HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-04-13, Page 2UCItNOW` . SENTINEL, LU•t KNO S!i1., ONTARIO
"The Sepoy Town" Oar the Buren -Bruce Boundary
Authorized as second .class mail, Post‘ Office Departrrient, Ottawa
Establishes ' 1873 Published Each Wednesday 'Afternoon
• Member of the C.W.N.A. and, the O,W,N A, •
Subscription Bate,. $3.00 a 'year, in advance - .to the U.S.A., $4.00
L. Campbell Thompson arid' Donald C. Thompson, Publishers
WEDNESDAY, ,APR. ALL 13th, 1960
The.. "little" business man has good
reason ,to be "browned` off," by `another
:Government imposition. • . It : appears ' that
"racketeers" 'Alave found' it profitable to
4ring: across the .border largesums of Am-
erican silver,; convert 'it at par . for Cana-
dian ' dolgats; andthen reap a neat, .rate' of
exchange on the Canadian bills.' •
'And retail' -'business is to be the= gat
.. iri ; the -Government' measures -to
curb the
,practise American.silver ,is now supposed•
-.to be discounted . at the rate of ,four cents .. '
on half' dollars, two ` cents; on quarters , and
one cent 'oh dimes . and 'niickles ,
The, : daily newspaper ' reports, `. so far
as 'we can ascertan, are. the ` merchants
t to start collections,!
source, of instruction
and. ,gone can Well : ,expect that Mr. ". Mer-
chant's' its customers are not ' going to be very
when, ,and if,` he a discounting
the ,silver. The preservation of good=will is
one : •oftle "little ,fellows biggest assets
yin. the - hectic: , scramble for the consumer
• What' is• to prevent other "opportun-
ists' from ' working out a scheme of dis-
counting the coins •andpassing them on in •
channels where the, discount may not be in
The- 'i dependent merchant has been
unposed*, upoa enough, , we • think, as a
government tax cellecter,° and : payroll de-
ductionist:<for this'' and that. Let the ,powers
that be devise ° some other means of round-
ing up . the', • American ' :silver.: The small
business man hasn't an office staff ; at his
disposal to carry out the Government's die
tates'.It's time he asserted . himself. •
There is never a lack ; of advice'. on .. `
how to raise children, and frequently those
who''',have,. never ' .had the responsibility,.',
know :best. how it should be :done.'.
However, no matter from where
comes the advice, it maybe well to listen,
for parents are prop ; tobe blind to . some
of their, children's short comingswhich are
so apparent to • others.
Here's "the ::'latest' "official" r infor'ma-.
tion . we have come upon on . how to 'raise'
Junior. o
When it 'is considered`. advisable , to•
to punish Junior for bad : behaviour, it is .fie:
great mistake to let this take the form :.of
sending him 'to bed without his supper,
shutting', : him in a dark room, or threaten-
ing that some: horrible `creature will come •
after him.. It is a mistake too, . to threaten'
to give' him to a policeman,. If the child is
lost, frightened. or 'n trouble of ' any kind,
he should know that the policeman is . his
besta,friend and `that he should go to the.'
Officer with his troubles. Depriving a child
.of : his. food will have'a, bed effectupon
his health. Sending him into the dark as a
punishment. *will . teach ° him a new =fear..
Withdraw' candy. or some other °treat if that
has a salutary effect.
If the residents of, this' community are.
concerned about capital punishment, 'you.
would never know it from the ballot :re-
plies received at The Sentinel: The Canadi-
an •Weekly Newspapers Association sought
WKDNESI AY, APRiT,,, .lath, .1960
The death of Mrs;' Stanley 3;
Pyrnm occurred at Central Islip
Hospital, Long Island;-' N.Y.; on
Thurscday of last -Week, a couple
of daseysizuafterres suffering .a paraly-
tic '
Mrs, • Pymm was a former re-
sident of . Lucknow for several
years, and 'is survived by cher
husband, who • resides here. .Mrs,'
Pymm was an American 'citi
ten and had been hositalized at
Central Islip' for aim, ost seven
years. . .
Burial was in her family plot
at St. Johns Cemetery, Brook-
• In Canada National • Wild. Life Week -
•is observed: during the week of the birth-
day of the late Jack- Miner `which this year
falls .on, the week of April ' 10 - 1, 7.
• National Wild Life Week is not a
week designated ` to 'promote the sale. of.
some merchandise, butt on the contrary is
strictly 'an educational week to help awaken j.
interest in the. conservation of not only
bird and animal life but 'of all God's natur
al resources, and generations tocome will
be on the receiving end of f 'the .efforts put.
forth by men, •women' and children of
to -day.
.Through the • Provincial Educational
De "artments all schools: have been asked
to make `• it strictly an ''educational week'
stressing the need of .Conservation. • The
Provincial Fish' and' Game Departments:
have asked all sportsmen's clubs _ and out-
utdoor• organizations to ;mak'especial observ-
ance of the week.
In Canada National Wild Life 'Week
was created on April 18, 1947 by an Act'/
of Parliament. The week as set forth by
the Government is -always . to -fall on April
10th which.' is the birthday 'of .the late: Jack
Miner and 1s such an appropriate . timeof
the ,year as it comes when 'the birds are
returning from the . south to •nest :.and raise
their young:in, Canada's breeding' grounds.
The week, thus acts as a living memor-
ial' to` the.late' ' Jack Miner, Canadian Nat-
uralist, whom Edgar ; A. Guest, the Detroit
'poet, ,always referred to as ."the best loved
The p Annual meeting of the
Co-op 'Insurance. Association' was
held in Owen .Sound 'on Satur-
day. Harvey . MacDougall, form-
erly • of Con. 4, • Kinloss general
manager of the Owen :Sound.
Office, had . everything• vveh ar-
:ranged, including dinner • at Sel-
don House for the. 100 or more
agents, guests ' and ' members; of
the Official Board from Toronto,
•who answered questions and 'ex-
plained the different : coverages.
The financial statement 'show-
ed a, very ;successful year in
growth and financial: standing.
Charles ' Shier from.; Kincardine
Township chaired the meeting'" in
the afternoon: Mr.. and Mrs. 'Al-
phonse Murray and 'Mr.. and Mrs.
John McMurchy attended .from
this district.
AiLTON +In . Winghani Hospitals
on : Sunday, April 10th, to Mr. S
.Mrs. Arnold' Alton, 1i.• 7, _Luck-
now, a • daughter, a ' sister. for
June and `Nancy..
MacDONALD. at Wingharn
Hospital on Tuesday,' April5th,
1960, to Mr. and Mrs Norman,
MacDonald Cif St... Helens; a son.
Christian in. 'America.'' Karen ` Carruthers, would like
Sunda A 'rib 1 Oth was marked; as to : sincerely thank those who re -
Y. P Y
membered her whilein the; hos-
, pital with flowers, treats,. , gifts
and -'to all who sent cards •and
letters and to those who came to,
visit.. " TheY: were indeed .very
much : ' appreciated. ,SPecial
thanks to Drs., Corrin: and Fin-
layson and the'nursing staff of
the hospital.
Nature' Sunday in the churches •,of Canada
recognizing':.God: in nature and singing
some of the great. hymns . of the church as
Memorial to the, .late ' •Jack. Miner. ; Among
Jack' Miner's favojrite .hymns were "Rock
of. Ages Cleft for Me," "What a•Frieid'We
•Have in Jesus," ."How Firm a',Foundation"
• `Nearer My God to Thee," "Ave Maria"
and . others
In this nuclear age the tempo of
change makes a : defence program for this
widely scattered' nation'of a few millions,
seem ..almost impractical, ¢ and : the govern-
• mental capers across the border have .ad-
ded : to the miseries of the powers thatbe.
at Ottawa. Liberal :Leader. Lester Pearson,
speaking at : the. Ontario Liberal Associa-
tion . annual meeting , last week; repeated
his demand for a : searching re-examination
of Canada's'. defence policy on a non -Parti,
San. basis., It would seem sound and reason-
eason-able,' fo�recent develrpments in:the de-
, ' nave
fence polity, ygiven cause for misgiv- -
ings , as, to our ability to; defend ourselves;.
despite the 'fact nof' a defence budget which
exceeds . a' billionand a half dollars. Mr.
Pearson has said that all,that Parliament has
been • able to evoke horn, the Government
on this subject is' . a "fog of : silence pene-
trated, occasionally by a .ministerial plati-
People who borrow money to get them-
' • ' , selves out of the "rut usually end up in the
• hole.
to obtain.across-section of All men are created: equal—and endow-
public opinion ed by their creator with an iinsatible ..urge
to become otherwise.
on. the controversial subject, which has
been the •subject of government debate in.
recent weeks. There was• no• identity as-
,sociated 'with the ballot, which might ' have
served' as a deterent; but despite • that we
have received' so far, a grand total of two
ballots, both favoring capital. punishment,
one, with ,reservations. So, are We to as-
sume ' that Sentinel• subscribers don't ,give
a hang whether they hang .'em ,or not., °
Trouble that looks like a mountain from
a distance, usually is only a hill . when 'you
*. get ,to it. ,i;
The good 'judgement of some people :will
never wear out. .They don't . use it often .
'THAT Irwin !Carruthers of .
Goderich suffered al .broken, y.
ankle in a fall outside his
home' several 'weeks • ago.
THAT ' Miss Isabel M. Macln-
tosb, Reg. N. of Hamilton,
writes: ',"I am sorry that . I
missed meeting; you and your
E wife • when you were here.
However, I am glad that the
' Ambitious City .put ' out' the
welcome mat ' for the Editors
of the : Weekly Newspapers.
Those same papers play a
large .part in the cultural;
spirational ,and neighbourly •
stimulus in . their respective
• communities.,'. � •
We would like to sincerely
thank all those who remember-
ed us withcards; letters and flo-
wers while :in Victoria :Hospital.,
;;Special • thanks to . the Zion
W.M,S..for the.: basket of fruit.
Shirley. and Raymond Hunter.
• An item in a newspaper col-
umn' prepared by the Research
Staff of' the Encyclopedia ,Cana-
charm,refers to Paisley as being
sometimes ' called ' 'the Village of
Bridges. There are six bridges ..
within, iits!, boundaries and three.
others nearby.
Lucknow can ' ",boast" of .sev-
eral .more than Paisley, although
possibly not not so pretentious as
some -of the .Paisley structures.
TheNine Mile River and
Black : River ' fLow through the
Sepoy... Town, .converging . at, a
southerly ' point in the corpora-
tion., A 'spring creek joins the
Black. River from the East.
'Altogether, we figure there are
eleven bridges within the; Vil-
lage providing for .traffic cros-
sings of these' streams, plus a
couple of "culverts" not con-
nected with the rivers: A few
of, the 11 ' bridges might also be
classed as. culverts - by • some.
Anyhow, count ` them up. How
many do you'•get? We may have.
missed.. Some. •
The Research staff of .Cana
diana will have to broaden their
scope . and if . theyy do,. we're
afraid Paisley will .lose its • of --
ficial" title.:
1Virs. Roy Alton would like to
thank \ her • many 'friends who
called. to see her and who 're-
membered • • her with .'letters,:
cards and flowers while she was
a patient; in Wingham Hospital.'
Mrs. ' Jim. England • wishes to
thank all , her friends' hod neigh-
bours• who so ',kindly remember-
ed her With cards,' treats, flow-
ers and visits while ill at her
home arid in the hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Corrin and'•nurses
of, Wingham hospital. All this
'was very much appreciated. •
'The .Silver Lake Women's In-
stitute held :their annual 'meet
ing 'in.. the Kinloss• Hall' on. Wed
nesday,• April. 6th. The meeting
opened. with the singing of the
Ode and 'repeating.' the Mary'
Stewart Collect., . The: secretary-
,treasurer's .report was read for.
theprevious year: 'The standing
committees also had a 'report on
their • work for the year. A new
slate of ,officers. wase• installed,
:Mrs. •Geertge Young being the
retiring president. -
President :Mrs .• Wm•. Camp-
bell,; ' .1,st. vice, .Mrs. Clarence.
Hedley; . 2nd. vice, ' Mrs. Albert
Colwell; Sec.-:Treas., Mrs.. Clar=
eiice . Moulton; • Assistant secre-
tary, Mrs. Frank Colwell;'
trict Director, Mrs, George •
Young; Assoc.: District Director,;
Mrs.. James. MeEwan.
Standing. Committees -=- Agri
culture ••and 'Canadian • Industries,
Mrs, Albert Young' and Mrs.
John Hodgins; Historical `•'Re -
Search and Current • Events; Mrs.,
Harold • Bannerman and, Mrs
Mabel. Campbell; . Citizenship &
Education, Mrs. Albert 'ColwelI
and Mrs. Ray Stanley; Health
and Home Economics, Mrs. Wim
Stanley arid ,'Mrs..' James Mc-
'astp paper collection
•. Scouts
• B °YLucknow' Boy
Please have paper bundled and at .the curb. Anyone
lot able to do' so, please call' Donald 1VIacKinnon. or.
Sotuartfor, Cyouyoll er, and they will have it tied and carried.
Prior to ' this date, Rural Residents wishing to do so;
may .leave, paper ait the barn at Donald MacKinrion5
resident on "Quality; Hill,'"
Waste/Pa r Helps Take The Scouts To .Camp