HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-20, Page 15•
' /
1980. •T� •
cxNo�, oNtrARto
ed on that of 'the other teachers
with •an additional 'responsibil-
ity ,allowance. of .$150,, per 'room
above the salary of ighest
paid teacher. All teacher pre-
sently are in category
Teachers" Request
The teachers' in . 'making their
request for the salary schedule;
asked . 'that 'the increase this
year besides the :•$100 offered be
•an, additional $200 to adjust
their salaries •to . a more satis
factory level. The. principal's.
raise would • amount 'to $600 on
the proposed.. schedule:.
Each of . the ` teachers . spoke
briefly and outlined basic facts
which they: felt indicated that
their present salary range . was
inadequate. Mrs. Lloyd Hall
asked the board why the incre-
*Ment had been 'dropped to $100
this year as • compared ' to the
$200 that 'had ' been . received the
previous, four. years. The reason
had not . been 'stated. • in the
board's ' request . for signed con-
tracts. •
• Mrs.. Jessie Allin, ''chairman of
the 'Public School Board, 'addres-
sed the meeting :and said'. that it
had been the understanding of'Ic>< 't . h' 'I
y , sc• oo s as examples. She
the board that theywould hear I drew attention to teacher ad
(Continued from.. Page 1) r
• .e qnests.
of the teachers at this
meeting. ' .When reminded from
the chair .that (Mrs. Hall's . ques-
tion, had not been answered the
chairman said ,that in previous
years' minutes, .neo definite com
,mittm.ent had .ever been made in
regard to salaries. She said that•
current news indicated outs and
declines :in business all over.• who' graduated at the 'same. time
vertiserents, which invariably
have a mil -aril= Of .;no less, than
$2,800 and an annual increment
of no, less. than $200. She .quoted.
examples of rural schools. 'around
Lucknow who have offered their
teachers $200 and $300 incre-
ments ; without ,being . asked. She
quotedan example of . a teacher
It. was indicated by the sec-
retary of :the board that grants
to . the Lucknow Public.. School.
for, next year : will be higher..•
This was answered following. . a
query from the, 'teachers.
as she, has the same '• qualifica-
tions . and 'who' next year will be
earning $900 more than she bas-
ed on the offer' thatu the board
had. made...
• All the teachers, said that they
Miss Ruby ' Webb .,said that• felt .the schedule proposed was.
,early in the year the Bruce area a Most reasonable one.. •
had held meetings with' regard Miss. Helen Thompson refer
to salary schedules and' that two red to a • remark by the board at
representatives . • were . present ,'last, ,year's salary•meeting;to the
from Lucknow. The proposed effect, "Does this thing '•.go on,.
schedule for. this group seemed every year?" She 'said' that if a
high for. Lucknow, she said so salary; schedule was • introduced
it• was decided to wait; and hope it would be the solution to 'the.
:that the board would be fair yearly ' problem. She quoted ' a.
and give an adequate' increment. recent article in the 'press stat-
Mrs., Don 'Thompson;: using ing that one board had felt that
examples of close -by rural. and it' •was .beneath' _its dignity- to
constantly bebargaining ithurban . school salaries, compared
them with Ludknow. She stated; the teachers. Miss ° Thomipsori
that , in fairness to the board stated that as professional pec-
;they had not used high-payin " ple, it` was 'also 'beneath the dig-.
8 nity, of; the ' teachers. to ; be' Con-,
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stantly `begging." ''She. :quoted a'
noted 'neutral educationalist who
,recently said, "salary, schedules.
/are not a perfect instrument' but:
they. solve more 'problem's, than.
they '.create"
*Mrs; Lorne Johnston read an
article. to ..the • meeting on . the
advantages of . salary schedules
to. the board and ‘teachers.'
fin 'concluding • the •. remarks,
:Stuart' Collyer. pointed= out • that
the :request Made .by the teaci-
ers is about the same amount of
money that the board will'save
next year by Baying kindergart-
en revert : to half days. • It is• • ex-
_petted :that at' the kindeng'arten
enrollment ;:next.. year will snot.
warrant a., full time :teacher as',
is the case this . year. Mrd: Col
lyer said :that: the •salary negoti
ation's• are ,just. as. distasteful 'to,
the : teachers as' they are to oth-.
ers. :. • •
Rev.. Jennings, a member*of
the board, ,' . questioned- ' • if.' • the
board could leigally . committ a'
schedule on boards of future
years.. He . was. assured that .•.this :I
could' be done.
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This meeting was ' solely • 'a
"teachers - ,Meeting" With' the
Public `School Board making lit
tle or., no ' comment They ad-
journed and `brought back the
following decision..
"Due toy the . "fact we ate . -re--
present,ing_..Lthew Lucknow—.-rate=,.
payers; ,much time and thought
.has .been spent on this salary
situation.. The , contracts were
mailed Mardi' 2nd with a letter
enclosed• with each contract,
stating the.. Board's final ' offer,
which ::still rexn,ains unchanged.
This' is the••Yunanimous''decision
°of the .board."
Referred •To Federation • .
Since, this, _Meeting ''the : sta
has referred . the , matter . to : the
Teachers' 'Federation' and noti
_fied_- the --School Board to .that
Mr. and. Mrs.- Donald "Smith... of .
St. Catharines' and Mr.• and6.Mrs.
Douglas ' Smith • '' arid 'Chris of
Kitchener spent' the Easter- holi-,
days with their parents; .'Mr. ; and
• Mrs. Jim Smith of . Holyrood
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