HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-13, Page 7. WEDNEDAY,WEDNESDAY Ai
13th,, 1960
• Fanners, work ` hard
have in, their , farms!
CIA can ,help . farmers protect that investment against'.
the costs of
Liability to :others
Accident and Sickness
Damage done to and' 'by farm ; machinery "
to build. .up:.. theinvestment
For full • details call .
Whitechurch, Phone Wingham:..5704.3.
Co -Operators Insurance Association_
Kinloss.. Council Minutes' •
Kinloss; Council met in. the
Hall, April 4th,• 1960. as: per ad=
jou,rnsri.e t. All 'members pre -
The minutes of the last regu
•larmeeting of March 7th"'. as
read were approved and . signed.
Mrs. Violet' Thompson; having
tendered. ''her resignation • as
• caretaker ;of: the Township Hall,
effective May .2nd, 1960, the
'Clerk was instructed to adver-
tise for ' a caretaker to . assume
duties after that date".
instructed to :write Rosso. Metal
Co., Re -Culverts . purchased . 'in
The Return .of the 1959 Tax
Roll.. was extended to , May 2nd,
'1'960. • ..
'Russell Bushell's leases of the.
Roadway or the west end of. the
baseline was renewed` for ano-
ther year for pasture.
Stanley.. Thompson,Thom Ps ' Bruce
County .weed ..inspector infprined
Counoil . that 1960 is.. seed' drill
survey year in Bruce "' County..
and wishes to acquaint`farners
that ,he .:will; `be calling' far sam-
ples .of. cereal grain ' and 'small
seeds during • seeding • operations.
Council • adjourned ' to Meet
again on. Monday,' May '2nd,, 1960
The tender of ' H. -H: Banner- or at' .the call : of the Reeve:
man for the Crushing. and haul=' Cheques. Issued • ' ~ Clarence
. lag of .12,000yards of gravel for Irwin, rebate: H -C:, drain, •$i0.05.
1960 • at 73 cents .per .cu:' yard Ontario ,Hydro, Whitechurch 'St"''
was accepted. 8,000, :yards to '.be Lights,: , 2813 W. E Haldenby,
.on. the rods :'by :July 3lst, 1960, '' relief supplies, . 40.00; • West 'W''a-
and.'the' .bala'ri.ce: later .on at the' wanosh. Ins: •: Co,, insurance: at
supervision 'of the . Road. ,.Supt.. hall, 16.25;' Mrs. Jean Henderson,
A duplicate .•cheque was issued nursing care, ' 100:00; Lucknow
to' Struther, Transport to ' cover Convalescent Home, nursing.
cheque . 159 issued in: .'1959' for care, 200:00; : Carruthers Cony.
Chloride. and which evidently Home, nursing •care; 217:00, J. R..
had never been -received.' •/ Lane, , postage,.. '•5:00;,; Frank.
The Road Superintendent was •Thompson, •. postage, 5:00; Web -
• Your Co-o� ' offers a cOmp tete cattle feeding program
>: �< right from the birth 'of'the calf .. , feeds built to give rr
you .optimum returns from :your feed dollar., This % }•fi :
program includes the production And' handlingor
•fcirages. With roughages making up such a large
portion of the animals' diet, it :follows that, feeding.
good qualityroughage is all important in'. reducing, a r
production costs. rf
' < Our staff will behappy-to recommend the proper;
- Co-op feed to bestr,utilize the roughage you have "
available. Such service is only practical thioughyour ,} h
+r, local Co-op. Follow this program to cut co*. co- %
u V operatively.
ow.DistrIct Coo
Iiuron Township Connell met.
On April 4th with, all members
present. Mr, Stanley 'Thompson,
County Weed Inspector called
and: advised ' the Council that'
1960 is seed drill survey year
for Bruce` County. 'arid he will.
be• calling ort" a number of far-,
mers for samples of ,their grain
and grass seed during seeding-
o'perations. '
,Kerr Construction,,•of Wingham.
made the: only offer on the ad-
vertised: road grader* and ' will
get it •for r $2500.00. •delivered, •in
Wingham, •••
Moved by Martin-NlcKinpon,
that we order 115 sacs of Warb-
le powder from Jack Elliott at:
$6.25 per .sack. , °
Moved . by. McKinnon-Ldwry,
thapaid:t the : following %accounts bbe
• Township - Dr. J.. A. • Mac
Donald, school dental. ,services,
$585,00; Roy Peter, Sherriff's,
duties, 11.60;. Registrar of Deeds,
list, 3.16, . 'Ontario Municipal
Board, Validation , on TeL deben-
tures, 62.50;. Doris ' MacDonald,
Care of Hall, •"23.00; Wm. Mc-:
Creath,; 300 .steel chairsp'for. hall,
1,686.00; McArthur Hardware,
hall supplies, '45.49; ' ' . Graham
Cook, ' snow plowing . to ;dump,
32.50; Huron ..and Kinloss 'Tele-
phone System, ' hall phone ' and
tolls; .13.10,; Chester .Errimerton,
part of salary, .35.00; •Alfred Wal-
den, part of salary, 35.00; Wm.
Lowry, :part, of salary,, 35.00;: H.
MacKinnon, part of salary; 35.00;
Austin."Martin, part of; salary,.
35.00; -.Earl ,'Tout, part of ::salary,,
200.00; ,Wayne' Lowry, Work > ' on
sprayer and' meeting, '21.50; . Eu-
gene ,Dunlop, Work .On. sprayer
and -u meeting 15.75•; -Ripley Hort
cultural Society,, cemetery flow-
er beds,. 20.00; `Scott •Brothers,
blowing '•snow at ',hall, ' 3'00;' :BH.
Hagedorn, sprayer, repairs, 66:30;.
Post . Office, anemp1.0ym''en.t
stamps, 6.76 Orland. Richards;
Government grant, on: Bender-,.
son -Cook . drain, 1.68; .Leonard
McInnis; Government !grant on
Henderson -Kook'' drain,. 9.49. • `
. Payroll : No.. 4 -Steve . Irwin,:
.Superintendent, .$320.25; ,Ernest
Walden, grader, .2,72.1.7; Ray
Walden,: ' vying, ; 720; Wayne
Lowry,' wing, 176.40.*
Road Accounts, Roy .Marshall,
plowing,. 761.25; Wm. Kempton,.
plowing, .689.50; Gordon Stewart,
plowing, 1,039.50; Coiling • Bros.,
plowing, , 742.00,, , W ,, I.. Shantz,
•plowing, 829.45; Harry. .Colling,
h:auling. gravel, .32.50. Howard.
Hodge; tire arid repairs,' 338:40;
Clyve Munro, `. grader repairs;.
10.37;•. James Reid, grader re-
pairs, 2.00;. Dave McKenzie,
grader • repairs, 3 50:; C'onlmercial,
News; grader advt., 2..45•; -Han-
cock tire Ltd.; retread, 99.00;
Charles' Ernmerton,.sanding hills
15.25, Grah'&n' Cook, snow; plow-,
ing, '19:75,; Imperial •Oil' Limited;
gas- and' diesel fuel,. 186.90; Steve
Irwin, •mileage, tel. and; postage,-
37.00; McArthur Hardware,, tools,
22.15; Frank Cowan • 'Ltd., Chin.-
pensatibn .Insurance, 199.75
' Moved, by W alders Lowry; that.
we adjourn to .meet on• May .2
EARL TOUT, , Clerk:.
400 404 .0 4 44"444'O �r'`.14`� O'o"d44•'�
A ' NUMBER OF HOMES in .Lucknow, well, located,
with. all `conveniences. • , •
A `BRICK BUILDING. in perfect shaPe situated • on the
Main ' Street' in Lucknow, close to school and church,
has new oil -heating system, 2 new apartments with, hard;
wood floors, new 4 -piece bath in each apartment, „built '
in cupboards.. This is priced to sell' and can be bought
on. term's. •.{•
. '
SIX ACRES adjoining, Lucknow has good house and
barn, town 'water, hydro. Can be bought with . very low
down payment: : .
A 'NUMBER: OF FARMS in the Lucknow district, good;
buildings, ranging in size •. from 5 0 acres up.These
farms can be bought on ter:msand priced 'to • sell.
15.0 -ACRE FARM adjoining St..d Helens, brickhouse in
good shape, large barn nearly all 'workable; can be
bought on good terms.'
HighwACRES with buildings near Whitechurch, just off 86
1 00 -ACRE PASTURE FARM in Colborne Township
nearly all workable, priced to ..sell ,,on goo d terms, as
owners would like to 'get' another farm close to other
DRY GOODS STORE on Main Street in Lucknow
specializing in Men's and Children's ': wear, known for
Years as '. "The Market Store," The stock and fixtures
can be bought at a sacrifice price. Store and .. 6 . room .'
living apartment • above can be rented for a, terra of
years 'or'can 'be' bought worth the money,
I ist ' o lro ert with .
Western Ontario's ;Fastest Growing Real Estate
WARREN :..,.
Real Estate, Mount Forest
,field, grader:' repairs, 24.$5; J. R. ped the•idea completely arid' -will•
Lane, ; unemployment stamps,:: return 'more..than $5,000 which.
3.20; E. Carruthers, postage,:' 5: 00; had `.already been contributed.
John McInnis, ;grading, ' 17.50; : •
Struthers Transport, duplicate
cheque; ' 220.80. '
J. 'R. LANE; Clerk.
Give. Up Pool Project
:Win '
�ghan�. service organizations
hive • , dropped the •:; swiriunipg
pool :'project.' 1700• ballots were
recently sent out..to determine
public,. support. Only '663:, were
returned. Of these 252 favored a
•$75,000 community :centre ''and
heated pool; 180 favored a :$$5,7.
'000 .pool. and.. 242 were against'
both • .proposals: As a result the
swimming .pool 'committee' drop
Launches; $50,000 , :Campaign< .
Wingha3n United Church: has
launched a campaign to raise a
minimum, ;' of •' $50,000 'for the
' 'the
erection:' of a new ,parsonage, 'iris
'provement .>to and enlargement
of Sunday school facilities, a
parkiig lot •where the old church
shed stood, and' the possible re-
roofing of': the church built in:
Dr •.. Alexander,' Nimmo has
been..in Wingham for': 15.•years,
not :twenty-five as mentioned •' in
an..item . last week:
• r ..
sten and MacKinnon, repairs. at
hall, 12..15 ',Gordon Wall, bale
salary 1959, 75.00; ,Mrs. Violet,
Thompson, ,caretaking, 11:65.
...Highway Cheques, E. Carruth-
ers, Read Supt., 34.50, ' cmileage,
31,00f• $65.50; lie, McMillan, op-
erator; ti' 225.62; ,J, McGillivray,
131/ hours; 10.80;. G.• Tiffin,: 17
hours, :13.60', L. :Wolfe; 4'•hours'
3.20; J.•' McInnis,: 7, hours, ' 5:60;
R. Conley, wingnzan, . 91,60; Don
Gillespie, snow plowing, 57:4.06;
G:. Cook, grader • chain,' 70.00;
Montgomery Motors,, grader
chain; 73.20; Lorne • Becking,
Snow' plowing, 18.7.50, Allan Mc-
Qzillin, ' grading, 10'.00; H. H,
Bannerrnari, snow plowing, 276.-
50. Cities Service,, fuel and oil,
240.60; . , Pedlar People, culverts,
268.69; ' Dominion Roads Mach.
Co'., filter, 6.17; Raynard Ackert,
snow plowing, 209.50; Webster
and McKinnon, grader `.repairs,
2.40; .Huron.' and Xinioss Tele-•'
phone Co., calls, 4,15; T, J, Mans-•
• yt
1959".Chen'ne sedan
Biscay, full ' automatic; e' y equipped : ui
pped $2,395
1959 Pontiac` Laurentian sedan, automatic fully
equipped • $2,595
1959 Chev /Belau sedan, automatic, fully equipped .::: $2,495'
1959 .Biscayne sedan, fully equipped. ;. ' $2,250
2-1958 Ford Fairlanes, 'automatic j '
1958 Olds., 47 -door :hardto
p, automatic, fully:. powered ' $2,495
1958 Chev Biscayne, sedan, automatic,.fully equipped
V-8 motor • $2,250
1958 Pontiac 'Strato-chief, sedan, • fully equipped ••°.,, $2.095
3-•1958 • Chev.: Standard Sedans .,,,...;... $1,995'•
1957 Chew. Belair. sedan $1,795.
1056 Chev Deluxe sedan .........,, _ $1,295
11'56 , Chev Deluxe sedan' $1,395.
956 Mercury' 'Sedan, full power $1,495
1956 Ford coach, 8 `cylinder .:.;..; ................ .. ,.;$1,195 '
1954 Pontiac with radio .... ...,.:..:.::.,.......... ,.: $795.
1954 Buick sedan, automatic . , $995
utdrnati ' ........,.,.:. ,, '
1953 Ford sedan, a c ... .... ,...........:.... �::.. $495
'1953 Ford :sedan $'595:
A number
,,..... $650 $895.
1955 Internat gnat, - 3 -ton, complete . with 'racks; 14 foot •
body..,::............' ............... .........:.,.,.::'..,z.•.:...,..:.,..:.....y;.::..:,.Y $1,250'.
1953 Chev half -ton pickup ...::........:..:w.:•,ip *et :,..,:,:..�•�.,.�.�.:. 8495:
1950 Chev' half -tori', pickup$125..
Brissselsu Motors
Cities Service Dealer' Phone 173, Brussels
r• •n