HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-20, Page 1400 A Year In Advance $1.00 Extra To U,S,A.
)ou:- Clam
ears Service
Sgt.: T. D. (Doug) Clark of
.Regina is retiring from. the
Royal Canadian Mounted. Police
after twenty years' service. He
commenced his retirement leave
on Tuesday of this week..Doug.
.will remain in Regina and is
• joining Investors ' Syndicate of
Canada Limited, as a' sales re
Only son of the late Mr.: and
Mrs. Temple: Clark, Doug was
born and educated .in Lucknow.;.
He attended. Stratford Normal,
where -his ..hockey ability won
' him a place .on, the -Stratford
Midgets Junior team..He: taught.
school for three years at : Powas
san. ; and played : a intermediate
hockey. in :. the north. '
In„ 1940 he joined the R.0 M.P,,
•and in 1941 enlisted with the
R.C.M'.P. Provost Co. and• went'
overseas' the same 'year, serving
. in . • the: United Kingdom and,
Mediterranean "theatres for four.
years.` Returning to Canada in
December' 1945, Doug' Married
Isobel • Hamiilton,•• daughter , of
• Mr. and .Mrs; Alex. Hamilton •of
Lucknoiw:' .
Upon' his discharge •to' the
army he returned to • the R.C-
M.P. and for; the next • seven
• years was stationed,with various
'detachments ;'in' Saskatchewan
and Manitoba:,
In. .1953 Doug . was transferred
to—Ottawa- to-- the Security and
Intelligence Branch, and. in 1956•
was :posted , •to'/', the R.C.M.P.
Training ' Depot in : Regina as an
. instructor in academic' subjects.
He was':promoted:too the rank of
sergeant that saine year.
., ggy mint
Mes.;Clark .have three
it r 'A•nn' 1 ' I'o 1
. children,. en,' e�,, 3r • in
ricia 6.
etres After 20
Three adjacent farms ''south of
'the 9th Concession in the "Ma-
feking" district in• : Ashfield
Township, have been bought by
Herb 'Wildgen of. the ,Chatham;
district. •
Mr. Wildgen has -bought R. T.
(Dick) • •Kilpatrick's 'two farms,
and the Murray McDowell farm,
which is the former .Cecil John-
ston farm.
The Kilpatrick home.farm'
been in the family since taken
up : from •, the Crown' by Dick's,
grandfather, Joseph Kilpatrick,
and later• operated by his father
the late. Samuel Kilpatrick. The
other farm owned by Mr.
atrick is the former Flak
A e John Bla• ke
farm .;
;It •is 'three years since the. Mc-
Dowell's came to Ashfield, and
• had not considered selling, un-
til Mr. Wildgen became interest-
ed inthis entire block of farms.
Mr. and Mrs.' Wildgen have a
mily of three sons and. five
daughters, :,the oldest being 12
years. Six of the : children will
attend school' inthe fall.
The Wgild efain will not
move here until after: the • close
of school. They willreside in the
home ,on the McDowell farm,
and • will obtain occupancy' 'of
• the residence on July' lst. Mr.
and . ' Mrs. McDowell: : have a
/ daughter, Heather, age :6. Mr.
McDowell 'is holding a sale next
Tuesday. •
The Kilpatrick`• family retain
the use of their home. until 'Sep-
tember lst, and Dick also has
reserved ' the grass.
Mr. Kilpatrick has accepted
an office position with the
, Builders'. Supply Company of
Wingham , and commenced.: his
duties on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Killiatrick have
a'a family '' of three children,
bouglas 19;',Karen 14, a Grade
,9. student t' Lucknow District
11411 School and Grant, age 10.
lack 'Hussey of -town received.
.an electric .shock on 'Tuesday, of
last weekwhich could have ,had
fatal .results. •
Jack has ' been • convalescing
from an . operation he under-,
went five: weeks ago, and --to.
"keep busy". he did some fixing
on their electric clones dryer.
The; job completed Jack turned
on the power again ' at the base-
ment panel. Upon returning up-
stairs, he found he . had to
. ad
just, a.•e t doln8 � this.
suffered a severe shock; He
couldn't free himself, and, cal-
led .to 'Mrs. Hussey for help.
Realizing that he was lapsing
into unconsciousness Jack kicked
himselffree of the Machine, and
in. doing so suffered'. a gashed
arm which ..required 8 stitches.
He felt the 'effects of the 'jolt:
for; some time. Jack was 'able: to
return to•work 'this week at the
Beatty Ladder:, Factory •for 'the
first time since before he , un-
derwent surgery.
What shape up like the
greatestarray of TV stars ever
to appear on a local, stage,' has
been booked for Tuesday, May
24th in the Lucknow Arena; •
Billy` ,'O'Connor will, ,emcee
the stage. show which will f ea=
ture such well known TV per-
sonalities as The Skyliners,
Patti Lewis,... Tommy Common,
Joe Murphy, Merla.. Lehman and
The ' Twotimers. -
The O'Connor band will pro -
de • music . for the dance, to fol -
The price of
Th the. whole. even-
ing is .$1.00 ' and ''advance 'sale
tickets will be available in a
few days,` `Entire •:proceeds of
the big event will go' ' for the
artificial ice . project. sponsored
by the Lucknow.' and District
Lions Club. '
Mrs, A. E.. McKim,: her daugh-
ter, Mrs., Mary Graham of ' Tor-
onto and Miss : Frances Arm-
strong, daughter • of • Mr. and
Mrs. F. T. Armstrong of ' Gode-
:rich left ';on Friday by jet plane
for London airport. . From there
they went. to Paris,' : France on
the 'first part of a European tour
that will take : them to the 'Rivie-
ra,. Rome, ' Florence, Venice,
Switzerland, ' Germany, before
returning: to the British '.,Isles for
a tour of England and Scotland.
In Switzerland, Mrs. MeKim
will be particularly . interested
in a visitto the Guide World
Centre at Adeboden. In London
they will make their headquar-
ters, at • The Guide Cluwb. ' They
twillvisit at •Yarm, Yorks, Eng-
land', Mrs'. William.
land,with Mr. and M a
13radbit °'` ;
The LucknowDistrict High
School Board,' has received the
resignation of Warren' received
effective, at the, end of the .term.
Mr. Brown has been on ,the staff
for. :• two years,, 'he and Mrs:
Brown •having 'come here' from
London. •
,Mr. • Brown : has .accepted ' a
position on the staff, ,of Strat-
ford Collegiate.
Miss Armstrongwill`. return in,.
a ,month. and. Mrs::' McKim; • and
Mary about June 10th.
Jack Trask` of, the •local office.
staff 'Of Silverwood Dairies Li=
mated has 'received 'a transfer to.
the audit staff working ' out of
London. This appointment be-
effective.. the first of this
week.: Mr, and Mrs Trask and
three children, Patrick, . Michael
and Stephen will reside. in :Chat, -
ham . and, will move the first ;of,
Succeeding'' Jack here • is Frank.
Hawthorne • of 'Kitchener .:who.
has been here since. mid • March
Mr. • and. Mrs: 'Hawthorne ;and 2
children, 'ages; three and five,
will live in the house ,being va
cate& by'• Trasks.,.
Board R.ejects Salary Sch ed:u.1
Staff defers Matter To Federation,
:At the request of the ° Lucknow
Public • School. ' Teaching Staff,
Board members. 'met .with' them
on ,Wednesday night, to discuss.
salary problems which have ari-
sen at the s'chool,. •
Early in March, the Public
School Board: made; anoffer to
the teachers, of a '4100 increase
.with a $300 increase offered to
the , principal. These , offers are
for the term• comthencing 'Sep-
tember, er,:. 1960. Present salaries
for 'the staff are principal Stuart
Collyer; $4,400,; : teachers,, Miss
Ruby . Webb; $3,700; • Miss: Helen
Thompson, $3,700;; •Mrs. Lorne
Johnston,, $3,400, : Mrs': • Lloyd
,Hall, $3,2Q0 .Mrs,' Norman Tay-
lor, ,$3,200; Mrs.' Don .Thompson,
$3,000. The, teachers' reply was
that •theyhad decided not 'to:ac
. •A M. '4Sand " `Nicholson of y
'Saskatoon 'was recently noimin-
ated as one of three '.CCF candi-
dates •`for r. Saskatoon, • in . the
forthcoming Saskatchewan. pro-
vincial election, which itis ex
pec$ed will be • held in June.
• Sandy 'formerly represented
the • MacKenzie constituency ' in
the. Federal : Government, ; • and
for a : time has been -associated
with the John Howard Society,
an agency ' concerned with pri-
son .reform. ' •
Jacek Sturdy who `gr w. up
south of Lucknow represented
Saskatoon .. in the provincial ,le
islature r since1944, b t . is re
tiring.' Mrs. Sturdy is the former
Edna Agar, .whose home ;gas', also
south of Lucknow :in: the 'Bel-
fast area.
Lucknow and, ' Lions'
Club is . currently • sponsoring a'
collection' of oldeye glasses for
distribution in ` India where,
countless: thousands. arein.. need
of such optical aid.
• This week we .received .a pack-
age from London,; : containing ` 2
or three. pair, ', as well' as some
lenses. The senders were. Mrs:
Rose: 'Knight'. and her .Mother,
Mrs. Joseph.. Whitby, formerly
of Lucknow.'
If you have glasses to add .to
the .. collection, leave :them at
your comiriunity "r'ural'; store, at
Montgomery Motors, The. Luck-.
now.: Sentinel ., or •with any mem-:
ber of the Klub. '
iron .C+ontnuts To .�ucknow;
avor.Area, .Kinlvugh, Whitec
3 r71''1
tlrC`l1 Say
i" � . " s ", •lock City" and: •'•`.Hol .rood'
• The, acture "who goes where date are Holyrood, S.S. Na.. 4, Hem • y •
4th. Concession, SS. No.. 6.
All sections stipulated' a .mini -
'mum • of four. sections 'to make
the : area economically feasible..
P. A. Murray chaired Monday
•.night's meeting at. -the 10th
school. There are at present only
students at this ,school.
Zion Continues To Lucknow
Ratepayers of the Zion area,
SS.,Na Na 5, Ashfield, • met on Fri-
day, and by ;a decisive ex-
pression ''of 29 • to 7, voted by
ballot "to continue to Lucknow
Public School after September,
1961," Two of the 38 ballots
past, were spoiled.
Zion: stridents have been trans-
ported to Lucknow for the past
few terms.
Para*nount and the Fourth
Concession ` sections, who • Are
sending: their children to;Ludt-
now f have voted : to join the
in' rural: school sections in . this
district . is , becoming :more gen-
erally clarified.
On Ttesda of last week rate-
payers Of S.S. No. 6 Kinloss (4th
Concession) voted 14 to 6 in
favor of • joining * the ' proposed
new Kinloss Township Area with
a Central School at. Holyrood,
subject. to a sufficient number of
sections joining. Students from'
this, "Grey- ,Ox" section have•
been' transported : to 7 Lucknow
Public School for • a number of
years. At. present;, wei understand
there are about 14 in the Sec-
tioi attending school.
10th Concession In Favor
On Monday night of this week
ratepayers of SS. No. 3 .Kinloss
(40th Concession) voted 14'to 5
in• favor of joining• the .!.'Holy -
rood" area.• The 10th became the.
fourth section to •favour ` this
Central School. The others' to
6th; Concession, S.S. N -o. ,5 aria
'areas respectively.
The Zion lballot read •"after
September '1961," because in all
three cases, students from these
sections will be dependent on
Lucknow Public School 6lirtil' at.
least September 1961,
Unanimously Against
S.S. No: 10 Kinloss, the White
church section is unanimously
opposed to forming any part of
a Kinloss School 'Area. Located
well to the east of most of the
Kinloss schools, and with a ,well,
equipped school in ,good 'repair,
it was evident that Whitechurch
be interested. This
was implied at a recent meeting
at Holyrood of the trustees of all
school sections in Kinloss:
There wasn't gine' ballot in fa-
vor of joining an area at the
Whitechurch meeting. There
were • 26 against; and one spoiled
(Continued on page' 14)
cept the offer' : in .view of the
fact that• for the, pastlour years,
the, annual increment had been
$200. The board again reviewed
the matter .and' sent a letter to
the st
aff that:' the amount. woulde
remain .unchanged'.:: This - prompt
ed, the.. teachers to request th
board to meet with them last
Wednesday night.
,Stuart Collyer, principal' : of
the school, , acted. 'as . chairman
for the -meeting.. He stated 'that
the teachers regretted the ` cir-
cumstances that prompted the
meeting, but that for• 'the• past
five years it ,had been customary •
to meet 'with the 'teachers to ne-
gotiate salaries. This had not
been done this year.
• Present .Salary .Schedule
The proposal of the teaching
staff Was • a salary schedule
which was explained. • Eby Mrs,
Norman Taylor. .T'he: proposed
salary ,schedule. was a •,three cat=
egory system with provision for
:an. annual . increment. Category'
1, : teacher with interim certifi
• tate, minimum $2,600;, category ..
2, :teacher with permanentcer-
. tificate, minimum _$3204; cate
gory. 3., ' teacher:. with :permanent
certificate n and five.. suinmmer'
courses, minimum, ; $3,600.• The
schedule would have' a -$200 .an-
dual increment until a maxi-
mum of .$5,000 was reached. No
incoming teacher . oult •be .' aid
•a .higher salary than a .member
of ,the°'staff; with. , equal qualifi-
cations' . and experience. • 'The
principal's salary' .would, be bas-
(Continued on; page •15) •
Daylight Saving Time goes'
into effect on Sunday, April•,24.
'Better remember :to ' turn' the
clock on an hour Upon retiring.
Saturday 'night,, or you'll miss
'Church if you : attend. "Fast
time" will continue in effect
until late in October.
The citizens of Lucknow and
district *ill be privileged to see.
and hear one of Canada's most
notes l authorities . on horticul-
ture` this Friday ';night,'. when
Mr. John Clark, former secre-
tary of. the Ontario Horticulture,.
Association will be 'the guest
For over • fifty years Mr:
Clark was the ' ,secretary of the,
Ontario..Horticul ure •Association• •
and as .such he visited a .great.
many ' countries around the
world.' His subject on Friday •ev-
ening will be "Here and There
With a Camera." Mr.. 'Clark .is
an • ..excellent photographer and
will be presenting scenes from
all over the world.
The, local horticulture society
,is to . be commended for giving
'the citizens of the district .an' op
'portunity; to • hear this noted •
man.. The meeting is open to the •
public and there it no admission,
charge. .You will be welcome to
this meeting in 'Carnegie .• .Hall,. ',
Friday, .•April. 22nd at 8:00' p.m.
At the: convocation: of Presby
terian College,•':Montreal,,• to, be'
held on April 26th, • the honorary
degree of Doctor of Divinity 'Will
be conferred on Principal »vie-
ritus P. Scott Mackenzie, a 'nay
five of. Ashfield Township,
Professor .Mackenzie ' has Iwo
brothers and two sisters still re-::
siding in this area, 'Henry Mac-
kenzie of Ashfield, • Roy of Rip-
ley, Mrs. D. A,: MacLean of..
Lochalsh and Mrs. A:. Mar$yii of ` r
l 1p ey.