HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-13, Page 6PAGE SIX )1,3••••• T•r1.1.. ;•• TUE LucKNow sENTINEL, LucKNow, °Damao WEPNESDAY, APRJ;13th, '1960 risomaeutotor, ,• • • , TH012 10 lb. SQUARE TUB WASHER with timer, pump , and filter. Reg. ,$229.95. Special $149.95 and, your old washer. SIMPLICITY WASHER, 11 lb tub, tuner and pump, 2 years free service. $119.95 and your. old washer, FRIGIDAIRE 'AUTOMATIC WASHER, 1 only. Reg. $409.95. Special $275.00 and your old washer. 1960 THOR CLOTHES DRYERS, Reg. $249.95. Special $185.00. 30" FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE RANGE, wily; with •• and 'Clean," Oven.' Reg. $322.95, . Extra Special $225.00. • Spring 'Cleaning Specials' EUREKA MOBILE AIR CLEANER Reg. $119.00 Special' $85.00 and , your old cleaner. HOOVER DELUXE VACUUM that floats on air. Reg. $124.95. Special $85.00 and your 141 cleaner. HOOVER FLOOR 1‘0141.51-1E1,...".. Reg. $49.95. Special EUREKA VACUUM CLEANERS, priced from $59.88. Mfg. Reg. price was $99.95, , CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS . Bell Telephone Building • WALKERTON J . E KENNEDY, B.Ed., -B.A., C.A.—ReSident Manager Telephones Business 633; Residence 106 , Y't • r ••• Lt • Brian ' Staples of 'Camp Borden was the week-end.guest of Mr. and it(is. John Canieron. Congratulations • to 1VI.r. •and Mrs. Norma McDonald , on the arrival 'of a son in the, Wingham General Hospital, • Mr.••,and Mrs. •Gordon' Mac- Pherson and 'Mr. 'and 'Mrs. ;Wan... MacPherson attended a • tion for ,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,11ay- • .nard (nee Miss Evelyn .ponald- • . son) Of TorOrito at, :Ethel ,on.Fri- •.' 'day evening. ' • Mr: and Mrs. -,Oeralcr. DoiScht • , • and girls Were Week -end visitors PURPLE. GROVE Miss Margaret Pmbertson was, .the guest of 'Miss Annie MoLeod, Lucknow on 'Friday. " Mr. arid Mrs. John 'Bell of Kincardine spent rriday with their daughter. and, son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, •George Emerson. Congratulations to Mr. •and Mrs. Gerald. Rhody on the birth of their daughter-. and to. Mr., and Mrs.: Ralph Grubb on the birth of their son. ' ,Mr. BobScott, Concession 4 spent •Saturday With his friend, Mr, Bob; Ernerson. • „Miss Margaret 'Robertson and Don Robertson. were dinner 'guests of ,and Mrs. 'Russel Collins and family Saturday nigMhris.. •Martha ...Patterson,: Mrs. Shirley Fair and Mrs. Margaret McLeod -attended the District Rebekah , meeting in Paisley,. Thursday p.m. • • . Mf. and Mrs; Morford Mackay *and family visited • With Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Harriston re- cently: . • . Mr. and Mit. Don MeCosh, Richard. and !Mrs.' 'ColWelt• : Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnold .and don attended 'attended .the funeral of Mrs• . Robert "Watson . in , Ripley.' on Wednesday. , • The 47H Hainemaking Chib • held. their aneeting•at `the home of•their. leader, Mrs. Frank Dore on .8aturda. ' • • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ‚Patter- son Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs., 'Kenneth Bell' in Goderich.. . ..• ,• The. April meeting .of the. Pur- ple 'Grove Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. • Claude Dore $r. 'on Wednesday. iarge•!atteridariee enjoyied the Annual Meeting. ,, Misses 'Norma • Murray Margaret– Robertson,..and •Don' Robertson spenThUrsday evening with Mr. and. Mrs. :Goldie "HouitOn. • Mrs. Frank Dore accompanied Mr. -and 'Mrs. Lawrence. Fry to visit their Sister, . Mrs. Louis Misch, who is a'patient in the Hanover HOsPital. • • • ..s.;"^• • Sale THE LARGEST' STOCK. of •the, BEST IVIATTIZESSES we have. ever had at' 4 . . reatly Reduced Prices ..If You Are In .The Market For GOOD..MATTROS • or ::BOX spRiNd co40. In And See Our Large Stock Of The BEST, NAMES, in MATTRESSES. Simmons Smooth/ Top Mattresses and Matching Box Springs. Reg. $49.56. Sale $39.95. ill Sleepmaster Mattresses and Box Springs, each, Reg, $69.50, Sale $49.95. X Sleepmaster Mattresses and Box Springs, each Reg. 2 $49,50. Sale $39.50. lo Ther -a Pedic. Matresses and Box Spring • (10 Years, 0,1 tel . Guarantee) . ..•,.... . Reg. $59.50. Sale $49.50. 'A ki Sealy. Mattresses as Nationally , Advertised,. .complete e, 1 N Unit of Box Spring and Mattress, -for .only , . i '. $79.951 4 Mattress, - Reg. ' $59.95 each only -... : . . . . .. . : . $44.50 .0, • , . (4, ' . . ' , Grey 'Layer Felt Mattress, All sizes : . . ... ...... . . $16.95. 0 . All . makes and sizes .-pf. crib, mattresses 'n from $6.95 to i $11.95 . • • . . •• — . ' ' ' . r`'. re • (Couch' mattresses for all- types of 'couches)1. and 7 These redUcedpriees are on Cash 'Sales Only.' .' Mr. 4.. ... . !.. • • Forsnare bedrooms -and children's beds •we have SPring) 'in. Kitchener... . 1 Mrs. Charles aVlacbdriald .*as elected president of the, St. gel-. • en's Branch of • the Women's': In- • stitute, *hen. the annual Meeting was 'held in: the. Sunday school. room lof the United. CIMrch: Other •officers • were Ist pres., • Mrs.. • Ross Gammie, 2nd vice; Mrs. Harold Gant, sec.- Treas.,, M. Ernest , Gaunt, 'Ass. sec.-treas.,Mrs. FrankMcQuil- • . lan, pianists, Mrs. Win.• Ruther-, ford, Mrs, Andrew •Gaunt; audi- tors, Mrs. Harvey Webb, aVirs. E. 'W..Rice, standing committee con- veners,• Mrs. Gordon .McPherson, Mrs. James, Aitchison, Mrs. Fed, McQuillini Miss Mary Murray, All favoured varieties of seed grain available • ;REGISTERED,' CERTIFIED . and COMMERCIAL .GRADE.s• I r I • SPECIAL SEED GRAIN MIXES. • Contact us. early' for your requirements . as good seed ° stocks are limited this year, , '. • .GiRRYOATS, and FLAX CONTRACTS. • AVAILABLE ON FLAX PRODU Limited Phone 21W lAtc,know • filled Mattresses as low as $19.95. t A 2.- • A McLennan and MacKenzie A oumber from here attended ,tagg-aggire"'! ImFes.F€4*-€4(4442:3****""tmaisit*-1452461P;Wit•2441* the Rebekah' s ',81st • BirthdayT ' 1 Party' iii, Ripley on Wednesday' staged' another Calico Ball on Mr,: and, Mrs. Lawrence Stan. nanigdimhtiAdgiviie Ali enjoyed the euchre - :. ..,, • ••• ley, Betty Jane and Ronnie of Bushell. had the Kincardine Visited at Mr. Milton Mr. and Mrs; HarveY, Tri" or4- misfortune,eto have a bone bro- Stanley's On , Saturday son; Bob,Joan and . , Knin his •fOot. The accident • Mr. and ' Mrs. Jack Elphiek of ' ' , a:Wray spent ., • Saturday night with .• Mr. mid happened While playing'basket all ,at . .Paramount visited with Mr. and b MrsFrank Dere High School. , • ' .• r: Mr's. Peter Leeson on Saturday . .- • . ' r • , Congratulations to ' the Kaii,.. Mr. and Mrs Clarke Needham 'IMr • and Mrs. William 'J. Ar; and Nancy and. Helen of Millar- nold 'attended the Provincial ton spent Sunday with Mr., and. Annual Meeting of the Ontario Mrs. Peter Leeson - •• • Farm Forums at the: Seaway Mrs': A. -K. McLay of Ripley. 'Hotel,. Toronto,- last ' thuliday. There was a large. electd presi• crowd present. . .. shea Branch of the •Wonien's In7 stitute. for having suecessfuliy • , Mrs. Harvey • Webb, public rela- I spent anafternoon with Mrs. , . tions , representative, Mrs. • E. • Walter; Forster. ' ' • • Barbour: Mrs. E. W. 'Rice con ducted the installation cere-1 • • • . .. mony. The Meeting approved 4 donation be. given 'the United .• ,, Church .f use �f' S.S. rooms for Meetings which' could not be' held in the hall. It was deCided •to hold'our annual pot -luck tug - Per April .18th, the :community Js inVited .to attend. A' program will, folio*, the .supper to start • at 7. An invitation to attend a: „dinner in • hOnout • of Blyth Branch • 50th • AnniversaiST ....on. May. 6th• was accepted 'and Ow- ing. to' this date, being; our regu- lar 1V1ay Meeting it was decided to have the meeting May the Tuesday before. • Mrs. 'Wm: Rutherford favored with a, piano • instrumental. Readings were -given by Mrs:. L. :Woods, Mrs. • Frank: IVIcQuillin,s• a solo by • de' Boer. The meeting closed with. the-011en, and, W. I. Grace. Lunch :Was erved' by •the com- mittee in charge. Courtesy • Marks were given. b5i. Mrs': Al- lan Miller. •, . Spring is here, and the 8ound of, running ,brooks competes with that of: running notes. . Chosen For Switzerland Trip David' Keith,. ton .of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Keith, Con. 6, Cul- ross, is one of twenty young Canadians who ;havebeen sel- ected to • attend the • European 'Youth Assembly, to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland in; Jul. • David has been •active in Junior Farmer and. Young 'peoptes etiureh work, . . , • makes a big difference MOORE'S HOUSE PAINT * Sparkling fresh colors . • Brilliant non -chalking White Long-lasting high gloss .10 Hides all -surfaces'auickly, easily •' Protects while it beautifies • White is fume and mildew resistant Benjamin oore paints • • n.Murdie CS Son Hardware Lucknow