HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-20, Page 24 A.
THE wornow srxrum, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .
°.'WEDNESD. AY, 4i414111.4;20th, '1980
1=1„ft.,I) SATURDAY
macooNALD mecvuRE:
On Saturday, ,16th„ 1960,
.at 2 o'clock in 14.cluibig
byterian Church, a very pretty
wedding was soleinnizect .when•
hirley Mae McClure, :niece of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist, was
united in marriage to Gorden
Wanes MacDonald 'eldest 'son
of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Mae-
• Donald, Kinloss, , The :marriage
was 'performed' by Rev. Wallace
„,•IficClean of .ElmVale, formerly
of Lucknow. . •
' • • The setting was amid a bask-
et of white mwns and carnations
and Easter lilies: The pews were
'Marked „with White satin ribbon
• and,..little 'spring flowers.'•Mrs.
Denelda -Scott played traditional
wedding music and accOmPanied.
,Miis Anne Crawford who sang
•Prior. to the cerempny and dur-
the signing of the 'register,
• "Perfect Love" and "Oh Promise
• .Me." •:•• " ,
• The bride was given in mar-
riage by her uncle and wore a
floor length -gown • of nylonlacel
net and satin in 'a bouffant skirt
,. with 'tiny ridflet . of embroidered
satin strapless:bod-
'ice'. featured a. lace jacket with
long ,liiY Paint sleeves and a tiny
• peterpan • collar priliariced with
seed pearls. '• Her' •'Elliabethan.
halo • was. '• jewel 'studded and
• !Aught up •w.bOrderedi.piire silk
illusion finger ' tip • veil edged
, with i,heirjribin Iace. • She carried
White Bible crested With-sWeet-:'
?mart ,rotes,: and lice. With rose-'
, ;bUdaitiedon White' satin stream -
The maid of Jionour, . Miss
‘140.i-,,Ducchire. of Paisley and
the bridesinaids, ;Mrs: :;Robett
•Gi101iriis'".0f;Utcltn'aii#.::'mwtt ;Mrs,:
• tended; the bride. were.
•• •dreeSed identically in gowns 'gownS -01
pink „and , -"green flocked ',nylon
over taffetir..:WithAiffeta-aastiesi
tied in the back • and failing to
the hemline. -' Th� . .headdresses
were ibalOti,,,cif 'nYleri.s4rid'itaffeta
• fastened, with reSetteaand. flo-
wers.and Matching taffeta 'glo,
yes. .',,They:.carried'-'nOsegays ' of
arid white t.iarnations•-•and
The flower Deberah,
• , ' Young,- Kitchener, niece of the
groom, was dressed in pink: the•
same as .the' Maid of 'honour.' She
, carried .a ,basket of sweetheart
roses and white • MuMs. blister
Laurence McClure, Paisley, bro-
ther of the bride, was :lint bear-
er, carrying, 'the two rings on a
white satin'. Cushion. :
Mr: Mac MacDonald. brother
.d• of the."-grOorri was best man.
'Ushers were Clare: Bushell and
Bert Thompson, brothers-in-law
• of the. groom.
The reception followed
Lucknow.LegiOn Hall with about
-65- guests present. • •
The - bride's aunt received,,
wearing' a sapphire bine brocaded
taffeta, dress trimmed with .pink
satin and her accessories were
• pink and white with A corsage
of pink carnations. The grOpire,s
mother assisted 'wearing a tur-
quoise two piecesui,twith white
accessories and cordage. of „white
carnations.. For their trip to the
United States the bride :donned
•a French blue brocaded sheath
with. matching :jacket, a ' White,
nylon shortie' oat and ;White
accessories.- Her corsage was
pink carnations. • •
Upon, their' return the coi4ple,
will reside' on .the groom's farm;
12th of Kinloss townshiP..
• 104031/0.
The . Sunday
Schoolvill„ re,e,penibr the sum -
Mer -MOnths /On §undayt May 1st
at 1:30 ,,p,m,'The ^Anglican Sun-
day School will also begin May
.ist withr Junior Congregation,
. Mr. and Mrs', ,Winhirn, E. nal-.
cleali5r a4,14' Mr. -.,441 Beekind
.spent , Easter at Georgetown with
IVIr; anci ,Mri. Norman 'Fry ..arid
• ,' '
. Mrs. Delbert Hedley entertain-
ed friends on Saturday evening
at' her homein., honour a Mrs.
Deuglas. lialderrhy.; The living -
room was decorated with pink
and white' streamers and wed-
ding bells. Mrs: Ross Irwin was
thairlady for enjoyable pre-
gramme. Commurutysinging,
contests, Miss ,Norma Haldenby,
Delbert Hedley, Miss -Elea-
nor Carter,,, Readings, Miss May
Boyle„, .Miss Donna Halden.by,
Little Cathy & Beverley :Hedley
brought iii, a p1 tic. clothes, bas-
ket. filled with gifts. Miss Betty
Haldenby assisted in 'opening
the'l,gifts-& -Miss Norma Halden-
'by- read the accompaning verses.
The ;bride thanked the ladies
for, their kindness to her and in-
• vited them to visit she and Doug
in their new' home.
Mr. Joe Wall of LucknOw visi-
ted • with 'his siker Mrs. Archie
.McFarlan•and Spence. ' • • •
Mr. Walter Nicholson spent Sa
'few days' With, -Mr. •: and, ,,Mrs.
Bert, Nifihelson and family.• -,
Mrs. Diller); .(Sr.) went to To-
ronto to visit . with Members, of,
her' farriily. ••.1.
Mrs. William Bushell return-
ed to Lucknow after. Visiting
with • her sister; Mrs. J. W. Col-
J'ames.. Hodge spent Easter
with friends at Dunville.
MrS. Gertrude • Walsh'
,SCott • were ' dinner, • guests. on
Easter with Mr "and Mrs. Miller
liartWick 'and. Wayne,' Kincar-
dine..• •
' Corintlia MacDonald' of
KincrdIne is • Spending, awhile
with her sister-iiirlaW Mrs" :Wm
erty ,,', • ; . , .• •
Mr irid Mts Perry BUShell
and.faanily of l'orontO spent, over
Easter. week -end With Mrs: Iohn
Bushell. •'-' . • • •
Mr!and Mrs. J. W. La Plain
from LaCanada; California, visi-
ted . with Mr.. and Mrs. :James : M.
Hodgins. • •.- • •
Mr. and 1VIrs..- Roy Webiter,
Wayne and Brian of London, Mr.
•and Mrs.: Ardel Mason of Huron
visited Sunday with Mrs. J. W.
Colwell. •' • •
4th Bride On Farm
• • Congratulations 'to. Mr., and
1VIrs:• Gordon MacDonald who
were married on Saturday. last
at .I:ducicribw..Mrs. MacDonald .is
the fourth' • bride to begin her
married life on • ,the Eureka
• Farm, Con. 12, .; .,•• '
• Mrs. John Emerson the former
Minnie Nixon of Ashfreld came
to the same farm as a bride in
1923 and Mrs. Wesley-Bbyle the
ipposixi moNs ArrEND
PEArowna. ANikavignitity
Lucknow District Lions i1,
was' well represented at Seaforth
last Wednesday' eveiiinefor the
;35th anniversary dinner ef, the
Seaforth club, One Of the char-
ter members Whci' was present,
and honored was Mr.' BiSsennet,
te,father of Dr,. peter.. BissOn-
nette. Ripley,- • •
Among thbse present from. the
Lucknow Club, were • 1Vlr. and
Mrs. !Cecil Blake, Mr. and Mrs..„
' Rae Watson, Mr, and Mrs, Ken-
neth Murdie" Mr and Mrs Har-
vey Webster, Mr. , and Mrs.
Russell- Button, Mr: and Mrs.
Lloyd Ashton,Mr. and •Mrs,
Peter Bissonntte. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Thciinpsori, Douglas Har -
ton. • • . • ,
• Chief speaker. was ' Finis E.
Davis of Louisville, Kentucky,
• first vice-president of • Lions
• International: 'Another special
guest was District. Governor
• Harold Forster' of Barrie, • .
. .
The Dungannon Young Peo-
ples Union met for the Sunrise
Service Easter , Sunday, Morning
at 'Glenns Hill with the pastor
ReV,. T.NRicharcls and twenty-five
anembers. ,,Though the weather
was inestly dull that clay. the sun
did shine a 'little at times:- After
the, early Service. ,at .5 am., the
, . •
group gathered at, .the :church
basement for, breakfast.: ,•
• Rev. T. • RiChards conducted a
Good . Friday • service „at. 11 a.m.
at• " the. Dgannon United
Church. • •
DaYlight Saving Time .hicrin: be
effective, here', April 24th to Oc-
30th.' Setting the clocks
ahead an hour'. with ,every one
• tieing so should save any blund-
ers.misunderstandings. • • 0,
We were...verysorry to ,hear
'of the sudden illness of Mrs. M
'Dignin, Junior Rbom Teacher, at
the . Dungannbn.; Public wSchool,.
• last eek.. She underwent a sur-,
gical. operation on Wednesday at
Goderich Hospital. Her many
friendi ,wish ,for her a speedy
recovery. Mrs. Walter Tigert„
Port Albert, has consented to fill
'the vacancy at the school during
Mrs. Durnin's convalescence,.
• Mr. arid Mrs. Elmer Phillips
of Harriston, .are, visiting Mr. 8c
Mrs. Hugh .Menary.
Mr. and -Mrs. Chris Cook on
Sunday • visited Mr.. and Mrs.
Will Cook at Chesley. •
Mr. and Mrs. Sain Swan, Rip-
ley spent'a few days with: Mrs.
.Robert Bere and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Culbert. ' • •
• Visitors' for Good. Friday with,
Mr. and Mrs.. Herb Finnigan
were Mr. and 1V1rs. W. J.: Mc-
• Clure and Bruce and Ricky .of
Elmira. • •
,'Mr. and .. Mrs. Norman Kerr
former Sarah. Neil of Lucan 'and family of Newton were re -
went there • a bride. in 1898. Mrs; cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Pollock was the first Jerry Cranston. • '
Miss' 'Margaret, schlieller • of • an Easter, visitor with Dr. II. A.
BelIeville is vacationing at her uaS.'rVryc".kFe'so,ngig. ra• Yokes and
home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy
schneller went to Kitchener for •Mr. and Mrs. Do.n: Williamson,
„Margaret. • TOrnmy, Teddy, Timmy 'and Ter,
Mr. and Mrs, Douglas 1-ialden.. 'ri :Lynn, London; spent Easter
week -end with Mr.• and Mrs.
Cecil Culbert also visiting. this
Week is Mrs. K. E. Wood,. Laura
Lee and Dale of London. '
• , Miss Patricia Ami Eedy is
,seriding. a few 'days this week
with her ,'friend, -.Miss Marie
Brooks, •Lucknow. ••
Mr., and Mrs.' Bertram Curran
and family of London were Ea-
ster visitors with their parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Herb- Curran and
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Irvin.
Mr. arid Mrs: Charles Xing &
family •of IN'aterdown visited
God& Friday with his -brother,
Mr, Fred Xing, Mrs. ,King and
pin:• •
Master. /Billy Anderson of
Goderieh has been visiting his
cousirt,, Robert Sherwood.
A , nurnber • of Dungannon
Chtirch ladies attended the Eas-
ter Thankoffering meeting at
Hacketts church being -guests 'of
• the Vit,IVIS, and . net 'with other
neighboring Aiixiliaties,' Re*. H.
bride in 1890.• • s' • Mr. Joe Wong* of Toronto was
• y returned from their honey-,
moon trip to Ohio •,
Mr's. Ethel Bunchy of Toronto
was here attending the funeral
of her sister, Mrs. William Wall.
Little Tammy, Hodgins spent
the week -end with her • un-
cle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs,. Elms
near Ainberley,
The A.Y.P.A. Variety Concert
will be held on Thursday even-
' • ing, Everyone is, cordially inVit-
. •Lovely weather contributed
to large congregation's 'in local
• • churches, with • fitting
• timelvsermons, and Easter fin-
ery featuring the day, which
brought many families together
for the first time :since the
• Christmas season. • ,
On Good Friday morning a
•community service was held iri
St. Peter's ehurch when ',Rev.
H. L. 'Jennings gave 'the address
on Jesus' last words, •on the'
Cross. Ite was. assisted , in,' the
service by Rev, aordon'•Geiger
ed. ,• • •
Miss Jane Warwood of Toron-
to' visited with her cousin. Sheila
•Haldenby ` and-, Laura Breckles
Mr. And Mrs. 'Jack Hewitt
were in Toronto during the week
where Mrs. Hewitt attended the
O.E.A. Convention. • • ' •
and Re''. G. W. Kaiser.
At the service in the tinted
Church on Sunday it 'was sin-
riounced that , a Sunday School
attendance that day of •183, set
• an all-tirne record,
Jennings and Mrs, Jennings,
PAelEr4owi ,were PreSent.and Rev.
Jennings .gave a • .Very„ interest-
ing talk on his experienees as an
Anglican missionary in the far,
north at Athabaska 'just ,belOw.
the Arctic, using a map of the
North West Territories for iUu
trations going into the undevel-
oped parts :there in 1936. Very
nice souvenirs of fancy niocas-
sins made 'iby the Indians were
'displayed. Other' interesting
sical numbers were contributed
during the afternoon - program.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and
Steven, Toronto, spent Easter
• week -end with' Mrs, Esther. ,
vett arid other relatives.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Herb' Finnigan for Easter were
Miss Margaret Joy Durnin,
Bill ,Atkinson, Toronto find. Mr.
J. C. Durnin, Kitchener.;
Miss Lois Webster, ••• teacher at
Scarborb , is • visiting', at home
with her Parents; Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Webster. •
'Mrs. Nellie 'Stewart. and 'sister,
Torn • Edmunds received sad
,news last Week -end stating the
death of -.their niece's husband,
Mr. Norinan McCullough, Kit-
chener, • who. passed away sud-
denly by ..••.a heart, attack. The
• funeral:was being held on,
The -
day ": Of this week..The ladies
regret, his, 'death very Much as
'they .had enjoyed his visits,. here:
and Mr Ivan flendersen.
arid tWo little sons, -Toronte, visi-
ted Mr. ' and Mrs. Victor Erring,'
. Miss '•Jeariette Mole ..erriployed
'at ;POrt glen has been visiting
her parents,Mr, and Mrs., Ben
Mole • ••
•The local L.(5.L., No. 324 . held
successful "euchre" at the hall
on ' April llth with nine .tables
engaged .with • Players. • Prize
winners Were. ladies, Mrs. Har-
old Maze, and Miss. Elmira
ton and en; Morris,. Ivers',. and
Arthur Young./ • • •
Mr. and Mrs Harold Errington
• and „family visited •Mrs. WiUian
Haney, '' Wirigham last Sunday
,Mr.:' Barney Benninger. is vsit-
rejativesin Detroit and"
birban places. •• , : •
Miss 'Kathleen' MeDiarmid, To-
ronto, visited her parents, Mr.*
and :Mrs. Dave McDiarrni4: for
.,,Easter. • . .
mum= KAREss. cum
HE; 'PEPKR,..yiirtErtism
The,.„thiriii meeting of the
• irairshea Kitchen "Kapers was
held at the' Sixth School on sat.,
urday everting witheleven mem-
!tiers. present. ,The meeting open.
ed "with the 44-1 Pledge Notes ,
were* taken from the blackboard
for our record, books. The. Roll •
call was answered by "a supper
menu` planned at home." The
Honie Assignment was serve a
citrus fruit and prepare apples
and record 'in record book. Mari-
lyn' Macintyre and Karen tar-
ruthers made biscuits and Grace.-
•IVIacDougall took a casserole
dish. At the close • ofthe meet-
ing these were served 'with hot
chocolate. The' next meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs,
Donald MacIntyre on :Saturday,
April 23rd, at 2 p.m.
• . ,
At the annual Meeting of the
Royal Arch Masons of. Canada in
the 'Province of ' Ontario, held in
the` Royal York Hotel in Toron-:
to, April 11, 12, 13, •Kenneth
Cameron • was appointed as a
Grand. Steward of. Grand 01ap-
ter. James Boyle completed his
tern' as Grand Superintendent
• of HurOri district No. 6. Robert
Simpson, • First .PrinciPai of
LureknOw. Chapter was also in
attendance.. ,
• BORN •
WILKINS • In the Wirigham
General • Hospital On . Sunday,
• April -17th, '1960 tb Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie •••Wilkins, A.R. 3, Luck -
now, a :son, 'John Matthew, :a
brother . for ; Barbara, Billy and
Larry. :
• •
*lacKINNION' tO Mr. and Mrs.
William \• MacKinnon • (Mary
JOhnston) in, Searbora General
Hospital On Saturday, April 2nd,
, . .
. ,
•MoLLENNAN ' At Kincardine
1-lospitel,on 'Thursday, April. 7th,
1960; to Mr. • and Mrs. 'Rayne
• McLennan; R.R. 3, Goderieh, a
SOIL' • • • • •
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