students this year and then
all the students :the following
year when Paramount and Grey
Ox will be Moving, out. Rapid
City felt ,t hat'.. with xa slightly
smaller enrollment at • their
hionie school they would, stand
a' 'Much better chance of secur-
ing a, .teacher.
him by the hand' when ' he .pulled
away from him and• ran a ros
the road. Jimmy
called a warn
.of ,an approaching; car, and i
*hat .then. exactly : happened can
only be surmised.:
• Frank • 'Johnston and Mrs..
Johnston of: Con: 10, .Kinloss' were
corning into town. He.. swerved`
,sharply to' the left, in an :attempt
;to clear John, but'. caught. him
.with the. 'right:. corner• of the
front bumper. The impact .broke'
both 'the child's; legs, but he was
knocked clear- and not run:'over.
The Johnston '.car went down,
the_embankment,__nosp first. on
the left side ..of .the road, just"
south of where Ludgard . Street
•joins, .:the .county road.; The car
..didn't turn•.over••but 'ended. up.'
almost perpendicular ,with the
Here's just , :one of 'the Perfor-
mers in a star. -studded. cast/. that
*ill stage a floor -show 'show here on •
.Tuesday, May 24th Joe Murphy
�s •,an sages a very funny act
You'll • be hearing, more about
these stars each week: •
• Duncan • Campbell, : Kinloss
TownshipFarmer,. and a : mein-
ber of the Ripley Junior
ers, `has, been awarded a° Travel
Scholarship that will entitle him
'to ,a.. trip .to, Alberta. in June.
Each yea r the Ontario Junior'
Farmers and the, Alberta, Young
Farmersjointly sponsor the
scholarship. It sends . one • man
and. one woman on • the trip.
Chosen • to accompany Duncan
is Edna •Strong of. Peel County
and vice president .of, the Onta-
rio Junior Farmers.
. The ' two young people, will
fly from, Molten on the 6th of
June returning ..by air .:on the
20th of June. `While in Alberta.
they. Will. attend lie week-long
• he : Alberta
.convention of
Young Farmers and, then tour'
Agricultural points. of interest
in ' the' province, The. scholarship
t -nates
'ales b
Ontario every other year. Next
year Alberta will send two ' of
their members to Ontario.
Duncan . is a 'past• president of
'the Bruce County '.Junior Far-
mers; and of the' Ripley Junior
Farmers. He ' attended Lucknow
High School., He is' presently a
director of. the Ontario Junior:
The cam i
• p • gn ;t o collect ; eye.
glasses, no longer used,: is "tell
underway in the community.
under. Lions Club:sponsorship.
As a' result of last'week's,,item. in
The :.Sentinel , more than' sixty
pairs .'have beenreceived here,
not ' to. mention., several sets ' of
lenses. ',and ' : frames:, All ,areval
able • and . acceptable •
• These glasses are destined for
India-. a ,million pair ,are. want-
ed. •.There : eye troubles are "ram
'pant, .; such as ' glaucoma which
ends--iiv blindness,and the iglas--
ses which we.: discard will give
;.improved vision 'to many in 'that
You 'may leave your' eontribu
tion, 'at your community rural
store or at Montgomery Motors
or The Sentinel '•Office:
The campaign will continue un-
til the end of •,June which tenni- ,
nates the tions Club: year.
At ' a' joint meeting in . • the I" OPENS WELDING ' AND
Lucknow" Town Hall :last • Wed- .REPAIR .. SHOP HERE
nesday, 'Lucknow. and Dungan- •
non .Calf. Clulbs were reorganized. • «;Carl 'Wlitcroft of St Thomas
The,.Lucknow Club is
•sponsored 'opened . ; a Welding .and gen-
by the Lucknow Agricultural ' has eralrepairs shop in •Zucknow.
He is :located in the former' Bob
Armstrong garage on: Inglis 'St.,
just north • of Robertson's .seed:
Gleaning- plant'
Agricultural R e resentative, Don•'
p Mr. Whitcroft�has had 16 years
.Grieves; was present and ,gave' of experience in this line :of
:I. •p •
a• talk•'on the rules' and •regula-, work and .'hasportable -':e� ui'-
tions pertaining to 4-I . u, s. -"equip
of mezZt.' for' service. calls.
Officers the• Lucknow Club
are: • president, Gary; Rintotl;
Society and . • the Dungannon
Club . by the Agricul-•
tural Society • • •
The Huron • County assistant
vice-pres., `Terry Wilson; secre-
tary, ..Jo Anne Alton;press re-
porter, , Marj orie Alton:.
There was an attendance of
fourteen members . Who signed
for membership in the Club, as
follows: Leroy -•. and ,Gary' Rin
toul, 'Bryan; and . Gary Garnrnie,
Jo Anne and • Marjorie Alton,
Kenneth, ' .Taylor,, Wayne Todd,
Ronnie Austin, Ross ..Hamilton;.
Terry Wilson, $arry Menary,.
Doug` ;Dickie• and Ken Kirkland:
The leaders of , the club 'are:
Fred McQuillin, Andre*, Gaunt,
Tomdd.. ore Kennedy.
To and Ge g eon y
The members received .. the
books to complete this project,
It was .decided to hold the regiig,
lar meetings on the fourth ,Mon-
day 'of each month
Record .Membership
Leaders of the Dungannon
441 . Club are, Chester ,Finnigan
and John Clark;. who are ; Com-
mencing 'their 9th .tesla in : this
There were .:twenty members
at the Dungannon meeting and
this Club will have a member-
ship of between 20 and 25, which
will set an enrollment record.
' Officers of ' the ' Dungannon
Club, which' will meet the third
Wednesday of the _ month are
pres., Jamieson Ribey; vide-
pres., Leroy Sowerby; : secretary,
Bob McNeil; press reporter, Bet-
ty Srriytli.:•
Students of, the . Lucknow.
trict High School Willconduct
a'door to -door blitz canvass ` ori
Friday' :of 'this week in aid of
the:. Canadian Cancer Society..
The territory ' they. `will cover
is Lucknovt, ,Kinloss • and the
northern part of: West Wawa- •
nosh. Township. Have your ;porch
or ,yardlights on, if it is after..
dark' when these young folk call'
on their humanitarian mission:
Lucknow ;is .in the Wingham
'Area under the general chair
manship ' of : DeWitt. Miller: Ash-
field and the southern portion
of West'''Wawanosh' is . in the
Goderich area, • under the chair-
manship . of Ernie Crawford.
' Dungannon United'Church
Young People have •done a good
job in their area, and students
have met withgood success in
various, `sections of the Wingham
The •. Lucknow district canvass
on Friday will complete thejob.
The students are being organiz-'`
ed 'by" Principal;, P. W. Mag.
They Will have canvass kits in-
cluding an official receipt, book
and informative.' ' literature re-
garding cancer, ' itsearly signs',
treatment and. research being •
,' carried, of. 'in ,search for a, cure: '