HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-20, Page 5'WEDNESD'AY, :0134 2Q01 1960.
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Mr: and, Mrs;11an McCauly
of Ripley visite Friday with.
Mr., and Mrs, Frank Ritchie. 1VIr,
and. Mrs.: Frank .Plaskette; Strat-
ford, visited on Saturday at the
same home with !1VIrs; 'Mary Mc-
Cauly. ,•
Mr, and Mrs. ,D, • A; Hackett
visited • Sunday' 'ww;th. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard 'Walker.' : . ' •
' Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dickson of
Port Albert visited Saturday
night, with Mr, and Mrs: Charlie.
Anderson.. • y • . .
Congratulations are extended
to :Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilkins.
on they birth of ,a son.
Mr. :and '. Mrs. ' Eldon Ritchie •
and boys and.'IMr: and Mrs. Will,
Ritchie visited °.'recently with.
Mr. and •Mrs. Less 'Ritchie. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and
girls: 'of London, .spent the .'Week
end with • Mr., :arid •Ars, . George
We are sorry to. hear .Chuck
1cDonagh met with .an. accident
and is In London Hospital.•
Church will be :at 1:45 and.
°Sunday .School" wil1•:follow at 3
Harold Gardner' ;;of Hamilton
• visited Sunday'with frie'nds'' in.
the community;'
Mr. and; Mrs:' Gordon, StobO. of
Teeswater,, visited;with Mr. arid
Mics:, 'Gord'on Kirkland on .Sun-.
'The Easter Thank ffering Of
the W.ivLS,, of : the' United Church.
was held at the ,home. of 'Mrs.
We.. I. (Miller ::on Thursday with
12 ladies present and with the
• president, . Mrs. B iF: Green
charge. The k impressive iwol~shlp
service consisted of the Easter
story from ;the`, scriptures read
by;:.Mrs._T. J., Todd,._•.Mrs- :..:.W `I..
Miller and Mrs.. G...`MacPherson,
interspersed with ', appropriate.
Easter hymns: Mrs. Charles Ms=
• Donald read r"Calvary ' and Main
Street, ' Mrs F. McQuillan "The
Signs Of. the ,Crc? s"' and ••Mrs.
Green , `'May I. Remember Eas-
'ter and . ".The World Needs
:Easter."` :Mrs.. Simon de Boer
favoured with . a : solo. The; tree -
Surer . reported that $35,00 'had
been sent to the . Presbyterial
Treasurer., The roll ' call. was .re'•-
sponded to , by stating :the num-
ber of, home• �and'.'.liosp'ital' calls
'made during :the 'Month. Mrs..
Green • spoke brief 1'y on .the dis
turbance in ' Africa.;
Mrs •T:. J. Todd presided. The the W.A. ` that followed.. The
theine was ' "Joint' Heirs .:With.
Chirst" and 'Mrs. "W:: A. Miller
read the '.scripture lesson and.
Mrs: John • 'Cameron :' the lesson:
thought. The treasurer. reported•
$47.09 in the treasury.' •It 'Was'
decided to. 'purchase an Easter.
lily. for..the .church, for •Easter.
Sunday.. A . pleasant 'social, liour
fpllowed 'With ' Mrs.. Green • and
Mrs. Allan Miller as hostesses.."
' Miss Beverley. Gaunt • spent the
holiday •week'=end' in New' York
as :.the guest:,of Mi. •arid ''Mrs:
Ward 'Cornell- of L`oridon.
Mr. an'd Mrs. Keri Grewar :and
Nancy and Miss Ruth. Webb of,
Brantford (were holiday 'Visitors
with Mr.. and MVlrs. larvey Webb:
• Miss Donna' Woods: was home.
from'( Kitchener for .a few days
:holiday last week.: '
1VXr; and `Mrs. George Leadbet
ter of Toronto and Mrs. Colin
MacGregor • of :Kintail; also Mr.
and Mrs. James Durnin' of Luck-
now were visitors"on.Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. •George Stuart: •
• Two beautiful ',Easter, lilies, 1
the gift of, 'the , Lucknow Horti-
cultural 'Society,
orti-cultural'Society, the other- of the
Women's'Association added their
silent Message "to the service in
the United Church on Sunday
Morning, 'Rev. I,. F. ,Green gave
.the special • Easter'. ;(message, the
choir. sang: • the .anthem, "He'
Lives" and 1\ and Mrs, E. W:
Ride accompanied .by Mrs. Ches-
ter Taylor
hes-ter`Taylor sang "The Holy City."
Mr, and Mrs, Ray Laidlaw of
Wingham' were Easter visitor's
With Mr,, and Mrs. T: Jy Todd. •
• Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre
°and Donald of Riohmoncl Hill
'Were recent visitors with ,Mr::
and. Mrs,. W. ,L' Miller,' Donald
remained for the vacation,
•arid•. Mrs. Mel " .Brawn .df
Kitchener.. w.ere•'weekend: guests
of ; Mr.. arid -Mrs. L' orn Woods.
'.,Mr. and ,Mrs." Durnir Phillips
of Dungannon and Mr.: and Mrs.
William Jansen ' 'of. Toronto at:-
t-tended the .service .in the United.
Church 'on Su•nday. Morning and:
were greeted by
,Many o1d
• '• Mr a-nd Mrs. -,Gordon '`M.i11er.
and Larry of London. were Eas-
ter , visitors . with .Mr.. and Mrs.
Chester. Taylor,, Larry •remained
• for the peek,: •
Mr: and Mrs.• Leonard '�Cor�bitt.;
of Alliston and Messrs, Richard
and 'Ellwood' Elliott of Hd1yrood•
were Sunday, ,guests. of Mr. and'
Mrs. Allan .Miller.. •
The May meeting . of 'the Wo-
men's Institute will' . be held. in
the; Community ,Hall on Tuesday.,
1Vfay. 3rd• at 2:30 D.S.T. i toll Call;
"An ' item in. the press of work
done in other • branches." Motto,
Why 'find fault. when are
so :many- nice things to: do" . by.
Mrs. V. J.. Todd: Topic, on public 1 '
relations . by .;Mrs; ; E ''Barbour..
Lunch and program committee,
Mrs." ,Peter,, Carnpbell, Mrs. cRoss.
•Gammie. Please note the change
of 'date.-...,
Mrs. . W A:. : Humphrey is' a
paltient:: in the .Wingham'General'
Hospital.'Her Many friends hope
for a speedy', recovery..
M. and Mrs. Victor 'Taylor of
Brucefield, and. • Mr. arid Mrs.
John Gardner. of Zion were're-
cent guests of Mr., and . Mrs.
'Lorne Woods:'
n9: •.
PAGE: r110: ,
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