HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-13, Page 11'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th, •1960 A; M. IARPER. AND COMPANY :Charterer} Accountants West ,Street GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephone. ,JA 4-7562: ' ROY N... BENTLEY 'PUBLIC'. ACCOUNTANT GODERICH,' ONTARIO • • 'Box' 478, Phone JAckson •4-9521 A. R. DU VAL D.0 Sp.C.. • Chiropractor • Physio :and Electro' Therapist. ,. THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE .ELEVEN _.. Wingham . Phone 300 '(Office aocated in former•. CKNX. building' on the:` Main..Street) A E., .I NSV, R NC FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE! AND LIFE . ro 'Protect Your .jack, Insure With -Jack .:'Today. '• J. :McDONA01. - tt.R.' 3;. Lucknow, ant. 'Phone • 61.5, Dungannon••, . GERALD N. . CROOKS DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone 545, •KINCARDINE,. ' ON TARRIO :Office hours:. . Daily Monday to .Saturday, • Wednesday : ani. Evenings • Tuesday, " Thursday, ;"aturday. • McLENNAN : and MacKENZIE ' FUNERAL • SERVICE'• "Services, conducted accord-, ing to your wishes at your Home, your. Church, orat. our Memorial .• Chapel at 'no • additional charge. Phoma 181, Lucknow, • Day or .plight WI NGHAM .MEMORIAL SHOP, We ` have Been Memorial, 'Craftsmen for' Thirty -Seven' Years, • Always;.Using: • • THE BEST' GRANITES. • ' Along With. •'Expert Designing and' ' Workmanship., Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery ,Lettering a Specialty. R. A S POTTO N , 'Phone: 250, ' Wingham,'. Ontario NOTICE TO '.CREDITORS In the Estate of GEQRGE MUN- ROE MaeMILLAN deceased. ALL persons 'having claims against . the Estate of ' George Munroe MacMillan,, late of. the Village of Lucknow, in. the County of Bruce, 'Carpenter; de- ceased, who died on or about; the 20th day ° of February, 1960, are hereby notified -to send to the Undersigned . Solicitor for. the Administrator,, on or before. the 16th day. of April, 1960,. full particulars ".of their ' claims. Im mediately after the. said, ,date,, the assets: 'will . ,be ' distributed amongst the ,parties entitled thereto, • having regard only a to the claims of which, the Admini- strator shall then have notice. DATED 'at Lucknow, Ontario, this 23rd day of (March, 1960.. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ont. .Solicitor for' the Administrator. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork ' •sold : in: .any, ,quantity.. Custom 'butchering in Governmentlicensed abattoir. 'Pigs every 'Tuesday. Beef from Monday' thrd'ugh' Thursday: BUTTON'S: MEAT ' MARKIET REFILL. "ROBLEMS' SOLVED Micropoint ,-ballpoint pen re- fills solve that „ "does; .it • fit", problerh for all 'pens;, They •fit paper -mate,: ,,eversharp, scripto, waterman, sheaffer, wearever and ' 183 • other' ' popular.' makes. See'• for yourself,unconditionally. guaranteed 49c• at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow.' R. S.•HK .. ERINOTON; T H .� Q.C..• Barrister, ,Etc. Wingham . and Cucknow , ;IN LUCKNOW : Each;' Monday-: and Wednesday Located 'in the .Municipal Office 'Phone Wingham ' Office 48 Residence 91 .. .r��N!I�I�N✓1�IVN�Np" 'STATE. FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE .Investigate Before Investing REUBEN, , WILSON • R. 3, 'Goderich Phone 80- r-8 Dungannon,. . : JOHNS TON E.:S :FUNERAL "HOME 'Phone 76 , Day or Night • USE' OF ;FUNERAL HOME • ° 'It NO Extra Cost • ►NOderate Prices Established 1894 IMPERIAL OIL. 'PRODUCTS ; for prompt service, and quality products, contact. 8, :R.' HIsHoL1VI Phone•collect Dungannon 19-r-2. "'Always Look To' tixiperial • For The Best . ..; ,. ',.:.... ALAN:WILLIANIS Optometrist .GENERAL 'GARAGE • ROBERT E. IRVIN 'tri Office:'on, Patrick St., just � off the Main St. in WINGHAM `•• Professional.' ;Eye Examination Optical Services, For appointment,. ' . Please. Phone 770, Wingham • `SANDRE W Barrister. and. Solicitor. LISTO WFL, ONTATIV •.IN, 'LUCKNOW' Every., ; Wednesday and Saturday ' Afternoon Office in the Joynt . Block • Telephone: Office 135. 'Residence 31-J LUCINOW :'DISTRICT`' CO-OPERATIVE INC.. Phone LuckHow 71'.. TED C J L LY:ER Registered. Master 'Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR •:Specializing in, r Electrical. Wiring: and ' Repairs' AGENT FOR SPARTON" TV. and All, Electrical Appliances ''',;Phone 46-r-25, Lucknow .Kenneth J. MacKenzie; Optometrist i,ISTOWEL+ 'ONT. at ..the former Wrona Jewelers ;tore.' Ripley,' 1(1 6.1n, to 9, p.m WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th and every Second W ednesda' Eyes e'xamined' - Glasses f#tte' . la''or. appointment 'phone Ro ; MacKenzie, 664-24, Ripley, x - Agent :for • .g : ' •OLIVER . FARM MACHINERY ;.and complete FIRESTONE. LINE. Phdne Dungannon. .53 •• .OPTOMETRIST . GO:DERICH F • T. Armstrong • Consulting 'Optometrist The Square (Phone . : JAckson :4;1661) 'H'GRNACK"' OIL, , 'STOVE OIL,. KEROSENE, ,, GASOLINE : • See or call WM. A. "BUD". HAMILTON Phone 220-w` Lucknow • District. Agent 'for ''Cities. Service. CONSIGNMENT be held eek: May • at . the LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE BARN HAVE ROOM FOR 400 HEAD Robert McIntosh, Sale .Manager. NOTICES All accounts owing. The Market Store must be .paid by the 23rd. day rof. April, 1960..• The "regular. Health !Clinic. for pre-school children . and 'infants Will be, held :.in the Legion Hall' on,.. Tuesday, ,April 19th, ;from 10:00 •to 11:30 a.,m: , • There: will be a ` vote, of . the ratepayers of Zion School; S..S.• ,No. •5; Ashfield Township, • at the School; on Friday, April 15th from •4 to _6 p.m.: •Ratepayer will be voting on whether to Contin-, .ue , 'attending ' Lucknow Public. School, . after. September,, 1961. One vote `. to each . ratepayer. , William'. Helm," Secretary:, • Having been . advised that 1060' is `Seed •Drill ,.'Survey ' year in Bruce County I, •would• like to acquaint fanners that 'I will- be calling for samples` of . cereal grain and imall seeds.. 'during. seeding operations.. .Let us try 'to ' show a,marked improvement • . in the. quality of, 'seed • sewn.. 'Thompson;; rue County Weed In . pector. A ' meeting , of the R iiatepayers of S.5 No 3' Kinloss, . will be held in ' the School ;on .Monday evening, April 1.8th at 9:00" for the' •,purpose •of. ,discussing the formation, of a school area: By ; Order of the 1Board of Trus- tees, 'Frank Murray, .Secretary. APPLICATIONS. Township 'of Kinloss - APPLICATIONS 'will ' be'receiv ed .by the >.ndersigned • up to 2 p.m,, . May 2nd; 1960, for •• the position of caretaker, the Township Hall, `Holyrood. Duties to commence May, 3rd,: 1960:. For information, re' , above, ',consult 'me, or any member" .of the 'Coun cil. : J. R. LANE, ,,Clerlr, Kinloss ° "township,' R. 2 ' Holy- rood: • PERSONALIZED LABELS ,÷ 300 with .your •name and addres's ' in 'plastic 'dispenser; only $i.;, Don Thompson, Lucknow.; • POR RENT GRASS FARM FOR RENT •— water and shade. Will take cat - Ale tle in by the. month. Apply to Alex Hackett, phone 627 Wing - ham. . . HOUSE' ,FOR 'RENT ' - . roderit conveniences, 4 milesfrom town, available May; 1st. Anderson Flax ;Products (Ltdphone' 21-W . . days =- 21-J evenings. FOR. RENT—.150-acre grassfai m. for 'season, running water,, .good .. fencing; will take : in some. cattle. by the head for .season;•furnace. for • sale . with, stoker, in', good' shape. Thomas Austin,. •R.R., 3,' ,Holyrood; phone Lucknow' 101.-'`; 24.... HOUSE. FOR: ; RENT -on High- way 86, 2- miles east of Lucknowi. • 3-piece.%bath, hot,' and cold run- ning:? water, un-ning?'water, , 'furnace, cupboards. Apply to Robert Luoknow;phone- 210-r-21. ' FOR' •RENT -; 50 -' 75 ''acres .of -workable'. land, or will 'let on shares -• Jack V MtG,tfe; Lucknow, phone .1674-30, 'Rip- ley.. is 'Your. Subscription Pain,?; DEPARTMENT.' APPROVES. ROAD ESTIMATES.. The . Department 'of Highways:. . ,has, approved road':corstruetion. and maintenance 'costs of ' 300 for Bruce: County, its* towns, •villages and ruralmunicipalities and Indian . reserves. ' `:The. ' Department' `suibaidy , in = un1ian centres is 50% . on road' work and, 80%. on bridges: The township .subsidy 'is from: 33. to 80% .onroads and 8.0% o'n brid- ges. .Approved costs : in ; .• Kinloss are $16,000 for :.construction 'arid $23,500. for .maintenance; Luc - naw' .$5;000 for. .construction' and $5,000 ' for maintenance; Hiuron $19,000 for construction,' $37;500 for 'maintenance; aantenarce; Culross.. $24,-; , 000. for construction 'and for maintenance. Farcl�n.Time's Just Aroind: the Corner •'The New by "George ` Garden Tools'". is the last word in Simplicity and ease iD operation.. With full -power, Forward, Neutral and Reverse you can operate into the rernote. .corners 'of your garden, that usually' grow weeds and twitch' grass. Powered . with 3 H.P. Eriggs andStratton ; unit,, ' Rear 'furrower,; • standard equipment.... w Drop in and look it over, if .interested, at. 00c1#011 aOd Son Ltd Phone 78, Lucknow` , "THERE'S A NEW LIFE FEED FOR; EVERY NEED" • r