HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-20, Page 4;PAGE! FOUR THE LUCKNOW SF.,!INEhr, =mow, QorTAR O vowN '"D .Y, .APRIL 20th, 1960. 41 1+' a • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING.RATES irst, Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions,' 11/2c per word, Minimum 40c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events; minimipmx 75c. In Memoriams, minimum $1..00.. 25c extrafor replies- to . The. Sentinel". Billing charge of '10c for each hill rendered, FOR SALE, FOR SALE—.a crib and junior bed, ,both with:'.. springs,, , Mrs, Frank . MacKenzie, R, 5, Luck- now phone 209-r-2. FOR SALE — used .rangette in• excellent condition for .sale' at, special' price. 'Win: Murdie . and WOOD • FOR SALE - about 10 ' cords -of soft, •• dry wood. Archie ,Bonnett, Con. 10, • Kinloss, . R, •1 Holyrood. FOR:SALE- -4 baby cribs, One complete .with • spding. andF • mat- tress;'; 1 baby . stroller; .chrome high -chair. Apply Mrs.: Duncan Farrish, R.R..3 • Lucknow, phone 164=r-8,. Ripley, , ; FOR SALE : Herta barley, plump kernels, stiff :straw, good /for combining;' also choice baled hay, Arnoid. Alton, phone Dun- gannon r IYESTO'C -..ought and sold, all kinds. 'Phone "'41 Lucknow ' or 777.r-1, Dungannon PMR`. SALE—No. 1 Red Clover' seed- and 'tim•othy, Cliff John ston, , R .ft. 3 Holyrood,_. ph one Ripley 24-r-10: BE PREPARED :for..,.the smelt' run, .get your licence, nets & sup-. ,plies now, •also see ,:the .newest" .22' cal:: riflee'on themarket, ; the' Mossberg Model 640K .22 Mag.; num .at Greer TV and Electric'.. FOR SALE—fresh, cement; : ' dis-: count on .quantity or by cash.. Apply: Spence Irwin, Lucknow, phone' 171., FOR 'SALE. 0'0 . labs. ; of nixed grass seed, hay 'pasture, mixture,' will sacrifice, faun . sold, Murray. McDowell, ; R.R, 7 Lucknow, Tel .. '77=r-10. Dungannon. FOR SALE ---a 'number of '` Hol- • stein heifers and cows, fresh and springing. .'Jack MacKenzie; R. .3 Lucknow; phone Dungan- non 65-r=1. Y• FOR SALE WOOD FOR , SALE --good hard • maple. wood, in truck load lots. Bruce MacMillan,, Lucknow. FOR SALE - 1000 bu; .Rodney oats grown in 1958 from regist- ered seed with small percentage �of Herta barley.. $1.15. • Per bp. cleaned. Wm. Rintoul,:• R.R. 2. Lucknow, phone Wingham 717-, W-2. _GIRASS •SEED,. we have a full line . of grass seed in stock and • we ,' are accepting orders for seed grain': We specialize in pas- ture mixtures' tosuit your land: Harvey Hagedorn, Ripley, , phone 161-r-2, 'Ripley. HOME' FREEZERS — :.See the new '`Ensign" Home. 'Freezers : by Admiral now on ' display. We have the 23.1 cubic foot model, all the DeLuxe features, 809 1b. capacity, only .$365.00.. 'Mason's Radio,and ".Electric, ,phone 184, Ripley. RUBBBDR STAMPS. of all/ kinds, made to your specifications,, are available at • The Lucknow Sen- tinel, ,Phone 35. • WOOD FOR.• SALE hard maple and elm slabs, truckload lots of about :4 cords, also sawdust. Spence .Irwin, phone 171 Luck- now, FOR SALE—seeding equipment, including • nearly new Interna- tional , 1.5 -run : seed drill;* Allis. Chalmers W.D. "45"; tractor, 3 years- old. It. T.'. Kilpatrick, R. 7 Lucknow, phone Dungannon. • FOR 'SALE -15 -run - power lift lMassey-Harris drill,.: 3 -furrow McCormick -Deering ;ace Bottom plow; Massey -Harris power Jilt cultivator, • Cockshutt . double disc. All good as new. 'Tom An- derson, . Lucknow, phone 163: COMING .EVENTS CASH BINGO AND • JACKPOT The weekly cash bingo' will be held in the..' Legion Hall, Thum - ,day, • April 21st at 8:45. 12 regular games; 3 share -the wealth games, and jackpot game' 58 numbers for $90.00. CARD PARTY The Ladies' -Auxiliary., • Branch 309 Lucknow;' are holding a 'euchre and shoot' party on Fri- day, April 22nd in .the Legion. Rooms ` at 8:30. Price 50c. Every- one welcome. Came and faring your friends andhelp the ladies to Jmake this a big;, success. Lunch will be served. • RECEPTION FRIDAY A reception in horror of ',Mr, and ' Mrs. Donald • MoCharles, newlyweds,. will be held in the Township hall at Ripley , on Fri- day evening, April 22nd : at 9:30 o'clock. Everybody welcome. • FOR' SALE ; 2 , ,cows, Holstein and Durham, Jersey and Dur- ham, 'will' freshen soon; would' like to -get grass for six .; young cattle. • Jack' England, R.R.6, Lucknow.. SEED ` FOR SALE " - Empire Birdsfo'ot Treefoil Grass Seed 50c lb., mixed seed, Brant' Mbar- ley, :Selkirk spring wheat, ;Garry `Oats " $1.1 ,bushel::. Apply . K. L. MacKenzie, R.R. 3,. Lucknow; phone Ripley 164-r-13. NEW AND USED TV — We re- condition' and guarantee our trade-ins.:' All sizes $50.' and up. Hutchinson Radio and' TV, on Road, , Goderich', phone • JA 4-7831, ELLIOTT'S SEED .MILL Lucknow, Phone 154-J BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE • CLOVER and RSS SEEDS For' Sale:Green Cross WEED and ; BRUSH SPRAYS. • for sale.„ PROMPT DELIVERY ON 'gravel and earth " fill, some' top": soil available, grayel your lane �r driveway now;' cement. gravel; also carpentry and cement work. Contact J. Farrish, phone 286, Lucknow. TIRES! -. TIRES!! All types of tractor tires, sold and 'serviced, lowest .prices,also complete, selection of all types of . tires. ..Bruce • ' 'MacMillan, Lucknow. • Polar Cream Separators, mann- factured in Germany. See the exclusive features on . this reach ine. Highest ,quality and perfor- mance, :lowest price, service on all makes. " . American Sparator Sales, Phone Carlow, 2821, Gode- rich, Ontario. HARBOVRLITE.:INN, Goderich" Friday night Easter Holiday Teen -20 record dance with John- ny Brent of • CKNX. Sold out Saturday night. Make . early •re- servations for the Mother's Day smorgasbord dinner, May 8th .from 4 to 8 p.m FARM FOR SALE -at a bargain price. 100 acres 'of good • land, all workable en Kincardine -Huron boundary. Good . L-shaped bard with water and .newly."wired for hydro, good„8-rdom brick house, drive shed, hen house,- drilled 'well, etc. Mrs. Frank Brown, Holyrood, phone Teeswater 36-r- 21. "Mark : II” Post Hole Diggers lead the way clown. Particulars and prices on request. American Separator Sales, phone Carlow 2821, Goderich. Ontario.. PERSONAL //. WHY FEEL OLD? 'Ostreii Tonic Tablets help thousands of men, women past 40 ' feel younger, Make 3 -day. test. Only 69c At all druggists. . FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, ',repairs :'to - all makes of vacuum cleaners.. Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone' Hensall 696-r-2. SEPTIC ,TANKS Septic Tanks, :cess:. pools, etc., pumped and cleaned ' with ;mod- ern equipment. 'All work' ,guar- anteed. Louis ..Blake, ,.R. 2, Brus- sels, phone ,42-r-6 ,Brussels. Income"`Tax Returns If you are a farmer and have- n't filed 'tax returns, •my : advice to you is—.do so. If, you have filed 'regularly; let. me -check your Capital . Cost:,. Allowance (depreciation schedule). II�'a :J:• .PYM►M.• P.O. Box ?4,'Lucknow; Ort. Public Accountant since 1944 ATTENTION CAR • BUYERS . Our Low Cost Financing and •Insurance ' Plan will : help you make a better deal. BEFORE you. buy, :talk .to us. J A. McDonagh Insurance, • phone 306, Lucknow. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE — E zzee-flow fertilizer ' spreader (10 ft.), Ferguson 2 -furrow trac- tor plough, ' Ferguson manure loader, Ferguson. steel buck rake, 3,point hitch, 8 -plate one- way disc, 3 -point, hitch cultiva- tor •7(8 ,ft), International tandem disc, (26 -plate), Massey Harris manure spreader, 10 x 12 'colony' house, • a quantity. of good clean straw, Bob Campbell, R. '3 Luck-. no, phone 68-10, Bungannon. NEED . MONEY? Unlimited funds available ' on farms, homes,: motels, stores, etc: Fast service anywhere. No re- tainer. fees. DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave., Toronto:' ME 3-2353 TEACHER WANTED Protestant Teacher Wanted—for term from September 1960. to June 1961. State salary expected. Applications to. 'be received by NOTICES' Mr, . A. N. Atkinson,D.C.,. and. • Mrs,, Atkinson, ' Diagonal Road}'. Wurgham, Ontario (formerly of Goderich. and Mitchell) will be May 1st, 1980, Robert Scott, Sec,, at' home to their friends and ae- R.R. 7 Lucknow, Ontario, quaintanceS, on Wednesdays gyp;, ril?7th, both afternoon and ev; ening on . the , occasion of ' their 50th wedding Qualified' • Protestant teacher required for SS. 1 (Port Albert) Ashfield 'Township' School Area, Dutites to comm;1671i'nlaSt;kriPte:w• - bei. Apply. at oB. T. %1- rick,Secretary,t of S•S, . •No, 9 Kinloss will be held in , the school: • house on Thursda evening, `April 21st at The West Wawanosh Township {{' y School Area Board requiries • a ii ,b8'30 p -m• Mr,.. Keith . Walde will Protestant ` school teacher for r . _ present for the discussion of S.S. No.. 12 ' Fordyce. This is a forming a school area. good, up" to date •school with By Order of the"School 'Board • hydro - and , furnace. , . Duties to Russel Gaunt, Secretary, ' ommence September 8th,• 1960.. , Having been advised that 1960 Apply stating qualifications, ex- is. Seed Drill ; Survey year in perience and sale ex ected .toCounty. would like to r'Y P Bruce I lc ein hands of . the secretaryby acquaint farmers, that 1 will bepritl 30th;' 196.0. W. A. Stewart, calling for samples of cereal Sec.-Treas., Dungannon, Ont. grain • anuzing'. g operations:andsall • Let us try to s11,wseeds a. marked improvement in the . quality of seed sown. Stanley Thompson, Bruce County . Weed Inspector: RATEPAYERS,' MEETING. A meeting of . the Ratepayers WATERLOO CATTLE'' BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE Farmer .owned and controlled Call us " between, 7:30 and: 10:00" a.m. week days and • 6:00 and. 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings at Clinton ,Zenith 9-5650 or Collect Kincardine 460 DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows & Horses also Dead Cows s and Horses at Cash' Value • Old horses, 4c per pound • GORDON TAYLOR, • Phone 44-r-24, Lueknow MR, 2 Lucknow. 24-hour service. WANTED CARETAKER WAN'TE'D at once for A s hf "i e l d. Presbyterian Church, • Replies to be in • by. Tuesday, April 26th. Alvin Robb, Secretary of Board, • R.R.,, 3, Lucknow: ; • Come and see the New Rol- land , Massey -,Ferguson.' , balers and theconversion kit to. coin plete the. baler to be used for AUCTION SALE - baling of grain ON APRIL 22nd. AUCTION SALE Learn how this: method •will save ,Clearin Auction. Sale of time and labour "'and' not MI. crease your cost'of . this machine, choice implements; hay; grain and .real estate: will be held for'Presently hundreds of • farmers William Johnston,` .12th conces-: now . using their balers for baling. Ashfield Townshi . gram, are very' happy and sat ' isfied with this method: msionile west of H:ighlway 21,: Thugsone'- 'George 'Wraith, > Montreal St,, Goderich, phone :Jackson 4-9934 (shop) or, phone Jackson' 4-7002 (house): day, April 21st at 1:30. See .bills. for. "list' and; terms . and real es- tate consisting of 90 acres with large barn, 'frame house, draiv mg shed, _ garage, hydro and •.good water- supply. ' William Johnston, prop., Donald B. •auc. AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of farm.:, stock,modern implements;: grain and some household, ef- fects at the farm of ' Murray' Mc- Dowell, : N.H. Lot'7, Con. 8, Ash- field,' (the former ' Cecil, John- ston farm) on Tuesday, April 26th at 1:30. • See bilis for list; and. terms. No reserve as farm is sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auc: AUCTION " SERVICE Allan MacIntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, Phone 281 CUSTOM' BUTCHERING • Beef and pork sold • in any quantity. Custom, ,butchering in Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through ''Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET REFILL '?ROBLEMS • SOLVED Micropoint ball point pen re- fills solve that ` "does . it, . 'fit". problem ' ;for all pens. They ' fit paper -mate, eversharp, scripto, Waterman, sheaffer, : wearever •and 183 other popular makes, See . for yourself, unconditionally guaranteed, 49c at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, . Lucknow: APPLICATIONS Township of. Kinloss APPLICATIONS • will .be receiv ,ed by • the .undersigned up to 2 p.m., ` May' 2nd, 1960; for the • ,position, of caretaker of the Township Hall,:, Holyrood. Duties to commence May 3rd, 1960. For information, re above, consult xne, or any member of the Coun- cif.: ' • .1. R. LANE, Clerk, Kinloss Township, R. `.2 ~Holy rood: .AUTOMOTIVE Glass=Steering-;Body Repairs Lubrication, etc., For. Quality" Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE• Phone 320: Goderich No. 8 Highway FOR RENT GRASS • FOR RENT—have grass for 30 head of cattle, •running' water, shade, good fences. Apply, not later than •April. 27th. Albert Cook; R. • 3 Lucknow. 'FOR RENT ON SHARES 00 or 75 acres of workable ,land, _Owner/ wants 1/4 : silage.' Apply 'Jack. McGuire, R 6 Lucknow,: phone :Re .`167-r-30 Ripley. FOR RENT---150-acre grass farm for 'season, running water, good fencing; will take 'in:. some cattle:' by: the head for season; furnace for.. ' sale 'With 'Stoker, in good: shape. , Thomas Austin; R.R..3, ,Holyrood, phone : Lucknow .101 24 HOUSE ' FOR RENT --on : High• Way :. 86, 2 :miles east, of Lucknow, ,3 -piece bath, hot' and cold rung /tint water; furnace, cupboards. Apply to •Robert Purvis, R.R, 2 Lucknow, phone, 210-r-21. ELECTRICAL • - , repair 'work,' radios, ' toasters, • irons, electric fences,.: anything in' the electrical line, 'prompt • service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, 'phone; 84, Lucknow. ' " .''WEEK -END SPECIALS at • J:ohflst�'n .a ... Mar e. e . POT ROAST, .ib.. . . FRESH GROUND BEEF, Ib PORK LIVER SLICED, ib. . BLUE BONNETT MARGARINE, ,. aquees bag ..... ... 2 for 65c CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR SATISFACTION Phone 4.1' ,,,.39e 39c 29c •