HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-20, Page 6PAGE SIX. TUE ch' . QW'. SENTINEL, . LticIONOW: QN'irA..Rlo n it\Shadow , Carrying a bone in'iis mouth,, a dog crossed a river ona narrow.• bridge,. He saw hisown image.. ' reflected in the water and; decided that it,wasAnother dog with a . bone larger than his,. "Consumed • with envy, he opened his mouth <to grabathe'other bon& and lost hie owner 11_ The man who hasa planned Life of Canada insurance i rogratni. need envy no one. For no one can better face the future: than the man who, through the medium of life insurance, -has provided for:his retirement years or, if he should not survive,• for his '' family'sfuture; security: .Life if+turanee my projesoion and j am of your aerrarce • why not .eau me,today: York mill• be under; no obltggtiori: SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA;• LUCKNOy0. inahan Phone Wirigham. 217--w n.` uLrioss 0.1RNERS Frank. Green t'o be a ..patient in , Frank .Green ,spen.,.m t Some e time in the city... . 1Vtr. William Wall, Kinlough; and'' Mr. 'Allan ;Wall, Fare spend,: ing .some time with Mr. .and, Mrs. Jahn Schumacher.' On . April 12th the • lolyrood ",Supper 77"'. held their.meetin:g at the home of 1Vlisses. E1da Wand. Beverley Wall. with ;6 'girls ` pre• ' sent. The meeting. Was opened in. the. ''usual way.. Mrs, '.R. Ackert dictated.' • notes on fruit. Mrs. Frank Thompson, demonstrated �$ 4 laked 'apples ' d k ,apricot; fluff. Marion ' fxreen and -.Tune Ackert made °biscuits. iGorabelle Thomp-, ;son , thanked the hostesses.: The. next ' meeting will be. held 'Tues- day afternoon at the% home of Miss Elaine Meyer. • x-iavf 'vou ltenc ;need lou, bub: 'scriptiont • Western I3ospital,' Toronto. Mr. The :`community extends syr,- ath` to Mr.'. ''.and ':Mrs: John. P y { Schurnachet and o•ther,, rWelailti' vaem s li the passing of:Mrs. .' Wall' . of Kinlough; who passed:. away Monda ' sn: Wini ham ;Gen y g eral • Hospital Prior to her::Ibeing hospitalized,,' she had- ,had- ','been,.' loa ingly cared; for;at the Schurnach- er home B.elati� 'es from a • dxs tante` who , were here .'attending: the funeral and who visited 'at: s the' Schumacher • home were. Mrs. EthelyRunchey; .Toronto, ,ir,:and, Mrs, 'Don .Robertson and 'family; Georgetown,' 1Vfr. `'and :Mrs. 'Chf, .`ford ' Lloyd,' Mrs` Gerald Opera. :and Mr. Clifford T. Lloyd, all 'of 'Tonawanda, NAY., '.Mr. Viand Mrs. Arthur •Haldenby, Torofttn; .Mr. and " Mrs: William ' Lloyd, " Lon- don .and Mr. and' lifts. Norman- Schiestel,.Listowel. • We, are sorry to, report Mrs. • r and Spice' t!I► ti. ' T. Smiley Next weiek. his .been. . desig'natr. ed as Austerity Week.: 411, across the• Country, people are suppos- ed to practise a• week of austeri- ty, Purpd'se- of ,..the Y Stunt is -' to focus attention •on• thd .pKT. devils rotting/in refugee camps. in Eu rope, the, Middle East and Asia.. Tor , them, - every week. is A.uste city Week. . It's a noble. ' idea, and 1 hope; it works. But 1[ fear the •only people who will observe'' •it `are • those who are already . concern- ed enough about World Refugee Year.. to do• something; about it. They will'' give up desserts, or do without : coffee for a week. The rest of ' us will pay • no more atteintion.• to' Austerity, Weer than we would to National ,Dry Clean, ing • Week. , Sad fact is is, that the''great maL. joarity of Canadians are not only spoiled but ' selfish most of us know nothing about austerity beyond • the bare meaning of the word: And; most of us: don't •care, as long as nothing comes along to trim any of the 'fat off;. our own 'juicy .slice 6f :the good things of this world. . Now if a.. refugee tried.' to tell me that, I'd get sone. With some indignation,' I'd tell him ..=.that'. we're always sending .money to' missions and•, the Colombo :Plan acrd "overseas; relief; and we;:'give $2. a year : to the Red Cross, and we buyraffle.: tickets . on 'all. sorts. of, worthy causes, and if he does n't like it Where, . why . doesnt : he •go: back where he .carne from. .But coming .:from nie, • I :can't find ' any answer: Except to tell• myself, that atheart-We're goner ous;•' decent people, \ And it`s just thoughtlessness '.' and it's ` only. :Human• . nature and it's ,:a short life and we only g gg�� -,through• the. ou ..o c ; and 'v�fh` . shld u t we .enjoy:it and "how 'come. those ,burns got into' :those • refugee oanfps:in : the first place and why don't' 'those Europeans who are always starting wars anyway, look after 'them? There's' ` ..nothing • mysterious •about the , reluctance of Canadi' Ons to think abqut•the refugees of the 'world: • The only refugees your family 1• y • • °ORE'S he fire retardant paint with true decorative beauty •• Successfully,delays the spread of fire' Lovely flat' finish- -- •completely washable, • Applies Iy brush, roller or.spray Passes Underwriter's Laboratories tests•. Benjamin oorep.. w NESD,Ax, APRIL 20th, 1960 ■■ .X111.uiiu*. / , rI■r■■■■aUuiuu11ig/, ■IUAA■a.1R1* i DUcERs III ■ �, ■ In 1956 the Canadian consuntption •• ■; .of butter was , „,., , Rte... _ .. 325,755,000 pounds N Bypounds 1959 the Canadian consumpti7n303 b+ • a ■ - -w .-• A77 AAA:. This is a- DECREASE o f q7+ fQ ■ In • 1950 the sales ,of print; utter, ■ direct to• Retail outlets by :the ■ Kincardine' Creamery. was ■, By 1959• the sales of print butter ■ direct to Retail outlets by the Kincardine Creamery was' is ■ surplus at the Tax Payers expense. • • ▪ Help • ▪ any. ■ us'� to merchandise.youx_ products by supplying ; ' ■ us with sufficientmilkto meet . the ever increasing. ' i ▪ demand for our fresh '.made butter.. By helping us ■ . you will be helping yourself, INCARDINECREA r 1 s a 1 1 s 405,000 pounds 1,312,000 pounds •; ■ `. This'Is an INCREASE of. 224%• • . You can rest assured when you . ship your milk . to • the Kincardine Creamery that your • Milk • products will, not. be sold to the Government 'contributing to Bruce County's Pioneer -Milk ;Plant i PHONE . COLLECT . Day 176, Night 562 • ■ KINCARDINE : �'• ■ ■ . r.• ■ ! uualuui.■umu!UlI■■ ex i of whom ewe ve - had any .p , er epee are those who flee to Florida each ' winter, and no pangs of pity' are felt for them. • usrli' uussiaiauuuumui,easas After •' all, we `didn't create 'the: ref 'ugee problem; We . didn't .chrase. any, Poles, : or• Greeks,--. or Arabs or:.Koreans : off ..their•ro pert P, p y and into . camps. The Bad.Guys did that. Why should, Canadians contribute toward .'getting these people out ofthe camps, ,,and back into civilization?' V . The'answer • is that we "should n't, •'unless, we believe thatold chestnut "about all . Men ,•'being. brother s• If we 'do,' it's a130 time we started. thi'owing: , our ,brothersliferings- instead' of life- savers,..peppermint flavor. Cana- da's contribution to• the world refugee problem, at .present is. about ''four cents` per capita: 'Nor- way's is:60 .cents' per capita Itty Blameful to : realize. that the ' liquor' consumed • 'in, • this country on. any; given Saturday.: night probably costs:: twice as much' as the contribution softhe' country,' for a'' year, to''the world refugee ' problem; . that an: aver- age Canadiail fanuly eats • more :meat in a week' than: most •.mates of refugee camps see, in •a. • year..• It's• painful to recall . the bil lions we've spent on defense since World ' War II. Personally;. I : think Switzerland could-' tick us' with one hand behind her back. .And' 'those billions ',could have :conquered the 'refugee Pro- , blem entir,.ely,; if..'we'd ..had the courage: and ,the Christianity to' use .thein : there ''in•• the .beginning, .. It'sT too ,:late for that, - :riot.: hat; :riot. too. late:' to ':take , our."fair' share •• of ' the load, • and more. What !better . time than Auste'r'ity Week? .Ten - cents from ,every, Canadian, duping' . the week, Would, 'not exactly .wreak Havoc with .bur. economy .or our crea . ture " comforts. It's a :cup ..of. cof- fee, a few . cigarettes,,: a glass of beer. But what a •dine.. splash, it would Make . if we threw it .into ':the 'World "Refugee:. Year fund: If there isn't a • branch of .the` organization near you, sendyour' dirries to me., If. I. ;get. enough. '9f .. them, ther'e'li be• one more refu•• gee, but he won't, ,be. in a .Damp,. always Wanted. f9.•g9 back and look' up that, 'blonde Ukraine ian ,girl I :was: refugeeing down a ',German road with,just about 15years ago. But I've never; 'been 'able; to raise the are. • • Mrs MMcDerinott looked. out. of the .'window; as the ~ family. was. going in to. dinner, aril wailed; '..Sandy, here comes corn-- piny. om-puny. I bet they haven't eaten. yet. •Sandy, `equal to the • emergen cy, ordered,' "Quick! Everybody out on the '• porch=with a .tooth. pick." gnews' usiness •39` GENERAL INtURANCE �ncy HOWARD AGNEW Residence 138 IV.IJ�^IV•/cLMN�LMi..,.' .. J INrNNN Caviller, cIntosh & War ' CHARTEt2ED • ACCOUNTANTS....., Bell `Teleplone' Building . WA LKERTOPh 'KENNEDY $.Ed.,, B:A., ,c 4,. -Resident Mintage • Telephones: Business '63 3 Residence' •