HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-13, Page 10?r. PAGE' EIGHT THE i+UCKNOW SENTINEL WCi{NOW, ONT41IC • WEDNi DAY, APRIL 13th, .196tk V.M.S.. Entertains Maslen Band. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church .met in :Sunday . School room on. April 4th$►u .y . an attendance, of twen- ty-one rr eMbers arid two visit -- ora; The meeting opened with a hymn followed• -by . prayer 4'41, Stewart. After'responsive ,reading, `Mrs. Morgan Henderson dread a portion' of:. the Easter service. Mrs. ' Mason gave a summary of the. 4th Command- merit. After the • business ses- sion, Miisss, Mary MacLeod gave • t+he..Mission Study on Africa in- eluding a very interesting study of 2.the life of George Washi} g - ton Carver. Mrs. E., V • Mao en- zie , . closed the ' meeiting With Prayer, Afterward : the - Mission teat her' in, a Teachers' Training Band,,.approximately 40 in num-School for Iboys in Africa. There 'her, ; and their mothers were are many - religious groupS at - entertained ,by, the, WIVES. Mrs. tending ` this School.. The main Currie,. olwell, secretary of the oVders being 'Pagina, Moselurns • Children's Work' for the Hamil- and Christians, Cristianity. is .the. • ton Maitland Pie* ytery ad main subject with many hours Thankof feriing United Church W.M.S. The . Afternoon and. Evening Auxiliaries• met jointly for the Easter . Thankof f ering. The meet- ing .was., opened with 'scripture read by Mrs. V.- Hunter, 'follow- ed bythe singing of hymn 85. Mrs. Wilson readthe scripture lesson. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Hoag., Mrs. Earl, White de- dicated .the offering • Hymn' 373. was sung. 1VfrS. Campbell Thompson gave a. reading `•`Fa$ ter, is corning, What does Easter mean to you?" A ,very beautiful duet "Ona 441 Par "Away" Was SUR' Eby. Mrs;' Baynard. Ackert a ¥rs. Morgan Johnston. The guest• speaker, Miss Elizabeth Webb on . furlow from Africa. was introduced by Miss • Helen Thompson Miss Webb is no stranger to the Auxiliary mem- bers as, she has spoken to us on previous., occasions. She is a' better farming methods to the Afriean while moving' pictures are apt to lower the living standards and morals, of . the people. A pleasing solo, '"God's, Surnmerland of Love was rend- ered by Mrs. Gordon Elliott .of Ar iberley - At .the close of the Meeting; a dainty• • lunch was. served by Mrs.; • Omar Brooks, Mrs G Elliott, Mrs N. J. Mac- Kenzie and Mrs. 'M Sproule. South Kinloss W.M.S. Mrs'. William Maclntyre was hostess 'to. South Kinloss W.M.S. in .her home, with Mrs.' Ira Dic kie aid. Mrs., Frank MacKenzie- as. directors. 'Minutes and, com- munications . were read by Mrs.: W. F. MacDonald and Mrs.lioss: MacMillan spoke on bale sup- . plies. Roll call was •respondedi to by a Bible verse with the. word "Salvation" and this theme was carried out in the bible : study in. the form .of .an open ' discussion on Moses Song, Exodus 15, • after thedeliverance of the Israelites at the Red Sea..Mrs, H. Buckton read •a Poem .by, Annie .Johnston. Flint, "At the Place of \the Sea.," The .: 'hapten from : the study . instal.: spent. in prayer . and learning book. on Africa was dealt with dressedthe `children and the 'llibl They are taught all in a most interesting way '�by led; the , officers :for the',coming• ei year. ,Seals and awards for at- subjects including. agriculture Mrs •Dickie, replying in clues.. and physical training. Mrs. Lea tions 'by Mrs. MacKenzie, super pard Ritchie .thanked ,Miss Webb for her inspiring :filin,:F and talk, s fn t'eaelf tendance and study were pre. dented and a, ; shorn programme enjoyed;, `,Elizabeth and :